I just want a grown ass Spiderman dropping jokes and shade. Why is it so hard?
donald glover?
I just want a grown ass Spiderman dropping jokes and shade. Why is it so hard?
"Certain Affinity decided to have you hung by your gravity wells and your spires paraded through the breakroom. But ultimately, the terms of your hotfix are up to me."
"I am already Super Cragmire."
"When you first did test for 343, were you blinded by it's bureaucracy?"
"Paid? Credited?"
"Yet the spawns were able to evade your repro steps, ship out to matchmaking, and desecrate it with enemies spawning on our flags?
"Senior managers.. surely you understand that once the bug was found.."
*Mumbling heard from upper level management*
"You were right to focus your attention on Relay, but this spawn bug, this.. edge case.."
"By the time I learned this was someone's pet project, there was nothing I could do."
Yall making me happy I don't play halo. Sounds confusing."Certain Affinity decided to have you hung by your gravity wells and your spires paraded through the breakroom. But ultimately, the terms of your hotfix are up to me."
"I am already Super Cragmire."
donald glover?
I just want a grown ass Spiderman dropping jokes and shade. Why is it so hard?
I'm still shook on how bad Amazing Spider-Man 2 was
like shit man
You liked the cocktease rhino fight? K.Were we supposed to be happy at the end? Cause I was.
Can we talk about Jamie? Actually, ain't pretty much all the characters done by damn good actors?Those garbage movies make me forget garfield is a good actor
And then I pop on social network and never let me go and remember that this dude is gonna go places when he gets out of this shit
You liked the cocktease rhino fight? K.
Can we talk about Jamie? Actually, ain't pretty much all the characters done by damn good actors?
you didnt like walking door mat simp Tobey Maguire?
You liked the cocktease rhino fight? K.
Isn't that what Peter Parker is?
I just want a grown ass Spiderman dropping jokes and shade. Why is it so hard?
They feel like movies made just so they won't lose the license. Just put ANYTHING on the screen, doesn't matter what the fuck it is, we'll get some indie guy with no power like Marc Webb and throw a bunch of money at it'll, that'll work.
look at this nigga's face tattoo man...look like some shit he got drunk back in middle school reading Spawn comics
I feel sorry for that kid
look at this nigga's face tattoo man...look like some shit he got drunk back in middle school reading Spawn comics
I feel sorry for that kid
nintendo should buy Sony.That requires other heroes to exist in his universe, with out them, you will forever get the same stories rebooted origins and trying to keep him super youthful.
Not to make money now. To possibly make money later so they don't loose that license. Which may not even work out, with ya know sony exploding and all.
Parker was never a simp. If anything he kind of punched above his wait romantically. I mean he was fresh out of highschool was dating Betty Brant who was like 10 years at least older than him.
amare stoudemire really fell off
That makes no senseThat requires other heroes to exist in his universe, with out them, you will forever get the same stories rebooted origins and trying to keep him super youthful.
look at this nigga's face tattoo man...look like some shit he got drunk back in middle school reading Spawn comics
I feel sorry for that kid
As far i'm concerned that shit has been retconned.
hasn't been in Spidey: Year One or or that short time earlier this year where marvel was releasing floppies based on early spidey adventures.
i hear world war 2 should be coming to an end any day now
slayven alt confirmed
I heard Marvel changed Parker a lot since the first movies came out.
Dat shitty Raimi influence.
I'm still shook on how bad Amazing Spider-Man 2 was
like shit man
I heard Marvel changed Parker a lot since the first movies came out.
Dat shitty Raimi influence.
Who did then? I'm not a comic nerd to know the writers by name.
I would say the only real impact the og movies had was that they brought the Oborns back from obscurity.
The movies don't really have that much impact on the comics.
exclusively go after other dudes girls despite being a giant celebrity brehs
have no social life outside strip clubs and stalking InstaGram chicks brehs
Who did then? I'm not a comic nerd to know the writers by name.
exclusively go after other dudes girls despite being a giant celebrity brehs
have no social life outside strip clubs and stalking InstaGram chicks brehs
You sure about that. Any of the comic movies?
I haven't heard that one before, that's funny. I hear what you guys are saying,
Rude!DreamDrop is actually Slay's alt. He figured the only person who could compete and take his crown is himself
Wait wait is it true?
Did Drake really get punched by DIDDY last night for saying hi to Cassie?
JH JJ fjkkfdfgjkkkmmk
As far i'm concerned that shit has been retconned.
hasn't been in Spidey: Year One or or that short time earlier this year where marvel was releasing floppies based on early spidey adventures.
Wait wait is it true?
Did Drake really get punched by DIDDY last night for saying hi to Cassie?
JH JJ fjkkfdfgjkkkmmk
UPDATE: Drake allegedly dislocated his arm. There are two versions to this story. One is that Diddy dislocated the arm in the fracas with Drizzy, but there is another rumor side. That is Drake dislocated his shoulder running away from Diddy and ran into a door, dislocating his arm from his shoulder. Wild!
Theres a lot going on in Rumor Land. The latest is that Diddy punched or slapped fire out of Drake for trying to flirt with Cassie. There are already sources trying to say this never happened, but I am like Heavy D, Uh Uhn I dont agree with them. I am hearing that there is video of the whole ordeal when it happened at Club LIV in Miami last night. Seemed like Drake pushed his luck a bit and kept flirting with Cassie. Now, Drake may not know but he shouldnt mess with Diddy or his girl. People are making a big deal of Drake stealing girls, but if hes stealing them you gotta protect yo cookies better. Thats what prompted Diddy to do what he allegedly did, I guess.
Peter post spider bite was a pimp. Then Marvel decided he should be a loser perpetually.
Peter should haven taken Sable up on her offer and became king
I am going see Exodus on thursday
Lol can you imagine the shit Marvel would do to get him back to the status quo?They already killed Sable for giving him the time of day.
exclusively go after other dudes girls despite being a giant celebrity brehs
have no social life outside strip clubs and stalking InstaGram chicks brehs