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The Black Culture Thread


Junior Member
MWS Natural said:
A Black Republican.

Why is it that black Republicans always have to be more conservative and crazy than baseline Republicans?

Alan Keyes and Herman Cain for example...


Measley said:
Why is it that black Republicans always have to be more conservative and crazy than baseline Republicans?

Alan Keyes and Herman Cain for example...

It's the same reason why some feel that some muslim converts ahve to be more radical. *cough) Otomanscribe *cough* But then again, its pretty 50/50 IMO. Condoleeza Rice is fairly mdoerate, same for Colin Powell and arguably Michael Steele. Cain and Keyes they are ridiculously rightwing.


The Faceless Master said:
the point is most are mixed so at what point should someone claim mixed? how light do you have to be to claim? hence the paper bag comment...
He is so hung up on separating pure 100% africans from people who aren't 100% african. Um I don't know any african americans that don't have other races in them. I do know a lot of africans born in african who move to america. To him I guess they are the only african americans? But then none where born in america. Basically he is bat shit insane.
Measley said:
Yeah, but the majority of blacks in America aren't mixed to the point where they look like Alicia Keys or Smokey Robinson. Because of that issues can get muddled and persist. For example;


and this;


Really can you stop shitting up this thread with what makes you African American.

My mothers side of my family are light skinned because of various reasons, but can trace their roots to South Carolina plantations are you telling me that they are not African American because somewhere along the line there was a white person or Native American who jumped into the gene pool.

Just because my grandfather wasn't the darkest Blackman didn't mean he didn't have to deal with the same BS as every other African American did.

By your definition are these guys African American?



Are they Dark enough for your standards?


Despite what some try to tell you, Republicans weren't always bad (see Abe Lincoln and, unfortunately a name I cannot remember, that allowed blacks to become flag officers in the military and both were fought against by Democrats...). It's just unfortunate that they forgot their way in the 1950's on...

I am curious where that chart came from that someone posted earlier because as a black man, I in no way or form find ANY "Pacific Islanders" more attractive than say Sanna Lathan, Regina Hall or Gabrielle Union. Those three on a screen and there can be nothing but stark naked Filipino or whatever women on the screen with them, I'm still trying to see if those three have short skirts and high heels on! Sorry, but I LOVE my sistas! Yes, there are attractive women in every race but in NO way are black women 37 or whatever IMO...

That Smokey joint was on POINT! Can't believe I missed it.

Not sure if was asked but what is everyone's beer of choice, if you drink beer? Only ask because my wife's (Jamaican) family lives and dies by friggin Heineken! Not even Red Stripe...


LowerLevel said:
Despite what some try to tell you, Republicans weren't always bad (see Abe Lincoln and, unfortunately a name I cannot remember, that allowed blacks to become flag officers in the military and both were fought against by Democrats...). It's just unfortunate that they forgot their way in the 1950's on...

I am curious where that chart came from that someone posted earlier because as a black man, I in no way or form find ANY "Pacific Islanders" more attractive than say Sanna Lathan, Regina Hall or Gabrielle Union. Those three on a screen and there can be nothing but stark naked Filipino or whatever women on the screen with them, I'm still trying to see if those three have short skirts and high heels on! Sorry, but I LOVE my sistas! Yes, there are attractive women in every race but in NO way are black women 37 or whatever IMO...

That Smokey joint was on POINT! Can't believe I missed it.

Not sure if was asked but what is everyone's beer of choice, if you drink beer? Only ask because my wife's (Jamaican) family lives and dies by friggin Heineken! Not even Red Stripe...

I prefer darker beers, though I still love me some Hoegaarden and Sapporo. All my friends act like Heineken and Stella are the holy grail but I don't care for them much. Sleeman's Original (fuck that honey brown shit) and Rickard's Red are other favourites. Keith's White and Steam Whistle, too.
LowerLevel said:
Not sure if was asked but what is everyone's beer of choice, if you drink beer? Only ask because my wife's (Jamaican) family lives and dies by friggin Heineken! Not even Red Stripe...

As someone that drinks only on and or during social occasions(big parties/bar with friends) and is a major light weight, um smirnoff I suppose?


Measley said:
Why is it that black Republicans always have to be more conservative and crazy than baseline Republicans?

Alan Keyes and Herman Cain for example...
to compensate for their skin color I suppose.
LowerLevel said:
Despite what some try to tell you, Republicans weren't always bad (see Abe Lincoln and, unfortunately a name I cannot remember, that allowed blacks to become flag officers in the military and both were fought against by Democrats...). It's just unfortunate that they forgot their way in the 1950's on...

I am curious where that chart came from that someone posted earlier because as a black man, I in no way or form find ANY "Pacific Islanders" more attractive than say Sanna Lathan, Regina Hall or Gabrielle Union. Those three on a screen and there can be nothing but stark naked Filipino or whatever women on the screen with them, I'm still trying to see if those three have short skirts and high heels on! Sorry, but I LOVE my sistas! Yes, there are attractive women in every race but in NO way are black women 37 or whatever IMO...

That Smokey joint was on POINT! Can't believe I missed it.

Not sure if was asked but what is everyone's beer of choice, if you drink beer? Only ask because my wife's (Jamaican) family lives and dies by friggin Heineken! Not even Red Stripe...

That chart comes from OKCupid, I think. Makes me want to run to blackplanet; can't be the bottom of the barrel if you're the only thing in the barrel, lol.

As for black Republicans, I feel like the ONLY reason for black Repubs to exist is for the representation - the political version of "see? I'm not racist, I've totally got black friends". Those black Repubs have to stunt extra hard to establish that they aren't just token...which, coincidentally, makes them even more token.

Also, that Smokey Robinson thing is so correct and wonderful and beautiful. I want that shit in the next BCT OP. We should scour GAF and collect our greatest hits to put in the next OP; Negro-Age is kinda like a big fucking deal now, and I love it. I don't want anyone to forget it, either.

Finally, my beer of choice is whatever I can drink on a particular day. Right now, I'm drinking a Shock Top - a quality beer to follow the Miller High Life swill I had just before. I love Hoegaarden as well.

...in my family though, Heineken is the weapon of choice. I think that's a Caribbean thing :x


ikkemenx said:
I prefer darker beers, though I still love me some Hoegaarden and Sapporo. All my friends act like Heineken and Stella are the holy grail but I don't care for them much. Sleeman's Original (fuck that honey brown shit) and Rickard's Red are other favourites. Keith's White and Steam Whistle, too.

My wife got me into Flying Horse and Taj Mahal and Indian cuisine in general, but those are good beers. A shame they stopped selling them around my area except in east Quincy where there is a considerable South Asian population. If you ever have an opportunity to, try them.
LowerLevel said:
Despite what some try to tell you, Republicans weren't always bad (see Abe Lincoln and, unfortunately a name I cannot remember, that allowed blacks to become flag officers in the military and both were fought against by Democrats...). It's just unfortunate that they forgot their way in the 1950's on...

Yep. Southern democrats became Republicans because of the civil rights movement.


Junior Member
soundscream said:
Really can you stop shitting up this thread with what makes you African American.

My mothers side of my family are light skinned because of various reasons, but can trace their roots to South Carolina plantations are you telling me that they are not African American because somewhere along the line there was a white person or Native American who jumped into the gene pool.

Just because my grandfather wasn't the darkest Blackman didn't mean he didn't have to deal with the same BS as every other African American did.

By your definition are these guys African American?

Are they Dark enough for your standards?

Where did I say that lightskinned blacks aren't African American? I simply said that LSBs muiddle racial matters because of their skin advantage.


Sorry, but I have to ask another question. Do you all think it odd that every time I play a western RPG or an MMO and I have the option, I make my toon as close to a Black Female as I can first and foremost? They are the most under-appreciated in all media it seems and I tire of NOT seeing it enough.

OK, flame away. I got my Hot Suit on!
LowerLevel said:
Sorry, but I have to ask another question. Do you all think it odd that every time I play a western RPG or an MMO and I have the option, I make my toon as close to a Black Female as I can first and foremost? They are the most under-appreciated in all media it seems and I tire of NOT seeing it enough.

OK, flame away. I got my Hot Suit on!
Welp, that's what I'll be doing for my second play-through of Mass Effect 2. So no, not unusual.


Junior Member
LowerLevel said:
Sorry, but I have to ask another question. Do you all think it odd that every time I play a western RPG or an MMO and I have the option, I make my toon as close to a Black Female as I can first and foremost? They are the most under-appreciated in all media it seems and I tire of NOT seeing it enough.

OK, flame away. I got my Hot Suit on!

I don't find that odd at all....

Unless you're a dude. :-/

Dreams-Visions said:



That Smokey Robinson poem brings a tear to my eye. I love Def Poetry Jam- sometimes I just go through a playlist of them
and cry like a baby


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Measley said:
I don't find that odd at all....

Unless you're a dude. :-/
Eh if there's some kind of character customization in a game I usually pick a chick cause I play enough dudes in most of my vidya games.
Measley said:
I was hoping there were be some conclusion thought there. I guess that was the entire thought.

ikkemenx said:
That Smokey Robinson poem brings a tear to my eye. I love Def Poetry Jam- sometimes I just go through a playlist of them
and cry like a baby
Def Poetry used to be a weekly happening at my frat house.

Out would come the weed and playing cards for Spades, in would come the Deltas and SGRho's, on would do the TV.

Goddamn those were some good days.


Junior Member
Plywood said:
Eh if there's some kind of character customization in a game I usually pick a chick cause I play enough dudes in most of my vidya games.

Anyone here going to pick up Star Wars: The Old Republic?
LowerLevel said:
Ditto. And, yes, I am a guy.
that reason is fair. at GAF, most of these lonely mothafuckas would say, "I picked a female for ME2 so that I could look at a female ass all game long..."

I've seen that said more times that I care to remember.
LowerLevel said:
Not sure if was asked but what is everyone's beer of choice, if you drink beer? Only ask because my wife's (Jamaican) family lives and dies by friggin Heineken! Not even Red Stripe...
Corona, Becks, Heineken, Pabst Blue Ribbon.


LowerLevel said:
Ditto. And, yes, I am a guy.

I always play a boy and name him after myself. Dunno why, I think it comes from growing up a tomboy and not wanting to be "girly" or choosing a girl just because I am one. My name is kind of masculine (which I've always liked) and it's seems "cooler" to me to play boys. (Growing up I hated girls a lot because they picked on me, so I would hang out with guys)

Dreams-Visions said:
that reason is fair. at GAF, most of these lonely mothafuckas would say, "I picked a female for ME2 so that I could look at a female ass all game long..."

I've seen that said more times that I care to remember.

May as well admit that a highlight of mine from playing Metal Gear is ogling Snake's perfectly-sculpted behind throughout the entire game. *crouches, starts crawling*


Big Baybee said:
I don't even know why I tried in there. I'm sure I was a few posts away from someone calling me a bigot.

And one wonders why i shy away from Black gaf even though i am black.
Big Baybee said:
I don't even know why I tried in there. I'm sure I was a few posts away from someone calling me a bigot.
Yeah, from what I've noticed any sort of disagreement makes you a homophobic insensitive bigot. People like to argue.
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