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The Black Culture Thread


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Topher said:
Just saw first class, and liked it for the most part.
Just wished they hadn't reverted to a classic but tired movie trope. Black guys always dies first. LOL C'mon man!

That fucker is a bitch in the comics and was a bitch in the movie
him dying was fanservice

p.s if they really needed to fill up the black quota why not use someone actually interesting....like nezhno




Londa said:
Black Gaf, what are you looking forward to at E3?

btw is there a black gaf on facebook?

NGP games, new 3DS games, & whatever niche stuff somebody is making. Oh I like to see what's going on with that new Nintendo console.
zero_suit said:
Mr. 1? That dude Zoro fought with the steel body.
How about that guy who used booger explosions who was also in Baroque Works. I forgot his name.

There were a couple other black characters whom I can't remember off the top of my head that I saw whilst reading.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
zero_suit said:
Mr. 1? That dude Zoro fought with the steel body.

i forgot about hand blades.

Black_Stride said:
That fucker is a bitch in the comics and was a bitch in the movie
him dying was fanservice

p.s if they really needed to fill up the black quota why not use someone actually interesting....like nezhno


this shot screams of land-isms. and he would be in the same role as darwin was im sure
Black_Stride said:
That fucker is a bitch in the comics and was a bitch in the movie
him dying was fanservice

p.s if they really needed to fill up the black quota why not use someone actually interesting....like nezhno





Because he's just strong and his metal isn't quite as durable as Colossus, so that would've created its own set of problems visually and otherwise. He's an interesting character, but in a film with the central conflict being Magneto and Prof X, he's not really going to get the treatment that he deserves.

Look on the bright side. Maybe for the next X-men, we'll get a Days of Future Past with Micheal Jai White as Bishop.

But yes, I'm sick of the spoiler above too.


spindashing said:
I'm interested in any Final Fantasy game in E3 (Hopefully we'll get some new Versus info or Type-0 info).

I'd like to see possibly a Super Marvel vs. Capcom 3, more Soul Calibur V info and Tekken x Street Fighter/Street Fighter x Tekken stuff.

I'm looking forward to surprises too. NGP megatons, Cafe/Wii 2 megatons, etc.

And, I want to see some DmC news. Although I hate the design for Dante, if the game play is great enough, I may have to consider buying a copy.

As for a BlackGAF facebook, we don't have one of those but there are a couple of us on the NeoGAF Facebook group.

Every time you see a black guy, it's one of us, no matter how cliche or racist that may sound. :lol

I'm also looking forward to some FF news. Cafe info is high on my list, and any new stuff with the 3DS.

Oh, ok, I just joined the group.


We already got ZoE HD. There's only Shenmue HD left for my life to be complete. World could end in 2012 for all I care. Actually, I want ZoE3 and S3, then the world can end. Oh and FF IX remake. Wait no, throw in a Pokemon MMO too. Then it can end. Yeah, after all that, it can end. It's fun to dream.

Also, if Steel Battalion Kinect is on rails.....cities will burn.
Neogaf has a facebook group? Hmm....sure I'll join. I would yeah I'm that skinny black guy with glasses but I'm just another clone there haha

Parallax said:
if kojima was still making games with the japanese in mind, this would probably be the extent of it, but now... this could become a reality

It could done and well


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Dreams-Visions said:
Mass Effect
3DS stuff
Battlefield 3
DX11 Crysis 2

...and I'm hoping this Heido Kojima showing:

is a game and not a tech demo.

if kojima was still making games with the japanese in mind, this would probably be the extent of it, but now... this could become a reality

Azure J

Londa said:
Black Gaf, what are you looking forward to at E3?

Cafe/3DS stuff, more Marvel vs. Capcom details and hints (if any), DmC (just to see if it's good enough to laugh at or bad enough to become immensely depressed about/pray to Kamiya for Bayonetta 2), ZoE HD Collection footage (if there's any about), Skullgirls, Journey on PS3, and whatever else just happens to catch my fancy while I watch and read up on things.
Also praying for StarTropics & Jet Set Radio 3. :p

As for manga stuff (again), I can't be the only one who thought that Keimi from One Piece has a slight bit of black to her design. Something about it screamed "West Indian" to me after seeing her in color/animated. :lol


Londa said:
Black Gaf, what are you looking forward to at E3?

btw is there a black gaf on facebook?
any last guardian footage
Battlefield 3
3s online if it's there

No black gaf group per se. But their were a few of us posting in a comment on the official neogaf group, me veidt, spin and himuro.
I really wanna see what Nintendo's new console is all about and more info on the NGP. All the known stuff I'm sure I'll enjoy most of it like Uncharted 2 and Battlefield 3.


Londa said:
Black Gaf, what are you looking forward to at E3?

btw is there a black gaf on facebook?
Batman, Zelda, and Cafe. I havent really been keeping up with gaming news to know of anything else I'm looking forward to. Surprise me, game industry. :p
eternaLightness said:
I really wanna see what Nintendo's new console is all about and more info on the NGP. All the known stuff I'm sure I'll enjoy most of it like Uncharted 2 and Battlefield 3.

speaking of uncharted, did you guys know we almost got a black Chloe?

and earlier today I watched this masterpiece
amazing just how much black street culture impacted a lot of things. I remember seeing the way o-zone was getting dressed at the beginning and being instantly reminded of final fantasy.


Topher said:
Yeah, the camera couldn't have zoomed in closer to his face when he said that. I sank down in my chair, smh.

he is the ONLY team member to die...full stop.
Wow. bullshit like this is why the only Hollywood movie I've seen this year is fastfive, and it looks like it might probably be the only one.

Oh I also saw the trailer to The Help. The years White saviour movie. I'm guessing there has to be one every year now?
i'd like to thank the good hearted white people for supporting rap music the most for the past decades, without u guys alot of our fav rappers would still be hood broke :)


Lebron said:
In regards to First Class,

Of course when Shaw mentioned the "enslaved" part they had to zoom in on brotha man.
Also, of course said brotha man had to be the first one to die. Dude didn't even get a damn uniform!

Hollywood you ain't slick!
Yeah that was such bullshit. I almost walked out of the theater on that shit. A good movie nearly ruined for me by one second of stupidity. Also
blue is beautiful y'all!
Fucking hell there are so many games I am looking forward to.. I've never been so interested in this number of games before. And with E3 just around the corner there's bound to be a couple of more games that interest me... Time to save up :(


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Imm0rt4l said:
any last guardian footage
Battlefield 3
3s online if it's there

No black gaf group per se. But their were a few of us posting in a comment on the official neogaf group, me veidt, spin and himuro.
That wasn't me. I haven't joined the neogaf group, and wasn't even aware there was one!
Looks like someone's been impersonating me. Link me to the facebook group. I wanna see how far they took it. :lol
Veidt said:
That wasn't me. I haven't joined the neogaf group, and wasn't even aware there was one!
Looks like someone's been impersonating me. Link me to the facebook group. I wanna see how far they took it. :lol
GAF Facebook Group.

I wasn't aware of you being there, actually. Were you banned? Haven't seen you up in here in awhile. Welcome back.

@Dark FaZe, natural haired black girls do exist. My sister is one of them.
K.Jack said:
What is "natural haired" anyway?

What's so unnatural about perms and straightened hair?

Nothing. The term just means not using anything to chemically change the composition and texture of your hair.
K.Jack said:
What is "natural haired" anyway?

What's so unnatural about perms and straightened hair?
I thought "natural haired" referred to hair that's not a weave/extension, etc.

I am one of the natural fro on black women lovers, though.

Edit: oh. I guess I was a little off.


Saw X-Men:FC yesterday that scene wasn't as bad as some had made out. Shaw was obviously hoping to play on
Darwins emotions as to what man is capable of doing to their fellow man.

He seemed happy that he was coming with them, until he tried to be too smart.


Neoriceisgood said:
Why do black people always die first in movies anyway?

From TVTropes

In the past this was because there were few black leads in big-budget films outside of those that focused specifically on race or used it to make a point. Historical moviemakers were generally writing to white audiences, so it was natural (at least in their opinion) for whites to get more screen time. And if the writers throw in a Token Minority to give the cast more believable racial balance, who do you think is going to die first, them or the folks who have a bigger role in the script?

The most notable subversion of this trope came from the 1971 film Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song. Nowadays the film is known more for popularizing Blaxploitation films, but most of those films were popular with audiences at the time for ignoring this trope all together. As more black people with money to spend went to theaters, more and more prominent black characters and more big-name black actors emerged-none of which were likely to get killed off quietly. Studios had also finally accepted that white audiences are not generally as racist as was once assumed, and do not need to have a white protagonist. In other words, if you're gonna go after the black man nowadays, you might want to check the credits to see who's playing him.

If it's no one you've actually heard of, they're probably fair game. Tony Todd? Go for it. Samuel L. Jackson? You can take your chances, but I don't like your odds. Rosario Dawson? Yeah, good luck on that. Denzel Washington? Bad idea. Morgan Freeman? You should give up. Will Smith? Run away and hide.

As black actors became more common in significant roles, this trope found new ways to stay relevant. Films would take a Scary Black Man, turn him into The Big Guy, and kill him off to show how strong their monster is. In horror films, the afflicted main character might have a sassy Black Best Friend that gets killed off to show that this is no laughing matter. 80s horror shows were good at this, and film makers had growing backlash against all the exploitation films.



Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Neoriceisgood said:
Why do black people always die first in movies anyway?
Black people can't be cool in real life AND on TV.
Also, someone needs to drill into the minds of young black males, that they aren't the hero. That's what white guys are for.
I don't think I know of a single movie in which Morgan Freeman died, shouldn't he be above Will Smith?

Veidt said:
Black people can't be cool in real life AND on TV.
Also, someone needs to drill into the minds of young black males, that they aren't the hero. That's what white guys are for.

I wish more black people were heroes, I'm white and I'm really bad at it.. :(
Neoriceisgood said:
Why do black people always die first in movies anyway?

Hey in Terminator 2, the black Chief Engineer of Cyberdyne Systems almost made it to the end of the movie before he died...ummm, that's all I got.
Half-and-half said:
Hey in Terminator 2, the black Chief Engineer of Cyberdyne Systems almost made it to the end of the movie before he died...ummm, that's all I got.
But he also helped to create the problem, we cant win :(.

Oh wait in Event Horizon the black guy lives :)


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Dark FaZe said:
Ima bring it real

natural haired black women

do they exist?

real talk
There are a lot in the army. (Weaves just can't hold up out here lol). Hell, some have better fades than me.
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