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The Black Culture Thread

lightless_shado said:
speaking of FPS, has anyone noticed a sort of rise in the gruff black commander character in shooters?
Who can we thank(blame?) for this

On a side note why so many of us PS fan-boys. I have all systems but the majority of black guys I deal with rock the PS only. I get the look I get from white people when they here me speak when I tell them I mainly play my Xbox.
soundscream said:

On a side note why so many of us PS fan-boys. I have all systems but the majority of black guys I deal with rock the PS only. I get the look I get from white people when they here me speak when I tell them I mainly play my Xbox.

PS3/PC here. I make no bones about it, although for my reasons for not owning a 360 pretty much come down not wanting to pay for gaming online, I don't care how good the features are, fuck that noise. Overpriced proprietary accessories also piss me off. Dpad sucks, but that's less of a concern.

But seriously, PS3 controller and the games speak more to me. All of the extra features are a bonus. I played enough SFA3, Madden and the like in college with the boys, so that has something to do with it.
Boombloxer said:
PS3/PC here. I make no bones about it, although for my reasons for not owning a 360 pretty much come down not wanting to pay for gaming online, I don't care how good the features are, fuck that noise. Overpriced proprietary accessories also piss me off. Dpad sucks, but that's less of a concern.

But seriously, PS3 controller and the games speak more to me. All of the extra features are a bonus. I played enough SFA3, Madden and the like in college with the boys, so that has something to do with it.

I guess it comes down to the games for some. But most of the third party stuff runs better on 360, I try telling people that but they have blinders on. I would point them to a website like digital foundry but I know they wouldn't bother to even check.

As for paying for live it isn't that big a deal, and the integration is much better than PSN

The controller has always been more ergonomic for me on 360, cause I play a lot of shooters. I hate how close the sticks are on the dual-shock.

360 d-pad is ass but I dont play many fighting games.
I'm down for some black gaming. :)

psn: MarvelAssassin

I have Marvel, but I'm not really into fighting games. I basically play the arcade mode over and over, playing with the different characters. Right now I mostly play BFBC2.

I was just talking to my childhood friend on how we used to play Goldeneye for hours back in the day. Even when we had ps2's and xboxes and junk, we still rocked the n64 quite often. I miss those days. :(
I guess Himuro is still watching over this thread. I got a friend request from him lol

Speaking of games, do any of you guys surprise people when you tell them what kind of games you're into? Going back to the original questions in this thread:

A.Nobody even expects me to be a gamer
B.Nobody expects that I play things other than sports games and FPS


soundscream said:
On a side note why so many of us PS fan-boys. I have all systems but the majority of black guys I deal with rock the PS only. I get the look I get from white people when they here me speak when I tell them I mainly play my Xbox.
I rock the box till the day I die. Swag Swag Kinect Swag.
Urban Scholar said:
Did I add you? PSN:urbanlogic brother
Yeah, I have you on my list, bro.

Speaking of 360, I'm on that as well.

GT: METAL S0NIC (the o in Sonic is a zero).

I don't have Marvel for it, but I do have SSFIV for it. (I double dipped, so I have it for both consoles.) I also have Modern Warfare 2 and Halo Reach. I do more gaming on the PS3 though (all I play is Marvel and PS1 games, though.)

Edit: bobbychalkers, your avatar is fucking great LOL.

Edit #2: That silly negro Himuro added me. ;_;


MW2 all day (on the PS3 and 360...yes I have both systems and both games). Screw Black Ops, that game sucks balls.

Can't wait till Battlefield 3 comes out...for the PC of course.
Londa said:
What is everyone doing this weekend?

Me? I'm destroying my brains with school work and then after that do a little drawing in corel painter X while listening to my three new CDs.
Had a lovely night out with my beautiful
Queen. I always enjoy the "Fuck yeah" moment of the night when I pull up in the G and a white valet guy opens my door, stares at my fine ass date as I hand him a few bucks haha.


soundscream said:
On a side note why so many of us PS fan-boys. I have all systems but the majority of black guys I deal with rock the PS only. I get the look I get from white people when they here me speak when I tell them I mainly play my Xbox.
Cats I know from the hood are Playstation for LIFE lol, they would make GAF Sony fanboys look like xbots. I have every system except for Wii.


You now belong to FMT.
What's good fellas, just wanted to check in on you all... Been busy with work and traveling. Saw black dynamite this week. Damn good movie.

Also I want your feedback on my little cousin, he is a battle rapper, that is making the transition to a real MC. He reps NJ. I will put up some of his stuff here. Any feedback is good. His name is Tsu Surf. (tsunami)

Cocaine Paradise


Hells Kitchen ( jersey MC's) he goes 4th


Quick dis record to a kid he was going to battle in couple weeks


Appreciate you guys looking it over
Malleymal said:
What's good fellas, just wanted to check in on you all... Been busy with work and traveling. Saw black dynamite this week. Damn good movie.

Also I want your feedback on my little cousin, he is a battle rapper, that is making the transition to a real MC. He reps NJ. I will put up some of his stuff here. Any feedback is good. His name is Tsu Surf. (tsunami)

Cocaine Paradise


Hells Kitchen ( jersey MC's) he goes 4th


Quick dis record to a kid he was going to battle in couple weeks


Appreciate you guys looking it over
"I'm growin smarter wit time meaning i'm clockwise"
"crazy what these chicks would do for these bars...Klondikes"

"Unlimited slugs like I put a code in the game!"
"Sdome fitted, nickle plated glock 9/only thing red in my hood is the stop sign"

hahaha so hot, your brother and that first dude killed it. BRICK CITY! AAAAYYERRRRROO
Malleymal said:
What's good fellas, just wanted to check in on you all... Been busy with work and traveling. Saw black dynamite this week. Damn good movie.

Also I want your feedback on my little cousin, he is a battle rapper, that is making the transition to a real MC. He reps NJ. I will put up some of his stuff here. Any feedback is good. His name is Tsu Surf. (tsunami)

Cocaine Paradise


Hells Kitchen ( jersey MC's) he goes 4th


Quick dis record to a kid he was going to battle in couple weeks


Appreciate you guys looking it over

Always appreciate some new east coast stuff (I hate DipSet) does he have any tracks availible to buy online?
Malleymal said:
What's good fellas, just wanted to check in on you all... Been busy with work and traveling. Saw black dynamite this week. Damn good movie.

Also I want your feedback on my little cousin, he is a battle rapper, that is making the transition to a real MC. He reps NJ. I will put up some of his stuff here. Any feedback is good. His name is Tsu Surf. (tsunami)

Cocaine Paradise


Hells Kitchen ( jersey MC's) he goes 4th


Quick dis record to a kid he was going to battle in couple weeks


Appreciate you guys looking it over

I think he's good enough lyrically, my only advice is to try and stand out somehow. Not saying sell-out with a gimmick, but there are lot's of good people from the area, so anything he can do to get a little extra attention. Sometimes it's more than the lyrics.

That said, I liked what I heard and will follow along with his career. Wish him good luck for me.
your cousin is good man, but I totally agree with what half said, my older brother raps as well and I tell him that pretty often. There are tons of rappers out there nowadays its hard to get noticed.
Hey so often/hard do y'all work out?

I'm not currently playing a sports, but I jog 2-3 miles every other day (sometimes it's two days between). And I try to fit in a workout of push-ups, crunches/reverse crunches, arm curls, and overhead lifts at least twice a week, though I miss that a lot.

I need to lose like 5 lbs...10 would be fantastic, but 5 would be good enough.
Half-and-half said:
Hey so often/hard do y'all work out?

I'm not currently playing a sports, but I jog 2-3 miles every other day (sometimes it's two days between). And I try to fit in a workout of push-ups, crunches/reverse crunches, arm curls, and overhead lifts at least twice a week, though I miss that a lot.

I need to lose like 5 lbs...10 would be fantastic, but 5 would be good enough.
Every once in awhile I work out really hard...this is probably once every two weeks and that's it, i'm pretty damn fit and I eat whatever I want...of course my body probably won't be like this ten years from now, so i'll start working out more/harder as I get older.


You now belong to FMT.
Half-and-half said:
Hey so often/hard do y'all work out?

I'm not currently playing a sports, but I jog 2-3 miles every other day (sometimes it's two days between). And I try to fit in a workout of push-ups, crunches/reverse crunches, arm curls, and overhead lifts at least twice a week, though I miss that a lot.

I need to lose like 5 lbs...10 would be fantastic, but 5 would be good enough.
4 times a week... I get it in every single workout, but I'm a workout nut... 2 to 3 days is good for some people to stay active...

Also thanks for checking my cousin's videos out... I am about to help manage him a bit and I will be working with him to find his niche in the game.. He has a great delivery and some witty punchlines but I need him to get something that people can get behind.. Jersey would get on board if he had the right song that could get everyone on board.. I'll keep you all updated
Malleymal said:
What's good fellas, just wanted to check in on you all... Been busy with work and traveling. Saw black dynamite this week. Damn good movie.

Also I want your feedback on my little cousin, he is a battle rapper, that is making the transition to a real MC. He reps NJ. I will put up some of his stuff here. Any feedback is good. His name is Tsu Surf. (tsunami)

Cocaine Paradise


Hells Kitchen ( jersey MC's) he goes 4th


Quick dis record to a kid he was going to battle in couple weeks


Appreciate you guys looking it over

On the first track, his flow is unique but it doesn't seem like he takes too many cues from the beat when riding it,so I think he should have picked a beat that better suited his flow. lyrically it's raw, and sincere, but its starts of a little dull for the 30 or 40 seconds, but he drops some gems in there.

"told my little cousin/ that if he don't stand for something/ that he will die for nothing"- whoa...

the third track is tough though! definitely something that will knock hard in the ride, he rode the beat well, every other bar is a quotable and spit some shit that made me bust out laughing

"And I'm a sick man/ this a big blam/ he gon die tryin to ball like the Sixth Man (Kennnyyyyyyyyy!)"

At first I was like ".........." til I remembered that 6th Man was that movie with Marlon Wayans, then I was like "HA!"

dude got talent for sure, and I'm not saying that to be nice, if he was wack I'd tell you, cuz the last thing rap needs is another wack rapper in the game thinking he's nice. If you're asking if I think he has a shot at commercial success, then I dunno, because we all know in music, talent doesn't translate to success on it's own.

Azure J

bobbychalkers said:
I'm a black Nintendo nerd, thats a pretty rare breed. :p. I still get weird looks whenever I go to Gamestop asking about Wii or DS games.

Pretty much the same here except since around the tail end of last gen, I've been branching out more now that I can support this hobby of mine a little better. Gotta say though, being raised on Nintendo, Capcom (dem Megamans, Disney platformers, Strider, DMCs & fighters) & Sega (Sonic, Jet Set, Nights) really makes it so that I pay attention more to their stuff than most others. :p

As for working out, I need to start up again. All this college stress and looking for work is getting the better of me. :(
I lit Himuro up in Mahvel.
<3 Himuro

I can't wait for the PSN GAF Tourney whenever that happens. I at least want to beat 3 people before looking too free.
Nah.. stopped smoking weed (and drinking mostly) in HS. Don't really like to be high.. on anything.

That said, I fully support every movement to legalize drugs in this country.

Azure J

Don't smoke, don't drink here. No real reason for it really though, it's just never appealed to me. There are those exceptions though when people have me try something to drink, but smoking's a pass for me.


time to take my meds
Havent smoked in months. I don't think i'll start again today. Still trying to find another job so I can quit my current one.

I'm all for legalization too though.
Londa said:
Beyonce's new single, hit, or miss?

I say miss

I think it sounds like shit, but I wouldn't be surprised if it became a big-ass hit - especially with its women's empowerment theme and the Diplo sampling, which makes it sound like some futuristic shit that the radio listeners that know nothing about Major Lazer will eat up.

Amerie still won, y'all.

Also, happy St. Marley's Day people.
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