If people stopped wanting more DBZ shit it would have ended at the Frieza saga like it was suppose to.
But nooooooo you mofos kept asking for more. You are your own worst enemies.
Yu Yu Hakuso was better anyway.
*Walks away*
yusuke is that dude.
If people stopped wanting more DBZ shit it would have ended at the Frieza saga like it was suppose to.
But nooooooo you mofos kept asking for more. You are your own worst enemies.
Yu Yu Hakuso was better anyway.
*Walks away*
whoa there buddy
leave good ole dbz out of this. it never hurt anyone
YuYu Hakusho had similar pacing issues. And the constant footsteps SFX, oh god.
That last season wasn't quite GT tier, but man...
GT hurt plenty of people, let's not lie.
Want to talk youth, saturdays and martial arts... http://youtu.be/fR66Fjczwfk
If people stopped wanting more DBZ shit it would have ended at the Frieza saga like it was suppose to.
But nooooooo you mofos kept asking for more. You are your own worst enemies.
Yu Yu Hakuso was better anyway.
*Walks away*
Want to talk youth, saturdays and martial arts... http://youtu.be/fR66Fjczwfk
Yu Yu hakusho was better because it ignored the manga at the end though, which was terrible apparently(never read it)
nothing to do with fans, just the author not giving a shit anymore
and Flame of Recca > Yu Yu
Yu Yu Hakuso was better anyway.
*Walks away*
Terrible confession: I never finished this
No you are not alone.Am I the only person who watched and really enjoyed Rurouni Kenshin? Definitely my favorite of the serialized anime with 60+ episodes.
Next to Sailor Moon, of course
Lupin is far and away the best anime, anyways.
Unless you're just talking shonen. All that shit's the same to me.
Am I the only person who watched and really enjoyed Rurouni Kenshin? Definitely my favorite of the serialized anime with 60+ episodes.
Next to Sailor Moon, of course
Am I the only person who watched and really enjoyed Rurouni Kenshin? Definitely my favorite of the serialized anime with 60+ episodes.
Next to Sailor Moon, of course
Am I the only person who watched and really enjoyed Rurouni Kenshin? Definitely my favorite of the serialized anime with 60+ episodes.
Next to Sailor Moon, of course
Am I the only person who watched and really enjoyed Rurouni Kenshin? Definitely my favorite of the serialized anime with 60+ episodes.
Next to Sailor Moon, of course
Lupin is far and away the best anime, anyways.
Unless you're just talking shonen. All that shit's the same to me.
Gundam was the one thing on Toonami I could not fuck with. Well, and Big O.
Gundam was the one thing on Toonami I could not fuck with. Well, and Big O.
you mispelled Paranoia Agent
This is me right here, too. It's like we're sharing the same mind and--I feel like I missed the boat on Kenshin. I liked it whenever I saw it, but never sat down to watch it for real.
Sailor Moon was the first anime I ever watched. I didn't know it was anime at the time; I just woke up randomly one weekday morning and they were playing on my local Fox affiliate. It didn't even register to me that was supposed to be for girls till years later.
Me neither. Toonami stopped airing the show at Chapter Black, and once I learned the last arc had no Kuwabara, I didn't even bother.
I found out they bumped it to like 5 am on Saturdays later so I managed to catch a bit of Three Kings whenever I pulled an all nighter.
Gundam was the one thing on Toonami I could not fuck with. Well, and Big O.
I couldn't fuck with Big O.
you mispelled Paranoia Agent
Toonami had some jams throughout the years, damn. I would literally have watched no anime if not for Toonami.
I remember some people I met at college who never saw any anime before Toonami, total frat bro stereotypes. It was hilarious to see them break into some...intense...Ryoko/Aeka debates as Tenchi aired.
Gundam was the one thing on Toonami I could not fuck with. Well, and Big O.
G Gundam and Big O are the shit.
dis nigga...
My friends would rave about Gundam Wing and I was just like, "Are we even watching the same show, brah?"Man Gundam Wing and the entire phenomenon around that shit in the US was so weird as fuck. Not even the best Gundam series by any stretch.
Big O was dumb to me. 'It's Batman with mechs. Ok got it.' Don't care about this main character and definitely don't care about this robot chick. Ronin Warriors > Big O.
Man Gundam Wing and the entire phenomenon around that shit in the US was so weird as fuck. Not even the best Gundam series by any stretch.
Good God this is like a whole era I don't know.
I mean, I remember renting some of Jackie's early 90's stuff with the horrible dubs, and a few of Jet Li's old Hong Kong movies too (which reminds me I gotta buy Fist of Legend), but I remember barely any of it.
its designs were dope(the tallgese....hmm.) but i didnt care for its plot
but lady une was about that life. she was a black lagoon character before black lagoon was a thing
I wrote Gundam Wing fanfiction as a kid
I think most nerd kids wrote fanfiction in some form or another at one point in their lives. I remember my 5th grade class getting a short story assignment, and most of the dudes just wrote about Metal Gear or Spider-Man or whatever.
I wrote a Pokemon thing...that was like 9 pages. My teacher never even read it; she gave me an A for length alone. lol
I think most nerd kids wrote fanfiction in some form or another at one point in their lives. I remember my 5th grade class getting a short story assignment, and most of the dudes just wrote about Metal Gear or Spider-Man or whatever.
I wrote a Pokemon thing...that was like 9 pages. My teacher never even read it; she gave me an A for length alone. lol
Man Gundam Wing and the entire phenomenon around that shit in the US was so weird as fuck. Not even the best Gundam series by any stretch.
Never wrote fanfiction, I was off writing my own characters/worlds.
I'm not saying everyone did it, but certainly more than will admit. It's just another way people cut their teeth on writing. It's like art, really. Some start drawing their own stuff, but a lot start just trying to recreate their favorite characters. The problem only comes in if you never venture out to doing your own stuff (assuming you stick with writing at all).
I still never understood the wings, let alone that feathers would fall off when the mobile suit flapped said wings like...wut?
Honestly, I loved it back in the day but haven't seen it in years. I'm not sure how I'd react to the series now.
This just made me remember all the Sonic and Zelda comics I made....fuck.I think most nerd kids wrote fanfiction in some form or another at one point in their lives. I remember my 5th grade class getting a short story assignment, and most of the dudes just wrote about Metal Gear or Spider-Man or whatever.
I wrote a Pokemon thing...that was like 9 pages. My teacher never even read it; she gave me an A for length alone. lol
Am I the only person who watched and really enjoyed Rurouni Kenshin? Definitely my favorite of the serialized anime with 60+ episodes.
Next to Sailor Moon, of course
This just made me remember all the Sonic and Zelda comics I made....fuck.