So are there any updates on Michael Brown/Ferguson or is it just idiots trying to say he deserved it?
The latter part.
So are there any updates on Michael Brown/Ferguson or is it just idiots trying to say he deserved it?
Well i guess lurkers are sweating now.
Should I drop the bomb on the Ferguson thread? Getting tired of all the dog whistling and thinly veiled racism. Person in question is there.
Do itShould I drop the bomb on the Ferguson thread? Getting tired of all the dog whistling and thinly veiled racism. Person in question is there.
I'd think about ripping movies since my brother just did his whole library, but I'd have to buy at least one more hard drive for all that crap. Maybe there is a reason I bought a $90 case with seven hard drive bays...
God damn.
Didn't know he still did them. I'm... I don't know how many specials behind on Williams. Haven't seen one since 2008.
Should I drop the bomb on the Ferguson thread? Getting tired of all the dog whistling and thinly veiled racism. Person in question is there.
So are there any updates on Michael Brown/Ferguson or is it just idiots trying to say he deserved it?
DamnI don't go in that Furgeson thread anymore, so maybe this was posted there. But I wanted to give a shout-out to Philly performance artist, because this photo series really is perfect:
A silent protest in Love Park, downtown Philadelphia orchestrated by performance artists protesting the murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson. The onslaught of passerbys wanting to take photos with the statue exemplifies the disconnect in American society. Simply frame out the dead body, and it doesnt exist.
Pretty much says it all.
I don't go in that Furgeson thread anymore, so maybe this was posted there. But I wanted to give a shout-out to Philly performance artists, because this photo series really is perfect:
A silent protest in Love Park, downtown Philadelphia orchestrated by performance artists protesting the murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson. The onslaught of passerby’s wanting to take photos with the statue exemplifies the disconnect in American society. Simply frame out the dead body, and it doesn’t exist.
Pretty much says it all.
Wanted to show COMICS! GAF this as they'd appreciate it. An old professor of mine posted this on his Facebook a few days ago. It's a drawing he did inspired both by Captain America and the events in Ferguson this past week. He's got such a unique style; all the credit to him, John Jennings, for this great image:
Credit goes to Devo for bringing him to attention. I've seen plenty of his fuckery before but didnt piece it together as coming from one person.
Thanks for everything family. I love you but I'm out. Be easy.
Thanks for everything family. I love you but I'm out. Be easy.
Thanks for everything family. I love you but I'm out. Be easy.
Wait, I keep seeing a lot of references to something Devo and/or Jado did.
What did I miss?
I remember going off in one of the earlier BCT's about how dude seemed to always get away with his racist posts. Now that I know that the "decent white man" post was him, I'm even more confused as to why he's still around. I know besada said earlier that posters usually get more than one chance, but why so many? Especially for racist posters.
So are there any updates on Michael Brown/Ferguson or is it just idiots trying to say he deserved it?
I remember going off in one of the earlier BCT's about how dude seemed to always get away with his racist posts. Now that I know that the "decent white man" post was him, I'm even more confused as to why he's still around. I know besada said earlier that posters usually get more than one chance, but why so many? Especially for racist posters.
Some new footage makes it look like Mike Brown might have actually paid for those cigars.
don't know why I keep reading the Ferguson thread, ain't nothing going to come out until Monday and more those "I am not saying the nigger should die, but the nigger should die" devil advocates coming in.
Damn son you gonna do all that just call 'em out
speedline, we coming for you, nigga
I don't go in that Furgeson thread anymore, so maybe this was posted there. But I wanted to give a shout-out to Philly performance artists, because this photo series really is perfect:
A silent protest in Love Park, downtown Philadelphia orchestrated by performance artists protesting the murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson. The onslaught of passerby’s wanting to take photos with the statue exemplifies the disconnect in American society. Simply frame out the dead body, and it doesn’t exist.
Pretty much says it all.
I got about a third of the way through Jado's post, then just said "Throw the damn towel" and scrolled to the end.
He was banned for a good grip for that post.
Wait, and I hate to keep dragging this along, but now I'm even more confused. Banned for the "good white man" post, I remember him being banned after I brought it up in OT5, and there was a thread shortly after the NBA shit I remember him being banned in for more racist shit. So that's at least 3 bans all for racism. This dude is like the Krillin of bans.
Thanks for everything family. I love you but I'm out. Be easy.
He has been banned at least four times.
He last ban was for the Ellen Nikki Minaj costume thread and I think it was for a year. I thought that was a perm but I guess not.
I don't go in that Furgeson thread anymore, so maybe this was posted there. But I wanted to give a shout-out to Philly performance artists, because this photo series really is perfect:
A silent protest in Love Park, downtown Philadelphia orchestrated by performance artists protesting the murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson. The onslaught of passerbys wanting to take photos with the statue exemplifies the disconnect in American society. Simply frame out the dead body, and it doesnt exist.
Pretty much says it all.
Thanks for everything family. I love you but I'm out. Be easy.
Thanks for everything family. I love you but I'm out. Be easy.