I wish I could just take a break from this entire country.
But we're coming up on a 3-day weekend.
I wish I could just take a break from this entire country.
Agreed on your rant 100. There was alot to takeaway from it but the "most things here in the US are a facade" talk summed it up greatly, was having that talk with roommates months back stating the same as wellI wish I could just take a break from this entire country.
I wish I could just take a break from this entire country.
I wish you guys had one of our public holidays "womens Day" , can you imagine the salt on here 0_0
"Where's Men's Day?!"
Yes. Yes I can.
And here's the un-Photoshopped version of that photo: http://files.ckcdn.com/attachments/forum/201304/04/180556vq2643kzwzvsff34.jpg
This opens a hotlink image.
This opens a hotlink image.
right click the link and select copy link location, paste into your address bar.
Did I mention it also falls on women's month (its like BHM but for women's issues)
I wish I could just take a break from this entire country.
lmfaoFirst South Korean ass contest -
Wait, so what's the point of Women's Day if it's in Women's Month?
A Black person is murdered by cops, security guards or self-appointed vigilantes every 28 hours in the U.S. The killing of an unarmed Black teenager named Mike Brown in Ferguson, MO, which has resulted in protests in that town and harsh police push-back and brutality against even more of its citizens, and which, via social media, has gotten the attention of people around the world, probably isnt even the latest occurrence, at just three days old.
Talking to people on Twitter about Mike Brown and whats happening in Ferguson right now, Ive noticed (again) how easily folks get distracted when Black people are murdered by the police. It seems as though every detail is more interesting, more important, more significantincluding looting of a Walmart in Ferguson, which a local Fox news station focused its entire coverage onthan the actual life that was taken by police.
So, to get folks back on track to focus on what matters most herethe killing of yet another unarmed Black teenagerIve compiled this list of 6 Things To Stop Being Distracted By When A Black Person Gets Murdered By the Police.
ey mang its a holiday
Hmm... I want to see how bad the robbery was if he was indeed in it. No longer the sweet innocent puppy people make out, but the question would still stand, was the shooting justified?
Personally I think American cops are too quick to pull the trigger, and too many times shoot to kill.
Thread coming soon. Let me know if someone beats me to it.
Thread coming soon. Let me know if someone beats me to it.
You already know how that thread is going to go. Why bother?
Sometimes it feels like this is the Sisyphus OT. I mean we keep trying to get that rock up the hill, but nothing ever changes and we're left rolling that stone up from the bottom again the next day.
What is even the point anymore.
Could get some fuckheads banned.
Every time I ask y'all why do you go full Htown in threads that only make you angry and nothing ever changesYou already know how that thread is going to go. Why bother?
Sometimes it feels like this is the Sisyphus OT. I mean we keep trying to get that rock up the hill, but nothing ever changes and we're left rolling that stone up from the bottom again the next day.
What is even the point anymore.
There are never not going to be more fuckheads, though.
But sometimes you'll get one of those old hats like freedomfighter or thechocolatewar that lets slip and catches the axe.
And here's the un-Photoshopped version of that photo: http://files.ckcdn.com/attachments/forum/201304/04/180556vq2643kzwzvsff34.jpg
You already know how that thread is going to go. Why bother?
Sometimes it feels like this is the Sisyphus OT. I mean we keep trying to get that rock up the hill, but nothing ever changes and we're left rolling that stone up from the bottom again the next day.
What is even the point anymore.
Why is some people's joy in life playing 'devils advocate' in threads of a racial nature?
I feel like I'll be a dick if I don't do this ice bucket challenge.
Why is some people's joy in life playing 'devils advocate' in threads of a racial nature?
Why is some people's joy in life playing 'devils advocate' in threads of a racial nature?
Lots of people try to be extremely logical instead of empathizing... it's what I did (and to an extent, still do). For example, people will find a way to blame the victim instead of recognizing that the onus is on the other person not to do the thing that victimizes the other person. Following a strictly logical/philosophical chain you can put people at fault for most anything...
It'll help if you can get them to step back from that and look at the world as it is.
Oh, im glad that final piece of evidence finally showed up so Van Owen can feel emboldened to finally post in that thread.
It's nature of these people. I don't think you can get them out of it because they already are going in with intent of trying to get you to think their way.
People want to feel smart, or impartial, so they tend to favor "cold logic" over "emotion". What they don't realize, however, is that many situations don't call for it, and they end up looking like absolute assholes in the process.
Every time I ask y'all why do you go full Htown in threads that only make you angry and nothing ever changes
And I never get a good response
Fuck some people
If your "unarmed" and do not wish to be shot by a cop, simply don't commit a crime or give them any reason for them to even need to talk to you.
You already know how that thread is going to go. Why bother?
Sometimes it feels like this is the Sisyphus OT. I mean we keep trying to get that rock up the hill, but nothing ever changes and we're left rolling that stone up from the bottom again the next day.
What is even the point anymore.