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The Black Culture Thread

Oh yeah that thread.. bahaha

One look at it and I knew it was going to be up to no good. Skimming over it now and it's kind of hilarious. So many bigots came out to that thread. I think it's great that there are threads like that. You can easily get a look at how prejudiced the so called liberal majority of these forums really are.
Welcome back, DY.

Tell us about what basic was like!

Have you been watching the NBA at all?

[EDIT: My current girlfriend is half-black, half-PR. My previous girlfriend was black, as was the girl before that. My first girlfriend was a white Jewish Russian, lol]
MisterOmegaOne said:
how many of you all have non black girlfriends/boyfriends?
I've never had a Black or Latina girlfriend and it's not like I avoid them or anything like that. It just never happened :(

All my exes have been white...

It's ironic because when I was younger I made it a point to avoid white girls once I heard the stereotype that Black men are crazy about white women and that we are supposed to drool over every average looking white girl who gives us attention. That shit made me mad and I began to actively avoid white girls.

I guess none of that really matters when you are really into someone.

soundscream said:

DrFunk said:
Faceless why?



NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Someone tell blackace that my ass is property of knicksage - I really can't do all that much from my phone yet.
captmcblack said:
Welcome back, DY.

Tell us about what basic was like!

Have you been watching the NBA at all?

[EDIT: My current girlfriend is half-black, half-PR. My previous girlfriend was black, as was the girl before that. My first girlfriend was a white Jewish Russian, lol]
Basic was... I beasted it, until I stopped caring in the final two weeks. I was Prvate America out there, but being that guy isn't healthy. I learned a lot about myself though.I'm not as patient as I thought.

Btw, missouri sucks. Hell weather for two months.
DominoKid said:
currently i have no girlfriend.

i dont get the same response from black chicks as i get from other races though.

Any one got a link to the animated black girl dumping a guy cause she wants a thug?


perfectnight said:
Oh yeah that thread.. bahaha

One look at it and I knew it was going to be up to no good. Skimming over it now and it's kind of hilarious. So many bigots came out to that thread. I think it's great that there are threads like that. You can easily get a look at how prejudiced the so called liberal majority of these forums really are.
The ugliest comments I've read on this forum regarding black women have come from inside this thread.
MisterOmegaOne said:
thumbsup for those with black girlfriends/boyfriends

im tired of the so called "proud black people" with non black significant others

That's not the way to do it, bro.
I'm going to be with girls that like me for me.
I'm going to be with girls that like book-reading, well-read studious me - and can also dig Star Trek-quoting, arcade machine owning, game collecting, computer-building me.
I'm going to be with girls that can sit with me and watch all 9 innings of the baseball game I obsess over - and sit with me on the roof of the Metropolitan Museum of Art for a drink.
I'm going to be with girls that can accept my nerdiness, and my fratboy party-hardness.
I'm going to be with girls that will eat with me at the Four Seasons, or the White Castle, or at my house.
I'm going to be with girls that can play with my kid sister, and bring me a tight blunt and a brew.

So if that girl is black, that's great. And if she's white, that's great. And if she's Asian, or Hispanic, or Hindu, or Jewish, or skinny, or fat, or whatever, that's great too.

She just better dig me, is all.
Haters gonna hate, baby - come see me.


not licensed in your state
MisterOmegaOne said:
thumbsup for those with black girlfriends/boyfriends

im tired of the so called "proud black people" with non black significant others

sorry dude, but when it comes to the ladies, I ain't picky about color
MisterOmegaOne said:
thumbsup for those with black girlfriends/boyfriends

im tired of the so called "proud black people" with non black significant others

My better half is white. Coolest female I've ever met by a looooong shot and just my type physically. No way I would let her slip by over this pride you speak of.
SmokyDave said:
The ugliest comments I've read on this forum regarding black women have come from inside this thread.

Wasn't just talking about black women tbh. That thread was all over the place along with the ignorance of some posters.

That said, where are these comments you speak of? I haven't noticed anything of the such here since I registered and introduced myself.

MisterOmegaOne said:
thumbsup for those with black girlfriends/boyfriends

im tired of the so called "proud black people" with non black significant others

So I can't be proud of my black half unless my SO is black.. gotcha.


MisterOmegaOne said:
thumbsup for those with black girlfriends/boyfriends

im tired of the so called "proud black people" with non black significant others

yeah im just trying to fuck. it's not that deep.
Half-and-half said:
My better half is white. Coolest female I've ever met by a looooong shot and just my type physically. No way I would let her slip by over this pride you speak of.
perfectnight said:
Wasn't just talking about black women tbh. That thread was all over the place along with the ignorance of some posters.

That said, where are these comments you speak of? I haven't noticed anything of the such here since I registered and introduced myself.

So I can't be proud of my black half unless my SO is black.. gotcha.
yall are excused, I didnt know you guys were half breeds
captmcblack said:
That's not the way to do it, bro.
I'm going to be with girls that like me for me.
I'm going to be with girls that like book-reading, well-read studious me - and can also dig Star Trek-quoting, arcade machine owning, game collecting, computer-building me.
I'm going to be with girls that can sit with me and watch all 9 innings of the baseball game I obsess over - and sit with me on the roof of the Metropolitan Museum of Art for a drink.
I'm going to be with girls that can accept my nerdiness, and my fratboy party-hardness.
I'm going to be with girls that will eat with me at the Four Seasons, or the White Castle, or at my house.
I'm going to be with girls that can play with my kid sister, and bring me a tight blunt and a brew.

So if that girl is black, that's great. And if she's white, that's great. And if she's Asian, or Hispanic, or Hindu, or Jewish, or skinny, or fat, or whatever, that's great too.

She just better dig me, is all.
Haters gonna hate, baby - come see me.

I can understand that but still....the black women is best suited for the black man.

soundscream said:
Oh there is a qualifier to my blackness I wasn't aware.
Yes there is.

DominoKid said:
yeah im just trying to fuck. it's not that deep.
lol ok, cant disagree with you there

DrFunk said:
sorry dude, but when it comes to the ladies, I ain't picky about color
go ahead and enforce black stereotypes, you'll bang anything wont you
MisterOmegaOne said:
yall are excused, I didnt know you guys were half breeds

I can understand that but still....the black women is best suited for the black man.

Yes there is.
Who the hell are you to pass judgement. You are part of the problem by placing qualifiers on what makes you black.
Why is the black women best suited for the black man?

What makes her specifically best-suited? I'd say that aside from her being black, there's no difference/bonus she gets versus other women. Since people get together for various, non race-specific reasons, you'd need a lot of other qualifiers to establish who is best-suited for anyone.

But I forgot, black people are a monolithic group for which one size must always fit all.
MisterOmegaOne said:
yall are excused, I didnt know you guys were half breeds

You got a genuine lol out of me there. Unexpected, coulda spit my morning coffee out over that one.

Anyways, the way I see it, good people fought long and hard to give blacks freedom and equality. Why pigeon hole ourselves into tiny stereotypes? The world is so much larger than race, we should explore it with an open mind.
Just discovered this thread and am checking in, hello everyone!
Been pondering 'blackness' recently so this thread seems like a sensible place to post my thoughts, seems I stumbled over here at the right time.
Though there are a lot of details I'll keep it brief, as I would like somebody to read this, haha.

Ok: my family history is very brief. It all begins with my grandfather. He was born in Jamaica and, as an unwanted baby, he was promptly given away after birth and never knew or ever met any of his family. He simply had none. So for me, my history begins solely with him, he's the root of the tree.
He had it rough and moved to England where he had it rougher. Amidst severe racism, physical violence, false imprisonment and more he met my grandmother, who was a white woman. They together went through more hardships than thankfully I can imagine, they would be spit on in the street, she was disowned by her family, etc. They stayed together though and went on to have my mum, who is half-caste.

My mum grew up and met my dad, who is Jamaican (both his parents were from Jamaica who similarly moved to England) and they together had my sister, me and my brother.
The three of us are black, of course, though lighter skinned than our dad and grandparents, owing to the whiteness of my mums mother.

So this brings us to today, where my sister is married and has a child of her own. Her husband is white and their child's skin is fairly light. Though frizzy, he doesn't have afro hair and could possibly be mistaken for somebody tanned rather than outright black.
My longterm girlfriend is white and my little brothers latest girlfriend also happens to be white!

Its probably worth pointing out again that we're in England, where multiracial dating is barely an issue. I have a huge amount of white friends who go out with black girls and vice-versa. When adding Indian and Asian girls into the mix, it's all fairly mixed up here. But even so, me, my brother and sister are all with white people at the same time.

I've been thinking a lot about this recently. If me and my brother went on to have children with out current partners, our children alongside my sisters may perhaps be able to pass as white. If they hypothetically all went on to have children with white partners, their children would effectively be white.

This has suddenly made me feel extremely guilty!
Should it?

I think of all the oppression and suffering my grandfather went through when coming to this country as a black man and I feel in a way it would be a betrayal to him and his experiences should this 'white' possibility come to pass within the next few generations of my family.
This isn't a race issue per se, I've been with and still do lust after black girls as do practically everybody else I know. Having a white girlfriend wasn't necessarily a choice, it just so happened that the person I fell in love with wasn't black.
It's more to do with the possible repercussions and this guilt I have began to carry around with me. When thinking of my girlfriend a few days ago I even began questioning myself, like 'am I doing the right thing?'

This may sound ludicrous to many and I think the majority of people would probably say to me "well, who cares? There's still gonna be black people" and admittedly it is a bit of a non-issue as it may not even happen but yeah, I do feel slightly strange and in a way bad.

Thoughts? Opinions? Am I needlessly worrying about stupid shit? I can't really talk to anybody about this without sounding like some confused racist. I did with my Mum and she laughed haha so I'm throwing it out here. How would you feel?
captmcblack said:
Why is the black women best suited for the black man?

What makes her specifically best-suited? I'd say that aside from her being black, there's no difference/bonus she gets versus other women. Since people get together for various, non race-specific reasons, you'd need a lot of other qualifiers to establish who is best-suited for anyone.

But I forgot, black people are a monolithic group for which one size must always fit all.
are you an African American?

BloodySinner said:
Oh? Why is it that a large percentage of black women are single then?
The black man has let the black woman down.
Jo Shishido's Cheeks said:
Just discovered this thread and am checking in, hello everyone!
Been pondering 'blackness' recently so this thread seems like a sensible place to post my thoughts, seems I stumbled over here at the right time.
Though there are a lot of details I'll keep it brief, as I would like somebody to read this, haha.

Ok: my family history is very brief. It all begins with my grandfather. He was born in Jamaica and, as an unwanted baby, he was promptly given away after birth and never knew or ever met any of his family. He simply had none. So for me, my history begins solely with him, he's the root of the tree.
He had it rough and moved to England where he had it rougher. Amidst severe racism, physical violence, false imprisonment and more he met my grandmother, who was a white woman. They together went through more hardships than thankfully I can imagine, they would be spit on in the street, she was disowned by her family, etc. They stayed together though and went on to have my mum, who is half-caste.

My mum grew up and met my dad, who is Jamaican (both his parents were from Jamaica who similarly moved to England) and they together had my sister, me and my brother.
The three of us are black, of course, though lighter skinned than our dad and grandparents, owing to the whiteness of my mums mother.

So this brings us to today, where my sister is married and has a child of her own. Her husband is white and their child's skin is fairly light. Though frizzy, he doesn't have afro hair and could possibly be mistaken for somebody tanned rather than outright black.
My longterm girlfriend is white and my little brothers latest girlfriend also happens to be white!

Its probably worth pointing out again that we're in England, where multiracial dating is barely an issue. I have a huge amount of white friends who go out with black girls and vice-versa. When adding Indian and Asian girls into the mix, it's all fairly mixed up here. But even so, me, my brother and sister are all with white people at the same time.

I've been thinking a lot about this recently. If me and my brother went on to have children with out current partners, our children alongside my sisters may perhaps be able to pass as white. If they hypothetically all went on to have children with white partners, their children would effectively be white.

This has suddenly made me feel extremely guilty!
Should it?

I think of all the oppression and suffering my grandfather went through when coming to this country as a black man and I feel in a way it would be a betrayal to him and his experiences should this 'white' possibility come to pass within the next few generations of my family.
This isn't a race issue per se, I've been with and still do lust after black girls as do practically everybody else I know. Having a white girlfriend wasn't necessarily a choice, it just so happened that the person I fell in love with wasn't black.
It's more to do with the possible repercussions and this guilt I have began to carry around with me. When thinking of my girlfriend a few days ago I even began questioning myself, like 'am I doing the right thing?'

This may sound ludicrous to many and I think the majority of people would probably say to me "well, who cares? There's still gonna be black people" and admittedly it is a bit of a non-issue as it may not even happen but yeah, I do feel slightly strange and in a way bad.

Thoughts? Opinions? Am I needlessly worrying about stupid shit? I can't really talk to anybody about this without sounding like some confused racist. I did with my Mum and she laughed haha so I'm throwing it out here. How would you feel?

You know what the most important race your part of?

The human race you can marry screw date whoever you want. All that our skin color or heritage gives us is a link to a common heritage but it doesn't change the fact that your human.
MisterOmegaOne said:
are you an African American?

How are you going to just stroll up in here and start questioning what makes someone black, when you haven't even been in this thread long enough to know whose who.

Are you black cause you seem like your just trolling at this point?

Had that window open for ages as I wasn't sure whether to post it. Last post in this thread was about the Dark Girls trailer. Walked straight into this black/white partner thing!

Wow, pretty crazy ha good timing :)
soundscream said:
How are you going to just stroll up in here and start questioning what makes someone black, when you haven't even been in this thread long enough to know whose who.

Are you black cause you seem like your just trolling at this point?

That's what I figured since he thought half-and-half was talking about his race rather than his SO when he said "my better half"..


Does anyone else just not find Louis CK funny? Don't think he's racist or anything, just don't see why he's reposted so much in every race thread on Neogaf as if he's the god of racial humor.
Luminate said:
Does anyone else just not find Louis CK funny? Don't think he's racist or anything, just don't see why he's reposted so much in every race thread on Neogaf as if he's the god of racial humor.
He is the god of racial humour for whites. He says a lot of thing white people wanna hear a white comedian say.
soundscream said:
How are you going to just stroll up in here and start questioning what makes someone black, when you haven't even been in this thread long enough to know whose who.

Are you black cause you seem like your just trolling at this point?
Im not trolling. I just trying to have a discussion about our blackness.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
SmokyDave said:
The ugliest comments I've read on this forum regarding black women have come from inside this thread.

you have quotes smoky? im interested in seeing them

MisterOmegaOne said:
yall are excused, I didnt know you guys were half breeds

I can understand that but still....the black women is best suited for the black man.

Yes there is.

lol ok, cant disagree with you there

go ahead and enforce black stereotypes, you'll bang anything wont you

what... what is all this?
MisterOmegaOne said:
He is the god of racial humour for whites. He says a lot of thing white people wanna hear a white comedian say.

Im not trolling. I just trying to have a discussion about teh blackness.

Jo Shishido's Cheeks said:
Thoughts? Opinions? Am I needlessly worrying about stupid shit? I can't really talk to anybody about this without sounding like some confused racist. I did with my Mum and she laughed haha so I'm throwing it out here. How would you feel?

Personally, I believe there are others way to help out your race besides helping continuing your legacy by having children. A lot of us seem to be hung up on that's the only way to do it, which isn't bad if you know you can handle it. I know for a fact that I myself cannot handle raising a child and have no plans to have one ever. Nothing to do with hating children it's just that I know I lack the ability to care for one well for some reason or another. I guess I just seen a lot of bad things happen because of people who keep thinking that, and bringing in children into the world they have no business trying to raise all for the sake of "continuing their legacy."

Uhm... looking back now that didn't really answer your question.


Paper or plastic?
captmcblack said:
That's not the way to do it, bro.
I'm going to be with girls that like me for me.
I'm going to be with girls that like book-reading, well-read studious me - and can also dig Star Trek-quoting, arcade machine owning, game collecting, computer-building me.
I'm going to be with girls that can sit with me and watch all 9 innings of the baseball game I obsess over - and sit with me on the roof of the Metropolitan Museum of Art for a drink.
I'm going to be with girls that can accept my nerdiness, and my fratboy party-hardness.
I'm going to be with girls that will eat with me at the Four Seasons, or the White Castle, or at my house.
I'm going to be with girls that can play with my kid sister, and bring me a tight blunt and a brew.

So if that girl is black, that's great. And if she's white, that's great. And if she's Asian, or Hispanic, or Hindu, or Jewish, or skinny, or fat, or whatever, that's great too.

She just better dig me, is all.
Haters gonna hate, baby - come see me.
My sentiments. I date people who are attracted to me as a person. I'm a film nerd, have an eclectic taste in music, and am not religious. Just to name a few random qualities. If I end up dating someone who isn't black, I'm not losing sleep over it.
DY_nasty said:
I have returned.

And there aren't nearly as many blacks in the army as I thought there would be.
Welcome back, bro. <3

Jo Shishido's Cheeks said:
First off, let me welcome you to this thread!

Secondly, you shouldn't worry about your situation. As people have said to you, there's still going to be black people. We're not leaving anytime soon. BUT, in the future, there will be more biracial babies as time makes it easier for interracial relationships to happen. Don't get me wrong, interracial relationships have happened since the dawn of time, but in the US a few years ago it was almost taboo to have a black man date a white woman and vice versa. Time has opened up to the fact in recent times in the US, but there are still some people who hold it as "something that's not supposed to happen."

I remember in one instance, on my 18th birthday celebration to Manhattan, NY -- me and my friends spotted this nice looking black female on the train. We smiled at each other wondering if one of us would "make a move on her", but then out of nowhere she ran to a white guy that just entered and started kissing him passionately. At that instance I wanted to go over to the white guy and pat him on the shoulder (through text messages it seems as if we all wanted to do that), but looking around on the train could see older people both white and black mortified at the sight of the interracial couple. It was disgusting in my opinion, but I have to accept that they were from a different upbringing/"different time."

Fall in love and marry who you want to regardless of color. Don't let it hold you back for you may miss out on the one for you.

/end sappy story

MisterOmegaOne said:
Im not trolling. I just trying to have a discussion about teh blackness.
Yeah, okay. That's not fooling around in the slightest.

As far as Louis CK goes, he's the only comedian that GAF knows that is white and touches subjects like race. One NeoGAF poster posts a Louis CK skit and a lurker/poster sees it. The lurker/second poster says, "Golly! This guy makes a good point! Let me save this link for future NeoGAF threads about race or sexuality!"

And that cycle will never end. But he is funny other than the videos repeatedly posted to make a point.
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