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The Black Culture Thread |OT8| Hands Up, Don't Shoot

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As long as someone isn't hypocritical about how they live and what they say, I don't see the point in getting angry that someone doesn't take their associated religion's holy book as literal instructions. It feels like needing to pigeonhole in order to discredit them.


Smells like thinly veiled slut shaming to me. Take that shit to OT.

No it isn't, because this isn't about women, it's about religious hypocrites. DO NOT conflate the two. Most of us in this very thread are feminists so please don't get it twisted.
Ah, I already PMd my response. But to summarize, it's not even about being a "hoe."

I find that many Christians are hypocritical, warping what the Bible says to fit how they want to live. So you'll get people going "I love God," or "God first," and then going against every law they can. You see this in politics a lot. It's just weird how people try and pay lip service so they have a higher moral ground then turn around and do bullshit.

But that's something we've all seen, I'm sure.

I honestly don't see what's wrong with that given a lot of the things in the bible do not fit today's context. There's a lot of doctrines that christians as a whole do not follow anymore simply because it wouldn't make sense. As long you're not doing a complete stripping down of what the Bible is, I don't see anything wrong with having your own interpretation.

Everyone is a hypocrite though. Everyone thinks that they are better than everyone. No matter, religion, race, class, gender, etc. Everyone thinks their on a moral high ground. Hell to get meta, this very post is filled with some sort of superiority or moral high ground. No escaping that.


If religious hypocrites are really what we're talking about then there are much bigger issues than how much dick someone's getting when they're not at church.

I'd be more concerned with the people who use religion to play politics or get rich. But that's just me.
As long as someone isn't hypocritical about how they live and what they say, I don't see the point in getting angry that someone doesn't take their associated religion's holy book as literal instructions. It feels like needing to pigeonhole in order to discredit them.

but picking and choosing is textbook hypocrisy.


No it isn't, because this isn't about women, it's about religious hypocrites. DO NOT conflate the two.

I might believe you if you brought up something that actually matters, like blowing up abortion clinics or lynching homosexuals or political pandering. But oh no, somebody really likes intercourse and god at the same time. Can't take it seriously.
I honestly don't see what's wrong with that given a lot of the things in the bible do not fit today's context. There's a lot of doctrines that christians as a whole do not follow anymore simply because it wouldn't make sense. As long you're not doing a complete stripping down of what the Bible is, I don't see anything wrong with having your own interpretation.

Everyone is a hypocrite though. Everyone thinks that they are better than everyone. No matter, religion, race, class, gender, etc. Everyone thinks their on a moral high ground. Hell to get meta, this very post is filled with some sort of superiority or moral high ground. No escaping that.

it made sense when Man created god.

nowadays it's just folklore people take as reality when it suits them. go hard or go home. at least those ISIS peeps take shit literally, gotta respect that level of devotion.
but picking and choosing is textbook hypocrisy.

No rational person could look at the Bible as it is and say "this shit is 100%" legit. There have been so many translations done to serve political and economic purposes that it's not even funny.

I identify as Christian because that's how I came up and it's the closest to what I believe after throwing it all aside for awhile and coming back with believing there is something above, but I also think organized religion was and is a bad idea.

Ed: if you just want to make jokes I'll come back later, get enough of the belief=idiocy on genpop


I meant if you go by rules just from Jesus. That's why I said a bunch of others were added on after the fact. That's what I meant, anyway. Jesus was pretty much just " Don't be a dick, don't be killing folks, don't get too weird with your bits and pieces, brah". The other rules are inherited or added after the fact.

One of the issues I have with this train of thought is that no where in the 4 Canonical retellings of Jesus' life does any of the authors of those books or Jesus hint at not following the old rules or telling Jews not to follow the rules. For example, most modern Christian followers I've talked to will quote the story where Jesus saved the woman from adultery by telling her accusers to stone her to death only if none of them have sinned and all of her accusers left because none of them were without sin. They interpreted this story as Jesus saying not to follow that law or as a way to get out of following other old Testament Biblical laws that they don't want to follow, when all Jesus did was find a loop hole to get out of killing the woman. He didn't say not to follow it/stoning people to death wasn't ok. If someone there wasn't a sinner, she would have been stoned to death and Jesus would have minded his business.


The main problem with christianity is the fact that there's christians who flip words around in the bible to push an old school concept of living. Yet, these same folks tend to have the darkest of secrets and ways of living. Then there's folks that use their new found beliefs as sort of a get out of jail free card to get into some bullshit. This of course is the whole "Church on Sunday" but party everyday crowd who like to use religion as a way to say I got something going on with me...I'm not all about partying and having sex.

It don't work that way but for those that have God in their lives but constantly doing dirty deeds...atleast be real of whom you are....don't fake the funk into denying the "sins" that you are committing on a regular basis.


I might believe you if you brought up something that actually matters, like blowing up abortion clinics or lynching homosexuals or political pandering. But oh no, somebody really likes intercourse and god at the same time. Can't take it seriously.

lol stay sensitive on some switching the goal posts shit. I make an observation on religious hypocrites and rather than having an honest discussion you wanna change the dialogue to me being a fucking misogynist. lol word?. Go take some vagisil or something. This is a topic that hits close to home and I stated that I had a pet peeve, and used a specific segment of people to get my point across. I'm just going to disregard you on this topic bruh.

I see why niggas stay sticking their heads in the sand when religion becomes a topic in this thread.
I might believe you if you brought up something that actually matters, like blowing up abortion clinics or lynching homosexuals or political pandering. But oh no, somebody really likes intercourse and god at the same time. Can't take it seriously.

shutting down Abortion clinics with legal fuckery is the new terrorism. war on Women in full force in the USA today. peeps act like Islam is the enemy when the religious right in some states is even more devious.


You can really apply this to anything philosophical, political, religious, etc.. Humans are just like basic animals. Looking after myself and my own. Except due to our cognitive abilities we take it steps further.

ehh.....I don't think so. The things you listed are not based on faith.


lol stay sensitive on some switching the goal posts shit. I make an observation on religious hypocrites and rather than having an honest discussion you wanna change the dialogue to me being a fucking misogynist. lol word?.

My bad, you're not sexist.

Go take some vagisil or something.

Wait but you just said-
Ah, I already PMd my response. But to summarize, it's not even about being a "hoe."

I find that many Christians are hypocritical, warping what the Bible says to fit how they want to live. So you'll get people going "I love God," or "God first," and then going against every law they can. You see this in politics a lot. It's just weird how people try and pay lip service so they have a higher moral ground then turn around and do bullshit.

But that's something we've all seen, I'm sure.

I'm not religious and honestly don't care either way about any of them. But I mean doesn't this apply to all Christians? On some level everyone is warping what the bible says to fit how they want to live. The Bible has so many passages that many people ignore for one reason or another. Which is why I can't begin to care that some chick who likes sex puts "god first" in her instagram or whatever. That's quite literally no different than some douche who puts "follower of jesus" in his twitter about or whatever. Unless you seclude yourself away from modern society and live in the mountains, it doesn't matter how devout a person is, they are sinning/breaking laws/fucking up on a daily basis. Some of the laws they break aren't known to them, others laws are known and they don't care. To me someone taking pleasure in sex doesn't deserve anymore judgement than Brother Joe father of 4 who has a secret porn addiction. The only difference is you know one's business and not the other. That doesn't make one better than the other. It makes you a horrible person for judging for what you can see and pretending faults from the other person don't exist. The "I can't see your faults, so I won't judge you like I'm going to judge this other person" mentality is really the worst.

High moral ground comes with the territory of being religious anyway. That is to say the idea you're better than someone else is a human trait, said trait can be magnified when one is religious (though the idea that this is something exclusive to religious people annoys me simply because it's not). Being part of a group that has X over another, or doesn't do Y unlike another will always end with one group thinking their superior to another, whether that group is religious or not. As I stated before you're describing human nature, simply replace religion with say race or social level and the same ideology will manifest itself. The problem is with religious folks they're suppose to be the shining examples of compassionate, understanding, non-judgmental people who are suppose to put aside such petty views and lowly human tendencies. But in reality vast majority of people end up being text book definitions of the Pharisees, and to make it worse they don't even realize it because they live in a perpetual echo chamber.

I look at it (and really many things) like this. Is what X person doing affect me? No...then why do I care? It's how I look at the same sex marriage thing that so many people (white, black, asian, hispanic) seem to be so upset about. How does same sex marriage affect your marriage? It doesn't so who cares? Religious quotes don't matter because chances are high the straight couple getting married is breaking a shitload of rules as well.

I say apply the samething to this "hoe" claiming god. How does it affect your personal relationship with God? Chances very high it doesn't, so why let it bother you? Many can argue because she's giving Christians a bad name, but really if you spend time defaming people who are giving Christians a bad name, then you have a good billion or so people you need to address on that situation as well. Or alternatively, would anyone still be condemning this "hoe" if you found out she spends almost all her time and energy donating and working on various charities trying to cure illnesses and poverty? Or is she irredeemable because she partakes and derives pleasure from a basic biological instinct (sex).

When you think about it, it's utterly silly to hate on this girl regardless of one's own moral superiority perceived or otherwise.

TL;DR - Who really gives a shit? Just live your life. Stop wasting energy worrying about a total strangers because they're definitely not worrying about yours.



Keep talking shit. Its cute.

Was this for me?

Not my point. My point is that we are willing to take anything and make it suit our needs, Good or bad.

Ah I see, well I agree with you there for sure. I think the problem with this being true and religion is that your belief in a religious doctrine is supposed to be steadfast. It's an absolutist position and isn't supposed to waver, at least with regards to Abrahamic faith.


So much anger popping off in here...relax folks it's Sunday :/.

On another note Jalapenos go good on everything food related.
Ah I see, well I agree. I think the problem with this being true and religion is that your belief in a religious doctrine is supposed to be steadfast. It's an absolutist position and isn't supposed to waver, at least with regards to Abrahamic faith.

Its impossible for your belief in anything to be steadfast. You will break and falter. You will stop believing in anything at all sometimes. The point is that you're striving for it in whatever way you can.

Bibically speaking, Jesus is supposed to be the only perfect man but he cried and asked God to not let him have to do what he had to do. If we were to believe the story, even this nigga Jesus broke down a few times. Goes to show how no one can be perfect, its only something you can strive for.
dam motherfucking idiots


"Earlier this summer, 63 Republican lawmakers – including the frontrunners for lieutenant governor and attorney general, state Sens. Dan Patrick and Ken Paxton – signed a brief supporting the state’s ban. In it, they wrote allowing gay marriage could lead to Texas eventually legalizing pedophilia, polygamy and incest."


hope it leads to lowering the drinking age.

Can high chairs fit in french water closets? :3


Ubisoft Marketing
Dude just taking potshots from his high chair, ignore him

LOL if you think that's taking potshots. The mess of a discussion about religion is the same, tired shit people trot out on a weekly basis on the internet.

The very same thing you rebuke people on GAF for doing in race threads is what is happening here.

So yeah, keep talking shit. For people who supposedly "don't care", there sure is a lot of "critical" thinking about how other people live their life via faith.


dam motherfucking idiots


"Earlier this summer, 63 Republican lawmakers – including the frontrunners for lieutenant governor and attorney general, state Sens. Dan Patrick and Ken Paxton – signed a brief supporting the state’s ban. In it, they wrote allowing gay marriage could lead to Texas eventually legalizing pedophilia, polygamy and incest."

Gaf has long since turned me into a misanthrope, so shit like this doesn't surprise me anymore.

Its impossible for your belief in anything to be steadfast. You will break and falter. You will stop believing in anything at all sometimes. The point is that you're striving for it in whatever way you can.

Bibically speaking, Jesus is supposed to be the only perfect man but he cried and asked God to not let him have to do what he had to do. If we were to believe the story, even this nigga Jesus broke down a few times. Goes to show how no one can be perfect, its only something you can strive for.

I really respect the way you're tackling this discussion. I really mean that.


Its impossible for your belief in anything to be steadfast. You will break and falter. You will stop believing in anything at all sometimes. The point is that you're striving for it in whatever way you can.

Bibically speaking, Jesus is supposed to be the only perfect man but he cried and asked God to not let him have to do what he had to do. If we were to believe the story, even this nigga Jesus broke down a few times. Goes to show how no one can be perfect, its only something you can strive for.

That post man...rockclaps.gif
I forget sometimes i'm in Texas when i'm living in Houston. Also I "conveniently" disappeared for all the religious talk to not get jumped on to a lesser extent only to see that article of this guy spinning b/c of his run for Governor to make this a economical issue only. I hope Wendy Davis wins but i'm not voting. I refuse to be a part of the solution!
LOL if you think that's taking potshots. The mess of a discussion about religion is the same, tired shit people trot out on a weekly basis on the internet.

The very same thing you rebuke people on GAF for doing in race threads is what is happening here.

So yeah, keep talking shit. For people who supposedly "don't care", there sure is a lot of "critical" thinking about how other people live their life via faith.

I mean if you would have said that instead of Driveby Shitpost #57232, it might've helped ya know
Its impossible for your belief in anything to be steadfast. You will break and falter. You will stop believing in anything at all sometimes. The point is that you're striving for it in whatever way you can.

Bibically speaking, Jesus is supposed to be the only perfect man but he cried and asked God to not let him have to do what he had to do. If we were to believe the story, even this nigga Jesus broke down a few times. Goes to show how no one can be perfect, its only something you can strive for.

Yep. This.

Everything okay in here?

You know how it is after church on Sunday while the family sitting around for a meal. We get a little into the discussion. This is just a "past the rolls" moment. Its all good.
dam these World's game for League, the final 4 games both series had 1 million+ viewers on a single streaming service. 1 million+ from last week (2 korean teams played), this week 1.6 million on a chinese stream (1 chinese, 1 NA team that's half korean/half chinese), if the reported numbers are to be believed. Throwin in the Twitch/Azubu and YouTube numbers and you got another 400k+ people watching

I'm seriously curious but who actually believes in God in this place?

the Pony in the back maybe? there's only a handful of (new) people if the welcome survey that i can remember

I'm pretty sure the White man has this discussion too lol.

White Man (the mod) doesn't even come in here
Speaking of which, that madness with Storm Chamber and James Woods last week had me like "please let BCT still be around when I get back"

I really wonder what provoked dude to say that shit. Like he thought that was just a cool thing to say, like besada was gonna see that shit and be like, "Yeah, white people really aint shit come to think of it"

Apologize to me, nigga. You just implied I had an irritated vagina.

that would explain some things
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