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The Black Culture Thread

RBH said:

Ugh, black people sometimes...make me ashamed of my race. I can't even defend this

Zoramon089 said:
Ugh, black people sometimes...make me ashamed of my race. I can't even defend this


It sucks because there are so few of us that when someone does something stupid it gets a lot of attention and makes us all look bad because people tend to generalize.

feels bad man.
NotebookJ2 said:
Okay, clearly that's just an extremely awkward shot of a baby trying to get on that woman's back for a piggyback ride because no.

It's the image combined with the caption

lightless_shado said:
It sucks because there are so few of us that when someone does something stupid it gets a lot of attention and makes us all look bad because people tend to generalize.

feels bad man.

True. Makes me want to buy one of these shirts

FTH said:
oooo the cold shoulder exit, nice. I'll let you continue to win and stay out of this thread from now on. FTH? More like FTIgnorant right
No, you just really have no clue and discuss racism from a philosophical stand point without experiencing it on a day to day basis. I've learned to tune many people out like you as well because unless you live something you can't truly understand it.

Meus Renaissance said:
Ever heard the term 'white' being used in a derogative sense?
Only when being forced to pick the last guy on the court.

"ok my team is all set you guys got the white guy"

StinkFist said:
Which is worst.
A. Having your own race say you speak white

B. A white person saying you don't speak black.
A. "Oh you sound educated so you sound white."
B. "Oh you sound educated so you don't sound black."
Same shit different toilet.
NotebookJ2 said:
Okay, clearly that's just an extremely awkward shot of a baby trying to get on that woman's back for a piggyback ride because no.


I'm a little confused, did the mom actually type the caption? If not, then it's a non-issue.

As far as being embarrassed by our race, no one person is responsible for the way someone else acts. If someone is being an idiot, then that person's just an idiot. Race isn't the issue imho.
While that picture is pretty embarrassing, I don't really understand why black people care what other black people do. There are idiots in every race. Why does it seem that black people always care what other black people are doing? Just live your own life.

The posting of the black people stop embarrassing me t-shirt is just as annoying as the ignorant black people people doing the embarrasing. Do you think white people care what dumb white people do? No. So why the heck do you care about what a dumb black person does? Seriously, I don't get it.

Also, why are some black people trying to differentiate niggers from black people? So, if I see a black person in a suit, I should think a black person? If I see a black person in a white tee with their pants hanging down, I should think a nigger? What if it turns out that black person with their pants hanging down is a college student who likes to dress like that to look cool, while that black person in the suit is just an unemployed guy on a job interview. Then what?

Honestly, no matter what a black person does, they will always be a nigger. Do you think a racist is going to think, hmm...is that a nigger or a black person? They don't care. They will see any black person as a nigger. Trying to change the definition to some sort of redneck like word is a waste of time.
neutralgamer02 said:
While that picture is pretty embarrassing, I don't really understand why black people care what other black people do. There are idiots in every race. Why does it seem that black people always care what other black people are doing? Just live your own life.

The posting of the black people stop embarrassing me t-shirt is just as annoying as the ignorant black people people doing the embarrasing. Do you think white people care what dumb white people do? No. So why the heck do you care about what a dumb black person does? Seriously, I don't get it.

Also, why are some black people trying to differentiate niggers from black people? So, if I see a black person in a suit, I should think a black person? If I see a black person in a white tee with their pants hanging down, I should think a nigger? What if it turns out that black person with their pants hanging down is a college student who likes to dress like that to look cool, while that black person in the suit is just an unemployed guy on a job interview. Then what?

Honestly, no matter what a black person does, they will always be a nigger. Do you think a racist is going to think, hmm...is that a nigger or a black person? They don't care. They will see any black person as a nigger. Trying to change the definition to some sort of redneck like word is a waste of time.

Because people tend to see only that side of black since the media likes to pay attention to it and that reflects on everyone elses thoughts of black people that they see.

I don't see whats wrong with trying to move ahead in society because the current position is not very good. Why try to get ahead and leave your fellow man behind? We are capable of doing so much better.

As for your last paragraph, I won't even comment. Its downright embarrassing though.
Quickly going back to the Natural's Law statement above. That's a great observation. It even has a scientific feel to it:

Two black scholarly types speaking:
Scholar 1 : "And then inexplicably ,race became the dominant issue in the conversation"
Scholar 2 : "Ah yes, Natural's Law as usual. It's been well observed in the media and internet forums."
ChocolateCupcakes said:
Because people tend to see only that side of black since the media likes to pay attention to it and that reflects on everyone elses thoughts of black people that they see.

I don't see whats wrong with trying to move ahead in society because the current position is not very good. Why try to get ahead and leave your fellow man behind? We are capable of doing so much better.

As for your last paragraph, I won't even comment. Its downright embarrassing though.

Exactly! No offense to white people but there are tons of rednecks who do things just as embarrassing as ghetto black people (if not worse) but people don't generalize their behavior to all whites. It's not the case with black people. People see the stupid ones acting out and assume most black people are just like that...it's a weird double standard but that's how it is
ChocolateCupcakes said:
Because people tend to see only that side of black since the media likes to pay attention to it and that reflects on everyone elses thoughts of black people that they see.

I don't see whats wrong with trying to move ahead in society because the current position is not very good. Why try to get ahead and leave your fellow man behind? We are capable of doing so much better.

As for your last paragraph, I won't even comment. Its downright embarrassing though.

I can understand that, but again why should I care? I can't control the media. Should I constantly be depressed or upset about it? No, I move on and do my own thing that shows a different image from the one "driven" by the media. What else can I do?

Wearing or posting a T-shirt that says, "Black people stop embarrassing me," isn't really helping to move an ignorant black person to a better position. If anything, it just says, "Me as a black person is better than that, stop embarrassing ME." That is why I find it annoying. Stop being embarrassed, and think of yourself as an individual, instead of as a part of a race.

About the last part that you think is embarrassing. When someone post something like this:

You know what, I think we need to educate people on the difference between niggas and black people.

Black people spend thousands of dollars on higher education and see the value of owning real estate.
Niggas spend thousands of dollars on ''getting high" and are concerned only with keepin' it real..

When Black people have children, they try to get better paying jobs to make
sure they can support their child...
When niggas have children, they change jobs to avoid paying child support.

When Black people have children, they invest in college plans, piano lessons and braces...
When niggas have children they invest in designer clothes, platinum jewelry and mini-Air Jordans

Black people watch out for their neighbors and understand the importance of strong neighborhoods...
Niggas watch their neighbors, and look for an opportunity to take advantage of their weaknesses.

Black people appreciate the sacrifices made for them by, their families to help them get ahead in life...
Niggas will sacrifice their Families and steal from them in order to get their next high.

Black people appreciate expensive jewelry designer clothes and nice cars but realize that they don't make the person....
Niggas define themselves by their designer clothes platinum jewelry and nice cars.

Black people will know the people at their local bank branch by first name...
Niggas will know the people at the neighborhood Check Cashers and liquor store by first name.

Black people see hard working brothers and sisters with legitimate jobs as potential mates...
Niggas won't even look at you if you're not a Hustler, Baller or a Bad Ass B**ch.

Black people will work hard to be innovative or to build something out of nothing.
Niggas will work hard at getting something for nothing.

Black people work hard all week and then go out on the weekend to relax and chill at the few Black night spots we have...
Niggas relax and chill all week and then go out on the weekends and work hard to mess up the few Black night spots we have.

I am basically asking, is that what a nigga means now? Is that the new purpose of the word nigga? To basically describe a dumb black person? If so I think it is a dumb way to use the word. Black people = niggers. Period. Trying to change it is pointless.

What are you going to do when a racist calls a black doctor a nigga? Say, "Oh no, you are doing it wrong. He is a black person, not a nigga." That racist, will laugh in your face and say, fuck off nigger. It doesn't matter. It just stupid. Educate people to not use the word, not to change the definition.


neutralgamer02 said:
While that picture is pretty embarrassing, I don't really understand why black people care what other black people do. There are idiots in every race. Why does it seem that black people always care what other black people are doing? Just live your own life.

Because its univerally known that black people have negative opinions about them from the jump. This is why women grab their purse if someone black walks towards them, why black names do not get interviews, why there are so many blacks in jail today, etc.

The posting of the black people stop embarrassing me t-shirt is just as annoying as the ignorant black people people doing the embarrasing. Do you think white people care what dumb white people do? No. So why the heck do you care about what a dumb black person does? Seriously, I don't get it.

White people don't care because as a whole, everyone wants to look white and be white(white american). That is why so many bleach their hair and make their nose smaller

Also, why are some black people trying to differentiate niggers from black people? So, if I see a black person in a suit, I should think a black person? If I see a black person in a white tee with their pants hanging down, I should think a nigger? What if it turns out that black person with their pants hanging down is a college student who likes to dress like that to look cool, while that black person in the suit is just an unemployed guy on a job interview. Then what?

I haven't seen anyone talking about how a black person looks determines if they are a n-word or a black person. They only mentioned actions and attitudes.

Honestly, no matter what a black person does, they will always be a nigger. Do you think a racist is going to think, hmm...is that a nigger or a black person? They don't care. They will see any black person as a nigger. Trying to change the definition to some sort of redneck like word is a waste of time.

Excuse me no. Not everyone is racist. If someone racist looks at a black person and thinks nigger. It's because they are backwards. You right here are making a generalization on all red necks being racist.
neutralgamer02 said:
I can understand that, but again why should I care? I can't control the media. Should I constantly be depressed or upset about it? No, I move on and do my own thing that shows a different image from the one "driven" by the media. What else can I do?

Wearing or posting a T-shirt that says, "Black people stop embarrassing me," isn't really helping to move an ignorant black person to a better position. If anything, it just says, "Me as a black person is better than that, stop embarrassing ME." That is why I find it annoying. Stop being embarrassed, and think of yourself as an individual, instead of as a part of a race.

About the last part that you think is embarrassing. When someone post something like this:

I am basically asking, is that what a nigga means now? Is that the new purpose of the word nigga? To basically describe a dumb black person? If so I think it is a dumb way to use the word. Black people = niggers. Period. Trying to change it is pointless.

What are you going to do when a racist calls a black doctor a nigga? Say, "Oh no, you are doing it wrong. He is a black person, not a nigga." That racist, will laugh in your face and say, fuck off nigger. It doesn't matter. It just stupid. Educate people to not use the word, not to change the definition.

Why shouldn't you care? Thats such a defeated attitude. I can understand if you were going around in the ghetto trying to make people's life better and you just became exasperated but it doesn't sound like that at all. Sounds like you're saying screw my own people and culture if they can't understand whats better for them, I don't care. While the very reason why you can stay that is probably because someone, somewhere, at sometime in your life took the time to give you better options in your life and you realized that you can be different instead of wasting away.

And I don't think nigga should be in any person's vocabulary. Yes, it happens but that doesn't mean I should sit by pissing around because I could never make a difference.

And you can't think of yourself as an individual if you denounce your race like that. Even if you tend to go in the exact opposite direction of your culture its because of that culture that you are the person that you are today. Denouncing your race that simply, watching on at all the foolishness that happens saying you can't do anything when you might not have tried, means that you're ashamed.
ChocolateCupcakes said:
Why shouldn't you care? Thats such a defeated attitude. I can understand if you were going around in the ghetto trying to make people's life better and you just became exasperated but it doesn't sound like that at all. Sounds like you're saying screw my own people and culture if they can't understand whats better for them, I don't care. While the very reason why you can stay that is probably because someone, somewhere, at sometime in your life took the time to give you better options in your life and you realized that you can be different instead of wasting away.

How quickly people forget that not only did our parents sacrifice the best years of their life to raise our nappy asses into decent people, but they--along with thousands of others--had to deal with incredible amounts of shit just to allow us to have any sort of opportunity at all.

As a black man or woman, it is incumbent up ALL OF US to remember that NONE OF US got to where we are without standing on the backs of slaves, survivors, share-croppers, the discouraged, the disenfranchised, the civil rights fighters, the Panthers, and so on. Never in our mothafuckin lives should we forget the spirit of Sankofa that affords us the opportunities we have. A black (wo)man should always look to give back to another woman or person of color because someone gave back to us.

I wish I would meet a black man that said, "pull yourself up by your bootstraps...I'm an individual, fuck the race."

Bitch-slaps would be leveled, on principle alone. Few things get me charged up in my community. This is one of them.
Londa said:
nothing shocks me anymore.
real talk. it helps me to assume that he's like...14 with little perspective on his people's history.

It allows me to get angry at his parents instead of him. I'll be damned if my child doesn't understand his roots and who he is in the context of the legacy of his people.
Dreams-Visions said:

How quickly people forget that not only did our parents sacrifice the best years of their life to raise our nappy asses into decent people, but they--along with thousands of others--had to deal with incredible amounts of shit just to allow us to have any sort of opportunity at all.

As a black man or woman, it is incumbent up ALL OF US to remember that NONE OF US got to where we are without standing on the backs of slaves, survivors, share-croppers, the discouraged, the disenfranchised, the civil rights fighters, the Panthers, and so on. Never in our mothafuckin lives should we forget the spirit of Sankofa that affords us the opportunities we have. A black (wo)man should always look to give back to another woman or person of color because someone gave back to us.

I wish I would meet a black man that said, "pull yourself up by your bootstraps...I'm an individual, fuck the race."

Bitch-slaps would be leveled, on principle alone. Few things get me charged up in my community. This is one of them.

real talk. it helps me to assume that he's like...14 with little perspective on his people's history.

It allows me to get angry at his parents instead of him. I'll be damned if my child doesn't understand his roots and who he is in the context of the legacy of his people.

I'm glad I'm not alone on this. If my parents had the same attitude as him I might not even be in college right now. My parents worked their hardest to send me to a private school while we were living in the Bronx so I can be a better person and contributing member of society. If they didn't do that I would have be in a public school mostly likely not giving a damn because of my peers. If they didn't know that I could just be sitting on potential I didn't know I have.

Things like this is so upsetting.
My parents came here and escaped a dictator on a goddamn boat, gave every one of the few pennies they came across for decades just so I can go to school, sacrificed their own potential educations and enrichment so I could have a home to sleep in and clothes on my back, and did so as black Caribbean people weathering all manner of racism and discrimination possible as a result.

To marginalize that by going "blacks = niggers period" is to marginalize them, and every other person that struggled like that and came before us.

Fuck that shit.
captmcblack said:
My parents came here and escaped a dictator on a goddamn boat, gave every one of the few pennies they came across for decades just so I can go to school, sacrificed their own potential educations and enrichment so I could have a home to sleep in and clothes on my back, and did so as black Caribbean people weathering all manner of racism and discrimination possible as a result.

To marginalize that by going "blacks = niggers period" is to marginalize them, and every other person that struggled like that and came before us.

Fuck that shit.

I don't think he meant it in the way you're thinking. I think it was more like him saying there's no point trying to redefine the word. To the pint of view of a racist or someone who uses it in a derogatory fashion, it applies to all black people, not just those who act stupid and foolish
Zoramon089 said:
I don't think he meant it in the way you're thinking. I think it was more like him saying there's no point trying to redefine the word. To the pint of view of a racist or someone who uses it in a derogatory fashion, it applies to all black people, not just those who act stupid and foolish

Either way its stupid shit to say.


not licensed in your state
Zoramon089 said:
I don't think he meant it in the way you're thinking. I think it was more like him saying there's no point trying to redefine the word. To the pint of view of a racist or someone who uses it in a derogatory fashion, it applies to all black people, not just those who act stupid and foolish

Regardless, it's still a defeatist attitude to take and a damn stupid thing to say. My parents literally worked themselves to death just so I wouldn't be a statistic and be fine with being called a nigger. He can be happy with acceptance of that term, I'd rather not.
DrFunk said:
Regardless, it's still a defeatist attitude to take and a damn stupid thing to say. My parents literally worked themselves to death just so I wouldn't be a statistic and be fine with being called a nigger. He can be happy with acceptance of that term, I'd rather not.


I get that racists are racist because they're locked into their worldview, but that doesn't make it okay to just throw our arms up and just accept that racism as-is.


Its like some of the people in this forum try to say the most offensive stuff because they know if they said that to someone in person they wouldn't be standing afterwards.
Err...maybe I should clarify things.

First, I do not understand why anything I have said should be upsetting. Thinking I am some sort of 14 year old makes it seems like you completely misunderstood what I typed.

Why shouldn't you care? Thats such a defeated attitude. I can understand if you were going around in the ghetto trying to make people's life better and you just became exasperated but it doesn't sound like that at all. Sounds like you're saying screw my own people and culture if they can't understand whats better for them, I don't care. While the very reason why you can stay that is probably because someone, somewhere, at sometime in your life took the time to give you better options in your life and you realized that you can be different instead of wasting away.

When I meant why should I care, I meant why should I care that the media portrays black people in a "negative" light. Should I be mad at it? No, what good does being mad do. Am I suppose to believe it? No, I don't. Am I suppose to change it? How can I when I am not the in control of what the media puts out there.

So what do I do? I put out a positive image of black people in real life that shows that everything the media portrays isn't true. This is what any black person who wants to change the way black people are looked at should be doing. Is this saying screw my own people? Is this looking down on anyone? Absolutely, not. No idea where anyone got that message.

If that is a defeatist attitude, then please tell me what I should be doing.

Don't really know what you mean by the someone has took the time to give me better options. You think I went to some fancy private school, or lived in a nice neighborhood? Wrong. Grew up poor in Houston with a single mother and two other siblings. Used public school system. Didn't have a car until recently. Had to walk to catch the school bus in the morning. What were my options? Go to school, get into the magnet program, and focus on my education. Those were my options. Same that any other kid has. Though, I am glad I had the mother that I did, because she made sure to provide for me while I was growing up.

And I don't think nigga should be in any person's vocabulary. Yes, it happens but that doesn't mean I should sit by pissing around because I could never make a difference.

That was my point. That poster was saying, we should teach people to call annoying poor black people the n-word. I am saying that is stupid. Not sure what you mean about not making a difference. The word is always going to offend most black person no matter how you want to change the definition of it.

And you can't think of yourself as an individual if you denounce your race like that. Even if you tend to go in the exact opposite direction of your culture its because of that culture that you are the person that you are today. Denouncing your race that simply, watching on at all the foolishness that happens saying you can't do anything when you might not have tried, means that you're ashamed.

Please tell me where I denounced my race. Please point it out exactly. I said I don't care what the media says about black people, because I will not waste my time getting mad a the media. That doesn't translate into, who cares about black people. It is a sad situation, but there is very little I can do about it.

Exactly! No offense to white people but there are tons of rednecks who do things just as embarrassing as ghetto black people (if not worse) but people don't generalize their behavior to all whites. It's not the case with black people. People see the stupid ones acting out and assume most black people are just like that...it's a weird double standard but that's how it is

I am guessing that is because most rednecks live in the rural areas of America. They are basically out of sight and out of mind. People are mostly concentrated in urban areas, so they probably don't care to report what they do. Basically, the complete opposite of black people.

Because its univerally known that black people have negative opinions about them from the jump. This is why women grab their purse if someone black walks towards them, why black names do not get interviews, why there are so many blacks in jail today, etc.

I know that. Girls have snatched their purses away from my vicinity before. Those things though still don't answer why black people should care about every single ignorant thing another black person does. You can't control people. Saying your embarrassed at everything, doesn't change anything. It is a waste of time. What you can do is volunteer, like big brothers big sisters, or go back to your public school and give talks, but faceplaming each article does nothing.

I haven't seen anyone talking about how a black person looks determines if they are a n-word or a black person. They only mentioned actions and attitudes.

The way a person dresses says a lot about their attitude.

Excuse me no. Not everyone is racist. If someone racist looks at a black person and thinks nigger. It's because they are backwards. You right here are making a generalization on all red necks being racist.

I never said everyone is a racist. Nor did I make that comparison. I said what the poster was trying to do is change the word nigga to be like the word redneck. Redneck being an ignorant white person. Nigga being an ignorant black person. I said, it wouldn't work, so doing so is stupid. We should instead not use the word at all.

nothing shocks me anymore.

I was typing pretty fast, so maybe I should have put, nigger = black person, not black person = nigger. Sorry if the other way offended anyone. What I meant, was you can't change the word nigger. The definition of the word, mean a black person, or not poor black person, or ignorant black person, or my friend.


How quickly people forget that not only did our parents sacrifice the best years of their life to raise our nappy asses into decent people, but they--along with thousands of others--had to deal with incredible amounts of shit just to allow us to have any sort of opportunity at all.

As a black man or woman, it is incumbent up ALL OF US to remember that NONE OF US got to where we are without standing on the backs of slaves, survivors, share-croppers, the discouraged, the disenfranchised, the civil rights fighters, the Panthers, and so on. Never in our mothafuckin lives should we forget the spirit of Sankofa that affords us the opportunities we have. A black (wo)man should always look to give back to another woman or person of color because someone gave back to us.

I wish I would meet a black man that said, "pull yourself up by your bootstraps...I'm an individual, fuck the race."

Bitch-slaps would be leveled, on principle alone. Few things get me charged up in my community. This is one of them.

So, me saying that I don't care what the media portrays means I don't care about black people? Okay.

I'm glad I'm not alone on this. If my parents had the same attitude as him I might not even be in college right now. My parents worked their hardest to send me to a private school while we were living in the Bronx so I can be a better person and contributing member of society. If they didn't do that I would have be in a public school mostly likely not giving a damn because of my peers. If they didn't know that I could just be sitting on potential I didn't know I have.

Things like this is so upsetting.

Well, not sure what type of attitude you mean I have, because I just graduated from college. Great that you got to go to private school, but going to public school doesn't mean you are doomed to fail.

If you read over this post, I am pretty sure that there is nothing to be upset about.


Londa said:
Its like some of the people in this forum try to say the most offensive stuff because they know if they said that to someone in person they wouldn't be standing afterwards.
Internet anonymity. People say a lot of things they wouldn't normally say in person


neutralgamer02 said:
When I meant why should I care, I meant why should I care that the media portrays black people in a "negative" light. Should I be mad at it? No, what good does being mad do. Am I suppose to believe it? No, I don't. Am I suppose to change it? How can I when I am not the in control of what the media puts out there.

Oh fucking please, yea just be totally indifferent to the status quo, no reason to be angry. Please, just shut up.
neutralgamer02 said:
When I meant why should I care, I meant why should I care that the media portrays black people in a "negative" light. Should I be mad at it? No, what good does being mad do. Am I suppose to believe it? No, I don't. Am I suppose to change it? How can I when I am not the in control of what the media puts out there.

So what do I do? I put out a positive image of black people in real life that shows that everything the media portrays isn't true. This is what any black person who wants to change the way black people are looked at should be doing. Is this saying screw my own people? Is this looking down on anyone? Absolutely, not. No idea where anyone got that message.

If that is a defeatist attitude, then please tell me what I should be doing.

Don't really know what you mean by the someone has took the time to give me better options. You think I went to some fancy private school, or lived in a nice neighborhood? Wrong. Grew up poor in Houston with a single mother and two other siblings. Used public school system. Didn't have a car until recently. Had to walk to catch the school bus in the morning. What were my options? Go to school, get into the magnet program, and focus on my education. Those were my options. Same that any other kid has. Though, I am glad I had the mother that I did, because she made sure to provide for me while I was growing up.

That was my point. That poster was saying, we should teach people to call annoying poor black people the n-word. I am saying that is stupid. Not sure what you mean about not making a difference. The word is always going to offend most black person no matter how you want to change the definition of it.

Please tell me where I denounced my race. Please point it out exactly. I said I don't care what the media says about black people, because I will not waste my time getting mad a the media. That doesn't translate into, who cares about black people. It is a sad situation, but there is very little I can do about it.

I was typing pretty fast, so maybe I should have put, nigger = black person, not black person = nigger. Sorry if the other way offended anyone. What I meant, was you can't change the word nigger. The definition of the word, mean a black person, or not poor black person, or ignorant black person, or my friend.

So, me saying that I don't care what the media portrays means I don't care about black people? Okay.

Well, not sure what type of attitude you mean I have, because I just graduated from college. Great that you got to go to private school, but going to public school doesn't mean you are doomed to fail.

If you read over this post, I am pretty sure that there is nothing to be upset about.

It makes it a pretty defeated attitude because you acknowledge the problem and dismiss it because for some reason you make it seem like your opinion doesn't matter. Thats great that you are making other people see that not all black people are the same but there are two sides that needs convincing blacks and everyone else. And you just dismiss the blacks.

The word will always offend so it should be just left alone? More signs of defeat of course you won't convince everyone that it is offensive but that doesn't mean no one can be convinced.

I never said that you did go to a fancy school but thanks to the values your mother instilled in you you know better. I don't think you understand that you could have succumbed to the peer pressure and not get into this magnet program. Black people see the options but they don't choose wisely because they base their decision around their peers but because of your environment you choose wisely. It's sad that you can't see it as some sense of duty to educate others on wrong when someone took the time to do the same for you. I'm not saying you have to dedicate your life to educating blacks but what your pretty much saying is "oh I won't get through to them so why bother?" and that is where I'm getting your defeated attitude from.

The fact that you rather ignore your race instead of help no matter how far sounds like you're shunning them whether you realize it or not.

And I won't even touch that much on the whole black person = nigger. For someone to actually believe in that that strongly, you are too far gone in your own ignorance.

And a black person does not equal a nigger.
ChocolateCupcakes said:
It makes it a pretty defeated attitude because you acknowledge the problem and dismiss it because for some reason you make it seem like your opinion doesn't matter. Thats great that you are making other people see that not all black people are the same but there are two sides that needs convincing blacks and everyone else. And you just dismiss the blacks.

The word will always offend so it should be just left alone? More signs of defeat of course you won't convince everyone that it is offensive but that doesn't mean no one can be convinced.

I never said that you did go to a fancy school but thanks to the values your mother instilled in you you know better. I don't think you understand that you could have succumbed to the peer pressure and not get into this magnet program. Black people see the options but they don't choose wisely because they base their decision around their peers but because of your environment you choose wisely. It's sad that you can't see it as some sense of duty to educate others on wrong when someone took the time to do the same for you. I'm not saying you have to dedicate your life to educating blacks but what your pretty much saying is "oh I won't get through to them so why bother?" and that is where I'm getting your defeated attitude from.

The fact that you rather ignore your race instead of help no matter how far sounds like you're shunning them whether you realize it or not.

And I won't even touch that much on the whole black person = nigger. For someone to actually believe in that that strongly, you are too far gone in your own ignorance.

And a black person does not equal a nigger.

Again, just to put this to rest. The word nigger originated from negre(French), which originated from negro(Spanish) which means black. Nigger means a black person. Since then, negative connotations began to be added to the word due to slavery. What I am trying to say, is the word nigger means a black person. NOT black person equals nigger. Not sure how many times I have to say that. There is no ignorance involved.

How does ignoring the media, mean I am ignoring my race? Please tell me what you do when you see a negative portrayal of black people in the media? Please, I am trying to figure out how I should act because obvious I am so ignorant on this matter.


Black Canada Mafia
This is probably a failing on my part, but I don't see what neutralgamer said that was so very offensive. I can see some views he put forth that people might not agree with, but not something people would vehemently argue about.

From what I understand, what he is saying is - black people shouldn't try to re-appropriate the word 'nigger' and apply it to the 'bad' sort of black people, as this only furthers the original purpose of the slur, he would rather that word be removed from peoples vocabularies because he doesn't think it can be successfully re-appropriated. Nothing extremely offensive there. He also feels that caring too much about how black people are perceived in the media is an exercise in futility, that you rile yourselves up, what is more important is that black people embrace our individuality. We do not all have to be associated with each other, as a homogeneous group, there will be good and bad people of colour - and what I took from it more than anything else, is that when we say the bad ones 'embarrass' us, we further the idea that we should be judged as a group, not as individuals. Those black people that are also bad people, they do not represent me, thus I am not embarrassed by them.

At least that is what I think he was trying to say, and I would mostly agree.


neutralgamer02 said:
Again, just to put this to rest. The word nigger originated from negre(French), which originated from negro(Spanish) which means black. Nigger means a black person. Since then, negative connotations began to be added to the word due to slavery. What I am trying to say, is the word nigger means a black person. NOT black person equals nigger. Not sure how many times I have to say that. There is no ignorance involved.

How does ignoring the media, mean I am ignoring my race? Please tell me what you do when you see a negative portrayal of black people in the media? Please, I am trying to figure out how I should act because obvious I am so ignorant on this matter.
No it fucking doesn't, don't give us that antiquated dictionary bullshit. The word has taken on another meaning: being ignorant, inferior, black, despisable.
Imm0rt4l said:
No it fucking doesn't, don't give us that antiquated dictionary bullshit. The word has taken on another meaning: being ignorant, inferior, black, despisable.

What part of:

Again, just to put this to rest. The word nigger originated from negre(French), which originated from negro(Spanish) which means black. Nigger means a black person. Since then, negative connotations began to be added to the word due to slavery. What I am trying to say, is the word nigger means a black person. NOT black person equals nigger. Not sure how many times I have to say that. There is no ignorance involved.

It means the same thing. I just didn't type it out.
Personally, I'd like prefer if blacks didn't distinguish between blacks and N*.

I remember a non-black making that distinction to me once. I got the impression that he had heard that from some other black person and thought it was valid enough to mention to me.
Kinitari said:
This is probably a failing on my part, but I don't see what neutralgamer said that was so very offensive. I can see some views he put forth that people might not agree with, but not something people would vehemently argue about.

From what I understand, what he is saying is - black people shouldn't try to re-appropriate the word 'nigger' and apply it to the 'bad' sort of black people, as this only furthers the original purpose of the slur, he would rather that word be removed from peoples vocabularies because he doesn't think it can be successfully re-appropriated. Nothing extremely offensive there. He also feels that caring too much about how black people are perceived in the media is an exercise in futility, that you rile yourselves up, what is more important is that black people embrace our individuality. We do not all have to be associated with each other, as a homogeneous group, there will be good and bad people of colour - and what I took from it more than anything else, is that when we say the bad ones 'embarrass' us, we further the idea that we should be judged as a group, not as individuals. Those black people that are also bad people, they do not represent me, thus I am not embarrassed by them.

At least that is what I think he was trying to say, and I would mostly agree.

Wow, someone finally understood what I was trying to say. Maybe I should I typed it out like this.


neutralgamer02 said:
What part of:

It means the same thing. I just didn't type it out.

You can't have your cake and eat it too. Either you think that nigger means black person, or that that it took another meaning unto itself thus erasing whatever meaning it may have had before and so nigger =/= a black person.
Imm0rt4l said:
You can't have your cake and eat it too. Either you think that nigger means black person, or that that it took another meaning unto itself thus erasing whatever meaning it may have had before and so nigger =/= a black person.

Maybe I should stop saying means or equals because it seems you are taking it literally. It REFERS to a black person. When someone says nigger they refer to a black person.
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