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The Black Culture Thread


- Where you're from Boston
- Where you live Boston
- Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy Jamaican, Maroon, Jewish, Scottish
- Do you know your roots? I can trace my family back to Morocco, Ghana, and Ethiopia.
- Your Age 34
- Favorite musical genre Reggae and soundtracks
- Your profession/major/career interest Associate scientist
- Your religious affiliation Deist/Gaia principle
- Hobbies Video Games, books, politics, running, da club.
Popeye's is alright, but I'd take Mrs. Winners over it all day erryday.

I think its only in the south, though.


not licensed in your state

There's one literally 5 minutes from where I stay. The iced tea is godly

edit: BlackNMild2k1 destroyed my post
Himuro said:
Haven't listened to Brother Ali but out of this The Roots and Little Brother stand out the most. Well, Minstrel Show era Little Brother.

Mos hasn't made a legitimately great hip hop album since Black on Both Sides and while The New Danger is awesome (and really underrated) it's not what I'd call a hip hop album.

Don't like Aesop Rock.

Mos' last album, The Ecstatic, was good.

check out Blu and Exile
DrFunk said:

There's one literally 5 minutes from where I stay. The iced tea is godly

edit: BlackNMild2k1 destroyed my post

I got you brah, we're GAbros. There use to be one like 5 minutes away as well, but I've since moved. And yeah, their iced tea is heavenly. So are their biscuits, mac & cheese, and mashed potatoes.

So good.
lightless_shado said:
We don't have popeye's where I live. All we've got is KFC. Sad, I know.

Speaking of food, who here has tried African food?


I have a jacket that looks almost exactly like his :lol

You have to specify because African food is too diverse.
I've liked everything i've tried from West to North African foods. Born in Morocco, raised in Ghana so I love both types of food.
However, I really didn't like the Ethiopian food. The njera just did not sit well with me. But man, the stews are so damn spicy and give you the good kind of sweats
Count Dookkake said:
Thanks for all the answers and discussion yesterday, guys. Some of my best friends are Black GAF.
Seriously, harSon, it was too bad school got in the way of the fest. Next year!

Here's one more topic of inquiry:

Where are the new genre/exploitation pics about or referencing black culture and history? Isn't there an audience for that stuff? Are they out there, but I am not hearing of them? When will there be a mainstream Raiders of the Lost Ark- or Inglourious Basterds- or Marathon Man-type film that similarly references, repurposes or reimagines African American history? It goes without saying that "true" historical movies have an important place due to educational impact, but what about genre stuff?
Um, Jackie Brown?
Just made my first 'booty call' via text to that woman I messed with the other night. She'll be here in about an hour on her way home from work.

Man, I've only been single since Thursday, and I'm not lookin' to get attached, but this woman is throwin' down HARD. She's got me Feenin' like Jodeci. Usually I fuck with skinny white girls. Israeli woman here is skinny, lean, muscular, athletic build, thin little waist, and then BAM!

DAT ASS. Below the waist she looks like a Robert Crumb drawing. Straight up, I get it now guys. I get it.

I'll never doubt the black man's wisdom again. Sorry Mix-A-Lot, my bad. You were right.


magnificent83 said:
You have to specify because African food is too diverse.
I've liked everything i've tried from West to North African foods. Born in Morocco, raised in Ghana so I love both types of food.
However, I really didn't like the Ethiopian food. The njera just did not sit well with me. But man, the stews are so damn spicy and give you the good kind of sweats

Not a fan of any of the Ethiopian food I've had, and I hate njera. Maybe there are some other Ethiopian foods that I would like, but I don't know of em'. I've been to a Somali Restaurant that served really good food, I was surprised to like the food as much as I did as I figured their food would be similar if not the same. I'll take fufu over it any day.


Spindashing is still talking about shitty ass KFC with their mutant whatchamacallit that they label as chicken? I bet AJ likes Popeyes.


Cimarron said:
Somebody take this man to Churches.

Fixed that for you. Still I do enjoy the biscuits at popeye. But the chicken from Churches is godly, when it gets cold though its shit so popeye do have that going for it.


I love Churches as well but we don't have any in Boston. We don't have any Golden Krust restaurants either. Damn you Boston. Damn you to hell. :(
Lebron said:
Spindashing is still talking about shitty ass KFC with their mutant whatchamacallit that they label as chicken? I bet AJ likes Popeyes.
We're gonna have to agree to disagree here. KFC > Popeyes.

Only on NeoGAF will you have black nerds comparing chicken mercilessly. :lol

This will kind of come out of nowhere but...

Am I the only one who had that "one racist teacher"?

In 6th grade oh my god.

She hated blacks. She noticeably went harder on blacks and glorified the other kids. She made a fool out of me in front of the whole class for putting one vertical line through a dollar sign yelling, "EVERYONE WITH A BRAIN KNOWS YOU HAVE TO PUT TWO."

She literally poked me several times at the arm one time cause I stuttered and said "percent" instead of "principle" while we did the "principle X rate X interest" equation saying, "I won't be here to be poking you all the time, boy"

She went real hard on us. She had the dick to tell my homeroom teacher that I was acting up in class when it turned out that I was the most quiet motherfucker there.

Glad she got fired later, but when I fucking graduated. Honestly looking back it toughened me up, Lord knows I won't let it happen to me again, but I was too soft and shy back then. Fuck best believe if that happened now I'd be slapping her with all of my limbs. all of them.
Fox the Sly said:

I actually wrote a little hook to go with that gif a long time ago.

Chicken, Some Chicken,
You know you want, You know you want some
Chicken, Some Chicken
Fried, Crispy, Greasy, Yummy
Chicken, Some Chicken
You know you want, You know you want some

I think that's how it went, I'm going from memory here.


spindashing said:
We're gonna have to agree to disagree here. KFC > Popeyes.
But as a fellow brother in arms, I feel they need to rescue you. Don't trust that Colonel, slaves cooked that chicken!

Am I the only one who had that "one racist teacher"?
I had a few accuse me of cheating when I, due to me being black, apparently got to high of a grade. Whatever that means :lol


spindashing said:
We're gonna have to agree to disagree here. KFC > Popeyes.

Only on NeoGAF will you have black nerds comparing chicken mercilessly. :lol

This will kind of come out of nowhere but...

Am I the only one who had that "one racist teacher"?

In 6th grade oh my god.

She hated blacks. She noticeably went harder on blacks and glorified the other kids. She made a fool out of me in front of the whole class for putting one vertical line through a dollar sign yelling, "EVERYONE WITH A BRAIN KNOWS YOU HAVE TO PUT TWO."

She literally poked me several times at the arm one time cause I stuttered and said "percent" instead of "principle" while we did the "principle X rate X interest" equation saying, "I won't be here to be poking you all the time, boy"

She went real hard on us. She had the dick to tell my homeroom teacher that I was acting up in class when it turned out that I was the most quiet motherfucker there.

Glad she got fired later, but when I fucking graduated. Honestly looking back it toughened me up, Lord knows I won't let it happen to me again, but I was too soft and shy back then. Fuck best believe if that happened now I'd be slapping her with all of my limbs. all of them.

I wish a teacher would call me 'boy'

My air traffic control teacher from a few semester ago was racist. She outright told me that black people being in this country is only because blacks sold blacks out, and that we should blame the Africans. She said the KKK were just working class white people who were disenfranchised by black who had taken their jobs. She said this as she was driving me and this Nepali dude to the regional airport tower.
Since I don't know where else I can talk about this, do much of you guys like jazzy hiphop? I'm a giant fan of jazz and only a mild fan of hiphop but the blend of the two is awesome.

P.S. Glad you guys have a thread again (I know I'm way late on that).
Count Dookkake said:
Inglourious Basterds made a ton of dough and got all kinds of kudos and accolades.

Surely something like that could be done with a skew toward black history.

Any of you guys making or writing movies or know people who are... there is money waiting to be taken.

Get Tyler Perry on it.
ZephyrFate said:
Since I don't know where else I can talk about this, do much of you guys like jazzy hiphop? I'm a giant fan of jazz and only a mild fan of hiphop but the blend of the two is awesome.

P.S. Glad you guys have a thread again (I know I'm way late on that).

Definitely. If you`re looking for suggestions, I can offer some from the 90s:

Tribe Called Quest
Jungle Brothers
Black Sheep
Digable Planets
Brand Nubian
Pete Rock n C.L. Smooth
Diamond D

And a ton more I`m forgetting.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
I don't understand why black people ( in western countries) love chicken so much.
Back in Africa, people would look at you and ask: "Are you poor or something? Why are you eating chicken?"
Strictly camel and lamb and beef. But I guess it's because I'm from where camels are predominantly from.
Got a raise today at my job but they didn't give me the increase I was looking for so I have to wait another 6 months before I have the opportunity to get another raise. Just pisses me off I have to work so hard to get paid much less than the last guy who did the same exact job as me. I want to fight for more but don't want to seem ungrateful. Upper management sing praises of my work for months but when it's time to open the pocket book they get stingy, doesn't help I'm the only black person in the entire company. You know they ain't trying to pay a brotha.


DY_nasty said:
I should make a "2 steps backwards" thread...
Lebron said:
what's that

The BET awards takes the time to honor some of the trailblazers of black music. You know, the early days so hiphop when they kept it real
gold chains
. Tonight there was a tribute to Salt n' pepa. MC hammer and that guy who 'wishes he was little bit taller' also performed. And the cyphers of the last few years have always have one or two nods to alternative hip hop (Common was representing tonight.

He first Black President is going to be on BET, onThursday, taking questions. If he can show some love for black people's culture then why can't you...


The show was bad as always. Nobody can rap and perform live and ore without autotune. But the VMAs is usually worse and still generates with 20+ pages.


MWS Natural said:
Got a raise today at my job but they didn't give me the increase I was looking for so I have to wait another 6 months before I have the opportunity to get another raise. Just pisses me off I have to work so hard to get paid much less than the last guy who did the same exact job as me. I want to fight for more but don't want to seem ungrateful. Upper management sing praises of my work for months but when it's time to open the pocket book they get stingy, doesn't help I'm the only black person in the entire company. You know they ain't trying to pay a brotha.

Atleast a brotha is getting paid.
Himuro said:
Nothing wrong with grilled chicken.

It's just that you put KFC above Popeyes :lol
:lol :lol :lol

what the fuck?

the only thing on the entire menu that's better at KFC than it is at Popeye's is their Mac & Cheese. some may argue the Potato Wedges vs Fries, but i consider those two products too different to compare fairly.
Count Dookkake said:
Inglourious Basterds made a ton of dough and got all kinds of kudos and accolades.

Surely something like that could be done with a skew toward black history.

Any of you guys making movies or know people who are... there is money waiting to be taken.

If you think about it though, there aren't enough watershed moments in black American history that could plausibly be written about in a Tarantino-ish way that would be able to exist safely in both the realms of hyperstylized/exaggerated action and dialogue and a non-horrible historical context.

Inglourious Basterds works amazingly because it is a story about WWII...and not the Holocaust. Black American history basically is the Holocaust (read: shit that is sorta terrible) until 1964. That slave plantation breakout idea mentioned before is a great idea (though I can't exactly figure out how to write that film without it being too campy to universally take as awesome - more "Boss Nigger" or "Shaft" than "Inglorious Basterds"). What other historical events in Black American history could you write about that wouldn't be kind of fucked up for people to watch?

The assassinations of Malcolm X or Martin Luther King? Nah...black people will be hurt by it, and white people will be like "fuck dude, not dealing with this".

The Tuskegee Air Men maybe? They actually exist in history; nobody would be able to accept a story where they were a team of ultra-awesome, super-skilled fighter pilots in the same way we have the fictional team in Inglourious Basterds.

I guess you'd need to create a plausible fictional story...but it's hard, since we know that black people in the military wasn't exactly commonplace or okay until relatively recently. A story about an amazing black codebreaker/spy/sniper in WWII would be like "okay...we know they didn't have that shit back then, stop playing" and would instantly be thought of as too campy.

Such a movie would be fucking amazing...it's just a matter of figuring out:
- how to make it historically plausible
- how to find a portion of Black American history that could be told without scarring viewers/making them turn away from atrocities (without making the story's setting/plot ignore its historical context)
- how to make it interesting in a way that appeals to all viewers while still having it be a movie about black people

Simply reskinning "Juno" or "500 Days of Summer" or "Brick" or "Mysterious Skin" or "Superbad" or regular movies like that with black characters and adjusting a few things is easy enough.

Creating a non-Blaxploitational historical exploitation film (like a Spaghetti Western, or a Euro War film) with a black cast that could be appreciated by all kinds of viewers? That's difficult.

...also, finally:

POPEYE'S > KFC. You motherfuckers must be allergic to SPICE and FLAVOR if you don't agree. :lol
Seriously though, KFC has a lot of salt, and fat and whathaveyou going on...it certainly tastes good, but it's in a blander way than Popeye's. Popeye's has a more diverse flavor, more spicy than salty. Put hot sauce on that shit, and it's a wrap.
lightless_shado said:
We don't have popeye's where I live. All we've got is KFC. Sad, I know.

Speaking of food, who here has tried African food?


I have a jacket that looks almost exactly like his :lol

Ey ey!

Mother from Sierra Leone and pops from Nigeria so that's what I eat when I am at home, my favourites:

Peanut Stew
Weight Sour
Crane Crane
Egussi Stew
Pepper Soup
Okra Stew
Jollof Rice
Fried Stew
Oxtail Stew
Cow Belly/tongue

More stuff I don't know by name but by look and test

Oh and on the subject of Afro-beat my favourite artist from home, King Masco: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHD86od_qvg
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