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The Black Culture Thread

captmcblack said:
Easy bro, he's not trying to be a troll or anything - he has legitimate inquiries, so let's try to address them!

I don't want our thread to get owned AGAIN simply by existing.

God, I still can't get over the subtext of that. :lol
Can I touch your hair?
spindashing said:
Through the anonymity of NeoGAF itself, there's no way to discern a person's race unless that person makes it explicit or one of the picture threads if they so wanted to post pictures of themselves. People in the minority had no way of knowing that there was in fact, others around of their own race other than the occaisonal avatar revealing so, but even avatars aren't great for assumption purposes. With the creation of the last NegroGAF thread, it was sort of akin to a "coming-out" party in that we revealed that there are blacks around here and a lot of them. I am of Haitian descent, and I had *no* idea that there would be other Haitians in the same forum. I cannot even begin to describe my joy at recognizing that and the diversity of a forum which I assumed to not be as diverse as I thought.

Now that we see that we exist (lol), here is a place to speak of issues that come up within our groups. This thread leans heavily to the perspective of US blacks because most of us here are from the US. We do have some others from other countries: Japan, Africa, etc and we get/learn new things from them.

oh sweet JESUS. YES.

You speak so well.......

captmcblack said:
Easy bro, he's not trying to be a troll or anything - he has legitimate inquiries, so let's try to address them!

I don't want our thread to get owned AGAIN simply by existing.

God, I still can't get over the subtext of that. :lol

captmcblack said:
Probably the only places on Earth where one's blackness isn't also a general "otherness" are places where black people are the predominant people...like in Africa or in the Caribbean or something.

In America, to understand what it is like to be a black male here, you'd need to live your otherness everyday. It's not enough to just know that everyone considers you different - if only just a tiny, tiny bit - because you are black. You need to be thought of differently, perceived differently. You need to know that when you're in Bloomingdale's with a fitted cap, you will be followed around to make sure you don't steal anything. You need to know that you are not being looked for on OkCupid even if you look like Denzel Washington (whereas you'd probably get lucky if you looked like Macaulay Culkin, lol). You need to know that you're a surprise when you're successful and an expected statistic when you fuck up. You need to know that sometimes, your girlfriend's parents won't dig you specifically because you are black. You need to know that law enforcement in whereever you live at is explicitly trained to observe you and assume - even slightly - that there is a higher probability for you to be up to less than absolute good specifically because you are black.

You need to know that advertising thinks you need to have funkier music in the ads for things that are decidedly un-funky (like McDonald's) because you are black. You need to know that your favorite politicians make a big to-do about going where you live to be seen around you, but not a big to-do about honestly fixing things that suck about where you live because you are black (and you need to understand that the politician's hands are tied because he can't be seen to be giving any racial favoritism, lest his opposition suggest "OH SHIT REPARATIONS WHITE SLAVERY"). You need to know that you will not be able to get a good haircut in 90% of the country, even though a good haircut is simply shaving your head and aligning the hairline accordingly.

These are just an infinitesimal amount of things that make being black, being black.

You don't have to understand what it's like - you just need to know that it exists like this sometimes.

Blackness in America is a perpetual cultural/societal otherness that you learn to live with - and over the last 40 years as a function of centuries of work towards civil rights and de jure equality, it is also something that many have learned to love as well.

You have written the NegroGAF manifesto


Mecha_Infantry said:
Yes and no

It was bad back in the 70's and 80's. John Barnes regularly got monkey chants and bananas thrown at him when he was on the pitch for England

But now we have lil White and Asian kids with black players names on the back and it brings a tear to my eye

As for racism in UK it still exists. Even the mild hints of it happen to me everyday when I get on the train in the morning with the suits scared to sit next to me because I got some dreds. Even though man is going to work they look at me like ...the fuck? And I know it's nit everyone but I know a handful o people do it to other ethnics on the train too.

Man gets followed by security guards ALWAYS in HMV when I'm earning twice as much as you but you feelthe need to ask man what he wants in the store. I have too many bad stories, but the good far outweigh the bad
This is about where I thought we were in the UK. Not perfect by any means, but trying. Have you felt that race has been any kind of obstacle to employment? Has it caused you any problems with dating? In school?

I don't want you to relay stories that you don't want to share, I just really want to get a handle on what it's like to be Black in the UK in 2010.

captmcblack said:
Explain this....
Woah, you read way too much into my comment. What I meant was it's not unusual for an Englishman to hear a jibe in the nature that Crazy Monkey posted. It's not unusual during conversations about the Middle East to be reminded that 'You (meaning England) created this whole mess!' despite the fact that I was 30 years from being born. I'd imagine it's not unusual for Germans to be ribbed about starting wars etc. I don't literally feel persecuted for the crimes of the British Empire.

bdizzle said:
No one is trying to make you accountable for anything except for trying to stink up the thread.....
What have I written that has made you feel that way? Have I not been respectful and sincere? Have I insulted anybody? Made any racist comments? Belittled anyone? What do you think I'm trying to achieve here? A greater understanding of the 'black mindset' or a pointless troll for shits & giggles? If it were the latter, why didn't I get involved over the weekend?
SmokyDave said:
Woah, you read way too much into my comment. What I meant was it's not unusual for an Englishman to hear a jibe in the nature that Crazy Monkey posted. It's not unusual during conversations about the Middle East to be reminded that 'You (meaning England) created this whole mess!' despite the fact that I was 30 years from being born. I'd imagine it's not unusual for Germans to be ribbed about starting wars etc. I don't literally feel persecuted for the crimes of the British Empire.

Ahh, okay - I got you.
I don't think I read too much, as much as I read it in the wrong context. I didn't know you were talking about the UK :lol

My bad; like all typically-arrogant Americans, I assumed you were talking about America because fuck you we're the best America fuck yeah. :p


Where you're from- Detroit, MI
Where you live- same
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy- Mom from Tennessee, dad from Alabama
Do you know your roots? No
Your Age- 21 (until next month)
Favorite musical genre- Classic R&B
Your profession/major/career interest- Finance
Your religious affiliation- None
Hobbies- Reading, video games, sports, etc..


Knowledge is power, guard it well
SmokyDave said:
:lol I suppose you've got me there. It's a shame that I (and everybody else in my generation) am held accountable for the sins of my father (well, grandfather) but I guess that's just how it goes.
I don't hold anything against any random Caucasian. Believe it or not, the vast majority of blacks feel the same way.

The thought that you should feel bad about the past is perposterous. If you're carrying some misguided sense of guilt around with you, it's time to let it go. Hold yourself accountable for your own actions, and forget those who say you owe humanity any more than that.

The only thing I want from a white person, from any person, is a chance to define myself by my actions. If you give me that, we're allies.


captmcblack said:
Ahh, okay - I got you.
I don't think I read too much, as much as I read it in the wrong context. I didn't know you were talking about the UK :lol

My bad; like all typically-arrogant Americans, I assumed you were talking about America because fuck you we're the best America fuck yeah. :p
Nice. Glad we got that cleared up. I understand why you replied in the way you did now.

K.Jack said:
I don't hold anything against any random Caucasian. Believe it or not, the vast majority of blacks feel the same way.

The thought that you should feel bad about slavery and its aftermath is perposterous. If you're carrying some misguided sense of guilt around with you, it's time to let it go. Hold yourself accountable for your own actions, and forget those who say you owe humanity any more than that.

The only thing I want from a white person, from any person, is a chance to define myself by my actions. If you give me that, we're allies.
Please see clarification above, I wasn't saying what you think I was saying. I was talking about the British Empire and even then, I was jibing with Crazy Monkey, not raising a heart-breaking grievance.

As for the sentence I've bolded, Amen. That's how it should be.
oh, I forgot to fill that out.

Where you're from- Cleveland, OH

Where you live- Miami, FL, Burbank, CA

Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy- Parents from Saginaw, MI and Flint, MI. Their parents from Greenville, Mississippi and...shucks. Louisiana or Alabama. Can't remember the city right now. I'll ask.

Do you know your roots? As an African-American we can generally go back only so far. In addition to roots *somewhere* on the enormous fucking continent that is Africa, I also have Irish and Cherokee blood. IIRC, one of my great grandmothers was full Cherokee. one of my great grandfathers was full Irish. as with most of us, a DNA analysis would be required for serious researching.

Your Age- 30.

Favorite musical genre- Tough. But if someone pointed a gun at my head and told me I could have only one genre to listen to for the rest of my life, the answer is easy: Gospel. Though I also listen heavily to Hip-Hop, R&B, Bossa Nova and Jazz. Also listen to (but much less so) New Age, Classical, Rock, Latin, Pop and Latin Jazz.

Your profession/major/career interest- I'm a businessman. Fairly involved in the medical side of things. Business owner.

Your religious affiliation- COGIC, if I had to pick one. But I visit COGIC, Baptist and Non-Denominational churches regularly. My favorite church belongs to the somewhat besmirched Bishop Eddie Long. If I lived in Atlanta, that's where I'd be 3 days a week. It's awesome and the people there are great based on my experiences.

Hobbies- Running, movies, books, fashion, skiing, seeking out chill Jazz/social spots. I've almost completely grown out of gaming at this point. I play maybe once a month, though StarCraft II has had me playing more than normal. I also love a good debate, which is part of how I found myself on web forums. I love news and history. I'm also taking flying lessons, but I can't really say "flying" is a hobby until I'm decent at it.

Etc- I do a lot of volunteer work. Started that through Jack & Jill...then carried it on through my fraternity (Alpha Phi Alpha, Fraternity, Inc.). I continue to mentor and tutor at local churches. For 2 years, I served as a national executive officer for The National Society of Black Engineers, whom I'm sure some of you are familiar with. I pretty much ran everything in college. President of 3 of the largest student organizations on campus (University of Michigan). We threw some awesome events. I sometimes go through my box of fliers and keepsakes from those days. Good memories. Great people.


thanks for the laugh
SmokyDave said:
Woah, you read way too much into my comment. What I meant was it's not unusual for an Englishman to hear a jibe in the nature that Crazy Monkey posted. It's not unusual during conversations about the Middle East to be reminded that 'You (meaning England) created this whole mess!' despite the fact that I was 30 years from being born. I'd imagine it's not unusual for Germans to be ribbed about starting wars etc. I don't literally feel persecuted for the crimes of the British Empire.
does this genuinely get to you? british national identity to me is something of a dusty old family heir-loom. i'll have endless irc debates with kabouter about who fucked whose shit up more 300 years ago, and feel a certain historical reverential appreciation, but the idea of someone applying the historical undertakings of my country to my personality is too ludicrous to feel any offense. it's more fun just to play up the jingoism and play kitchener's advocate just for laughs.

except when it comes to the french.
Whoompthereitis said:
What the hell is going on here...rebirth of Negrogaf? Niiiiice.

Update on the single mom of two, for those that remember from the last thread: Had the date on Friday, and it went very well. She made me dinner, and her kids were adorable. After dinner her live-in nanny (a definite plus) took the kids to bed and me and the lady got comfy on the couch. Sexual chemisty between us was unreal. We stopped before it got too crazy, but I'm going back tonight (kids are at her Baby Daddy's) to smack it up, flip it, rub it down oh noooooooooooo......

Can I get an internet fist-bump?

Update: Just got back from her place. Hit it like the fist of an angry God.

Nice to know this whiteboy's still got game. Straight up, one of the freakiest women I've ever been with, in a good way.

Getting used to condoms again is a bitch though.


Whoompthereitis said:
Update: Just got back from her place. Hit it like the fist of an angry God.

Nice to know this whiteboy's still got game. Straight up, one of the freakiest women I've ever been with, in a good way.

Getting used to condoms again is a bitch though.
Whoompthereitis said:
Update: Just got back from her place. Hit it like the fist of an angry God.

Nice to know this whiteboy's still got game. Straight up, one of the freakiest women I've ever been with, in a good way.

Getting used to condoms again is a bitch though.
I'd quote the Denzel jpg, but I'm on the road.
Whoompthereitis said:
Update: Just got back from her place. Hit it like the fist of an angry God.

Nice to know this whiteboy's still got game. Straight up, one of the freakiest women I've ever been with, in a good way.

Getting used to condoms again is a bitch though.
SmokyDave said:
What have I written that has made you feel that way? Have I not been respectful and sincere? Have I insulted anybody? Made any racist comments? Belittled anyone? What do you think I'm trying to achieve here? A greater understanding of the 'black mindset' or a pointless troll for shits & giggles? If it were the latter, why didn't I get involved over the weekend?
Well when you make comments like it sucks that I'm held accountable for my grandparents mistakes, I pretty much have to assume you're trolling. Imagine me coming into a UK thread and saying I'm being held accountable over the fact that Americans kicked you ass in the revolutionary war.
Whoompthereitis said:
Update: Just got back from her place. Hit it like the fist of an angry God.

Nice to know this whiteboy's still got game. Straight up, one of the freakiest women I've ever been with, in a good way.

Getting used to condoms again is a bitch though.

:lol did you say happy thanks giving after you were done :p


thanks for the laugh
bdizzle said:
Well when you make comments like it sucks that I'm held accountable for my grandparents mistakes, I pretty much have to assume you're trolling. Imagine me coming into a UK thread and saying I'm being held accountable over the fact that Americans kicked you ass in the revolutionary war.

nothing eases the pain of a previous defeat like the sight of a burning white house.
I'm upset. I didnt post in the other thread often but it was an enjoyable read when I did. I had last visited it when it was on Page 92 and left a large 4 line dissertation on my experience at an HBCU. I bookmarked and read through a few pages, to see the responses to my post after that and it devolved into absolute shit. GAF, I am dissapoint. :(
Count Dookkake said:
This seems like the right place for this, but if it isn't, apologies.

What does Black GAF think of black characters in stories/films written or directed by white people? Any really good ones? Any really bad ones? Are certain characters or environments taboo for outsiders? Can stereotypes be re-purposed? New character types you would like to see? Characters from previously existing literature or film than you would like to see made black?

Any input or suggestions for research greatly welcome.

EDIT: regarding the really bad/racist ones, not looking for old timey shit and blackface. More like subtly or even accidentally racist stuff. Thanks.

Awesome question, master of puns.

For me, I usually scrutinize black characters in stories/films/games written or directed by white people (which is pretty much the vast majority of black characters in anything) in three stages:

1. "Wow, there's a black character in this [thing]! I wonder what it's like?" This is like when I first found out about Sazh in Final Fantasy 13. I was curious, so I wanted to find out more about him, and how he was going to be done. Once I saw the character:

2. "lol @ the use of [stereotype]" and similar things. So of course I saw Sazh, and of course I quickly noticed that they gave him an Afro and guns as his weapon; there was mild facepalming at that (will they EVER let a black guy use a fucking sword other than in Blade? Does every black guy have to shoot guns or be a boxer?). After that, you decide to suspend your disbelief and forgive the use of some stereotypes provided there is some depth to the character. So now you get to the third stage:

3. "How does the character act?" For me, I'm almost instantly turned off when they make the black character shuck/jive or be traditional neck-snapping OH NO HE DIN'T comic relief. In the case of FF13, they made Sazh funny without being Bojangles-y and they gave him great strength of character. They also allowed him to be a competent combatant by way of cleverness and skill, rather than brute force (which is usually what they allow the black guys in stuff to do).

I am always happy when black characters occur in media. I hate it when they are stereotypical, but understand that it's hard NOT to fall back on old tropes if you can't relate to the possible depth of experience of a different race/ethnicity/gender. I'd love to see them create black characters in media that are simply black versions of existing things.

If McLovin in Superbad was black, would he be any less awesome?
If Scott Pilgrim was a black 23-year old kid, would he be less appealing or easy to relate to?
If Gandalf was a black man, would be be less plausible in fantasy?
If Jason Bourne was black, would he be less amazing?

I want them to figure out that you don't have to have a box for "black characters" and then for everyone else. I want there to be black wizards and nerds and superspies.

Speaking of which...it'd be awesome if they attempted to make a famous character like James Bond or something black. No adding of "blackness" - just a Don Cheadle or Cuba Gooding or something as James Bond.
Himuro said:
Black Peter Parker, goddamit!

I agree it could work, but usually it feels condescending to me, I don't know why.
Black Spider-Man? I remember Donald Glover wanting to be that role. I could see it happening. We takin' over. :lol


keep your strippers out of my American football
Himuro said:
Bruce Leeroy stands at the summit, his head held high. Bruce Leeroy is the ultimate example for creating a great black superhero. He's just this guy who stands by his convictions, acts himself even though he's a little quirky, and he's totally fine with it. And yet he's a total badass.

The Warriors does a good job of it too.

They had a show on him on TVOne. Dude basically priced himself out of Hollywood. Found out the hard way that one movie wasn't going to give him the power to demand a ton of money.




Have you felt that race has been any kind of obstacle to employment? Has it caused you any problems with dating? In school?

Yep. All three.

Particularly with girls. I refuse to go anywhere near rude-girls or the like, at the same time I doubt the vast majority want anything to do with me. Didn't get a job until I cut off my dreadlocks, which was probably because I liked them messy. :p In school, I love being told by teachers and other students how well I speak. Makes me feel really special.

Despite these things being true, I don't really care. I've never put stock into anyone's race. Seems pointless, even if others are concerned with mine.

One thing that bothers me though. I was having a conversation with a friend of mine, and he's mixed, white and black. He's also into heavy metal, and dresses quite indie. He's a sexy man, but that's besides the point. He told me that most of the overt hostility he's ever encountered about his race has been from black people, here in the UK. Either because of his interests, the way he dresses, or talks. Trivial things. Nothing to do with his actual skin colour.

I just bring this up because I'm black, and it's exactly the same for me. I've got the added homophobia simply because people tend to think I'm gay, for reasons unbeknownst to me.

I'm just wondering if anyone else experiences this?
Count Dookkake said:
Thanks for the response, captmcblack. Lots to think about.

Thought on each question, in order:

Is there a current "Urkel"? Kid on Everbody Hates Chris seemed like that, but I only saw a few episodes.
Black Canadians may be too far-fetched for US audience.
Tony Todd should play a wizard.
Jason Blackbourne?

More questions:
Is "authenticity" the hobgoblin of little minds?
Are white characters re-skinned black indistinguishable from characters written black?
Why would black Canadians be far fetched? Caribana is a big deal.

And whether a white character can be reskinned black and have it work depends on the depth of the character and the colloquialisms he will be ascribed.
captmcblack said:
Probably the only places on Earth where one's blackness isn't also a general "otherness" are places where black people are the predominant people...like in Africa or in the Caribbean or something.

In America, to understand what it is like to be a black male here, you'd need to live your otherness everyday. It's not enough to just know that everyone considers you different - if only just a tiny, tiny bit - because you are black. You need to be thought of differently, perceived differently. You need to know that when you're in Bloomingdale's with a fitted cap, you will be followed around to make sure you don't steal anything. You need to know that you are not being looked for on OkCupid even if you look like Denzel Washington (whereas you'd probably get lucky if you looked like Macaulay Culkin, lol). You need to know that you're a surprise when you're successful and an expected statistic when you fuck up. You need to know that sometimes, your girlfriend's parents won't dig you specifically because you are black. You need to know that law enforcement in whereever you live at is explicitly trained to observe you and assume - even slightly - that there is a higher probability for you to be up to less than absolute good specifically because you are black.

You need to know that advertising thinks you need to have funkier music in the ads for things that are decidedly un-funky (like McDonald's) because you are black. You need to know that your favorite politicians make a big to-do about going where you live to be seen around you, but not a big to-do about honestly fixing things that suck about where you live because you are black (and you need to understand that the politician's hands are tied because he can't be seen to be giving any racial favoritism, lest his opposition suggest "OH SHIT REPARATIONS WHITE SLAVERY"). You need to know that you will not be able to get a good haircut in 90% of the country, even though a good haircut is simply shaving your head and aligning the hairline accordingly.

These are just an infinitesimal amount of things that make being black, being black.

You don't have to understand what it's like - you just need to know that it exists like this sometimes.

Blackness in America is a perpetual cultural/societal otherness that you learn to live with - and over the last 40 years as a function of centuries of work towards civil rights and de jure equality, it is also something that many have learned to love as well.
I'm late as hell, but BRAVO, sir.


Count Dookkake said:
This seems like the right place for this, but if it isn't, apologies.

What does Black GAF think of black characters in stories/films written or directed by white people? Any really good ones? Any really bad ones? Are certain characters or environments taboo for outsiders? Can stereotypes be re-purposed? New character types you would like to see? Characters from previously existing literature or film than you would like to see made black?

Any input or suggestions for research greatly welcome.

EDIT: regarding the really bad/racist ones, not looking for old timey shit and blackface. More like subtly or even accidentally racist stuff. Thanks.

I can't really think of any white coined contemporary black characters that are blatantly offensive, but as Himuro has said, the majority of the depictions that I'd consider to be nausea inducing have been directed by blacks themselves. The closest I can think of are collective representations of blacks, such as Black Hawk Down, District 9 or Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls. Outside of that, I can only think of animated characters, such as Skids/Mudflap from Transformers 2 or Jar Jar from Star Wars Episode 1.

As for something that really pisses me off about the film industry? Hollywood's tendency to disregard minority centric stories unless they're from the point of view of a white person. Taking the form of "white person helps needy minority children" (Dangerous Minds, Freedom Writers, The Blind Side, etc.) or "white/european person helps the natives" (Dances with Wolves, Blood Diamond, etc.)


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
captmcblack said:
Probably the only places on Earth where one's blackness isn't also a general "otherness" are places where black people are the predominant people...like in Africa or in the Caribbean or something.

In America, to understand what it is like to be a black male here, you'd need to live your otherness everyday. It's not enough to just know that everyone considers you different - if only just a tiny, tiny bit - because you are black. You need to be thought of differently, perceived differently. You need to know that when you're in Bloomingdale's with a fitted cap, you will be followed around to make sure you don't steal anything. You need to know that you are not being looked for on OkCupid even if you look like Denzel Washington (whereas you'd probably get lucky if you looked like Macaulay Culkin, lol). You need to know that you're a surprise when you're successful and an expected statistic when you fuck up. You need to know that sometimes, your girlfriend's parents won't dig you specifically because you are black. You need to know that law enforcement in whereever you live at is explicitly trained to observe you and assume - even slightly - that there is a higher probability for you to be up to less than absolute good specifically because you are black.

You need to know that advertising thinks you need to have funkier music in the ads for things that are decidedly un-funky (like McDonald's) because you are black. You need to know that your favorite politicians make a big to-do about going where you live to be seen around you, but not a big to-do about honestly fixing things that suck about where you live because you are black (and you need to understand that the politician's hands are tied because he can't be seen to be giving any racial favoritism, lest his opposition suggest "OH SHIT REPARATIONS WHITE SLAVERY"). You need to know that you will not be able to get a good haircut in 90% of the country, even though a good haircut is simply shaving your head and aligning the hairline accordingly.

These are just an infinitesimal amount of things that make being black, being black.

You don't have to understand what it's like - you just need to know that it exists like this sometimes.

Blackness in America is a perpetual cultural/societal otherness that you learn to live with - and over the last 40 years as a function of centuries of work towards civil rights and de jure equality, it is also something that many have learned to love as well.

Why the fuck didn't they teach us this shit in school.


Count Dookkake said:
Is there any sci-fi that deals with the themes present in captmcblacks epic post?

There should be, if there isn't.

harSon, thanks for the input. Were you at Fantastic Fest? There was an interesting sci-fi, body-switching movie called Transfer that touched on colonialism; elderly white couple rents time in the bodies of young Africans. I thought it was pretty good. Quite touching. Managed to avoid most of the cliches associated with the genre.

Nope, didn't know Fantastic Fest would literally coincide perfectly with the start of UC Santa Cruz's first week of school :( That definitely sounds like an interesting premise, nice to see someone had the balls to tackle such a touchy subject matter.

Is there a trailer anywhere?
Fuck "authenticity".
You can't write truly authentic black people without that understanding of blackness like I said before.

I'd much rather you reskin those characters as black people because goddammit, they're plausible too. Yes, black people carry that epic understanding of otherness straight down to their molecules...but it'd be better for black characters in media to be seen in a wide variety of roles aside from the typical thug/badass cop/badass thug/soldier/family guy role, than it would be for someone to even try to begin to convey that black understanding in a two-hour movie.

Black people would be better served by black Scott Pilgrim and black Squall Leonheart and black James Bond than they would be by 2 hours trying to explain 500 years of people being thought of like aliens in their own home.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Man, black people desperately need a black James Bond/ Jason Bourne.
Then I can finally go, "Oh, so THAT'S what it's like to feel like Solo."

I've never thought of this, because it's been so engraved into our minds for as long as we've been alive. But damn, 99% of the cool role model characters are white. Imagine what that must feel like as a kid. Seeing Batman, or spider-man, James Bond. All of these characters modelled after you. Shit is crazy. It's like Shaft, and fresh prince of bel-air , but EVERYWHERE, son.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
captmcblack said:
Fuck "authenticity".
You can't write truly authentic black people without that understanding of blackness like I said before.

I'd much rather you reskin those characters as black people because goddammit, they're plausible too. Yes, black people carry that epic understanding of otherness straight down to their molecules...but it'd be better for black characters in media to be seen in a wide variety of roles aside from the typical thug/badass cop/badass thug/soldier/family guy role, than it would be for someone to even try to begin to convey that black understanding in a two-hour movie.

Black people would be better served by black Scott Pilgrim and black Squall Leonheart and black James Bond than they would be by 2 hours trying to explain 500 years of people being thought of like aliens in their own home.
@ Bolded

I'd really like to see a black James Bond in my lifetime, but it'll probably never happen.


The areas in which I'd like to see more black people are the more 'nerdy' fields where white is the default. Such as video games. The SF/F kind of stuff. When I was a child, I thought only white people could adequately fill the role of superheroes or action heroes or whatever.

Veidt said:
Man, black people desperately need a black James Bond/ Jason Bourne.
Then I can finally go, "Oh, so THAT'S what it's like to feel like Solo."

I've never thought of this, because it's been so engraved into our minds for as long as we've been alive. But damn, 99% of the cool role model characters are white. Imagine what that must feel like as a kid. Seeing Batman, or spider-man, James Bond. All of these characters modelled after you. Shit is crazy. It's like Shaft, and fresh prince of bel-air , but EVERYWHERE, son.

This. It must affect black children. Whenever a young me came up with an imaginary supernatural character, they were always white.
DY_nasty said:
@ Bolded

I'd really like to see a black James Bond in my lifetime, but it'll probably never happen.

will smith was more than capable of it. areas where i like to see mroe black people is in politics, doctors, courts as a judge and lawyers and as professors all of this are normal jobs but i want famous black people in each field so they can be role model. Also great scientist will help and hopefully some one like mohmmed ali.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Have any of you watched Traitor? Such an excellent film, both in the choice of who plays the lead character ( Don Cheadle, arguably a man that is hired for his talents specifically, because let's face it, they'd much rather hire a light skin, or big and bulky/muscled dude, in most other projects). And also in what kind of character he plays; which is a black muslim that's actually the most authentic portrayal I've seen in a film.
Veidt said:
Have any of you watched Traitor? Such an excellent film, both in the choice of who plays the lead character ( Don Cheadle, arguably a man that is hired for his talents specifically, because let's face it, they'd much rather hire a light skin, or big and bulky/muscled dude, in most other projects). And also in what kind of character he plays; which is a black muslim that's actually the most authentic portrayal I've seen in a film.

yes and it is awesome movie. amazing acting also. I love the last scene of the movie.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
crazy monkey said:
will smith was more than capable of it. areas where i like to see mroe black people is in politics, doctors, courts as a judge and lawyers and as professors all of this are normal jobs but i want famous black people in each field so they can be role model.
I'm one people that believe that Will Smith is an incredibly average actor. He shouldn't be anywhere near the role of James Bond.

There was a dark-skinned British guy that was perfect for the role, I just can't think of his name at all right now.
I need to analyze James Bond.

I can write that character if I could find out how such a character came to plausibly exist.

There are tons of things that explain how there could be a James Bond in his universe. If I had an understanding of that character, I could write a similar black one.


I'm a fan of the Bond series, I wouldn't want a black Bond just like I wouldn't want a black superman. Ian Flemming had a look for what James Bond was to look like. Besides White people went crazy when Daniel Craig was selected to play Bond, OMG WTF A BLONDE BOND?! Imagine how everyone would act if it were a black dude, even if he was British, had the swag and the acting chops like Idris Elba who would make an awesome Bond me thinks. If they made Diddy Bond, I'd probably go balistic myself. Now if it were a character like Bond, I'd totally be down for that. I can see all the NOI jokes and references being made to a black bond.
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