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The Black Culture Thread

Big Baybee said:
I never knew Slick Rick was British until after I was about 18 and someone told me. I always thought he had a weird ass accent, but it never registered with me that he was British. Also, I have Jamaican friends who can turn that accent on and off like it ain't nothing when they are talking with family.

Slick Rick is my favorite MC of all time. The way that man can put pictures in my head with only a few words is incredible.


ChocolateCupcakes said:
Lol, my parents do that. One minute they are speaking patois and the next minute the phone rings and they speak so politely and soft.

Your parents on that fake patois like Sean Paul? Damn SMH.


Alrighty...time for me to weigh in...

- Where you're from

Baltimore, MD

- Where you live

Ellicott City, MD

- Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy

Can't say I know that much (yet). Will do so in-depth when I get more money!

- Do you know your roots?

See above.

- Your Age

26 (will be 27 this Wednesday!)

- Favorite musical genre

Video game OSTs. Seeing that Streets of Rage 2 topic brought back so many memories of the kind of music I've been humming for years.

But if we're talking strictly "real" music, I guess R&B works fine.

- Your profession/major/career interest

History major that would love to go some place where my mind for trivia would likely serve me and my employer well. I guess some type of intelligence bureau...?

- Your religious affiliation

A.M.E. Christian. Not necessarily that hardcore, but I do strive to be a good person, all the same.

- Hobbies

Well, gaming, martial arts, reading and well, NeoGAF counts some where too, right? :lol

- Do you feel ostracized as a black nerd/dork? Charles Barkley once said that "there's nothing sadder than a black nerd". What do you think about those words, and while we're on the issue, what is gaf's opinion on the whole "act white" thing?

There certainly was a period in my life when I was. Middle school was easily the roughest point in my life. I mean, you already have so many people screwed up in the head during that point in time as it is. Now picture being a designated "new kid in the neighborhood" at that same time, since your family moved from one county to the next, so that means you also having to start over from scratch, and serve as an easy target.

During that time, I was made fun of for being a nerd, talking funny/proper and probably ran a good-sized gamut of ridicule for being what I am. It really wasn't until I got to college (UMBC), that I was able to get hooked up with a wide-range of people who share my interests, including other brothers who do the same.

So, far as I'm concerned, getting out of grade school and going to college was easily the best thing that could have happened to me. Life got so much better after that! :lol
The story of how image comics Shadow Hawk turned me off comic books.

As a youth I loved comic books. When image came out with Spawn I started to buy more of their other books. One in particular caught my eye. Shadow Hawk.


He didn't kill criminals instead he crushed their spines and paralyzed them. They never reveled him off the bat. When they did he turned out to be the black district attorney who in his free time fought crime. I was so happy when I found out, a black hero who was an upstanding member of the community.

Then a couple of issues in they had him contracting the H.I.V. virus

Never read a comic again.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
soundscream said:
The story of how image comics Shadow Hawk turned me off comic books.

As a youth I loved comic books. When image came out with Spawn I started to buy more of their other books. One in particular caught my eye. Shadow Hawk.


He didn't kill criminals instead he crushed their spines and paralyzed them. They never reveled him off the bat. When they did he turned out to be the black district attorney who in his free time fought crime. I was so happy when I found out, a black hero who was an upstanding member of the community.

Then a couple of issues in they had him contracting the H.I.V. virus

Never read a comic again.

Read the first issue and decided that artist do indeed need writers..


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
TreIII said:

- Your profession/major/career interest

History major that would love to go some place where my mind for trivia would likely serve me and my employer well. I guess some type of intelligence bureau...?

Another black history major.. it is like IT (another field I studied in) there aren't many of us in it..

What part of the world and period of time was your focus?


Mecha_Infantry said:
Employment: I have no idea you know. I have rarely gone to an interview and not got the job for a dumb reason, everytime it's something that I have noticed and tried to rectify on the next interview. I remember one CHinese pharmacy in Wood Green, North London had a big vacancy sign in the window, so I was with my other black friend and we said to go in separately. We both ended up coming out with no C.V as there were no jobs available. So we chilled outside as it was next to Burger King, and two white boys rolled in and back in within 1 minute with C.Vs. We asked them how they got it, and they said the man gave it to them when they asked

I Was about 16/7 then, so it really put a damp squid on my feels to some people about race. One other time I was about 12 or 13 and was riding my bike back home and past a pub and a greengrocer, then I had to circle back..But I dind't notice a small mob of drunks from the pub who picked up a whole box of bananas and threw them at me when I was on the bike, resulting in me crashing off and mashing up my knee. Also the people who living opposite us got into beef with my mum over a parking space, and after a little argument resulted in them imitating monkeys whenever she tried to speak. I was too young then to do much, my brother had moved out so it went unpunished, but I banged out one of their sons a little while later in the park

As for girls, well it's weird. You get some that just love us darkies. For instance I had a real nice milky white girl from Canada (Immortal, remember from the Ill Community??) who like black guys but just loved black british guys for some reason (I sitll haven't got over this girl, she was perfect for me, and I still love her...but she was in my life at the wrong time. Then I've been with a fair few other chicks, but there are two issues:

1) I LOVE white girls. I'm sorry blackGAF, but damn I love white chicks. I can count on one hand the amount of black chicks I've been with (3), but as for white chicks I sometimes go out of my way to holla at them. And I like them kinda wholesome and English pale skin, some meat pun their bones...and JEEEEZ! But Asian chicks (Chinese/Japanese, etc) don't touch us blacks. It's a shame too, they have a negative connotation with blacks before they come to this country then see some fucking hoodlum motherfuckers with buss down clothes and think we're all like that. I still to this day have not been with an Asian chick.

Eastern Euro girls..well I'll need a whole other thread for that.

Yea man, I thought you and Ikimasu ka had something good going, I was surprised when you said you weren't together anymore. I didn't know she had an affinity for black men though.

Himuro said:
I saw a dude with a high fade in one of those videos, Mecha Infantry posted. :lol

Oh dear.

Seeing a black person with a british accent is...eerie to me.

And that UK hip hop is...different.

I don't see why, personally I love women with British accents. Sharon Carpenters fine ass comes to mind.
ryutaro's mama said:
Dunno about that but I do know this:

When I was a little kid, that creepy old man that made the pillars come to life in the subway scared the shit out of me.

That little tune he played was creepy as all fuck too.

I had nightmares about that subway scene.

oh, and Nipsey Russel & MJ...so awesome.

Manmademan said:
Ne(gr)o GAF, it's time to talk about one of those topics black people hate to bring up.
One of those things that makes you hang your head in shame every time someone dares to speak about it in public. I feel it's time though that we owe the rest of the world an apology, or an explanation.

Black people- why did we do THIS


to the wizard of Oz??[/QUOTE]
you can hand in your black card whenever you're ready.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Imm0rt4l said:
yea, Japan has the biggest Dancehall scene outside of the islands, that's pretty wild.

2nd biggest producer of the music.. Mighty Crown is pretty well respected in the islands as well..

Funny how they got it right with Dancehall but hip-hop they suck


Dreams-Visions said:
anyone else listen to Femi Kuti?
I haven't listened to a lot of his stuff, but I remember what I had heard was good. He's got his fathers swag.

Blackace said:
2nd biggest producer of the music.. Mighty Crown is pretty well respected in the islands as well..

Funny how they got it right with Dancehall but hip-hop they suck

:lol yea thats weird.

Whoompthereitis said:
My ex got me into Fela Kuti for a bit, but I never listened to a lot of Femi. Good shit?

You really are the blackest guy in this thread.


Whoompthereitis said:
My ex got me into Fela Kuti for a bit, but I never listened to a lot of Femi. Good shit?

Come on son.......Zombie...shit is classic.

EDIT: Whoops just realized you said Femi. Nah.


see5harp said:
Your parents on that fake patois like Sean Paul? Damn SMH.

I actually met Sean Paul a couple of times, he was pretty cool and me and my sister loved his shit before he blew up in the US (Pre 2000 Sean Paul) His cousins lived near us :lol

My dad is also ine one of the early early Beanie Man videos. Back in the JBC days :lol


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Tokubetsu said:
I actually met Sean Paul a couple of times, he was pretty cool and me and my sister loved his shit before he blew up in the US (Pre 2000 Sean Paul) His cousins lived near us :lol

My dad is also ine one of the early early Beanie Man videos. Back in the JBC days :lol

tokubestu indeed!
Tokubetsu said:
I would agree if Dennis Brown had never recorded this:

This is probably the biggest thing I miss about JA. Riding around on Sunday nights and listening to some great reggae and ska on the radio.

Wow, that is a great one. Night Nurse is still my #1 stunna, but I'm definitely gonna be bumpin' this one a bit. I'm not huge into Reggae, but I like some shit here and there. Peter Tosh has some shit that I like a lot.
Himuro said:
What's some good afrobeat aside from the Kuti's?

I need some new reggae too. Preferably dub, in the Scientist / King Tubby vein.

Right on time.

My parents raised me up on Osibisa. Pretty much every Ghanaian kid knows Fire, Sunshine Day and Welcome Home by heart.


- Where you live: San Bernardino, CA
- Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy: African - Zimbabwean
- Your Age: 31
- Favorite musical genre: Classic Rock, Reggae
- Your profession/major/career interest: Financial Analyst
- Your religious affiliation: Christian (Church of Christ)
- Hobbies: Videos games, Hiking, Formula D, Formula 1, Anything Scifi
How about some Peter Tosh. Listening to tracks like that makes me reminisce about my childhood, growing up in middlesex county(Clarendon) and spending time in Kingston where my aunt, uncle and cousins lived at the time.


- Where you live: South Carolina
- Your cultural heritage: I descend from a few of generations of involuntary laborers like most black americans. Some Island on my mother's side. a touch of Irish miles back.
- Your Age: 27
- Favorite musical genre: anything. growing up, it was 80% hip-hop, r&b, classic soul, with a little jazz and disco. 20% miscellaneous. Now I judge purely by the song. I've developed an eclectic ear; all time favorite songs span all genres.
- Your profession/major/career interest: Office Zombie, pursuing photography and various web ventures on the side.
- Your religious affiliation: None. raised to believe in God. did for a while. Stopped. One of the best 'decisions' of my life..seriously.
- Hobbies: everchanging...
Count Dookkake said:
This seems like the right place for this, but if it isn't, apologies.

What does Black GAF think of black characters in stories/films written or directed by white people? Any really good ones? Any really bad ones? Are certain characters or environments taboo for outsiders? Can stereotypes be re-purposed? New character types you would like to see? Characters from previously existing literature or film than you would like to see made black?

Any input or suggestions for research greatly welcome.

EDIT: regarding the really bad/racist ones, not looking for old timey shit and blackface. More like subtly or even accidentally racist stuff. Thanks.
I think the writing for the Wire was predominantly done by a Jewish guy, an Irishman, and a Greek American. Spike Lee once claimed that white directors couldnt do "black America" like a black American, but I think the Wire pounded that thesis into oblivion. Anyone can do any race or ethnic group, so long as they have an understanding about who the fuck it is they are characterizing.
sooperkool said:
The original summer jam


Got to be a part of the Official NegroGAF playlist
Oh wow :eek:
It's been so long, but I'm so used to hearing the

And while we're on subject of music, I know there has to be some of you guys (especially the folks in UK) that bump into this. Discovered him a few years and pretty much been looking in finding even rarer black music that's just gotten overlooked
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