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The Black Culture Thread |OT7| Luigi took our stare

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Nah. Bayonetta reigns supreme

Once upon a time DMC4, and to a lesser extent DMC3's nigh-impenetrable technical depth held some weight with me, but not really anymore.

Bayonetta strikes a good balance between being a game with fun to fight enemies and scenarios like Ninja Gaiden, and some meaty combat and mechanical depth to sink your teeth into ala DMC.

Aspects of DMC3's game design(including franchise legacy features like enemy step jump cancelling) are damn near archaic at this point, and DMC4 has too many execution barriers and too little pay off for getting passed them.

I see a lot of words here,All I read is Bayonetta is nowhere near as good as dmc and Intsuno is better at making action games.

I have played these games, DMC is better.

The best thing platinum ever made by a large margin, is Revengence and that shit was rushed. Maybe they should focus on that, that games way better.


I see a lot of words here

All I read is Bayonetta is nowhere near as good as dmc and Intsuno is better at making action games.

I have played these games, DMC is better.

The best thing platinum ever made by a large margin, is Revengence and that shit was rushed. Maybe they should focus on that, that games way better.
You. Are. Buggin'. If you think DMC is better than bayo then whatever but Revengence is by far platinums worse game despite being enjoyable.


You. Are. Buggin'. If you think DMC is better than bayo then whatever but Revengence is by far platinums worse game despite being enjoyable.

Part of a fantastic action game is its theme and its characters, the story doesn't have to be well thought out but I have to wanna be there . if you don't like being the cool guy or the cool guys world, then you aren't invested in the game you playing.

I give no shits about ANY of the characters bayonetta, those characters and worlds don't interest me in the least. Revengence, Within the first 30 minutes of that game, I fought antinio banderes and lost and got turned into 7/5ths of a ferrari, I am already interested.

Is bayonetta a bad game, christ no. Does it interest me, No. Do I think there are better more interesting action games, yes.

You ever notice how Village hasn't been right about a single fuckin' thing

like ever

Oh no, difference of opinion.

I'm sorry I hurt your feelings about that video game you like. You need a hug? One day we all realize not everyone likes the things you like.


The physical form of blasphemy
Nah, Bayo's the king and queen of action games. It has the best mix cohesiveness in it's combat mechanics and freedom, as well as interesting level design.

DMC 3's enemies were fucking terrible, the level design wasn't interesting outside of a few stages, and the only thing going for it was the boss encounters. That's it really (I love the game).

DMC4's enemies were ultra wack versions of DMC1 enemies (how they made Sin Scissors not fun is beyond me), with decent bosses, and half a wackass campaign with the most needless backtracking in a game ever.

As I get older, cohesiveness in the freedom is a lot more appealing to me. I can still do the crazy DMC shit I was doing when I was younger, but Bayo eliminates half of the button presses to do it.


Unconfirmed Member
The best thing platinum ever made by a large margin, is Revengence and that shit was rushed.



As I get older, cohesiveness in the freedom is a lot more appealing to me. I can still do the crazy DMC shit I was doing when I was younger, but Bayo eliminates half of the button presses to do it.

I can completely understand the desire for that, Maybe when I get shitty on the reactionary timing, I will feel more that way too. But for now, I kind of enjoy how DMC4 controls way more than Bayonetta. I'm hope DMC5 happens so I can continue that train.

I also like the characters and the worlds better, but that's not saying bayo's is bad, rather it aint my cup of tea.

I think yo missing a picture homie.


Play action games for characters and story brehs

Well... yes.

If you don't enjoy the characters and the worlds

You wont enjoy your stay


Part of the appeal of an action game, or any game in generall really is what is presented to you visually. Even if nothing is explicitly said the surroundings and characters can still communicate things to you. A games characters and visual design are very important, can increase or decrease appeal in a video game.
Quiet as kept, DmC wasnt that bad from a strictly gameplay standpoint.

In an action game, that's all I'm really looking for. I got RPGs for characters


I liked DmC's gameplay

It was... Satisfactory , but comparative to the previous entries in the DMC series that aren't 2 , I would not say I liked it or it was good . It gets even more flac because itsuno had to come through and make it ... ok. It was worse before him and his crew helped, dear god.

And as I mentioned before, I didn't enjoy anything that game presented to me really. I didn't really have that much fun.


Ninja guiden is indeed boss.

I dunno if those are happening again, that weird spin off Z game had potential. But the game was meh.


Unconfirmed Member
As I get older, cohesiveness in the freedom is a lot more appealing to me. I can still do the crazy DMC shit I was doing when I was younger, but Bayo eliminates half of the button presses to do it.

That's why Bayonetta is a much better designed game. It's cohesive in a way Devil May Cry hasn't been since the first game.

The way everything fits together just makes so much damn sense. The ranking system perfectly guides you to how to approach combat in the game and guides you to playing in a way that utilizes all the core mechanics of the game in an effort to score more points, deal damage more efficiently and clear encounters faster.

The designers had a clear vision for how they wanted the game to be played and they implemented a system to act as an invisible hand to establish structure within the chaotic open-endedness that is an action game, without having this structure become creatively limiting or confining for players.

I don't see how you can say Devil May Cry 3 and 4 is a better designed game than that, which never had any such system in place. DMC3 is just pure chaos that locks core mechanics behind game progression, in game currency and execution barriers with no real rhyme or reason behind any of those barriers.

It's a good game that I still enjoy, but I don't see how you can say it's the best action game when pretty much every game since has learned from its shortcomings, and improved upon them. Play DMC3 today after playing any modern action game and it DEFINITELY shows its age.
Revegance had nice combat but that's about it. Probably my fourth favorite action game with NG:B being number 1, Bayo being 2, DMC3 being 3.

DmC had nice visuals, but was wack as fuck.


Unconfirmed Member
Revengeance gameplay is wack

Stand in place and time parries because anything else is a waste of time

That's only for those people who don't use items because it's not manly or whatever. If you're not that though you can save even more time just throwing smoke grenades and mashing with any sword that's not the default sword. They all break the game

While Bayonetta's ranking system acts as the game's backbone that guides the player towards a better understanding of the game and better play, Revengeance just challenges you to cheat, which isn't hard, because trying to do it "legit" is just an exercise in futility and frustration as you try and figure out what the designers could have possibly been thinking when they were creating this content

In other words, shit game.


I sucked at Bayonetta, forgive me Satch

Unless you were playing on the hardest setting, all you had to do to not suck was minimize the amount of enemies on screen with the camera and button mash until something flashed red, whereupon you witch time dodged and started doing your real damage.


Unless you were playing on the hardest setting, all you had to do was minimize the amount of enemies on screen and button mash until something flashed red, whereupon you witch time dodged and started doing your real damage.

I think I constantly got Rekt by bosses , especially a early boss where he gets his head stuck in a room


Formerly Momotaro
Y'all know we shouldn't be fighting about which game is better when the genre is on life support.

Just like everything else that isn't a fps, western rpg, or what have you.


Unconfirmed Member
Y'all know we shouldn't be fighting about which game is better when the genre is on life support.

Just like everything else that isn't a fps, western rpg, or what have you.

Genre can die for all I care if all I have to look forward to is another Revengeance. There's enough pre-existing games already to keep one busy for a life time

Thankfully that isn't true though hopefully Scalebound turns out to be dope. and I will probably buy Ninja Gaiden 4 if it's co-op again


NG2 is kinda dope though. I have no idea what's going on, but the combat is super satisfying. I never looked twice at a NG game since.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm not doing this with you JC

Bayonetta 2 out in 2 months god is good done talking about trash games


Look at what you guys are doing.

This is exactly what the man wants. For you guys to bicker about vidyagaemz while he continues to oppress your people.

tsk tsk

Dr. King is rolling in his grave right now, shameful.

Cannot fucking wait for Bayo 2


Ya'll better be there day 1 for Platinum's Korra game.

I know I will, we don't get that many games focused on martial arts.

I just wish it wasn't Korra. :|

How they gonna do TMNT dirty with that Out of the Shadows shit, but then hand Korra to Platinum? Why Sway?

So the Lifetime Aaliyah movie apparently is still getting made and they found their Missy

Now I know my eyesight isn't the best, but something seems...off here.
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