This itis is formidable. Eyes heavier than watching a gfex stream after an 8 hour work shift.
Cher, the Grandmother of Pop:
the originalCher, the Grandmother of Pop:
The worst pecan pie>the best sweet potato pie
Aunt brought pumpkin pie instead of sweet potato. I still love her tho
I don't understand the love for sweet potato pie at all. Stuff tastes like how grappa smells. Disgusting.
that shirt
Craig Mack tho...
I don't understand the love for sweet potato pie at all. Stuff tastes like how grappa smells. Disgusting.
Who you tryingg to ignore jc's Alt will ban them. Or DD's Alt will sign an executive order to get rid of themThe ignore function really is useless
Akira get it on every level.the right kind of sweet potato pie has that cinnamon and brown sugar bits mixed into the crust.
The ignore function really is useless
free your mindI'm starting to rethink this whole church thing as I get deeper into my 30's and refuse marriage.
Truly my altGood evening fine gents. How goes life? I'm outchea literally fuming off these warm shots of 151. My friends told me warming alcohol decreases the alcohol content. Of course, I thought they were full of shit but couldn't refuse the shots because they invited me. Warm Tequila is the devil yo.
I'm starting to rethink this whole church thing as I get deeper into my 30's and refuse marriage.
WHY DID THIS PURE WHITE ANGEL UNADULTERATED PUSH UP ON ME AND GRAB ME IN SEXUAL WAY? I was under the influence but demanded that she record herself saying she took advantage of me and specify how many drinks she had versus how many I had before it went down. She made me so mad that I had to use her as throat lozenge. I'm mad but happy but kinda sad but definitely on my Kanye shrug shit right now.
Anyone see/hear this? It's something I've thought for a while (especially about the UK) but it's interesting to see a government leader actually acknowledge the hypocrisy. Quite refreshing after our own politicians race their way to who can be the most xenophobic without actually admitting it.
This year, I'm thankful for never in my life being this wrong.People get mad at me for this, but Pumpkin is the superior pie. Cinnamon pumpkin pie >>>>>>>> the baby food sweet potato pie most people trot out. Keep those sweet potatoes for good casseroles, leave the pies to the pumpkin.
Obama got that "I put in my final notice, and got two more weeks in this bitch" state of mind.
I'd want to be the Alt to one of the sarcastic /crazy ppl on GAF I.e. Benny_a, DMPrince or the Alt for my own selfWhat if we are all Alts?
I'd want to be the Alt to one of the sarcastic /crazy ppl on GAF I.e. Benny_a, DMPrince or the Alt for my own self
Tasty's no High Gravity Bull, but what is?Fat tire beer, doe.
The Kremlin placed Rosco's Chicken and Waffles in the USNiggas arguing over diabetes and heart disease, CIA could have saved billions by dropping Crisco and Sugar into the hood, instead of AIDs and crack.
I'm sorry for the pie conversation but some of yall need tongue transplants. Don't like sweet potato pie smh
Is sweet potatoe pie similar to pumpkin?
Brehs, I had some sweet potato pie today!! Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
That shit still wack compared to a good pumpkin pie.
Stay struggling.
I just had some pumpkin pie. That shit was pure basura. Leave the pumpkins for Halloween decorations.