Damn...but who's gonna be the new black power couple?
President and first lady.
Damn...but who's gonna be the new black power couple?
Fight me breh
Wouldn't that fit Dreams more, or was he never in the bucket?
I'm BosnianI am pretty sure I saw Jandro in Seabiscuit. Btw what your nationality Jandro?
You guys got the wrong casting for Beef, he's a lot more lighthearted and funny
I'm Bosnian
So the Lifetime Aaliyah movie apparently is still getting made and they found their Missy
the new 'pulling people's history isn't cool' brigade is hilarious. Don't judge people for what they say brehs.
the new 'pulling people's history isn't cool' brigade is hilarious. Don't judge people for what they say brehs.
A lot of people say some dumb shit online, it's pretty easy to say my bad, I used to be an asshole.
Instead of going silent or doubling down.
Ironically we're seeing more and more that psychopathic rampage killers are leaving all sorts of clues online well before the act. So this idea that an internet persona is completely independent of how a human being is sounds like bullshit through and through. Far as I'm concerned for most, the internet bully is the real person and what they show in person is simply a mask.
Pretty astute comparison.
Even Neo knew he was murdering real people when he shot up the government lobby in The Matrix. It's kinda ridiculous to think of people on the internet as not human.
Wouldn't that fit Dreams more, or was he never in the bucket?
lolThere were Bosnians in Augusta? I refuse to believe we were that diverse
NoGot any older sisters?
Got any older sisters?
No chance brehThose eastern European women be cute.
yeah 'holster'
Isn't village a sonic fan?
I got a whole folder of
" one fucking day, one fucking day this shit will be of use" gifs
When the chance comes you strike like fucking lightning!.
Hunted down the "too dark" ninja turtle comicbook run from the 90s....took a while to find. Wasn't counting on it getting too real
Yo...they shot Donny on page 1.
Hunted down the "too dark" ninja turtle comicbook run from the 90s....took a while to find. Wasn't counting on it getting too real
Yo...they shot Donny on page 1.
Does April fuck Ralph in that one, or nah?
Hunted down the "too dark" ninja turtle comicbook run from the 90s....took a while to find. Wasn't counting on it getting too real
Yo...they shot Donny on page 1.
One of the turtles said "I wish I was dead"....my inner child is on a ledge.
What turtle run is this?
Is it actually called too dark
Turtle comics are like Sonic comics, on the surface they look like nothing. But once you get into them, you learn a lot of shit you wise you hadn't
One of the turtles said "I wish I was dead"....my inner child is on a ledge.
One of the turtles said "I wish I was dead"....my inner child is on a ledge.
Is this suppose to be some sort of noir style ninja turtle remake
Direct continuation to the first two original runs. Not made by the creators and eventually deemed as non cannon.
when he again 're-gained consciousness and realized the shape he was in he said he wished he was deadDonny got shot on his birthday, kidnapped while dying, regained consciousness in the escape helicopter, got thrown from a said copter, cracked his shell in the fall and was left paralyzed below the neck in a NY alley
Sweet cat thingSaw this today.
Saw this today.
Saw this today.
Saw this today.