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The Black Culture Thread XX


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How yall remove open comedones? Been getting more and more of them and no matter what I can't seem to get rid of them no matter what.

That was beautiful. Vexing but beautifully delivered.

Why the police don't like me:

I have no warrants or orders for arrest.
I am not on probation or parole.
My driver's license is valid.
I have never been charged or convicted of a crime incoming violence, drugs or theft.
I don't not have a child support order.
I am employed.
I do not fear then.

In short the have no axes of social control to use with me. Aspire to the same, stay woke.

I like you.




Dang, I'm afraid of mentioning the "Bish lawnmower" in the Tenaple thread.

But seriously, some guys in that thread.
Not that I'm surprised, but sheesh.


Btw when reading books where there is no clear racial announcement on the characters do yall also imagine them all the colors instead of just white? Like the show that follows usually portray them -.-

Anti biotics and a bottle of tussin makes the world right again.

What you do?


Dang, I'm afraid of mentioning the "Bish lawnmower" in the Tenaple thread.

But seriously, some guys in that thread.
Not that I'm surprised, but sheesh.

you wouldn't want to trigger them. Or their crankyjay benefactors on the boring place of the voting place.


Saw Valerian last. Too tired to give you guys a proper review (i'll do that later)

But my short review is, save your money.
Morning all.
Mornin' everyone.
Afternoon fam
Morning y'all
Morning all
Mornin' all.
Evening peeps.
Actually, which community got sent up the very first time? We need to erect a monument in their honor.
I think it was either Halo-gaf, or Footie-gaf.
Anti biotics and a bottle of tussin makes the world right again.
Get well soon.

D i Z

Sup D I Z.

Hope things are going good for you on the sunny coast.

Maaaaan, This heat has me beside myself. Now we got the humidity. Had to take the day off to roll with pops to take care of some of his employment paperwork. Got back and I'm so fussed, I've resorted to putting ice into my cheap wine just to stay hydrated.


Vomiting up your lung tissue and having all of your organs riddled with a virus isn't cool.

I've almost died from pneumonia no less than three times. You don't need to tell me its dangers.


TIL they made Ultraviolet into an anime.

D i Z

I've almost died from pneumonia no less than three times. You don't need to tell me its dangers.

When you stop romanticizing it every time it's brought up, I'll stop telling you my opinion about it too.
I've spent 4 weeks in the hospital, had multiple surgeries and several years recovering from the damage. I've got a platform to speak from.



I never fully recovered from how deep I got into Requiem for a Dream. I'll have to pass for now

That Knuckles thread though...


Junior Member
I'm not a pop gaf fan but what was different about their gif plosions? Just too many? I haven't followed except for peripherally. I got their complaints but from an outsider, what where they doing? Being extra with it?


Maaaaan, This heat has me beside myself. Now we got the humidity. Had to take the day off to roll with pops to take care of some of his employment paperwork. Got back and I'm so fussed, I've resorted to putting ice into my cheap wine just to stay hydrated.
Bloody hell. Try to stay cool, fam.
Hard fucking pass on that film.

It's on that glamorising vigilantism bullshit. (which is the opposite of what the author of the book the films are based on was trying to say, apparently)
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