For an already established character, I can understand that. A new one could suffice, right?
I have no problems with new characters. Miles' story is different then Peter's and just as valid and he made his own way as Spiderman.
For an already established character, I can understand that. A new one could suffice, right?
The Weather Wizard was trending on Twitter.
We are in a glorious age, comic fans.
I can't get CW on direct tv, does he have his wand?
I will catch it tomorrow on the app with Supernatural.dude, watch it on your favorite website.
and no.
I just feel that lazy.The list of characters who have to be a certain race is pretty short.
Original Cap and T'Challa come to mind. Everyone else you can switch around. Some characters are stronger when you keep their current race - Luke Cage is built around the black urban experience and Daredevil as a stereotypical Irish Catholic works well - but many are just "whatever". Peter Parker you can mess with pretty easily without affecting the core of the character.
And yet, funnily enough, in the top three complaints about moderation, one of them is that we ban people for drive-by shit posts.
The other two involve us being too "in the tank" for minorities.
I will catch it tomorrow on the app with Supernatural.
I just feel that lazy.
I would pay money to read the Mod complaint inbox.LOL. wow. Yall deal with some shit.
Oh, I get you. David Brothers had a similar argument. I don't necessarily agree, but I get where you're coming from.
For an already established character, I can understand that. A new one could suffice, right?
At first I was like
Then I was like
Out of curiosity, is anyone "the black friend" in a group?
Out of curiosity, is anyone "the black friend" in a group?
Yeah. in my school I was one of like 5 blacks guys in my department.Out of curiosity, is anyone "the black friend" in a group?
Out of curiosity, is anyone "the black friend" in a group?
No place in my area sell shark and bake. I'm sad panda![]()
People really care about frames per second
Out of curiosity, is anyone "the black friend" in a group?
I avoid it like the plague. Plus I keep associates...I'm not much of a good friend lol.
I'm the non Asian oneOut of curiosity, is anyone "the black friend" in a group?
People really care about frames per second
And resolution. It's gone from something I don't think about to one of the number one questions I should ask in an interview.
I seen that stuff at gas stations......
And resolution. It's gone from something I don't think about to one of the number one questions I should ask in an interview.
My mission in life is to never be so close to somebody that I'd be expected to give a speech at their wedding...or funeral.
it's not so much the frames per second as much as it is what they represent.
Getting malware warnings when i try to open BCT on the desktop.
The Man finally ready to take us out.
it's not so much the frames per second as much as it is what they represent.
Getting malware warnings when i try to open BCT on the desktop.
The Man finally ready to take us out.
Yall gonna bring up vsync and screen tearing next? lol. People expect better from pc ports, especially when they usually have to wait a long ass time to get them.
That resolution shit is whatever, but I'll not knock someone for feeling some type of way about it.
I can understand the frustration people feel about fps. Some talk about the issues they have with their PC when a game isn't at least 60fps. I'd be pretty steamed about something like that too if I played on PC.
Out of curiosity, is anyone "the black friend" in a group?
your pun game is weak
This is awesome. I saw Battle of the Gods in theaters it was great.
They'll probably knock you for not feeling some type of way about the game not being/having X, Y or Z though.
Out of curiosity, is anyone "the black friend" in a group?
Guys learn to rehost shit please.