that's just pathetic slayven
looking like kobe right now
I rather be like Scottie Pippen in retirement than Jordan.
I, too, would like my suits to fit correctly.
Knight-Enchanter + Ice tree = un-fucking-killable dragon soloing mage.
DA:I is GOTY bruhs.
Knight-Enchanter + Ice tree = un-fucking-killable dragon soloing mage.
DA:I is GOTY bruhs.
The turnaround from "man this combat is wack b" to "yeah I'm on my second playthrough of this 50+ hour game, GOTY brehs" has been amazing to watch
Slayven is finished. Kaput. He's done. Game over.
I dunno about that.
I think people knew that was hype.
Talib Kweli and Common were played on the radio.
Kanye was making his first 3 albums and he wasn't crazy yet
Lupe Wasn't crazy yet
Pharrell wasn't new black crazy
Gnarls Barkly
Outkast was still around for a bit
MF DOOM entered a lot of peoples playlists
It was a hype time.
Wow. This is going on my list of terribad. So in the end, their parents were trying to hook them up with each other and everyone in school was secretly an otaku. Oh and not one single person cared about the incest and they get married in the end.
That was hilariously bad.
Knight-Enchanter + Ice tree = un-fucking-killable dragon soloing mage.
DA:I is GOTY bruhs.
Shady throwing out 66 tracks of the mix tape variety
20 missing tracks. Right out of the 343 playbook.
Yeah I like Zack, and it's good he has made a Seth Rogan type transformation. I especially enjoy when he does those interviews. Great comedian and actor. Come to think of it a lot of comedians have done that. Like the guy who did super bad and wolf of walstreet.I wonder if you get to keep your shirt, or do you have to leave it there.
And Jackben, have you seen Zack Galifinakis lately? He dropped that weight and he's looking pretty good. He just needs a haircut.
Man I still need to finish Dragon's Dogma before I get on dragon age. Still have a level 90 in Bitter Black Isle, trying to figure out a broke combo so I can get good gear and finally take down Death.
2003-2004 was fucking amazing, everything died after 2006 commercially for hiphop/real lyricism, feuds, production etcI dunno about that.
I think people knew that was hype.
Talib Kweli and Common were played on the radio.
Kanye was making his first 3 albums and he wasn't crazy yet
Lupe Wasn't crazy yet
Pharrell wasn't new black crazy
Gnarls Barkly
Outkast was still around for a bit
MF DOOM entered a lot of peoples playlists
It was a hype time.
I guess he enjoys himself, and I suppose that's all that matters
also 3rd I thought It was just the one thing
2003-2004 was fucking amazing, everything died after 2006 commercially for hiphop/real lyricism, feuds, production etc
Man I still need to finish Dragon's Dogma before I get on dragon age. Still have a level 90 in Bitter Black Isle, trying to figure out a broke combo so I can get good gear and finally take down Death.Yeah I like Zack, and it's good he has made a Seth Rogan type transformation. I especially enjoy when he does those interviews. Great comedian and actor. Come to think of it a lot of comedians have done that. Like the guy who did super bad and wolf of walstreet.
But Donuts, Food and Liquor, and that really dope Little Brother mixtape!2003-2004 was fucking amazing, everything died after 2006 commercially for hiphop/real lyricism, feuds, production etc
But Donuts, Food and Liquor, and that really dope Little Brother mixtape!
I wish I could. Already been on cut and peel patrol this morning with a hangover. Got one dinner tomorrow and another Thursday. Looking forward to godlyk leftovers for the next week straight.My mom started making thanksgiving dinner 3 days ago.
This is the time of the year you just stay the fuck out of the way
Fucking soft ass defense.I hope we fire Mike Nolan ass.I can't deal with these Falcons today, I just can't
20 missing tracks. Right out of the 343 playbook.
My mom started making thanksgiving dinner 3 days ago.
This is the time of the year you just stay the fuck out of the way
3 days ago; are y'all celebrating early?
True...even the beats were hype. It's like hip hop busted the biggest load during that decade and was like "naw don't touch me" to 2010 and up...
2003-2004 was fucking amazing, everything died after 2006 commercially for hiphop/real lyricism, feuds, production etc
Thanks for the tips, my arisen is an assassin and has mainly been physical vocations so has a good strength stat. I'll try the advanced strider one and get some blast arrows. I think my pawn can do maelstrom, they are a sorcerer. Still trying to find the super skills / spells that upgrade your shit like 9 to 10 fold bolt or whatever. Can you buy blast arrows and the periphts you mentioned? I wish I could. Already been on cut and peel patrol this morning with a hangover. Got one dinner tomorrow and another Thursday. Looking forward to godlyk leftovers for the next week straight.
Oreimo was never this bad. I've of the strong opinion that this series was canceled and the artist was told they had two weeks to wrap it all up.Oreimo?
Knight Enchanter seems to be the new Arcane Warrior.
I think Nolan films are best watched twice. Once to learn all the rules and a send time to enjoy once you know the rules.Also I saw Interstellar this weekend. Good film, really enjoyed it all the way through despite some moments were I wasn't able to suspend belief not based on technology or science but based on not understanding dumb actions of the characters. Like Inception I think enjoyment would have a high chance of decreasing with future viewings so it's best to just watch it the first time and then not think too deeply about various plot points if you want the experience to be preserved.
BOOOOOO.As..much of a movie as Interstellar was.
It's still better than the symphony of crap that is The Hunger Games
Oreimo was never this bad. I've of the strong opinion that this series was canceled and the artist was told they had two weeks to wrap it all up.
I think Nolan films are best watched twice. Once to learn all the rules and a send time to enjoy once you know the rules.
You gotta play Invoker in DOTA.Also goddamn I love playing Orianna in League of Legends
No other champ/hero or whatever in these games makes me feel so damn smart
I liked Inception and The Prestige on second viewings. And I think TDK holds through numerous watchings.No way. Nolan movies get worse on every rewatch. You should never watch a Nolan movie twice. Watch it once, maybe in a theater, and then never touch it again if you liked it because you're mind will be opened up to how stupid it is if you rewatch it.