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The Black Culture Thread

Mecha_Infantry said:
And if you haven't heard this..then tighten up your hipster jeans and finish your mayonnaise sammiches and walk the fuck out of this thread.
*hangs head...begins walking out*

oh wait, I'm hearing it now. does that count? can I stay? :(
Let me take the moment to honor one of the baddest dudes in sitcom history:


Fred Sanford vs. George Jefferson? The world would explode due to the manliness and blackness of them combined which is strange because both are lightskinned. :lol :lol

By the way:

I cannot be friends with any of you due to your poor chicken loving decisions. I'll be in the plantations watching over the cotton for my busty white slave owner. I may not be able to read but damn she's fine.



Mecha_Infantry said:
And if you haven't heard this..then tighten up your hipster jeans and finish your mayonnaise sammiches and walk the fuck out of this thread. It gets NO better than this



^Egussi soup. TO me the African food is better than the so called black food "chicken and stuff" that I regularly eat. Man I'm hungry, but I don't like gari...Just ground rice please mummy :)
recognized that music immediately

I haven't had eba in forever, I stay having egusi at the house though.
Himuro said:
I fucking loved The Jeffersons, All in the Family and Amen.

Mecha Infantry those tunes were :D

No probs, more where that came from from mummy. But this is the one other song I'd love to show you guys, but I can't find it anywhere, and I broke the LP we had :(


Imm0rt4l said:
recognized that music immediately

I haven't had eba in forever, I stay having egusi at the house though.

I never did try eba (what is eba again) but I stays fucking with some kenki though. Can you cook traditional food, or is it a parents ting?


keep your strippers out of my American football
captmcblack said:
If you think about it though, there aren't enough watershed moments in black American history that could plausibly be written about in a Tarantino-ish way that would be able to exist safely in both the realms of hyperstylized/exaggerated action and dialogue and a non-horrible historical context.

Creating a non-Blaxploitational historical exploitation film (like a Spaghetti Western, or a Euro War film) with a black cast that could be appreciated by all kinds of viewers? That's difficult.

...also, finally:

POPEYE'S > KFC. You motherfuckers must be allergic to SPICE and FLAVOR if you don't agree. :lol
Seriously though, KFC has a lot of salt, and fat and whathaveyou going on...it certainly tastes good, but it's in a blander way than Popeye's. Popeye's has a more diverse flavor, more spicy than salty. Put hot sauce on that shit, and it's a wrap.

A movie that I would like to see made is a story of a black man in WWI or WWII, fighting for his country, being a hero, saving lives, in the trenches with white soldiers being all brothers. Then him coming back to the US and treated like less than a man. Done is a non-Oprah Winfrey, dramatic style. More of a matter of fact presentation.

And hell yes Popeye's>>>>KFC. My girl had never been to Popeye's and swore by KFC. Then I brought some Popeye's home with Red Beans and Rice. She is a convert. Honestly I don't each much fried food these days and usually go in the backyard and grill my own chicken quarters.


captmcblack said:
If you think about it though, there aren't enough watershed moments in black American history that could plausibly be written about in a Tarantino-ish way that would be able to exist safely in both the realms of hyperstylized/exaggerated action and dialogue and a non-horrible historical context.

Inglourious Basterds works amazingly because it is a story about WWII...and not the Holocaust. Black American history basically is the Holocaust (read: shit that is sorta terrible) until 1964. That slave plantation breakout idea mentioned before is a great idea (though I can't exactly figure out how to write that film without it being too campy to universally take as awesome - more "Boss Nigger" or "Shaft" than "Inglorious Basterds"). What other historical events in Black American history could you write about that wouldn't be kind of fucked up for people to watch?

The assassinations of Malcolm X or Martin Luther King? Nah...black people will be hurt by it, and white people will be like "fuck dude, not dealing with this".

The Tuskegee Air Men maybe? They actually exist in history; nobody would be able to accept a story where they were a team of ultra-awesome, super-skilled fighter pilots in the same way we have the fictional team in Inglourious Basterds.

I guess you'd need to create a plausible fictional story...but it's hard, since we know that black people in the military wasn't exactly commonplace or okay until relatively recently. A story about an amazing black codebreaker/spy/sniper in WWII would be like "okay...we know they didn't have that shit back then, stop playing" and would instantly be thought of as too campy.

Such a movie would be fucking amazing...it's just a matter of figuring out:
- how to make it historically plausible
- how to find a portion of Black American history that could be told without scarring viewers/making them turn away from atrocities (without making the story's setting/plot ignore its historical context)
- how to make it interesting in a way that appeals to all viewers while still having it be a movie about black people

Simply reskinning "Juno" or "500 Days of Summer" or "Brick" or "Mysterious Skin" or "Superbad" or regular movies like that with black characters and adjusting a few things is easy enough.

Creating a non-Blaxploitational historical exploitation film (like a Spaghetti Western, or a Euro War film) with a black cast that could be appreciated by all kinds of viewers? That's difficult.

Danny Glover needs to give up the rights to a Toussaint Louverture Biopic so it can actually be made sometime this century. Would make for an amazing film.


captmcblack said:
If you think about it though, there aren't enough watershed moments in black American history that could plausibly be written about in a Tarantino-ish way that would be able to exist safely in both the realms of hyperstylized/exaggerated action and dialogue and a non-horrible historical context.

Inglourious Basterds works amazingly because it is a story about WWII...and not the Holocaust. Black American history basically is the Holocaust (read: shit that is sorta terrible) until 1964. That slave plantation breakout idea mentioned before is a great idea (though I can't exactly figure out how to write that film without it being too campy to universally take as awesome - more "Boss Nigger" or "Shaft" than "Inglorious Basterds"). What other historical events in Black American history could you write about that wouldn't be kind of fucked up for people to watch?

The assassinations of Malcolm X or Martin Luther King? Nah...black people will be hurt by it, and white people will be like "fuck dude, not dealing with this".

The Tuskegee Air Men maybe? They actually exist in history; nobody would be able to accept a story where they were a team of ultra-awesome, super-skilled fighter pilots in the same way we have the fictional team in Inglourious Basterds.

I guess you'd need to create a plausible fictional story...but it's hard, since we know that black people in the military wasn't exactly commonplace or okay until relatively recently. A story about an amazing black codebreaker/spy/sniper in WWII would be like "okay...we know they didn't have that shit back then, stop playing" and would instantly be thought of as too campy.

Such a movie would be fucking amazing...it's just a matter of figuring out:
- how to make it historically plausible
- how to find a portion of Black American history that could be told without scarring viewers/making them turn away from atrocities (without making the story's setting/plot ignore its historical context)
- how to make it interesting in a way that appeals to all viewers while still having it be a movie about black people

Simply reskinning "Juno" or "500 Days of Summer" or "Brick" or "Mysterious Skin" or "Superbad" or regular movies like that with black characters and adjusting a few things is easy enough.

Creating a non-Blaxploitational historical exploitation film (like a Spaghetti Western, or a Euro War film) with a black cast that could be appreciated by all kinds of viewers? That's difficult.

...also, finally:

POPEYE'S > KFC. You motherfuckers must be allergic to SPICE and FLAVOR if you don't agree. :lol
Seriously though, KFC has a lot of salt, and fat and whathaveyou going on...it certainly tastes good, but it's in a blander way than Popeye's. Popeye's has a more diverse flavor, more spicy than salty. Put hot sauce on that shit, and it's a wrap.

HBO made a Tuskegee Airmen movie more than a decade ago. It was pretty good too, but it pretty much had "the black" cast and went straight to video I believe.
Fuck, so many great ideas for movies in this thread.

I wish I had some talent so we could make a GAF movie group like those dudes making Dudebro and get something together. Then we could get paid, become famous off of our groundbreaking, socially-relevant black movie and do blow off of Melyssa Ford's left asscheek
captmcblack said:
Fuck, so many great ideas for movies in this thread.

I wish I had some talent so we could make a GAF movie group like those dudes making Dudebro and get something together. Then we could get paid, become famous off of our groundbreaking, socially-relevant black movie and do blow off of Melyssa Ford's left asscheek

That would be amazing. Alas, I lack in the movie making talent also.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
dskillzhtown said:
A movie that I would like to see made is a story of a black man in WWI or WWII, fighting for his country, being a hero, saving lives, in the trenches with white soldiers being all brothers. Then him coming back to the US and treated like less than a man. Done is a non-Oprah Winfrey, dramatic style. More of a matter of fact presentation.
*Paging Clint Eastwood*

Seriously. He would kill that.


I still read Spawn.
At this point, it's kind of a comfort thing. I've been doing it since I was a kid and kept it up for so long... I can't imagine not reading Spawn or consuming Spawn related materials/merchandise.


Count Dookkake said:
Two questions:

1) What do you guys make of the white-washing of the Bass Reaves story as True Grit? Couldn't the Coens have at least updated the lead's race, even if the rest was still fictionalized? It seems there are a few Bass Reaves projects in development, so at least he will get a chance to become a film icon. Dude was an unbelievable bad-ass.

Could you expand on this? I know who Bass Reeves is but I didn't know he had anything to do with True Grit.


dskillzhtown said:
A movie that I would like to see made is a story of a black man in WWI or WWII, fighting for his country, being a hero, saving lives, in the trenches with white soldiers being all brothers. Then him coming back to the US and treated like less than a man. Done is a non-Oprah Winfrey, dramatic style. More of a matter of fact presentation.

Reminds me of the stories of black men staying in Vietnam, starting families in that country. I think it would be a great premise for a movie.

Mecha_Infantry said:
No probs, more where that came from from mummy. But this is the one other song I'd love to show you guys, but I can't find it anywhere, and I broke the LP we had :(


I never did try eba (what is eba again) but I stays fucking with some kenki though. Can you cook traditional food, or is it a parents ting?
it's the pounded yam looking stuff made from garri in that pic(perhaps theirs another name for it). I don't know how to make any traditional food, my parents make it.


dskillzhtown said:
A movie that I would like to see made is a story of a black man in WWI or WWII, fighting for his country, being a hero, saving lives, in the trenches with white soldiers being all brothers. Then him coming back to the US and treated like less than a man. Done is a non-Oprah Winfrey, dramatic style. More of a matter of fact presentation.

Henry Lincoln mothafucking Johnson. He had a nice ticker-taper parade while the US government put him on some posters to bolster blacks into the army, but in the end he died penniless, estranged, and didn't receive 1 US medal during his unfortunately brief lifetime.


spindashing said:
Let me take the moment to honor one of the baddest dudes in sitcom history:


Fred Sanford vs. George Jefferson? The world would explode due to the manliness and blackness of them combined which is strange because both are lightskinned. :lol :lol


I remember when I was a little kid and going to the local flea market and seeing this album...


For the next week I was saying that until my mom got fed up and popped me on the ass with a belt...
Mecha_Infantry said:
Ey ey!

Mother from Sierra Leone and pops from Nigeria so that's what I eat when I am at home, my favourites:

Peanut Stew
Weight Sour
Crane Crane
Egussi Stew
Pepper Soup
Okra Stew
Jollof Rice
Fried Stew
Oxtail Stew
Cow Belly/tongue

More stuff I don't know by name but by look and test
: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHD86od_qvg

YES! Have you tried dried fish? OMG I can't get enough of that ish. Seriously, the last time I ate it was like 9 years ago :'(

I used to remember going to the outdoor markets and buying sugar canes when I was little. My aunt also used to make this thing out of flour chinchin or something like that.

Who here has tried gari mixed with sugar and eaten it with peanuts? or meatpie?


lightless_shado said:
YES! Have you tried dried fish? OMG I can't get enough of that ish. Seriously, the last time I ate it was like 9 years ago :'(

I used to remember going to the outdoor markets and buying sugar canes when I was little. My aunt also used to make this thing out of flour chinchin or something like that.

Who here has tried gari mixed with sugar and eaten it with peanuts? or meatpie?


or are you talking about smaller dried fish? My dad loves stockfish and always prepare the stuff. My room mate, a Japanese dude put me onto some smaller dried fish they eat out their which is really good too, sweet stuff.

My mom loves gari, so does my sister. I never eat(drink?) it really, haven't for a really long time, but I love me some meat pies which is something my parents never cook. I don't know if my mom even remembers how to cook it, and my father is a pescatarian.
soundscream said:


Remember this crap show.

Shit, I do. :(

Popeyes is best, everyone knows this. I wish a few southern/eastern things would find their way out here--Shoney's and Citrus Punch for starters, followed by 1 Great bagel shop.

Okra, fried or stewed is delicious...I just had a pan of mac and cheese not too long ago.

Man fuck y'all, now I'm hungry waiting to eat some dried ass noodles :lol
Imm0rt4l said:

or are you talking about smaller dried fish? My dad loves stockfish and always prepare the stuff. My room mate, a Japanese dude put me onto some smaller dried fish they eat out their which is really good too, sweet stuff.

My mom loves gari, so does my sister. I never eat(drink?) it really, haven't for a really long time, but I love me some meat pies which is something my parents never cook. I don't know if my mom even remembers how to cook it, and my father is a pescatarian.

I'm not quite sure, like I said its been ages since I had it. I did a google search and it looks like this:

if you open it up. The fish is dried and put through a stick. Also with gari you can make eba or you can have it soaked in water pretty good either way. Which also reminds me, did you ever try bushmeat? there are different kinds of bushmeat according to region, but the one I recall eating was either rabbit or some kind of deer-like animal.


lightless_shado said:
I'm not quite sure, like I said its been ages since I had it. I did a google search and it looks like this:

if you open it up. The fish is dried and put through a stick. Also with gari you can make eba or you can have it soaked in water pretty good either way. Which also reminds me, did you ever try bushmeat? there are different kinds of bushmeat according to region, but the one I recall eating was either rabbit or some kind of deer-like animal.[/QUOTE]

the stockfish I've had looks a bit different, but I'm sure it probably taste similar. Very tough, kinda sweet. You could chew on that shit for a while. I've never had any kind of bushmeat. Do people in the cities like Lagos eat that kind of stuff or is that mainly just bushmen? I've never had anything really exotic for an African, just stuff like goat.


Dreams-Visions said:
oh my god what the fuck is that it's not food what is it what is it uhhhhhh
dried fish is eaten in Africa and Asia, it's pretty good depending on the fish. But I probably couldn't convince you just like no one could really convince me to eat chitlins. "aw man, but all you gotta do is put some hot sauce on it, it's damn good!".....Nah, I'm straight. Different tastes.
Imm0rt4l said:
the stockfish I've had looks a bit different, but I'm sure it probably taste similar. Very tough, kinda sweet. You could chew on that shit for a while. I've never had any kind of bushmeat. Do people in the cities like Lagos eat that kind of stuff or is that mainly just bushmen? I've never had anything really exotic for an African, just stuff like goat.

Well my grandparents usually brought it and they live outside the city. I always just assumed my mates ate it too.

And goat is great, but it can be fantastic depending on how its cooked. If you put it with pepper-soup=fantastic. We usually ate it around christmas time, but since I moved I haven't really eaten it since. Goat meat is expensive when you can find it over here.

Dreams-Visions said:
oh my god what the fuck is that it's not food what is it what is it uhhhhhh
If you try it you will understand.


Imm0rt4l said:
dried fish is eaten in Africa and Asia, it's pretty good depending on the fish. But I probably couldn't convince you just like no one could really convince me to eat chitlins. "aw man, but all you gotta do is put some hot sauce on it, it's damn good!".....Nah, I'm straight. Different tastes.

Ugh just going to a house where they cook them makes me start to throw up a little in my mouth.
lightless_shado said:
Well my grandparents usually brought it and they live outside the city. I always just assumed my mates ate it too.

And goat is great, but it can be fantastic depending on how its cooked. If you put it with pepper-soup=fantastic. We usually ate it around christmas time, but since I moved I haven't really eaten it since. Goat meat is expensive when you can find it over here.

If you try it you will understand.
as with everything. :)

edit: everything except chitlins. fuck that.

gonna have to find someone to hold me down.
lightless_shado said:
I've never tried chitlins, I didn't even know what they were but judging by the responses in this thread I'm not missing out:lol
it's swine intestine. with the shit scraped out. washed and cooked.

and no, you're not missing anything.


Dreams-Visions said:
it's swine intestine. with the shit scraped out. washed and cooked.

and no, you're not missing anything.
You better hope they were scraped out! There are some rushed chitlin cookers out there. I'm exagerating, but the more home cooked they are, the more concerned I am.

Personally, no amount of scrubbing could convince I wasn't eating a poop holder, but I know some that love the. I actually avoid organ food period. Just don't like the texture of them.


MWS Natural said:
What everyone keeps saying me but it still sucks working twice as hard for less pay.
Start sending out your resume to other jobs? Then when you find one that is willing to play ball, you can give your Dave Chappelle "I Quit" routine on your way out. Win Win.


The Faceless Master said:
know what's really good? sea turtle.
I remember at the age of 9 going to a neighbor's house and watching as he cut up a turtle and later made stew out of it. I could not bear myself to even taste it.
sciplore said:
I remember at the age of 9 going to a neighbor's house and watching as he cut up a turtle and later made stew out of it. I could not bear myself to even taste it.
That reminds me of when I was younger and my family took a trip to Haiti. We saw a goat in my aunt's place (who lived in Haiti). My sister and I tried to befriend it but it was terrified of us. Every morning it would bleat. "Baa-baa." It was cute. Then one morning, we hear the most unholy animal sound ever.

We didn't ask questions about it. Then we got breakfast. I commented on how whatever we were given to eat was damned good. Turns out it was the goat's insides.

My sister was mortified. Screamed and didn't speak for the rest of the day. I kept eating without guilt. :lol


Turtle? Nah, son, I was too big of a TMNT fan to let that go down in our house. We had pet turtles that we let roam around the house, they got big as fuck. They still alive, but we gave them away to other family members. Sub-Zero and Scorpion, the baddest mofo's on the planet.

I do however remember in my grandma's neighborhood(5th Ward in Houston) they would always cook up roadkill. They would literally go crazy if you hit an armadillo, people coming from all over, saying, "I hear ya got some Dillo?!?!" :lol


Scribble said:
It's tripe I don't like. Shit scares me to death, and looks like something Satan would eat.


My mom cooked this on occasion when I was younger, really hard to chew the stuff. Not a fan. It doesn't taste bad, but it doesn't have much flavor of any kind. I think that's why it's always eaten in a stew. I really hate trying to chew that shit though, so hard to grind.


Veidt said:
I think you're the first person that has.
Those are mainly songs speaking out against the colonialism of that time.

It really is an acquired taste, at least it was for me. I've noticed I've started to appreciate the songs as I got older. That seems to generally be the case.

A bit more "pop"-ish song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LQHb_ema7c#t=0m30s

sounds very asian doesn't it? :lol

Folk music of all kinds are my weakness man. I like the stripped down, man and his instrument nature of it.
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