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Slayven hating on everyone's dreams
Slayven hating on everyone's dreams
Nah. Bayonetta reigns supreme
Once upon a time DMC4, and to a lesser extent DMC3's nigh-impenetrable technical depth held some weight with me, but not really anymore.
Bayonetta strikes a good balance between being a game with fun to fight enemies and scenarios like Ninja Gaiden, and some meaty combat and mechanical depth to sink your teeth into ala DMC.
Aspects of DMC3's game design(including franchise legacy features like enemy step jump cancelling) are damn near archaic at this point, and DMC4 has too many execution barriers and too little pay off for getting passed them.
You. Are. Buggin'. If you think DMC is better than bayo then whatever but Revengence is by far platinums worse game despite being enjoyable.I see a lot of words here
All I read is Bayonetta is nowhere near as good as dmc and Intsuno is better at making action games.
I have played these games, DMC is better.
The best thing platinum ever made by a large margin, is Revengence and that shit was rushed. Maybe they should focus on that, that games way better.
You. Are. Buggin'. If you think DMC is better than bayo then whatever but Revengence is by far platinums worse game despite being enjoyable.
You ever notice how Village hasn't been right about a single fuckin' thing
like ever
Nah, Bayo's the king and queen of action games. It has the best mix cohesiveness in it's combat mechanics and freedom, as well as interesting level design.
The best thing platinum ever made by a large margin, is Revengence and that shit was rushed.
As I get older, cohesiveness in the freedom is a lot more appealing to me. I can still do the crazy DMC shit I was doing when I was younger, but Bayo eliminates half of the button presses to do it.
Play action games for characters and story brehs
I liked DmC's gameplay
I had made a list of quality black films a while back: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=54442065&postcount=11639
As I get older, cohesiveness in the freedom is a lot more appealing to me. I can still do the crazy DMC shit I was doing when I was younger, but Bayo eliminates half of the button presses to do it.
I sucked at Bayonetta, forgive me Satch
Unless you were playing on the hardest setting, all you had to do was minimize the amount of enemies on screen and button mash until something flashed red, whereupon you witch time dodged and started doing your real damage.
Y'all know we shouldn't be fighting about which game is better when the genre is on life support.
Just like everything else that isn't a fps, western rpg, or what have you.
Y'all know we shouldn't be fighting about which game is better when the genre is on life support.
Just like everything else that isn't a fps, western rpg, or what have you.
I will probably buy Ninja Gaiden 4
Razor's Edge is a better game than Revengeance
Revengeance was good but 5 hours though?
Ya'll better be there day 1 for Platinum's Korra game.
I know I will, we don't get that many games focused on martial arts.
Im gonna pass.
Ya'll better be there day 1 for Platinum's Korra game.
I know I will, we don't get that many games focused on martial arts.
Now I know my eyesight isn't the best, but something seems...off here.So the Lifetime Aaliyah movie apparently is still getting made and they found their Missy
Ya'll better be there day 1 for Platinum's Korra game.
I know I will, we don't get that many games focused on martial arts.
I just wish it wasn't Korra. :|
How they gonna do TMNT dirty with that Out of the Shadows shit, but then hand Korra to Platinum? Why Sway?