He-man. Thundercats. Centurions. Joyce and the Wheeled warriors. M.A.S.K. Voltron. Bravestarr. Bucky O'Hare. Silverhawks. Defenders of the Earth. TMNT.
How you gonna argue against all of that?
still dopeSwat Cats
captain power all fuckin dayCenturions or Captain Power?
Captain Power looked so dopeOnly got it on Univision on Saturday mornings though and I couldn't understand a lick of espanol as a babby.
You old as hell lol. I am only 24
Let understand something, Tiny Toon Adventures / Animanics / Scooby Doo >>>> All your favorite shows
The same Naruto that just said "fuck that noise" to it's own internal rules last week?Know how I know Naruto is garbage and has delusional fans? They're in the Naruto thread shitting on One Piece, the only manga of the big three actually worth a damn.
I vaguely remamber that, what was the name?Ya'll remember that T-Rex cartoon?
So they found an old rifle at my Grandmas house that's been there for probably 25+ years and they don't remember who's it was or why it's there. They want to bring it into the Police station but are worried about the whole process and aren't trynna get anybody arrested over some stupid shit.
What should we do?
The same Naruto that just said "fuck that noise" to it's own internal rules last week?
I vaguely remamber that, what was the name?
I vaguely remamber that, what was the name?
Darkwing Duck tho
I've always noticed how shonen anime fans relationships to their favorite series is like a mixture of Stockholms Syndrome with a hint of console warrior-esque superiorty complexes.Know how I know Naruto is garbage and has delusional fans? They're in the Naruto thread shitting on One Piece, the only manga of the big three actually worth a damn.
These fuckers though...
Fuck these guys.
They were jazz musicians in an early 1900s america like place. Only saw like 2 episodes of it though.
Damn old heads in this piece.
I'm 29 :/
all I know is...
Super Human Samurai Cyber Squad>>>>>>VR Troopers
VR troopers were always struggle Power Rangers to me as a kid
T.I. is in a marvel movie, I said goddamn
beatleborgs too
T.I. is in a marvel movie, I said goddamn
Beetleborgs is my shit. I just now figured out that shit was Kamen Rider related
I had this as a kid. One of my favorite toys.
beatleborgs too
It was obvious they ran out of good ideas quick in the TMNT toyline
Where the hell did that moose come from?
The one I posted actually makes sense tho. Appears in the cartoon and it's their main disguise.
BCT's number one movie.If I was stalking someone, not sure I'd find it that difficult to continue to do so under the present circumstances.
Are you saying Obsessed is worst than Carmen?
Are you saying Obsessed is worst than Carmen?
Last movie I seen beyonce in was Carmen and I will keep it that way.
It was a Hip Hopera.
Everyone knows this. Every kid in elementary school was talking about that epic showdown between Servo and Kilokahn. With good reason. Years of stuff like TMNT and Power Rangers never giving us that "FINAL BOSS" moment and this show did it in like a few dozen episodes.
There were more episodes after this, but using recycled footage. The one above is the actual last fight.
BCT's number one movie.
It was a Hip Hopera.
Everyone knows this. Every kid in elementary school was talking about that epic showdown between Servo and Kilokahn. With good reason. Years of stuff like TMNT and Power Rangers never giving us that "FINAL BOSS" moment and this show did it in like a few dozen episodes.
There were more episodes after this, but using recycled footage. The one above is the actual last fight.
Book of Eli is the BCT goat breh
BCT's number one movie.
remember these
Beetleborgs is my shit. I just now figured out that shit was Kamen Rider related
So apparently, Michael Brown = Ted Bundy and Timothy McVeigh.
How come no one is saying Mike Brown might've been mentally ill like they do with other cases