He deserves it but then again he never should of sided against the house Stark. None of them should have. Like I Binged the series and Ned stark was the Atticus Finch of GoT. All those Stark Kids were not made to handle the fuckery of the world around them, because they were raised on principles. Theon should of spent his life in Robb's entourage doing what he did best sleeping with women and shooting arrows now he can't even do those anymore. My money is he commits suicide before everything is through
The Ned Stark comparison is spot on. Principles got Robb killed and Sansa living under a fog. It sucks that she only understood the world under Littlefinger's watch. She would have done better in Highgarden. At least Lady Olena could have worked with her. Stockholm Syndrome has got a hold on Theon. He ain't killing himself no time soon.