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The Black Culture Thread |OT9| More Priest, Less Hudlin

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Good ribs can make any day the best day ever. Baby back preferred. BBQ in general is basically favorite food.I remember reading the original book or script or whatever and I was shocked by the fuckery level. They toned it down for the movie but the original play out kept it real x 10.

Agreed. I read somewhere the movie was much darker. And the "sex" scene would have been hilarious.

Now I'm curious to see the original script.

Also, I'm fiending for some kalbi. Korean bbq is my shit.
I can't imagine Parappa the Rapper sending me an e-mail saying I was gonna get goon'd up.

It's like Crash Bandicoot texting that your house is about to get busted open when you go to work.


Is Destiny the biggest disappointment of the gen so far? I'm watching this Angry Joe review, and this shit is just barren of content and has some shit design decisions...


There's a rib joint near my grandma house that is a legitimate hole in the wall, but has this sauce that is out of this world. And the meat is so tender it almost falls off the bone.

Can't forget the coleslaw or the slices of white bread. I know what lunch is tomorrow.
I can't imagine Parappa the Rapper sending me an e-mail saying I was gonna get goon'd up.

It's like Crash Bandicoot texting that your house is about to get busted open when you go to work.

It's like Spyro butt-dialing you mid-conversation and all you hear is "KEEP A RUGGED DRESS CODE, ALWAYS IN THIS STRESS MODE / THAT SHIT WILL SEND YOU TO YOUR GRAVE / SO?!"


bitch I'm taking calls.
I saw a breakdown video about Destiny that convinced me that shit was a different game that had to be scrapped and put back together when it was 75% done. That and the one major developer leaving the project (after it had been worked on for years and years) before it was even released kind of spells it out.
There's a rib joint near my grandma house that is a legitimate hole in the wall, but has this sauce that is out of this world. And the meat is so tender it almost falls off the bone.

Can't forget the coleslaw or the slices of white bread. I know what lunch is tomorrow.
If my bank account wasn't tapped out until Friday I would go get some BBQ right now. As it stands, I'll have to make do with turkey leftovers and BBQ sauce in the fridge.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Is Destiny the biggest disappointment of the gen so far? I'm watching this Angry Joe review, and this shit is just barren of content and has some shit design decisions...

destiny has a ton of issues and flaws - still the best current gen fps by far though. its far from a perfect game, but the pros vastly outweigh the cons for a lot of people

biggest disappointment? mcc and ac:unity don't even work
but dat gunplay.

just finished the raid

it was like playing a different game lol


Is Destiny the biggest disappointment of the gen so far? I'm watching this Angry Joe review, and this shit is just barren of content and has some shit design decisions...

It's mainly the lack of content that makes it disappointing to me. If it had come out with both expansions included from the getgo it'd probably be on many GOTY lists.

Design wise, the one complaint I have is that the classes feel way to familiar, from similar defensive/offensive stats to no class having a real niche role that is needed is pve or provides different approaches to defeat in pvp.


SnakeSlashRo comes off as the biggest fuckboy ever.

Perfect for the position of bellboy for the Coon Train.

Edit: Maybe too many hits to the head caused Darnell Docket to become suspect as fuck...


destiny has a ton of issues and flaws - still the best current gen fps by far though. its far from a perfect game, but the pros vastly outweigh the cons for a lot of people

biggest disappointment? mcc and ac:unity don't even work

just finished the raid

it was like playing a different game lol


In what universe is Destiny the best FPS this generation? It ain't the best multiplayer FPS, and it sure as hell ain't the best campaign experience.
"have you seen titanfall" should really be changed to "have you played titanfall"

cod advanced warfare adapted to play similar (but it doesn't have the wall running), i think all MP needs movement as awesome as titanfall. made for some really fun mp matches.


Not that hard to believe. Not much competition.

This was my thought. I was struggling to think of big-time FPSes that have been released so far outside of the ones Moris mentioned, and couldn't. And I don't think any of those were considered significantly better than Destiny, or at least not enough to be an obvious best-FPS-of-the-gen-so-far.


This was my thought. I was struggling to think of big-time FPSes that have been released so far outside of the ones Moris mentioned, and couldn't. And I don't think any of those were considered significantly better than Destiny, or at least not enough to be an obvious best-FPS-of-the-gen-so-far.

weren't people blowing Wolfenstein?


What has there been? Killzone, Destiny, Titanfall, COD?

COD is probably the consensus but I haven't played it since MW2.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is pretty fucking legit as a MP shooter. Far Cry 4 is probably the best campaign experience this generation. Titanfall's gameplay shits all over Destiny, but the content is lacking - although it's improved considerably since launch.

Honestly, the only nod I'd give to Destiny is the most potential this generation.
Alright, so in a nutshell, the BCT Blackpoint™ system works like this: (the actual system will come later, fully usable)

Your first stat is your SCR (Street Credibility Rating) also known as Impression. This operates on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is slick and 10 is ain't shit. It's not a good-to-bad scale, though: SCR-1s will be street smart, but SCR-10s are So Well Spoken and so on. Streets versus suburbs, essentially. Your SCR is calculated by combining your color chart rating with a variety of other values, including age and post count.

More importantly, there's a deep class system known as the CAT (Cultural Axis of Techniques) that governs the majority of player characteristics. You find out your CAT Rating by taking a priorities-as-points questionnaire, which will give you a coordinate, allowing you to map yourself on the Black Power Grid. The Black Power Grid uses an either-or system where the X-axis is a spectrum from Geekery to Fuckery, while the Y-axis is a spectrum from Intimidation (representing active classes) to Passion (representing passive classes).


As an extension of this, the axes aren't representative of classes - those are the midpoints, meaning player classes work on the diagonals.


Offender - Receiver - Deceiver - Believer is a pretty straightforward Fighter - Mage - Rogue - Cleric setup. However, due to the nature of CAT Ratings, it's possible to land on a single axis due to having neutral passion-intimidation or geekery-fuckery ratings. To account for this, there are 8 Skill Sets, which are where Skill Trees come in. A Skill Set has a single associated Skill Tree, and classes can choose between any one of their neighboring three. So, for example, a Deceiver has access to the Geekery, Deceiver and Passion skillsets. Some hypothetical examples of how CAT Ratings would turn out:


This is where Black Points come in! You can use Black Points in any one of your three Skill Sets. BP are earned and lost throughout various BCT activities. Black Points are earned more frequently in SCR-1 favorable environments, such as Trap House dungeons. SCR-10 favorable environments will generally have less opportunities to earn Black Points, but individual rewards of BP are much, much higher due to the We Made It Fam Postulate.

The actual Skill Tree system is run-of-the-mill Borderlands-y, where you have a Starting Skill and then can upgrade roughly 5 Skills per tree. You upgrade your Skills in 1-point increments maxing out / completing skills at 5 points, and every 5 BP you access the next tier of your skills, 2 per tier. This culminates in a Super, a sort of full-circle extension of your Starting Skill. Your Super is listed next to Skill Sets on the actual Character Stats form, or if you haven't unlocked it your Starting Skill. As an aside, it's also worth noting your Character Stats form will display your top three skills.

You can also assign elemental affinities to your Black Points within Skill Sets to further customize and augment your skills. The four elements currently available are Blood, Shade, Crab and Mix(tape). Your elemental-point affinity precedes the title of your actual skill, so as an example, if you were to add Blood-elemental BP to your Aggressive Step skill, you would refer to it as Blood Point Aggressive Step.

An example of a full-fledged character would be:

Honorable Brother Slayven
CAT Rating (-5, 0)
- Intimidation 2
- Passion 2
- Geekery 5
- Fuckery 0
Class Geekery
Skill Sets Bucketeer
- Shade Point encyclopedic knowledge of a western franchise (5/5)
- Blood Point vehement post count acceleration (4/5)
dreamdrop's coming for your title buddy!
- Crab Point giving your granchillun coupons to red lobster as christmas gifts (3/5)

Your Character Statistics are all laid out on your Race Card, of course.
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