Black Republican
Tom Cruise re-casted as Nick Fury just in case
If we a get a Black Wonder Woman film its a fair trade
Tom Cruise re-casted as Nick Fury just in case
So Well Spoken signs up for a twitch account and not even two weeks later Google Swanton Bomb'd it.
We've come full circle: (the hashtags on this one)
haha Twitch CEO has a AMA scheduled fo today, 3 hours into it got 5,000+ comments already
Goth dancing is simple. Three steps forward, then three steps back. All you do with your upper body is pretend to brush cobwebs off of you and make sure they play Bela Lugosi's Dead and you're golden.
haha Twitch CEO has a AMA scheduled fo today, 3 hours into it got 5,000+ comments already
We've come full circle: (the hashtags on this one)
We've come full circle: (the hashtags on this one)
They're doing it a lot better than the goth kids tbh.
Those goth vids are old right? Middle America isn't still on that short lived 90s industrial/Marilyn Manson shit in the year of our lord 2014?
I was thinking that until I saw this one. Foremost dude is slaying that shit.
dude asked me where do black people shop for clothes, told 'em I'll take a poll and get back to you
BCT pls respond
slayven brings up a great point
fuck tweety and any girl who owns any tweety related apparel
And on the depressing tip, I just listened to a podcast about the Tulsa Riot of 1921. In short, a white mob that wanted to lynch a black man accused of assaulting a white woman go ape shit and burn down the black neighborhood/suburb of Greenwood. That shit got hushed up so much that my husband was not taught about the incident in his history classes in Tulsa. Which makes the whole thing even more depressing.
I was reading about this the other day, after seeing a set of post cards white Tulsans made and sent around to commemorate the event. I thought about posting them here, but BCT was having a bad day and I didn't want to make it worse. The postcards are pretty fucking awful.And on the depressing tip, I just listened to a podcast about the Tulsa Riot of 1921. In short, a white mob that wanted to lynch a black man accused of assaulting a white woman go ape shit and burn down the black neighborhood/suburb of Greenwood. That shit got hushed up so much that my husband was not taught about the incident in his history classes in Tulsa. Which makes the whole thing even more depressing.
And on the depressing tip, I just listened to a podcast about the Tulsa Riot of 1921. In short, a white mob that wanted to lynch a black man accused of assaulting a white woman go ape shit and burn down the black neighborhood/suburb of Greenwood. That shit got hushed up so much that my husband was not taught about the incident in his history classes in Tulsa. Which makes the whole thing even more depressing.
And on the depressing tip, I just listened to a podcast about the Tulsa Riot of 1921. In short, a white mob that wanted to lynch a black man accused of assaulting a white woman go ape shit and burn down the black neighborhood/suburb of Greenwood. That shit got hushed up so much that my husband was not taught about the incident in his history classes in Tulsa. Which makes the whole thing even more depressing.
Americans sure treat their national treasure like absolute dogshit.White women are America national treasure. Sad really.
Minorities need to rebel against the white man.
Minorities need to rebel against the white man.
Minorities need to rebel against the white man.
Alright, which one of you is this?
Alright, which one of you is this?
Alright, which one of you is this?
Alright, which one of you is this?
Alright, which one of you is this?
Alright, which one of you is this?
Random thoughts;
As a connoisseur of electronic music, I always find it 'odd' when I talk to other like-minded folk, and they have never heard of legends such as Carl Craig, Kevin Saunderson or Juan Atkins.
Not trying to be a snob. Just baffling how people never heard of these folk, who are absolute legends and pioneers in this field. I have had countless discussion with different people about techno, and they always talk about how the Germans are the kings of it and "invented it". I say this as someone who worship Basic Channel and Kraftwerk.
As you guys say;
C'mon son....
Maybe if you called them by their stage names, people might know who you were talking about. C'mon son.
Apparently, they're not always known by their real names. Pick a popular one of the hundred aliases and you'll probably have better results. If you had said Cybotron or Inner City I would have known who you were talking about immediately.
Apparently, they're not always known by their real names. Pick a popular one of the hundred aliases and you'll probably have better results. If you had said Cybotron or Inner City I would have known who you were talking about immediately.
But Pitchfork and my favorite music blogs always use their real names!
Black Jesus airing tonight at 11
I might get disowned, fam. I'm prolly gonna pull some shit like this at the next family function. I already act a fool when line dancing.
My aunts gonna think I have demons.