Same shit as saying "We've all said these things before."
I don't know about Mel. He got drunk and said a few things, but we've all said those things, the Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy actor told Playboy.
We're all f**king hypocrites. That's what I think about it. The policeman who arrested him has never used the word n***** or that f**king Jew?
I'm being brutally honest here. It's the hypocrisy of it that drives me crazy.
Or maybe I should just strike that and say the N word and the F word, although there are two F words now.
Oldman sympathised with Gibson, describing how he has become an outcast, a leper.
Mel Gibson is in a town thats run by Jews and he said the wrong thing because hes actually bitten the hand that I guess has fed him - and doesnt need to feed him anymore because hes got enough dough, he continued.
Hes like an outcast, a leper, you know?
But some Jewish guy in his office somewhere hasnt turned and said, That f***ing kraut or F**k those Germans, whatever it is? We all hide and try to be so politically correct. That's what gets me.