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The Black Culture Thread |OT7| Luigi took our stare

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Yup, saw Edge of Tomorrow last night, good shit.

I wish it was doing better.

Emily Blunt thoooooo. Waifu material.

I thought her and Cruise did a good job. Movie was a treat for, did not expect that at all.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
I know he's just doing his job but, would he have made me go through all this if I was some lily white girl?
If you were a lily white girl they would have waived you on your way. Seen it happen. In sequence.

Also, there are a number of stores here where the alarm starts with "alto" rather than "stop". Always pisses me off.

-Money, time, and manpower are not unlimited
-People will shit on you even if you make an objectively superior game
-Connections are often more important than skill
-Most people in executive positions are marketing or finance guys who don't really care about making good games, just profitable ones
I'm going to step out and say that this is a reality of programming and IT in general. While games may be what a lot of folks are familiar with here, I can check off all of those above and only need to change "marketing" with "engineering" and "game" with "project" and it's true for IT in my company, especially the connections aspect. The biggest difference with us is since our clients are internal, we're less concerned with profitability than we are with keeping flat-to-down with cost control.
Sub Zero's thread got me thinking of R3 again and i looked up the ending video online and i did actually beat R3 just forgot everything past entering the spire thing. I beat it months later after i stop playing it regularly as well now i want the game on PS Now. So sorry Bish i guess i did liked R3 single player i just had to remember it first ;p
First time going to a Starbucks

that Vanilla Bean Creme frappuccino is pretty good

Oprah Chai Tea Lattes are great, get them while you can. Only problem is that if they make it wrong it's basically the cinnamon challenge in a cup.

Pumpkin spice lattes are amazing, too.




Some good posts in your thread, but moments like these make me wish GAF's message board system had an option for the thread creator to enforce a minimum word count for at least the person's first post in the thread. It's extremely quick and easy to put together a worthwhile thought that's at least 30 words (everything before this is over 50 words). I really hate when someone makes a nice thread and posts a well-written OP (or even copy-pastes an important piece of news), and a dozen people literally respond within a minute, giving away the fact that they read nothing. It would at least cut down on the number of drive-by posts.

I'm curious to see what a "bad" white protagonist is

A version of the above has come up a lot throughout the thread. It's unfortunate that your thread has this strong undercurrent of guys feeling offended and acting snarky, like no one is even allowed to imply that many white characters are unnecessarily white and poorly written.


Is "hurr durr i thought this was a tumblr post!" the new catchphrase for limp-dicked straight white fuckboys who can't bear people pointing out their privilege?
Is "hurr durr i thought this was a tumblr post!" the new catchphrase for limp-dicked straight white fuckboys who can't bear people pointing out their privilege?

Don't get me wrong, I'm a white girl at heart (I have Starbucks in my handle ferchrissakes), but real talk: I work part-time at a water park where people of all shapes and sizes come to visit. One of the rides requires us to tell them the proper riding position going down a slide ("cross your arms, cross your legs, lean back and go") but I'll usually preface it with an "alright guys" if it's two guys or a guy and a girl, and "alright girls / ladies" if they're both girls just out of instinct. Every time, I'm worried a social justice warrior is going to get on my case for using "guys" as a gender-neutral pronoun.


I just can't get into chicks with bodies like theses because they don't last and when they fail... it is horrible. You go through watching that cycle happen a few times and you just can't get attracted to it anymore.

I can't get into bodies like this cuz it doesn't even look right. It's all about ratios.

Crazy to see in person the first time or two, but it gets old quickly.


Got a 3DS this past weekend and playing A Link Between Worlds.

Just finished a really nice boss fight in the desert, got that rare, indescribable feeling that evokes "this is why I started playing video games in the first place."


Don't get me wrong, I'm a white girl at heart (I have Starbucks in my handle ferchrissakes), but real talk: I work part-time at a water park where people of all shapes and sizes come to visit. One of the rides requires us to tell them the proper riding position going down a slide ("cross your arms, cross your legs, lean back and go") but I'll usually preface it with an "alright guys" if it's two guys or a guy and a girl, and "alright girls / ladies" if they're both girls just out of instinct. Every time, I'm worried a social justice warrior is going to get on my case for using "guys" as a gender-neutral pronoun.

Say what now?
Don't get me wrong, I'm a white girl at heart (I have Starbucks in my handle ferchrissakes), but real talk: I work part-time at a water park where people of all shapes and sizes come to visit. One of the rides requires us to tell them the proper riding position going down a slide ("cross your arms, cross your legs, lean back and go") but I'll usually preface it with an "alright guys" if it's two guys or a guy and a girl, and "alright girls / ladies" if they're both girls just out of instinct. Every time, I'm worried a social justice warrior is going to get on my case for using "guys" as a gender-neutral pronoun.
Some good posts in your thread, but moments like these make me wish GAF's message board system had an option for the thread creator to enforce a minimum word count for at least the person's first post in the thread. It's extremely quick and easy to put together a worthwhile thought that's at least 30 words (everything before this is over 50 words). I really hate when someone makes a nice thread and posts a well-written OP (or even copy-pastes an important piece of news), and a dozen people literally respond within a minute, giving away the fact that they read nothing. It would at least cut down on the number of drive-by posts.

A version of the above has come up a lot throughout the thread. It's unfortunate that your thread has this strong undercurrent of guys feeling offended and acting snarky, like no one is even allowed to imply that many white characters are unnecessarily white and poorly written.

I was just hoping for some distinction as to what OP meant. A "good" white character could mean anything, and the original post wasn't exactly descriptive of the what the difference was (31 words)
Tangent: My sister is a big fan of Shonda Rhimes (writer behind Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice and Scandal) and it made me realize.

The argument of 'You can only write what you know'

is bullshit.

That is all.


her shows usually starts off in a "professional, case of the week" manner then they dive into a night time soap opera

edit: if were talking about representation in shows then yea that argument is bullshit


It is said that when they write stereotypes instead of characters that happen to be black, Indian, or whatever. There use to be a point where i dread them brining in a new black or Latino superhero. I mean how do 99 percent of latino characters speak broken english?

Beef and Moris are incredibly well spoken, a credit to their people.


is a goddamn bear
The "write what you know" argument is hellah flawed to begin with.

Its not hard to write a normal person and make them a minority. Half of these games don't even touch on minority problems to begin with, vying instead to grace around issues. That's even more fuel. If you know nothing about minority struggles, you don't have to tackle it.

That's where I can understand writing what you know. If you don't know about the struggle, that's understandable since some haven't been exposed to it. But saying you don't know about minorities or women so you can't write about them strikes me... as suspicious lol


I was just hoping for some distinction as to what OP meant. A "good" white character could mean anything, and the original post wasn't exactly descriptive of the what the difference was (31 words)

The min. word thing wasn't directly at you. More like the dude who posts "Kratos!," "Link!," maybe with a giant pic of said character, and then exits the thread.

The OP was very detailed in what he was asking for in responses and at least half the thread ignored to post "my favorite character" or feigned curiosity. Even after adding several more paragraphs of clarification, people in the thread were still acting foolish and wryly asking "whats a good/bar white character." We could easily have a thread about terrible black characters (and contrasting good ones) in entertainment and never see this sort of backlash. White guys are defensive as fuck, period.

Do Better

Write what you know? Aren't these choices of race and gender just marketing decisions? Are there really developers saying that they would create games with minority protagonists if they only knew how to?

I feel like even in games that allow the user to change the main character's model to different races and genders, the marketing material, previews, reviews, etc. for the game use the white male version the majority of the time.
Write what you know? Aren't these choices of race and gender just marketing decisions? Are there really developers saying that they would create games with minority protagonists if they only knew how to?

I feel like even in games that allow the user to change the main character's model to different races and genders, the marketing material, previews, reviews, etc. for the game use the white male version the majority of the time.

It's what the fans are saying most of the time. As besada's touched on in some of the threads, some developers will view hetereonormative as default instead of being their frame of reference. That's where the problem arises. Likewise, though lack of empathy or sheltering or inability to see it from the other side, vocal posters will act like non-hetereonormative "isn't" a problem - but that hetereonormative characters are the go-to solution, which starts getting into some weird psychological territory.

got any sisters?

slayven pls


she's single

and turned 17 in april


is a goddamn bear
I gotta thank Sub Zero for that thread. It's opened my eyes a lot more. :3

I never made the connection between the justification of why minority/female characters are "difficult" for people because (they don't fit the settings or they have no experience with them) reasons, but yet there's hordes of white male characters that don't fit their settings either or have no solid reason why they should be the main, yet continue to be leads.

It's no longer about minorities needing to take action in the industry, it's about devs getting out of their fear of taking risks and gamers learning to stop defining women and minorities by their flesh, and start viewing us as people. This whole "write what you know" argument is rooted in ignorance and lies.


That and she turned her trophy into a chalice

She is approaching waifu status

I know right. Her hip movements was surprisingly good and using the trophy as a chalice was boss. Yo I internet creep the hell of her after watching the video, not going to lie. lol


@royalan: Man you really pull of that look well :) I really need to figure out something to do with my hair. Most of my experiences with barbers have been kind "meh" so I don't get haircuts often but my hair become so hard to manage when it grows out. I really need to figure something out.

Also, your shopping experiences and thoughts mirror many of my own :(

@Riovane: I'll be honest in that your posts are constructed in such a way that's it a bit difficult for me to exactly discern what's going on but I do wish you luck during this diffult time in your life.


It's what the fans are saying most of the time. As besada's touched on in some of the threads, some developers will view hetereonormative as default instead of being their frame of reference. That's where the problem arises. Likewise, though lack of empathy or sheltering or inability to see it from the other side, vocal posters will act like non-hetereonormative "isn't" a problem - but that hetereonormative characters are the go-to solution, which starts getting into some weird psychological territory.

slayven pls


she's single

and turned 17 in april
I only date 23 and older.
The "write what you know" argument is hellah flawed to begin with.

Its not hard to write a normal person and make them a minority. Half of these games don't even touch on minority problems to begin with, vying instead to grace around issues. That's even more fuel. If you know nothing about minority struggles, you don't have to tackle it.

That's where I can understand writing what you know. If you don't know about the struggle, that's understandable since some haven't been exposed to it. But saying you don't know about minorities or women so you can't write about them strikes me... as suspicious lol
They could make Nathan Drake Asian (or any race other than Nepalian) and change literally nothing and the game would be different
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