Idk bout beef but my BB was smooth for the most part tonight well seev how friday goes
I enjoyed for the first time telling customers straight up no. Like no we ccant price match or rain check
"But but little jimmy wanted this"
"Jimmy should have been in line at 5"
"Bu...bu its the holi"
"Next customer, pls"
Best Buy's honestly been one of the most reliable places for me with stuff like that. I bought a Galaxy Tab prematurely a year or two ago and managed to return it about two months later at full price.
Being a lifeguard for a franchise waterpark is fun for the same reasons. I was kinda lenient my first year, but this past summer I just stopped giving a shit and made sure people actually followed the rules.
"can we ride together? she's young so i don't think she can go by herself"
"You have to go one at a time, feet first, on your back. You can not go more than one at a time anywhere in the park except for [this one slide] where there are double tubes, but they've got to be 48" for that. I can recommend you some kiddie areas based on how big she is, though."
Cue the passive-aggressive smiles and "oh thank you sirs" as they head off to Toddler Falls or whatever the fuck because their day is "ruined," give me a break.
We did get a
lot of nice people who appreciated the service, though. All of which were tourists from up north, wouldn't you know it. All the locals are assholes. I'd usually take up patrol shifts in the back because that's where most of the smaller attractions were so it was mostly kids and old people, which are a million times easier to explain shit to than fucking high school teens and hip young adults. I made a habit out of praising the parents who were doing a good job of keeping an eye on their kids and pretty much ignoring the parents who wouldn't do shit while Jimmy McNuggets was pulling other kids' hair out and going face-first down slides. I mean, most parents still wouldn't give a shit, but there'd be a couple that would be at a given area for two or three hours at a time and they'd just eye me as I patrolled past them like they were expecting praise for their dumb ass kids.
One of the more memorable complaints I got was in our wave pool at the front of the park. For safety / crowd control reasons, save for an opening about six feet wide the actual entrance is fenced off by makeshift PVC pipe framework about waist-high, and life jackets are laid on the PVC for parents to pick up for their kids. Well, some dude in his late twenties who looked like he worked extra jobs as a pickup artist and a panhandler was by himself and took it upon himself to take a good six or so lifejackets to make a pillow and lay in the shallow end of the wave pool and then talk to someone on his phone as he laid there. Keep in mind it was a day as busy as any, so we could have
easily gotten to the point where actual children needed them. I didn't really know if it was a violation, so I just continued patrol, but after a little bit a supervisor walked by and told me to talk to him, so I just give him the usual "sir, those are for the kids" and he just starts up on this bullshit like "hey I paid to get in here didn't I?" No, asshole. You paid to access a recreational facility that has rules and regulations just like any other one would. So he doesn't budge and I lean over to my supervisor as she walks by again and go "yeah, he's not moving" so she goes over there and he argues,
still laying down, for a good ten minutes or so about how he's in his rights to do it and all this bullshit. Like, the PVC pipe fences are just strung together with some basic black string gridded up, so it's not like he's doing this in the privacy of the pool or anything. All of these parents and teens and stuff are seeing him make a fool out of himself. It was ridiculous.