It's depressing but it can be very helpful to share your feelings with someone, even if it's one really close friend. I've had friends/family who have been depressed before and just having someone to talk to in a time of need that won't judge them and will help them figure things out helps a lot. I don't know if you have any close friends like that but I guarantee if they are like me, they'll just be glad to help you out.
Otherwise talk to your doctor/therapist/etc... Getting medication if it helps is good, but there's nothing wrong with sharing with a professional what you shared with us.
Cosign with my social.
I felt like a bitch and cried my eyes out the first 10 times but nothing beats getting this shit off your chest. Telling people I picked my spot I was going to commit suicide (jump off a garage). Then I figured that had a chance to 'fail'. So I picked another spot (Ben Franklin Bridge). I figured I wasn't going to survive that no matter what.
Some times I just tell people because I get worked up knowing someone else is in that hole. Waking up and not even having memories in color; just dull ass grey and not enjoying anything.
Sometimes I tell people because it's therapeutic to me. Fuck you, I feel entitled to do some me shit after suffering for years.
Either way, telling this to others helped me. Depression is one of those things where different things work for different people. Meds may not do it. Or they might. Either way, Crush and Dreams, I don't know you cats but I care cuz of how much that shit hurts. Just a dull fucking ache when you are not sure when it started or how it got there. But that shit hurts worse. You wish it was a broken bone. You would have hope if it would be temporary.
But fuck depression. It's worse than cancer. Because most people recognize cancer. But a ton of people have depression and it has a stigma and a ton of people don't know how to support you.
I wouldn't wish any of it on you but with cancer? They'll organize a walk, host a concert, tell you to go to a doctor, send you flowers. Depression? 'Keep your head up', 'things will get better'. 60 years ago, they would lock you up in an asylum and nobody in the family would talk about you, like you got *****_'d.
Edit: condolences, dv