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The Black Culture Thread


Zoramon089 said:
Yeah, but a lot of western African people can be light skinned as well without having any mixed ancestry in them. I'm Nigerian and I'm pretty light (like Chris Brown color) and when I went there I saw people as light as me

I'm sure that's the case. I think the reason the 'Shinasha' are mentioned, I guess, is because they are very light skinned. Perhaps more like a Chinese complexion. I'm sure there are people in other areas of Sub Saharan Africa like that as well, but I don't know how common that would be.


Satchwar said:
The article states that many of the interviewed white men respond to black women the way that they do because of limited exposure to black women and callously perpetuated stereotypes that harm the image of black women as a whole.

One of the men interviewed even states that the only way he'd see a black woman as attractive is if she had typically white or asian features, and spoke as a white or asian woman does.

I think you should read the comments section of the article you linked, because some of the people leaving feedback managed to further expand on those points. I'm not sure if you realize that there's more to all of this than you'd like to give credit to, and I'm also not sure of whether or not you're open to that being the case.

No no no no no! *sigh* The white guys interviewed would not have a negative view of BW if the sterotypes did not stick. There is something reinforcing those negative sterotypes, the question you have to ask yourself is what could that be. For example these white guys probably hang out with pretty much only other white people. They probably have sterotypes about...lets say asian women. If these guys saw a neck snapping, tongue clicking, attitude projecting asian women in the media would the sterotype stick? I don't think it would. Why? Because these guys don't see that in real-life or in the media, limited exposure be damned. If the times that these guys did she a BW and she was popping off in public in their minds that would be how the majority of BW act.

Forget day to day life for a sec. Where can white men get a healthy douse of their daily negative BW dirty laundry? TV of course. A few months back I was reading about some reality TV show on Yahoo news...Trump's show or something. Anyway they were talking about the popularity of the show and the reason for it. Basically what they said was the show was so popular was because the BW on the show acted crazy and stuff, calling eachother "bitches" and fighting and what not. If this the image that BW are putting out on television then of course their sterotypes are going to be extremely negative. Mind you this issue is just one of many problems that BW have. I was just explaining why BW have a megative image just in the media. Two other quick examples of BW fucking up their image on TV would be Housewives of Atlanta and Basketball Wives. Those two shows are popular with even BW! Which dives into another issue that BW have which would be BW not understanding how they are perceived by other people. Everything that I have explained goes right into what? "The Angry BW." Which again black females deny. I will never understand where BW get this idea that denial is the end all be all.

EDIT: Real quick let me touch on this beauty topic. If you ask a white guy who he considers an attractive BW he will say Beyonce and Halle Berry everytime. Once again white guys get their ideas of how black people act and black beauty from the media. Problem! A lot of the exposure that BW like to champion in the media is stuff they should not be co-signing. Off the top of my head Sherri Shepard. Why the hell is she repping BW on TV? That is hurting BW's image! I mean she was on that ABC special talking about "Why are BW single." She is fat as hell, she was talking about her c-section scar (WTF!) and she had the nerve to question why she was single, I mean what the fuck!

EDIT2: Ok I have been doing some thinking. Satchwar regarding your exposure viewpoint. A white man wrote that article about WM being the saviors and swooping in a saving BW. He made a complete jackass of himself. The reason he was able to write that article is BECAUSE OF his limited exposure to BW. He does not undestand that the vast majority of BW are jacked the fuck up and THAT is the reason that BM are not marrying them. I'm laughing to myself right now because he went on and on about BM being so fucked up but then later admitted that BM were dating and marrying outside the race in a far greater number than BW. How would that even be possible if BW are so damn awesome. He did not connect the dots, they never do.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Zoramon089 said:
Are you Nigerian? Igbo here...
I am Somali.

karby said:
You're Igbo? Cool...me too. Such a small world, it is.
Not a small world. There's just loads of you Igbos everywhere man. lol


MWS Natural said:
Expected reply is expected. Funny how you are always in those same threads telling shitty jokes while ignoring all of ignorance in them.
I don't ignore it, I just don't extrapolate it to everyone sharing the same skin colour. I notice black-GAF seeming to move in lockstep sometimes but I don't think that means I can assume every black poster will act the same.

Call 'ignorance' all you want but you sound like the racists I spent the weekend with. They were telling me that the London riots were a 'black thing' because all the rooters they'd seen were black. It didn't occur to them that some black people were dodging missiles and some white people were throwing missiles. You seem to think the same way sometimes, you don't allow for any cultural nuance between white people.


SmokyDave said:
I don't ignore it, I just don't extrapolate it to everyone sharing the same skin colour. I notice black-GAF seeming to move in lockstep sometimes but I don't think that means I can assume every black poster will act the same.

Call 'ignorance' all you want but you sound like the racists I spent the weekend with. They were telling me that the London riots were a 'black thing' because all the rooters they'd seen were black. It didn't occur to them that some black people were dodging missiles and some white people were throwing missiles. You seem to think the same way sometimes, you don't allow for any cultural nuance between white people.

With the London riots it does not matter if there were white people rioting as well, there were too many black people. I am seriously pissed of right now cos i am in London not France, this shit shouldn't be happening over here. These idiots don't realise they are shitting on their own doorstep and not just fucking other people's shit up. I am borderline turning into Uncle Ruckus because this shit is indefensible.


Bleepey said:
With the London riots it does not matter if there were white people rioting as well, there were too many black people. I am seriously pissed of right now cos i am in London not France, this shit shouldn't be happening over here. These idiots don't realise they are shitting on their own doorstep and not just fucking other people's shit up. I am borderline turning into Uncle Ruckus because this shit is indefensible.
Tottenham is a banlieue by any other name but that doesn't change the fact that it's broke-ass benefit-swindling poor people rioting, not just black people. Predominantly black, sure, but so is Tottenham. Look through the pics and I'm sure you'll see plenty of white people lobbing bricks too.

Shit is indefensible though, agreed. Rioting over a dead gang member? smh.


Ok, just to make sure..
Are we going to talking about how terrible and disgustingly unable to be attractive to any men on earth black women are every week in this thread? Let it be another racial group and that wouldn't slide so well.
Londa said:
Ok, just to make sure..
Are we going to talking about how terrible and disgustingly unable to be attractive to any men on earth blavk women are every week in this thread? Let it be another racial group and that wouldn't slide so well.

Right? How many times can a girl take being told this shit? Judging by that OKCupid report, black queer women aren't safe from this either. Not at all.


Lv99 Slacker said:
Right? How many times can a girl take being told this shit? Judging by that OKCupid report, black queer women aren't safe from this either. Not at all.
Trust me when I say I have no problem finding a black man or non-black man that would be interested. I don't need online polls or dating sites to tell me I'm doomed to forever be single. Tbh, anyone using a dating site seems more desparate than I. I've been single for only 2 months and a few weeks, I'm not sweating bullets here. Lol. Keep the hate coming cause I love to laugh.


Junior Member
tarius1210 said:
Figured I through this out there for discussion.

An Interracial Fix for Black Marriage

More at the jump


Not surprising. Black women want the thug types in high school, the ballers in college, and the doctors/lawyers/etc. in their 30s. What they don't understand is that by the end point, those nerdy black guys who they ignored in high school and college were the doctors/lawyers/etc. that they wanted. However, those guys ended up marrying other women a long time ago.

The attitude doesn't help either.

Londa said:
Trust me when I say I have no problem finding a black man or non-black man that would be interested.

Of course you don't....


SmokyDave said:
Tottenham is a banlieue by any other name but that doesn't change the fact that it's broke-ass benefit-swindling poor people rioting, not just black people. Predominantly black, sure, but so is Tottenham. Look through the pics and I'm sure you'll see plenty of white people lobbing bricks too.

Shit is indefensible though, agreed. Rioting over a dead gang member? smh.

It doesn't matter if it's in proportion with the local population, these idiots are doing themselves, the local community and black people in general no favours.
Sup fellas. Just wanted to see what you guys thought about my response to my girl about why I wear a wave cap when she asked about it. I basically said: "There to keep our hair neat, gives us waves and lookin good." Black-GAF response?
Triple Oceans said:
Sup fellas. Just wanted to see what you guys thought about my response to my girl about why I wear a wave cap when she asked about it. I basically said: "There to keep our hair neat, gives us waves and lookin good." Black-GAF response?
Why would you wear it if you dont know what it does?


Measley said:
Of course you don't....

o_O derp. You saying I'm lying? XD

Triple Oceans said:
Sup fellas. Just wanted to see what you guys thought about my response to my girl about why I wear a wave cap when she asked about it. I basically said: "There to keep our hair neat, gives us waves and lookin good." Black-GAF response?

As long as you don't wear it more than when you aren't wearing it. No point in wearing a wave cap only to keep your hair hidden for the most part. I've seen some guys wear it almost all the time.
Londa said:
As long as you don't wear it more than when you aren't wearing it. No point in wearing a wave cap only to keep your hair hidden for the most part. I've seen some guys wear it almost all the time.

Agreed. It's funny, how much of a fashion statement it's turned into. I smh, when I see guys wearing it all day long as it totally defeats the purpose of them wearing it in the first place.
Triple Oceans said:
Sup fellas. Just wanted to see what you guys thought about my response to my girl about why I wear a wave cap when she asked about it. I basically said: "There to keep our hair neat, gives us waves and lookin good." Black-GAF response?
do you wear it outside or something?
It's kinda weird seeing people walk around with them outside like there fashionable. It's usually some older guy who thinks he looks young and cool. Du-rags were the shizznit when I was in high school.
Triple Oceans said:
Jumpin to conclusions much? At what point did I say that I didn't know what it did?
You were asking how to respond to her question. If you know the answer why ask how to respond?

Why ask a question you know the answer to.

i.e. "My girl asked me why I use a pick, rather then a regular comb. I told her I use it because it does a better job of getting my hair into the desired shape, what do you think I should have said?"

I already know why I use a pick why would I ask for help in answering the question?


Bleepey said:
It doesn't matter if it's in proportion with the local population, these idiots are doing themselves, the local community and black people in general no favours.
I agree with you now I'm watching the Hackney footage.
soundscream said:
You were asking how to respond to her question. If you know the answer why ask how to respond?

Why ask a question you know the answer to.

i.e. "My girl asked me why I use a pick, rather then a regular comb. I told her I use it because it does a better job of getting my hair into the desired shape, what do you think I should have said?"

I already know why I use a pick why would I ask for help in answering the question?

You really didn't pay attention to what I posted. I had ALREADY given my response before I made my post about it and was just interested in some responses. I don't get what's so hard to understand from my initial post.

eternaLightness said:
I just pictured you running to the car with a wave cap, white tshirt, shorts, socks and cross-trainers on.

Lol, fixed!


harSon said:
No, he's saying that as long as a woman is not mentally challenged or completely hurt looking, there's going to some takers.

That isn't what he was saying. He said that all black women are not attractive to not only black men to all men. He also believes that even if they do not fall under what he thinks most black women to be, they will have problems finding a guy. smh.


Junior Member
Londa said:
That isn't what he was saying. He said that all black women are not attractive to not only black men to all men. He also believes that even if they do not fall under what he thinks most black women to be, they will have problems finding a guy. smh.

Somebody's oversensitive.....


Triple Oceans said:
Agreed. It's funny, how much of a fashion statement it's turned into. I smh, when I see guys wearing it all day long as it totally defeats the purpose of them wearing it in the first place.
Around ma way people wear it if there just Chillin in the house for the day or if the got braids and wear fitteds.


Measley said:
Somebody's oversensitive.....

Or, I just don't forget ignorant comments.

Which one will it be? All women get asked for sex 3 times a day or all women but black women get asked for sex 3 times a day? If you agree with latter than what you just said two comments ago is a lie. Stop picking sides when its most convent for you. If black women are unattractive like you say they are, then they would not get attention or a date.


Junior Member
Londa said:
Or, I just don't forget ignorant comments.

Which one will it be? All women get asked for sex 3 times a day or all women but black women get asked for sex 3 times a day? If you agree with latter than what you just said two comments ago is a lie. Stop picking sides when its most convent for you.

On one hand we're talking about marriage. On another hand we're talking about sex. They're not the same thing.
Triple Oceans said:
seriously, i have a cousin that, without fail, will ALWAYS ask me if i have any blank CD's when they're here. for several years now, the answer has been the same: "no, i haven't even used a CD in years"

eternaLightness said:
I just pictured you running to the car with a wave cap, white tshirt, shorts, socks and slippers on.
and an open robe!


Measley said:
On one hand we're talking about marriage. On another hand we're talking about sex. They're not the same thing.

the article states that men are more attracted to black women who look mixed. That has nothing to do with marriage.

Before you get married, you have to first be in a relationship. If black women are unattractive then how are they in relationships?


The Faceless Master said:
<3 women.

This guy has it right.

As a white dude I have no prejudice against black women for the bad qualities some of them are known/assumed to have. Maybe it's because there aren't many black women where I currently live, but I've seen more poor behavior in other races. Black women don't have the trademark on being jerks, that's for sure.


Mr. Patch said:
We doing the black women ain't shit argument again?

happens every week. Thanks to SSwhateverGoku and Measley always bring up the issue in here to begin with. Also I find it weird that Measley continues to talk down about black women even tho he is married to a white woman. Why is he so concerned with black women still if he has "moved on" to a "better" alternative? Why does he care what black women do anyways?

I honestly feel sorry for his wife. He married her first, because she was white.

I don't know about anyone else here, but I would marry if I was in love, not because of a skin color.


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