Why does the BCT always get the "the white person in the relationship say nigga/nigger" confessionals?
Why does the BCT always get the "the white person in the relationship say nigga/nigger" confessionals?
White people thought it would be fun to jump out of a fucking plane.
I woud do this though.
sub-zero how does this affect my stats
Why does the BCT always get the "the white person in the relationship say nigga/nigger" confessionals?
Why does the BCT always get the "the white person in the relationship say nigga/nigger" confessionals?
I woud do this though.
sub-zero how does this affect my stats
Folks don't no know how to own the racist agency in the bedroom.
Considering how many points you have for "giant intimidating black man", I expect only a slight alteration in your stats, if anything.
"oh dont worry fam your boy gave me the ok its not racist"
puts you closer to Fuckery than Geekery on the horizontal axis for your Black Point Rating, for sure
White people thought it would be fun to jump out of a fucking plane.
im amazed DC actually pulled off that ridiculous list for Suicide Squad. wonder how they got Will to go for that?
im amazed DC actually pulled off that ridiculous list for Suicide Squad. wonder how they got Will to go for that?
What's the last good movie Will Smith made?
im amazed DC actually pulled off that ridiculous list for Suicide Squad. wonder how they got Will to go for that?
Sweet Potato Pie overrated
Kool-Aid/Sweet Tea terrible.
Level 36 is the Minus World of skin colors.
Goddamn barber.
im amazed DC actually pulled off that ridiculous list for Suicide Squad. wonder how they got Will to go for that?
Movie going to be 70 million spent before a single scene if filmed.
im amazed DC actually pulled off that ridiculous list for Suicide Squad. wonder how they got Will to go for that?
White people thought it would be fun to jump out of a fucking plane.
There you have it. This right here folks is truth.
What if the parachute doesn't openit looks like fun tho
Corn Bread sucks
oh.... k
I don't feel unique any more, there's too many fellow whites in here.
I don't feel unique any more, there's too many fellow whites in here.
The southern states refused to send soldiers to fight the British because Washington was going to let slaves fight. That's some hard core pro-slavery anti-Americanism right there.
Man if BvS and SS pull Amazing Spiderman money? You can forget about Cyborg, Aquaman, and Shazaam.
dc going back to being the trinity network? its a good thing green arrow would have been made when it was then.
It is. But trust me, I like collards, grits (no sugar), spicy wings from Popeye's, skiing. Uh, did I say skiing? I meant, slapping hoes.Jumping out of an aeroplane does look fun though.
I'm technically whitewhat its you, jandro, g-fex. strobogo, sub,,,?
Can't we just all agree that ribs are the shit?
What kind of ribs?Can't we just all agree that ribs are the shit?
Can't we just all agree that ribs are the shit?
Can't we just all agree that ribs are the shit?
I remember reading the original book or script or whatever and I was shocked by the fuckery level. They toned it down for the movie but the original play out kept it real x 10.great premise with horrible execution. Hancock sucked ass.
I don't feel unique any more, there's too many fellow whites in here.
great premise with horrible execution. Hancock sucked ass.