quick and dirty
Got it.
quick and dirty
EDIT: Damnit!
quick and dirty
update so the avatar would have a clear background.
How you make the outline so clean?
Yoooo BBC America Intruders a damn good show.
I thought the BG would be transparent, lol...
Cyclops was the best in X-men arcade
Ugh...sorry, but I just can't with Attack on Titan.
It's just so damn morose. And everyone's always either whining or screaming at the top of of their lungs. And damn near all of the characters are idiots.
What an overrated anime.
Ugh...sorry, but I just can't with Attack on Titan.
It's just so damn morose. And everyone's always either whining or screaming at the top of of their lungs. And damn near all of the characters are idiots.
What an overrated anime.
How does one even forget to put water in first?
How you make the outline so clean?
Yoooo BBC America Intruders a damn good show.
Pen tool in PS is best.
Fuckboyism dial in genpop turned up to 11 and snapped off lately
Played some Simcity 4 earlier...I forgot how stress relieving that game is.
Idk having you advisors bitching at you after everything you do...sounds stressful lol
Fuckboyism dial in genpop turned up to 11 and snapped off lately
welcome back
Watched Rosewood and 12 Years back to back yesterday and had long, dark post ready to fire but fuck it, leaving the fight to cooler heads for a while.
Watching HunterxHunter and wondering what happened to Tomigashira to make him come up with the Chimera Ant arc
have you not seen them before?
PS is the least intuitive program I've ever used in my life. I have no idea how people learn to be experts at it.
You haven't used a lot of art/design software then. QuarkXpress is a frustrating mess after InDesign. GIMP is an outright nightmare next to Photoshop. Honestly, PS is both easy and intuitive after reading any good beginner-level book.
You shouldn't have to read a book to use a program. This isn't 1986.
Wow...a whole lot of nothing happens in most Naruto episodes, huh?
PS is the least intuitive program I've ever used in my life. I have no idea how people learn to be experts at it.
You haven't used a lot of art/design software then. QuarkXpress is a frustrating mess after InDesign. GIMP is an outright nightmare next to Photoshop. Honestly, PS is both easy and intuitive after reading any good beginner-level book.
Use it frequently. The idea you should be great at something because you use it a few times is the most annoying aspect of human nature. If you want simple programs there's always MS Paint. It was literally created for people who want the bare minimum.
Quark is so ancient now and they're stubborn even after losing a shitload of marketshare to Adobe's InDesign.
Since we're talking about design software, Sketch 3 is so damn awesome.
How you gonna be a hoe and put "God first" in your bio on instagram or whatever social network of your choice? This shit is a big pet peeve of mine and I see this shit a lot.
How you gonna be a hoe and put "God first" in your bio on instagram or whatever social network of your choice? This shit is a big pet peeve of mine and I see this shit a lot.
How you gonna be a hoe and put "God first" in your bio on instagram or whatever social network of your choice? This shit is a big pet peeve of mine and I see this shit a lot.
How you gonna be a hoe and put "God first" in your bio on instagram or whatever social network of your choice? This shit is a big pet peeve of mine and I see this shit a lot.
Hoes are not allowed to believe in a god? Shut the hell up.
Freak joints who found God are the best. They will fuck you with vigor because in their mind they'll get right with God on Sunday, all just to do it again next weekend.
Trey, it feels so weird not accidentally skipping over your posts now that you have an avatar.
Gonna start tokyo ghoul, hearing from you guys it's pretty good so I might as well check it out. Manga btw.
good. a new tokyo ghoul series is coming