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The Black Culture Thread |OT7| Luigi took our stare

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You guys are my heroes. The ones who go in and beat their heads against the ignorance. I can only imagine how frustrating it is for you. I do what I can to help, but that's only so much, given the restrictions mods work under. But you guys go in, speak truth, put up with the bullshit, and you do it in the hopes that someone will learn something.

My cap is off to all of you.

That cap is still on, liar.


I kinda don't want to bring this in here, especially at this time, but I am never going to get a better chance to show how things are from my side of the pond.

There's a thread about this 'knockout game' and I think it's the perfect illustration of how the exact same thing can have heavy racial connotations to you guys in the US, but not for me in the UK. Check out the tone of these two wiki entries:

UK: Happy Slapping.

US: Knockout Game.

They are the exact same crime. Look how racially charged the US entry is, and then look for any mention of race or ethnicity in the UK entry. It's not been deliberately omitted and there are no dog whistles in our media on this subject. It just doesn't have the racial component here (nor should it in the states because just as many perps will be white as black).

I'm posting this because even though I'd hope you guys know I'm on the level, cultural differences can sometimes leave me looking ignorant as fuck on certain issues. As I said at the top, I've never seen a clearer example of 'racist in the US, not racist in the UK'.

I dunno, maybe I'm a bit wary of how I came off in the ghetto thread last night. These little cultural differences can create big rifts though, and that ain't cool.

You guys are my heroes. The ones who go in and beat their heads against the ignorance. I can only imagine how frustrating it is for you. I do what I can to help, but that's only so much, given the restrictions mods work under. But you guys go in, speak truth, put up with the bullshit, and you do it in the hopes that someone will learn something.

My cap is off to all of you.
As someone that has learned more from this sub-community than any other in GAF, I echo these sentiments. Except the mod bit. For now.

BHZ Mayor

You guys are my heroes. The ones who go in and beat their heads against the ignorance. I can only imagine how frustrating it is for you. I do what I can to help, but that's only so much, given the restrictions mods work under. But you guys go in, speak truth, put up with the bullshit, and you do it in the hopes that someone will learn something.

My cap is off to all of you.

Restrictions? I'm assuming you mean posts have to be worded in a specific way to catch a hammer?


Restrictions? I'm assuming you mean posts have to be worded in a specific way to catch a hammer?

We sometimes get pushback if we swing too hard. And general policy is to give members more than one chance, which works to the advantage of good and bad posters.
Why can't someone say that sort of disingenous "devil's advocate" stuff is just not allowed in threads like that? I feel like people play those positions just to distract/derail the discussion.


Ubisoft Marketing
I kinda don't want to bring this in here, especially at this time, but I am never going to get a better chance to show how things are from my side of the pond.

There's a thread about this 'knockout game' and I think it's the perfect illustration of how the exact same thing can have heavy racial connotations to you guys in the US, but not for me in the UK. Check out the tone of these two wiki entries:

UK: Happy Slapping.

US: Knockout Game.

They are the exact same crime. Look how racially charged the US entry is, and then look for any mention of race or ethnicity in the UK entry. It's not been deliberately omitted and there are no dog whistles in our media on this subject. It just doesn't have the racial component here (nor should it in the states because just as many perps will be white as black).

I'm posting this because even though I'd hope you guys know I'm on the level, cultural differences can sometimes leave me looking ignorant as fuck on certain issues. As I said at the top, I've never seen a clearer example of 'racist in the US, not racist in the UK'.

Gosh, i remember this from when i lived in the UK.
Just gonna vent in here cause I don't want to get banned

So tired of this devil's advocate bullshit the moment there's a modicum of doubt that a young black male wasn't a complete fucking saint (which somehow leads to the justification of him being executed in the streets).

I don't even know why this shit continues to be allowed, or the same fucking characters with suspect timing pop in threads where a black person is killed EVERY TIME with the SAME "Ah ha!" bullshit.

Racism is over though guys!*

* as long as you can be absolved of ever making a mistake in your life that could irrational justify your slaying by law enforcement or "neighborhood watch", and sometimes not even then
People want to feel smart, or impartial, so they tend to favor "cold logic" over "emotion". What they don't realize, however, is that many situations don't call for it, and they end up looking like absolute assholes in the process.

Problem is these people are not logical at all, they're all dumb as rocks in a lunch box. They're just uninformed people with no understanding trying to sound educated.

Come to Canada. You can stay at my place. Legit offer.

Then I can tell people I have black friend(s)

Funny thing is, I've been saving to make a move to Canada. I currently have $10,500 saved; the goal is to move when I hit $20k which I should be able to have saved by Dec of 2015.


So there's apparently video out of the incident at the store. I LOVE how as they loop this video, there's a ticker at the bottom with "BREAKING NEWS: OFFICER WAS A SIX YEAR VETERAN" and "BREAKING NEWS: OFFICER HAS NO DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS ON HIS RECORD"



Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
There are never not going to be more fuckheads, though.

I understand your fatigue, but you're guaranteed to never get through to anyone if you refuse to push the stone. Besides, I'd miss you.


Some people like to be a victim and a asshole "Guys I am just playing devil's advocate".
Just playing devil's advocate but what if black people are genetically coded to be predisposed to crime?

Just playing devil's advocate but you shouldn't be black and near cops if you don't wanna be shot. Also those fast twitch muscle fibres should have helped him.
Just playing devil's advocate but what if black people are genetically coded to be predisposed to crime?

Just playing devil's advocate but you shouldn't be black and near cops if you don't wanna be shot. Also those fast twitch muscle fibres should have helped him.

Guys I haven't really read anything on this, but from what I understand the black kid deserved to die because he threw a dehumanizing stare, had a tilted brim and once took a picture throwing a middle finger. he might have smoked weed once or twice and shoplifted.

I'm not trying to stoke flames, just looking to get a grasp on what went down?
It's like clockwork with theses stories.

First someone gets killed, then outrage, then thug pictures and defamation of the victim and finally the killer goes unpunished.


"Pregnant woman victim of knockout game"

Bullshit thread by suspect OP.

Request for a title change. I feel terrible for what happened to the woman, but the "knockout game," if even real, has been greatly exaggerated to lump together all incidents in which a black person attacks someone of another ethnic background as some twisted proof by racist/conservative outlets that blacks are acting in concert to assault whites and Asians around the country.

Sorry, Right-Wing Media: The "Knockout Game" Trend Is a Myth.

The Knockout Game Myth and its Racist Roots



“It would make me very happy if someone died,” continued Kojima, “And not just one person. I would love to see hundreds of people dying from this game. I could picture destroying families in an instant. A father with a controller in his hands dies from a heart attack due to how terrifying the game is and the children suffer the same fate due to the trauma of that experience. I hope to see this in action one day as it would be one of the most beautiful things ever witnessed by a human being.”

Real or not, I don't even care. I can't do anything but laugh at this quote because it's utterly ridiculous



Real or not, I don't even care. I can't do anything but laugh at this quote because it's utterly ridiculous

Fucking Kojima :lol

Edit: Yeah, there's no way this is real bwahahaha
Some people have called out Kojima for this reckless attitude towards life. But behind those glasses lies a brilliant mind that he says only a few truly understand. He also claims that he is promoting the process of evolution through Silent Hills saying that anyone who dies playing the game is actually a coward because they chose the easy way out. Only the courageous should live.

“Nothing frightens me,” explained Kojima, “Is it wrong for me to believe that cowards do not deserve to live? Some people call me strange or weird because of my thought process but I prefer to think that everyone else is strange and that I am the only normal one. It’s why no one appreciated the intricate story of Metal Gear Solid 4. So I think it is normal to hope that your video game does very well and all I want is for Silent Hills to kill people.”

In addition to these statements, reports from Gamescom have also confirmed that Kojima is intently watching gamers who are playing the demo and patting down their crotches to see if it is wet.


I do love how crazy Kojima is tho, don't think there are as many devs out there that can get away with doing funny shit and still be loved as much as he is

Then again, he made Metal Gear so, he basically gets a free pass. I'm cool with it tho.
You know... I remember an article a while back where a woman was talking about how women have a moment where they think "here's my rape," and I wonder... what do these black men think when they get shot? I remember when I was stopped by a police officer, and I was deciding whether or not to be defiant, the thought that popped into my head was "there are no witnesses around. I am *not* about to get Rodney King'd."
It's just so tiring.

Don't let the ignorant steal your energy, fam. I used to do that. Then I realized


is a reality that I'm not going to fix in one flawless retort. That for as many quality posts like you or I or Angelus or anyone else here with eyes to see can make...you're going to get 10 posts from people like endresults that obfuscate all the quality offered. No minds are being changed; only preaching to the choir...people who were already inclined to agree voicing their agreement.

People don't come to GAF to be educated. They come to hit and run in threads like that.

The sooner you realize that, the easier it will be for you to offer your thoughts (complete with appropriate book and article references for the sake of thoroughness), feel good that you know you left food for the intellectually hungry to eat....and move the fuck on with your day. Don't get married to your commentaries on the internet because then you get defensive and angry and emotional. Fuck that nonsense.
Don't let the ignorant steal your energy, fam. I used to do that. Then I realized


is a reality that I'm not going to fix in one flawless retort. That for as many quality posts like you or I or Angelus or anyone else here with eyes to see can make...you're going to get 10 posts from people like endresults that obfuscate all the quality offered. No minds are being changed; only preaching to the choir...people who were already inclined to agree voicing their agreement.

People don't come to GAF to be educated. They come to hit and run in threads like that.

The sooner you realize that, the easier it will be for you to offer your thoughts (complete with appropriate book and article references for the sake of thoroughness), feel good that you know you left food for the intellectually hungry to eat....and move the fuck on with your day. Don't get married to your commentaries on the internet because then you get defensive and angry and emotional. Fuck that nonsense.
Great post
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