Tell me the truth, was Wonderful 101 any good? Completely forgot about that game
Speaking of Adult Swim fuckery is the Loiter Squad worth checking out?
I like golfwang but I just don't get the idea of watching them do dumb skits for 30 minutes. I'm good with a 60 minute album.
Loiter Squad is better than their music.
o_o even channel orange and Doris?
I thought Doris was a snoozer. But yeah.
Any of you had any weird run-ins with the police? I bring it up mostly from reading few threads about the police in OT recently.
Mine: I'm a systems analyst at a really small company. We work out of a house that's been converted to an office.
I was out on the fenced in lawn getting some fresh air on a short break, then saw 6 or 7 police officers a few houses down. I was like "somebody's bout to get snatched up!" then walked to the side of the office to throw something away. As I'm walking back out to the front yard I see someone looking over the fence right at me (due to the fences height I could only see shoulders-up on the person), then I hear "HEY! Let me see your hands!"
I realized then as I focused more it was a police officer who was pointing her gun right at me. I put my hands up and she kept the gun pointed at me until another officer came through the gate of the front yard and made me put my hands on my head and patted me down (he didn't cuff me.) They made me sit down while I was questioned about if I lived there, if I had a car, etc. Of course I'm super confused at this point lol
I had to explain I don't live there because it's an office. After a few minutes of answering questions they were satisfied and told me they were down the street because they had an arrest warrant for an "Indian guy who looks a lot like you" (um, I'm black...) According to them, when I was out on the lawn looking at them I turned, ducked down (I dropped my oatmeal bar) and walked away the second they noticed me. o_o The cop who was questioning me shook my hand and left after that.
I was pretty confused by the whole thing. I just shrugged it off and went back to work.
Tell me the truth, was Wonderful 101 any good? Completely forgot about that game
Tell me the truth, was Wonderful 101 any good? Completely forgot about that game
Ironically we're seeing more and more that psychopathic rampage killers are leaving all sorts of clues online well before the act. So this idea that an internet persona is completely independent of how a human being is sounds like bullshit through and through. Far as I'm concerned for most, the internet bully is the real person and what they show in person is simply a mask.
Yeah. Posted about it on GAF before. It was mostly ignored.
Basically, I was going out on a date with my then girlfriend. She's white, pretty slight of frame, very pale (you'll see why this matters in a sec). We are both in our mid-twenties at the time.
Anyhow, after a while, I get blue-lighted, and pull over. Cop walks up to the window and asks for the usual stuff. I give it to him, and he walks back to the cruiser, but not before telling me to step out of the car.
Now, I was feeling legit shook. I'd never had a cop ask me to step out of a car before, and I knew that when things go wrong, they normally start out that way.
Anyway, I got out. Making sure to smile, and appear as non-threatening as possible.
Cop comes back up, and asks my girlfriend to step out at this point, and he tells her to go stand down by the cruiser. Now, she's crying and shaking, so I feel terrible. Try to tell her to calm down as she exits the car, and that everything will be alright. Cop tells me to shut up, and reiterates the command for her to go stand at the front of the cruiser.
At this point, he starts asking me all kinds of questions about her. "Where does she live?", "What is her age?" "How do you know each other?", That kind of stuff.
After I answered him, he walked down and asked her a bunch of questions. Eventually asked her for her license (which she wasn't carrying). She said he eventually asked her for her social, which she gave him. He went into the car and looked her up.
Afterwards, he told her she could walk back up to where I was. When he joined us up at my car he turned to her and said "Yup. That's you alright."
Then he told me that there was some 14, or 15 year old girl missing, and they thought she might have been my girlfriend, and that she might have been kidnapped.
I remember feeling really offended, and just kind of looking at my girlfriend, then at him like, "are you serious!?"
At this point, he asked if I minded if he searched my car,and I let him. He saw some pages from my comic during the search, and tried to strike up a conversation about how he "used to draw", and he just thought that stuff was "so cool.". Suddenly very friendly, he was really trying to get a conversation going about comic movies, but I was a little bit icy since my evening was already jacked up at this point. I think he sensed it, because at this point, he patted me on the back and told me to keep up with my art, and we left.
I felt like he did that so I wouldn't file some kind of report with... whoever you file a report with.
I was never really extremely afraid of cops, but since that day, I feel anxious when I see a cruiser, or walk past a couple of cops.
Why was she crying?Yeah. Posted about it on GAF before. It was mostly ignored.
Basically, I was going out on a date with my then girlfriend. She's white, pretty slight of frame, very pale (you'll see why this matters in a sec). We are both in our mid-twenties at the time.
Anyhow, after a while, I get blue-lighted, and pull over. Cop walks up to the window and asks for the usual stuff. I give it to him, and he walks back to the cruiser, but not before telling me to step out of the car.
Now, I was feeling legit shook. I'd never had a cop ask me to step out of a car before, and I knew that when things go wrong, they normally start out that way.
Anyway, I got out. Making sure to smile, and appear as non-threatening as possible.
Cop comes back up, and asks my girlfriend to step out at this point, and he tells her to go stand down by the cruiser. Now, she's crying and shaking, so I feel terrible. Try to tell her to calm down as she exits the car, and that everything will be alright. Cop tells me to shut up, and reiterates the command for her to go stand at the front of the cruiser.
At this point, he starts asking me all kinds of questions about her. "Where does she live?", "What is her age?" "How do you know each other?", That kind of stuff.
After I answered him, he walked down and asked her a bunch of questions. Eventually asked her for her license (which she wasn't carrying). She said he eventually asked her for her social, which she gave him. He went into the car and looked her up.
Afterwards, he told her she could walk back up to where I was. When he joined us up at my car he turned to her and said "Yup. That's you alright."
Then he told me that there was some 14, or 15 year old girl missing, and they thought she might have been my girlfriend, and that she might have been kidnapped.
I remember feeling really offended, and just kind of looking at my girlfriend, then at him like, "are you serious!?"
At this point, he asked if I minded if he searched my car,and I let him. He saw some pages from my comic during the search, and tried to strike up a conversation about how he "used to draw", and he just thought that stuff was "so cool.". Suddenly very friendly, he was really trying to get a conversation going about comic movies, but I was a little bit icy since my evening was already jacked up at this point. I think he sensed it, because at this point, he patted me on the back and told me to keep up with my art, and we left.
I felt like he did that so I wouldn't file some kind of report with... whoever you file a report with.
I was never really extremely afraid of cops, but since that day, I feel anxious when I see a cruiser, or walk past a couple of cops.
Why was she crying?
Shit, we finally got a cavalry!
I teared up.
Why was she crying?
damn yall weren't lying about the shift Akame Ga Kill takes![]()
Women cheat more is a gaffism if I've ever seen one.
The moment I saw that thread posted I was like "how long is it going to take for someone to start spitting #biotruths?"Alright, who tripped my evopsych alarm agai-GODDAMNIT
what a stupid idea of a thread
i can't wait for something to happen that overtake the Wonder Woman casting in the BvS discussions. it's gonna be a long 2 years.
Would not be surprised by this at all.I get the feeling that a lot of gaf is alternating between r/redpill and neogaf tabs in their browsers