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The Black Culture Thread


Dreams-Visions said:

also, I submit a vote for Salmon, Halibut, and Ahi Tuna.

Shout out to yellow fin tuna and walleye.

Grouper, man. Fucking grouper. It's so delicious.

Imm0rt4l said:
What I took away from that read is that apparently Osama had jumpoffs, I didn't know he got down like that.....and he liked the dark meat too?

No doubt about it. I remember hearing on TV (or maybe NPR) about how Bin Laden was a huge Whitney Houston fan. Saying "She'd make a good muslim wife", or something like that. :lol




hmmm none of that video shows skin bleaching. Those girls are naturally lighter. I guess to him, he likes them light. I do agree he needs to put more contrast in the video. But I don't agree with that Bin Laden girl.


In other news:

T-Pain Has Fallen For Ke$ha


DragonKnight said:
Question for BlackGAF: does anybody else have a thing for white girls with jet black hair? No dye. I'm talking all natural.

I don't have favorites, but lets just say if I had to pick between a white girl with blonde hair and one with black hair , I'm going with the latter blue or green eyes are a bonus. I don't know why natural blondes are so prized, I think its even harder to find someone with black hair and blue eyes.
lightless_shado said:
I don't have favorites, but lets just say if I had to pick between a white girl with blonde hair and one with black hair , I'm going with the latter blue or green eyes are a bonus. I don't know why natural blondes are so prized, I think its even harder to find someone with black hair and blue eyes.

There's this one italian girl that goes to my college and I think she is the only girl there with jet black hair. I don't get the hullabaloo over blondes either. Guess it's the whole light thing...
DragonKnight said:
Question for BlackGAF: does anybody else have a thing for white girls with jet black hair? No dye. I'm talking all natural.
I don't have a preference either way when it comes to women, as long as they are beautiful to my eyes. I do however find myself enjoying the skin contrast during.....
DragonKnight said:
Question for BlackGAF: does anybody else have a thing for white girls with jet black hair? No dye. I'm talking all natural.

Well dark haired ravens definitely catch my attention compared to say blondes or brunettes.
I don't think I've ever met a natural black haired girl before. I usually run into a lot brunettes though. I don't find a lot of blondes attractive. Darker hair is so much more sexy to me.
DragonKnight said:
Question for BlackGAF: does anybody else have a thing for white girls with jet black hair? No dye. I'm talking all natural.

I would - and have - smashed them all indiscriminately.

I have a thing for girls in general.


I've never really cared much for blonde hair to be honest. Just seems so plain. Black or red were always more my thing.


eternaLightness said:
I am Legend should have had more smanging.

i forgot that woman was in it. my initial reaction was "what the hell? with who? the dog?" until i remembered her.


I am a weak man when it comes to afros. I once saw an asian girl with an afro on the bus and it made me weak at the knees. Quite literally. Same thing for that asian girl with an afro in the holaback girl vid.
Bleepey said:
I am a weak man when it comes to afros. I once saw an asian girl with an afro on the bus and it made me weak at the knees. Quite literally. Same thing for that asian girl with an afro in the holaback girl vid.
Same here, bro. A woman with a curly fro is one of my few weaknesses in life. I am not ashamed to admit it.
lightless_shado said:
Where are you coming from specifically? In any place with minorities, the issue of race will eventually come up, more so if there are more minorities in the place than anywhere else.

I have to hand it to Britain though, I've been watching some British TV shows and I've noticed that its just far more normal to depict an interracial relationship than it is in North America. In a show like Luther or misfits or Doctor Who you see black guys dating white girls or brown girls dating white guys or asian guys dating black girls stuff like that and the issue of race doesn't seem to get brought up that often.

Now I don't know for sure if that's indicative of the cities there, because we shouldn't mistake a lack of discussion about race to mean that the issue doesn't exist. Only way I'd be able to confirm if they were more progressive in another country towards blacks is if we had some members living in that other country that can come in and give their $.02 .
Probably should have mentioned that in my original post... :p I'm a (white) Swede who was raised in the Middle-East. I am presently working on my 4-year degree in the US. Trivial as it may be, I kind of find it irksome that some people mistake me for an American (until I tell them otherwise) when an American-born Asian would be more likely to be pegged as a foreigner.

And yeah, especially when some of the local populace hold beliefs that don't mesh well with the existence of people who are not part of their categorical group. Now, I've already been raised in a region that is rampant with inequality, human rights violations, and a lack of freedom, but even then... Some of the things that I hear coming out of people's mouths here leave me dumbfounded. Whether willful ignorance or just a plain lack of insight into society, it can be quite perturbing.

Europe is definitely more progressive in some of those aspects...besides the Neo-Nazis that crop up here and there. I never really notice "race" when I watch British programming; it just feels natural.

On a tangential note, I keep thinking about how I have no black friends. :( (I don't really have any "white" friends, either. White people are kind of, erm...yeah.)
Anyways, howdy to Black GAF. :)
Necromanti said:
Probably should have mentioned that in my original post... :p I'm a (white) Swede who was raised in the Middle-East. I am presently working on my 4-year degree in the US. Trivial as it may be, I kind of find it irksome that some people mistake me for an American (until I tell them otherwise) when an American-born Asian would be more likely to be pegged as a foreigner.

And yeah, especially when some of the local populace hold beliefs that don't mesh well with the existence of people who are not part of their categorical group. Now, I've already been raised in a region that is rampant with inequality, human rights violations, and a lack of freedom, but even then... Some of the things that I hear coming out of people's mouths here leave me dumbfounded. Whether willful ignorance or just a plain lack of insight into society, it can be quite perturbing.

Europe is definitely more progressive in some of those aspects...besides the Neo-Nazis that crop up here and there. I never really notice "race" when I watch British programming; it just feels natural.

On a tangential note, I keep thinking about how I have no black friends. :( (I don't really have any "white" friends, either. White people are kind of, erm...yeah.)
Anyways, howdy to Black GAF. :)
Hello, my Swede brother. Would like to visit your fair country one day. What manner of reception can a smooth-looking black man expect to get over there? Did Tiger Woods fucking over his Swede wife ruin it for all of us?
Necromanti said:
Probably should have mentioned that in my original post... :p I'm a (white) Swede who was raised in the Middle-East. I am presently working on my 4-year degree in the US. Trivial as it may be, I kind of find it irksome that some people mistake me for an American (until I tell them otherwise) when an American-born Asian would be more likely to be pegged as a foreigner.

And yeah, especially when some of the local populace hold beliefs that don't mesh well with the existence of people who are not part of their categorical group. Now, I've already been raised in a region that is rampant with inequality, human rights violations, and a lack of freedom, but even then... Some of the things that I hear coming out of people's mouths here leave me dumbfounded. Whether willful ignorance or just a plain lack of insight into society, it can be quite perturbing.

Europe is definitely more progressive in some of those aspects...besides the Neo-Nazis that crop up here and there. I never really notice "race" when I watch British programming; it just feels natural.

On a tangential note, I keep thinking about how I have no black friends. :( (I don't really have any "white" friends, either. White people are kind of, erm...yeah.)
Anyways, howdy to Black GAF. :)

At one point I really wanted to visit europe, see some of the historic buildings and what not but I've realized that I probably won't feel too welcomed in some of the more racially homogenous areas, especially considering that not only am I black, but I have an Arabic sounding last name and well...yeah I know how they feel about Arabs over there.

I also don't have black friends. I'm usually the only black guy wherever I am, and the other black guys that I do interact with are usually fresh African immigrants that play to stereotypes. That shit depresses the hell out of me, seeing an African guy trying to act like he's from Harlem or some shit. They want to be liked so badly that they're willing to start spouting slang they don't even understand.


Bleepey said:
I am a weak man when it comes to afros. I once saw an asian girl with an afro on the bus and it made me weak at the knees. Quite literally. Same thing for that asian girl with an afro in the holaback girl vid.

Last weekend I went to this Reggae festival in Yoyogi Park in Japan. Saw this tiny little Japanese chick with long ass purple dreadlocks and overalls, shaking her ass like a sista with a spliff hanging out of her mouth and all I could think was...

Dreams-Visions said:
Same here, bro. A woman with a curly fro is one of my few weaknesses in life. I am not ashamed to admit it.
You don't know the half of it man.

You don't know the half of it.

A woman with a curly fro will be the death of me and I wouldn't complain.
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