How y'all feel about Hatred (game about killing people/mass murderer sim)
My first thought was, everything about this is juvenile
as fuck from the title, to the motivation of the character, and his dialogue. It seems like it wants to have this grand dialogue about violence and place it in front of the player, yet didn't have the heart to go all the way, in terms of presentation.
The character is the standard, white guy loner, whom rises out of bed one day to go commit these heinous acts. In reality, people that do shit like this aren't all this stereotype. In reality, the killer might be some smooth talking, everyday joe/jane, whom may or may not be ugly, and may or may not have a psychotic aura about them out, and may or may not have a history of issues that lead them to whatever evil shit it is that they're going to partake in, and may or may not dress like a fucking Matrix reject. They probably thought about whatever actions they were going to take for a while, and probably had plans to carry them. Here, it's just, "yo I got these guns, fuck people." So, it's generic as all fuck, on top of being black and white (cause..we don't want to go to far). I honestly don't see the difference between this and something like Postal 1 (which I played and hated), and couldn't care less about what the devs have to say, in regards to their mission statement.
I've watched to many horror films that were utterly oppressive, mean spirited, to much for certain audiences to handle, and I could decipher a meaning behind the director's vision, without them telling me what it is that I'm seeing. Other times, I've heard such statements and mental directions from directors, when's nothing other than a cover for whatever schlock I sat through. So again, this really isn't doing shit for me.
I've played plenty of games that made feel some type of way for playing them, and at the very least, the comments they made on the connection between the player and the onscreen violence seemed "thought out"
I'm really not trying to hear, this is no different than other games. It is. It's all about context and presentation. GTAV, pretty much proved that with the torture commentary. Hotline Miami did this too, and it seemed to speak with more pronounced and punctuated dialogue.
I don't need to play shit like this, but it's not because I'm offended. Could be a decent game. I don't really care. *yeezy shrug*
tldr: Shit seems juvenile,and the gameplay seems generic, but whatever.