So just looked up gameplay for Falling Skies the game. That shit is a poorly reskinned Xcom. I dont know why but i wanna play it lol
Spent 40 minutes debating a guy about the EPA, Obama being the worse president in history, and NSA tracking was only evil under Obama. He also said government handouts / education loans were a bigger part of the budget than defense
I care about frames in action games and fighters. Anything else I don't even care. As long as it runs smooth.
that's around 37 minutes too many. you could have watched an episode of General Hospital on Youtube without commercial interruption in that time.
So just looked up gameplay for Falling Skies the game. That shit is a poorly reskinned Xcom. I dont know why but i wanna play it lol
lol it all started with us talking about the californian drought then he went on this tirade on "EnviroNazi's" and that Obama's lack of leadership and him being the worse president in history. That b/c of some tiny fish that farmers in Cali can't water their crops. Tried to tell him that letting them use all the water they want for crops is just a short term solution and that Environmentalist have only been around and serious (legislation wise) for 40 years or so. Then he claimed the defense budget was only 10% of the US's budget which i just straight up laughed at. Before all this tho anytime i bought up the past he kept saying "no stop talking about the past talk about now" cut to 10 minutes later he's praising Reagan
Based on the show? Is that shit still running?
Is anyone here playing Marvel Heroes? I'm about to install it.
Yep, I try to play it at least every monday, with a friend who streams.Is anyone here playing Marvel Heroes? I'm about to install it.
Yep, I try to play it at least every monday, with a friend who streams.
It's legit if you like diablo.. and mahvel.
Yooo Gundam Build Fighters Try
Police Pepper Spray Teen After Suspecting He's Trying to Rob His Own House
What kind of world are we in when I'm getting nervous to check out 2 more Islam/Al Guyda books? I've looked up too many names on wiki. And now 3 books in a week? When my house blows up from a drone attack, let the world know that I was black and proud.
PC gaming got me seeing the realness of 60fps but I wouldn't go this far. If it's it.
PC gaming got me seeing the realness of 60fps but I wouldn't go this far. If it's it.
I dunno man
at a certain point 60 fps needs to be the standard
technology advances, and standards advance with it
I doubt many people would be cool with a PS4 game that rendered at straight up standard definition 480p resolution, for example.
True. 60fps needs to be the law of the land. I'm still trying to figure out why it hasn't when it's been relevant since the late 90s.
TV commercials can't show off 60fps gameplay, so you make that shit prettier. Plus it's easier to hit 30 by a huge degree
It's disappointing to me, because 60fps makes a huge difference to me, but...yeah...
I just don't have a single fuck to give about framerate as long as it's not broken. But I'm also that guy that is plenty content with buying an 8 dollar bottle of wine from the liquor store when doing something "fancy". My undeveloped plebeian core taste means there is just more out there for me to enjoy.
On the subject of frames in games.
It never mattered to my before & it doesn't now. Plus when I hear the argument of 30 fps being bad, my response is have you seen or played Vanquish? *drops mic*
Was watching it this morning and was legit excited.Is it good?
why can’t he relate to a white guy too?
Is it good?
Hold it down
Mama I love you
See y'all in the ebola interment camps.
You are welcome to come to my village in the middle-east. Its tucked away between mountains, ebola will never reach us.