hmm, so Amy Schumer wan'ts more money from Netflix.
Ok talk to me. I didn't really like the leather special at all. Appreciated the message but not the comedy. Which special she make that is good? Or should I just take it as she isn't for me?
If you needed to be convinced then you weren't the target audience in the first place. For them, it's all about getting people of all stripes to stay subscribed. Not every comedy special or movie is for everyone :\
If she wasn't going to bring in the subs they would have balked at the contract renegotiations. Just to drive that point home Netflix paid good money for
Adam Sandler and it worked out for them so I just throw my hands up in the air and trust their accountants.
On a side thought, people like to say that comedy recognition is about laughs but it isn't. Like they say on TBGWT comedy isn't a meritocracy. Otherwise people like Adam Sandler wouldn't be bringing in millions in returns per film.