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The Black Culture Thread


Dreams-Visions said:


I swear this is like the third time this week that I've had to link this picture. :p


Dreams-Visions said:
I...have no words for this.

Londa said:
Today is like one of the best days of the year. I'm a Nintendo Fan. I have every Nintendo console, but not all the handhelds.

so excite!

Who here is also a fan of Nintendo?

to me, they are one of the best companies out there. :p
I've owned every Nintendo console and handheld (except the virtuaboy, og gameboy, and gba sp) and they are easily my favorite development house. Can't wait for the conference. 3.5 hours left. We so excite.


not licensed in your state
Just heard from John Witherspoon (on Rickey Smiley) that a 4th season of the Boondocks is in development.

I call dibs on the official thread
ReiGun said:
Don't feel bad. You'd be surprised how many people don't get it. lol
One of my favorite series. Yuusuke was alright but this guy:


G status.

DrFunk said:
Just heard from John Witherspoon (on Rickey Smiley) that a 4th season of the Boondocks is in development.

I call dibs on the official thread
Nice! I just saw that thread bumped too! Awesome news.


Londa said:
Today is like one of the best days of the year. I'm a Nintendo Fan. I have every Nintendo console, but not all the handhelds.

so excite!

Who here is also a fan of Nintendo?

to me, they are one of the best companies out there. :p

They're easily the best 1st party developer. Microsoft and Sony (to a lesser extent) bore me with all these shooters and sequels to games that barely came out a year ago.
zero_suit said:
They're easily the best 1st party developer. Microsoft and Sony (to a lesser extent) bore me with all these shooters and sequels to games that barely came out a year ago.

Depends on your preference. Most of their 1st party titles do nothing for me.
I haven't bought a new game in over 7 months though I do plan on buying Deus Ex 3, Mass Effect 3, Uncharted 3, and Zelda this year.

I still look forward to E3, though, but I'm not as fervent as I used to be. All of this console war bullshit just seems pointless when you game on multiple platforms.

From my experience this gen, bruthas tend to STAY on the PS360 but don't fck with Wii that much. I think that a good looking Madden with exclusive features (They showed a small glimpse of being able to draw your own WR routes on the touch screen) might get more of us to bite.
The Wii U controller seems interesting, but it's not as groundbreaking as the motion controller for the Wii. I also question the price for it. The system itself might be cheap, but the controller has to be at least $100.

On another note, I just got a card for Phi Kappa Psi chapter at the University of Texas at Austin. I was looking over all of the pictures they chose to put on there and every single person is white. There is not a single black person on it, token or otherwise. I'm beginning to think that they sent it to me because I have a white sounding name.
I'm actually pretty excited about the WiiU and the implication of the controller. I doubt most developers will use it to its full potential, but eh.


The only things I'm looking forward to on Wii U are a Metroid game and a Retro Studios developed title.

Retro's my favorite dev and they're really good about getting the most out of a console's hardware.


heliosRAzi said:
On another note, I just got a card for Phi Kappa Psi chapter at the University of Texas at Austin. I was looking over all of the pictures they chose to put on there and every single person is white. There is not a single black person on it, token or otherwise. I'm beginning to think that they sent it to me because I have a white sounding name.
More Emma Frost's for you then.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
heliosRAzi said:
I hope they don't turn into diamonds while I'm fucking them. Cuts on your dick are painful
She's a smooth diamond, so if anything, you'll get stuck
DrFunk said:
I'm more interested in Battlefield 3

Did y'all see the tank mission demo? I mean damn

Not yet. I watched that 12 minute trailer the other day and I'm still reeling from that. Amazing.

I was pleased when I saw a black game developer @ the Sony conference. Maybe one day one of the developers that post here will make it there. I'm also wondering whether there'll be a black dude in Uncharted 3. They've hinted at having black characters in the game(finally!) but I don't know whether I'll be shooting at them or shooting with them in the main story.
Hey, Black-GAF? You ever have one of those days where you feel like we're regressing worse when it comes to things ever becoming equal?

I mean, it just feels like the entire world wants to be completely whitewashed and everything. Like, who cares about other cultures? White people are here to stay! It's like... what's the point of fighting? I just feel like just giving up on any of my dreams because, I don't know, it feels like people will just accuse me of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS GONE MADE LOLOLOLOLOLOL or something, I don't know.

I know saying that is kinda disregarding the people who have fought for our rights before, but damn it's tough and really it just feels the entire world is out to get you because you're different or something.

I don't know. Maybe I'm just feeling unusually paranoid.

I've always had a dream of making a video game with a multicultural cast, but it seems like the more I read gaming forums the less it seems no one will buy the game and it'll be disregarded as RPG trash by some bigshot gaming website like IGN or Tim Rogers will make some sort of incoherent rant about black people making games that no one will understand or something and then it'll back to white dudebros forever until the end of time. Or something.

I'm not even sure what I'm trying to say. I'm in an odd position in my life to either take the safe route or to pursue my dreams. I feel like if I take the safe route I'll miss out on a chance to do something big, but if I try to pursue my dreams I'll be screwed if I mess up. I actually want to give up on my dreams but for some reason my mind is being really stubborn about it.

All I want is a video game with a multicultural cast that's not completely stereotyped. Yeesh.
NotebookJ2 said:
All I want is a video game with a multicultural cast that's not completely stereotyped. Yeesh.

Ahahaha Tim Rogers, I like that guy actually. Any who, even though it's 2011 we are far away from this unfortunately. I know we've discussed this in length and it's one of those design choices. Prototype 2 features a black protag...err anti hero I guess. Now it could easiliy be able oh he's angry and black. Doesn't change the fact he's black right?

As far as multiculturalism goes the closest we have is fantasy games like Mass Effect. Even then not really given how the main character is anglo(this is the right word I think). Sad thing really is that the change won't happen unless they or we make it. So far watching E3 I thought about the diversity in the game I'm looking forward to. Guess what? All mainly of European looks *shrug*


NotebookJ2 said:
Hey, Black-GAF? You ever have one of those days where you feel like we're regressing worse when it comes to things ever becoming equal?

I mean, it just feels like the entire world wants to be completely whitewashed and everything. Like, who cares about other cultures? White people are here to stay! It's like... what's the point of fighting? I just feel like just giving up on any of my dreams because, I don't know, it feels like people will just accuse me of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS GONE MADE LOLOLOLOLOLOL or something, I don't know.

I know saying that is kinda disregarding the people who have fought for our rights before, but damn it's tough and really it just feels the entire world is out to get you because you're different or something.

I don't know. Maybe I'm just feeling unusually paranoid.

I've always had a dream of making a video game with a multicultural cast, but it seems like the more I read gaming forums the less it seems no one will buy the game and it'll be disregarded as RPG trash by some bigshot gaming website like IGN or Tim Rogers will make some sort of incoherent rant about black people making games that no one will understand or something and then it'll back to white dudebros forever until the end of time. Or something.

I'm not even sure what I'm trying to say. I'm in an odd position in my life to either take the safe route or to pursue my dreams. I feel like if I take the safe route I'll miss out on a chance to do something big, but if I try to pursue my dreams I'll be screwed if I mess up. I actually want to give up on my dreams but for some reason my mind is being really stubborn about it.

All I want is a video game with a multicultural cast that's not completely stereotyped. Yeesh.
The black guy in Overstrike was refreshingly different. He wasn't a hulking demo expert or a cowardly super-nerd amd didn't seem to talk jive, but then again I don't think he had any lines where he actually said words.

I feel like a game that's too multicultural will come across as forced unless written properly. Remember those PC, multicultural gangs you used to see in 80's movies (the Warriors included, but I'm talking more about minor appearances of thugs in random movies). You could sort of suspend belief, but really no one buys it. The bottom line is we claim to live in a multicultural society but honestly the majority of people just work together then go back to their own separate world's at the end of the day. If you made a multicultural rpg, it'd have to be well-written.

Of course, when I think about the genre, a lot of rpgs actually are multicultural. You traverse worlds and encounter all sorts of different people and/or species.
I would say follow your dreams, you only get one chance in this life so you should live it doing the things YOU want to do.

You will mess up. Countless times. Anyone that's ever followed their dreams has (Gates, Jordan, Obama etc.) but the biggest regret you hear from the 'old timers' that played it safe so to speak is how they wish they had it in them to actually follow their dreams.

As far as videogames and multicultural casts are concerned, I don't think we'll see a significant change until we start letting it be known via our wallets that we won't support products that push blatant stereotypes anymore. I'm personally done with the point of just letting shit slide while I play. If I see too much stereotypical crap I just won't buy/rent the game. Period.
NotebookJ2 said:
Hey, Black-GAF? You ever have one of those days where you feel like we're regressing worse when it comes to things ever becoming equal?
I'm surprised you thought things were ever getting better in the first place.

Things aren't terrible, but I don't think we've had any real progress in a long time. Probably since the civil rights movement? Now that racism exists, it isn't going away.
NotebookJ2 said:
All I want is a video game with a multicultural cast that's not completely stereotyped. Yeesh.

There are already games like that. Infamous 2 features an asian character and 2 black characters that aren't really stereotypes. And remember Half-life 2? and remember this guy:

and then there's emmet graves:

and then mass effect 2 and fallout 3
I'd argue that (non stereotypical) black characters are really being pulled into this generation I guess partly because more black people are developing games. All I know is that I like seeing more jacob taylors and less coletrains
I like coletrain though
Hey guys just X-Men fist class
date and I laughed at the horrible troupes. We had a little wow moment at the enslavement mention and black guy zoom in.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Urban Scholar said:
Hey guys just X-Men fist class
date and I laughed at the horrible troupes. We had a little wow moment at the enslavement mention and black guy zoom in.

sounds like a good date..
Master Milk said:
I'm surprised you thought things were ever getting better in the first place.

Things aren't terrible, but I don't think we've had any real progress in a long time. Probably since the civil rights movement? Now that racism exists, it isn't going away.

Well, it wasn't like I was terribly optimistic about the situation to begin with. It was just... one of those days I guess.

And wow, there's a lot of games I need to check out.
lightless_shado said:
There are already games like that. Infamous 2 features an asian character and 2 black characters that aren't really stereotypes. And remember Half-life 2? and remember this guy:

and then there's emmet graves:

and then mass effect 2 and fallout 3
I'd argue that (non stereotypical) black characters are really being pulled into this generation I guess partly because more black people are developing games. All I know is that I like seeing more jacob taylors and less coletrains
I like coletrain though

heliosRAzi said:

possibly the only good thing aklaim has done.

I seriously do think that this generation has a lot of diversity moreso than any previous generation. I think even japanese developers are starting to put non-white non-japanese characters in their games that aren't stereotypes. Like shadows of the Damned has a latino main character and we even talked about shinobu.


Just finished purchasing my Final Fantasy: Distant Worlds and Lord of the Rings: FoTR concert tickets. No shame at all. Hopefully, I won't be the only dark spot in the building(wouldn't be the first time hah). Love me some good movie/VG orchestra music.

And met R. Kelly the other day. Dude is weird. Though it was pretty funny seeing him get turned down by one of my friend's friend. She didn't want to smang with him hah
Black Republican said:
what does black gaf think of Kreayshawn ?

My brother likes her, I think she's awful. I'm tired of seeing hipsters trying to grab up elements of black culture without giving credit where its due. I hope she does, but to be honest I won't bother to find out. She's not funny enough to make me laugh like lil' b and she's not good enough to make me pay attention like pretty much any other female rapper.
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