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The Black Culture Thread


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Tripe? I love chitlins (in small doses), but I don't think thats for me...
Whoompthereitis said:
What's wrong with eating underwear? If a girl's that fine I'll boil her panties and make a spot of tea.


- Where you're from - Columbus, OH
- Where you live - Grove City, OH although I'm hoping to find a job in Texas.
- Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - Other than my Great Great Grandmother on my Grandmother's side being full blooded Cherokee Native American, I have no idea.
- Do you know your roots? Not really, never really cared about it I guess.
- Your Age - 25
- Favorite musical genre - None really, I don't listen to music that often but when I do, there's no specific genre I lean towards.
- Your profession/major/career interest-Videogame Level Designer/Scripter
- Your religious affiliation - Christian
- Hobbies - Videogames, movies, writing design docs, occasionally taking pictures, occasionally ball room dancing, watching anime although I've fallen out of that almost completely, other stuff that isn't coming to me at the moment.

- Do you feel ostracized as a black nerd/dork? Charles Barkley once said that "there's nothing sadder than a black nerd". What do you think about those words, and while we're on the issue, what is gaf's opinion on the whole "act white" thing?

Yes for the most part but it never really bothered me until I got to college. I always figured I would 'grow out of it' and magically make a lot of friends in college but it was pretty much the opposite, as I went to a school of 50,000 and didn't make a single friend. As far as Barkley goes *shrug*. His thoughts have nothing to do with me. The whole "acting white" conundrum is something that's only recently begun to anger me. I used to, and still do to a lesser degree, get shit about "acting white" from both black and white people. I think it hurts coming from black people the most because, on one hand you have the black community telling society that they don't want to be stereotyped a certain way yet on another I get ridiculed for saying 'ask' properly or because I won't break someone's neck for stepping on my shoes. So yeah, I don't really relate with white or black people too well and I'm pretty reclusive as a result. I'd probably never interact with people on any meaningful level if I didn't want to be successful at my job or if I didn't want to get laid.:lol
My mother makes tripe on occasion and it's great, although, you hard to chew as has been stated. It's made sorta like a stew I guess, with potatoes and the like.

She's only made it like 4 or 5 times that I know of though. I think it's hard to prepare.

Maybe I'll grab a pick or something next time I have some.
Fuck chitlins.

Fuck tripe.

And fuck all of those non-essential meat parts, too. Gizzards and feet and shit like that...NO MAN, NO. Throw them out, goddammit.
so... Saltfish... Ackee or Egg?

sciplore said:
I remember at the age of 9 going to a neighbor's house and watching as he cut up a turtle and later made stew out of it. I could not bear myself to even taste it.
oh, in the Cayman Islands, they used to sell it in supermarkets in 5lb boxes, like chicken... dunno if they still do, there was a lot of U.S. pressure against the turtle industry there a while back.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Dreams-Visions said:
why we still got slave food?
Because sometimes its delicious...

But seriously, its time to move on to 2010. Thanksgiving is gonna come up soon and I just know that someone in my family is going to bring some pig feet .


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Topher said:
Am I the only brother who doesn't like chicken on the bone? Or "chitlins"?
I love chitlins, but I can't eat that much at once or I feel filthy.

I hate drumsticks and wings though... Breasts and thighs only.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
I have grilled chicken breast for dinner almost every night. i love that shit.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Vinrau said:
Folk music of all kinds are my weakness man. I like the stripped down, man and his instrument nature of it.
For real. Same here man.


You'd be forgiven in thinking ackee IS egg :lol

Actually, that's what turned me off of ackee despite my loving it with saltfish. It creeped me out how something that looks so eggy can grow on a tree (The red skin and black stone doesn't help either). It's stupid really, I should just stfu.

Don't forget the callaloo!


Hell yea ackee and saltfish. I haven't had it in so long. Mother still makes stew peas like every weekend though. Rice and peas often too.
Topher said:
Am I the only brother who doesn't like chicken on the bone? Or "chitlins"?

Chitlins isn't an option for me ever. And no, I'm not Mr. No Swine. But chitlins just isn't going down.

On another note, liver is another thing I can't eat. My mom used to make that ish...how can something smell so good while cooking and yet taste so awful?


not licensed in your state
ChocolateCupcakes said:
I've never had chitlins. I feel out of the loop. :(

Me either

Somehow, I still feel somewhat fortunate

Liver is Cerebrus meat. The foulest thing I have ever tasted.

High five! The consistency makes it taste like low carpet with gravy. *vomit*
Scribble said:
It's tripe I don't like. Shit scares me to death, and looks like something Satan would eat.



It's LUSH GORGEOUS AMAZING! Oi my, in some Palm (Pam') Oil stew with some fresh okra and ground rice....ohh my!

lightless_shado said:
YES! Have you tried dried fish? OMG I can't get enough of that ish. Seriously, the last time I ate it was like 9 years ago :'(

I used to remember going to the outdoor markets and buying sugar canes when I was little. My aunt also used to make this thing out of flour chinchin or something like that.

Who here has tried gari mixed with sugar and eaten it with peanuts? or meatpie?

Yea, dried fish aint my thing because the shit is so damn dry, and my mum sometimes makes a whole stew of it. I generally don't like fish in stews, so the dryness doesn't really help. We have tonnes of it right now and mum sometimes does it from scratch.

Imm0rt4l said:
My mom loves gari, so does my sister. I never eat(drink?) it really, haven't for a really long time, but I love me some meat pies which is something my parents never cook. I don't know if my mom even remembers how to cook it, and my father is a pescatarian.

Drink it? Never tried that. Have you guys tried Rice Pap??


Cerberus by the way, oops.

Anyway, it's very true how liver has a kind of metallic taste. I'd even call it a rusty taste :lol My grandmother used to eat it with bacon for breakfast and though the idea of this is nice, not even bacon can drown the foulness of liver. I haven't tried it in a while though, so I may have to give it another go someday (ugh) to be sure. There was a great Doug episode about this issue :lol

There's worse tasting things out there, I'm sure. I'm curious as to how bad that Japanese dish natto tastes (Or was it the smell?)


Mecha_Infantry said:
It's LUSH GORGEOUS AMAZING! Oi my, in some Palm (Pam') Oil stew with some fresh okra and ground rice....ohh my!

Yea, dried fish aint my thing because the shit is so damn dry, and my mum sometimes makes a whole stew of it. I generally don't like fish in stews, so the dryness doesn't really help. We have tonnes of it right now and mum sometimes does it from scratch.

Drink it? Never tried that. Have you guys tried Rice Pap??
well I guess it isn't really drinking it, but you put gari in water and you drink the water and eat the gari at the bottom which is at the bottom of the bowl. I've never tried rice pap before.
Scribble said:
Cerberus by the way, oops.

Anyway, it's very true how liver has a kind of metallic taste. I'd even call it a rusty taste :lol My grandmother used to eat it with bacon for breakfast and though the idea of this is nice, not even bacon can drown the foulness of liver. I haven't tried it in a while though, so I may have to give it another go someday (ugh) to be sure. There was a great Doug episode about this issue :lol

There's worse tasting things out there, I'm sure. I'm curious as to how bad that Japanese dish natto tastes (Or was it the smell?)

Lol I remember that. And liver tastes so metallic because of all the iron in it.


I hated ackee most of my childhood because when I first ate it, I assumed it was egg. The softness of it freaked me out. :lol

I love it now though. Liver on the other hand will never pass my throat.
Liver makes gravy/sauce taste real good but the meat itself is an acquired taste. I like to use the gravy over white race, and just eat a different type of meat for protein.
ChocolateCupcakes said:
I've never had chitlins. I feel out of the loop. :(
My family loves those pig intestines. Just the smell of that shit boiling in the pot makes me sick. Ever seen the process of cleaning it? *faints*


Lebron said:
I have never tried any of the food being mentioned here.
Even Liver? I thought just about every parent from the western hemisphere have tried to cram that vileness down their children throats.

I hate liver too when I was a stupid 6/7 old my mom could get me to eat it by just disguising it as hamburger patties. Around 8 I must have acquired some common sense because I soon saw it for the evil it was.
ChocolateCupcakes said:
I've never had chitlins. I feel out of the loop. :(

Don't. I've never had it either and I feel perfectly fine. I've smelled them and I've seen them sitting in a bucket. Never tasted them and don't feel like I'm missing a damn thing.

ChocolateCupcakes said:
captmcblack said:
Liver just has this bizarre texture...it's like eating a metallic-flavored grainy meat sponge paste or something.
Someones not cooking your liver right.

Some lady told me that exact same thing. I told her it was a nasty pasty meat substance, and she just told me that it obviously wasn't being cooked right.

Personally I'll just stick to my Lima Beans & Black Eyed peas both cooked with ham hock(or pigs feet or whatever it's cooked with), some baked macaroni (Mac & Cheese is nasty, especially the stuff from Kraft) or macaroni caserole & fried/grilled/baked chicken.

some Okra stew is always welcome, a pot of greens (also cooked with ham) nd some homemade cornbread....

damn, I think I better call my grandma, it's about time to visit again.


captmcblack said:
Fuck chitlins.

Fuck tripe.

And fuck all of those non-essential meat parts, too. Gizzards and feet and shit like that...NO MAN, NO. Throw them out, goddammit.
To quickly represent Jew-GAF...no way! Gizzards and feet are awesome and make great gravy and soups!

Also liver rules! Never had chitlins, since I don't really do the whole pig eating thing.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Gizzards are awesome... Japanese eat a lot of "black food"

I remember when my brother came to visit me he said to me by the 3rd day "damn! And I thought brothers like to fry shit!"
can't disagree with any of that.

sistas sometimes want a walking contradiction. but most women probably do. instead, you tell them what they're going to have and profit. :lol
Yo, Dreams-Visions, been meaning to ask you-- where did the "brah" come from in your lexicon?

The only cats I know that use "brah" are White dudes out here in Cali.

Most Black guys I've seen here use, "brother".

Is "brah" used by Black folks in other parts of the country?
Hi, NegroGAF/BlackGAF. Yesterday was my 21st birthday. I made it to 21, phew. :D

Shit was bananas. Got a fresh assed haircut with a barber that I don't usually go to -- he's a back up if my barber is MIA, and the guy does a great job! Oddly he pointed out that a few girls were outside looking at me and asked if I knew them. :lol They looked too young for me.

Then me and my friends went to Manhattan. Holy shit. On the train ride there we saw this fine assed black chick. In converse. Then out of nowhere she hugs and kisses this tall white guy passionately. Me and my friends just wanted to clap for that white guy. Around that couple, though -- there was a black lady staring INTENSELY at the couple and to the left of them was a white lady doing the same thing. Smh @ the lack of racial tolerance around here.

The city is beautiful. Beautiful assed places. Beautiful assed women. Shit, even beautiful assed men and I don't roll that way. :lol We mainly stayed in Chinatown where we ate at a Japanese restauraunt. I never had fried food in ages to tell the truth on my diet, but I had fried shrimp w/ Tempura ramen and also ordered fried squid legs. God damn I couldn't finish it. Tasted like sex. My friends had to be complete n***as and eat EVERYTHING, even my leftovers. They called me a bitch and we left. :lol

oh my god the women. we then sight saw. Shopped for videogames at this nice little store that has EVERYTHING. I'm definitely going back to that store.

All in all, day was a success and I'm glad to still be here at 21 so I could post on an ... internet ... gaming ... forum ...


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