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The Black Culture Thread

Bay Maximus said:
Are you guys talking about her breasts? Don't know why she got them, she was absolutely beautiful before. Ah well....tis Hollywood I suppose.

karby said:
Wait...she got bigger boobs? I never pay attention to anything hollywood, and I'm disappointed if she did, imo, but whatever. Her body, her business and all that.
Nipple slip pictures only a day after Nicki's came out. Check out the usual spots for them.
spindashing said:
Nipple slip pictures only a day after Nicki's came out. Check out the usual spots for them.

G-Fex said:
Who's Nicki?
Nicki Minaj, lol.

The pictures would be so much better if Nicki didn't have to make so many weird faces and dress so ridiculously. I mean god, in one of them she looks like she's making the trollface.


spindashing said:
Nicki Minaj, lol.

The pictures would be so much better if Nicki didn't have to make so many weird faces and dress so ridiculously. I mean god, in one of them she looks like she's making the trollface.

..I don't know who this is.

G-Fex said:
..I don't know who this is.

You're better off not knowing, lol.

She's just some rapper. Very eccentric and weird at what she does, too.

DrFunk said:
figures spindashing got the 10,000th post
Hot damn, I didn't even realize it. With a post telling people that nipple slips are out, no less.

Himuro, I know you're somewhere around here.


spindashing said:
Nipple slip pictures only a day after Nicki's came out. Check out the usual spots for them.

Current trend is that black singers expose their boobs while white singer's flash the cameras.

DrFunk said:
figures spindashing got the 10,000th post

Now I know why the thread was quite until I posted. Screw you guys! lol
Londa said:
Current trend is that black singers expose their boobs while white singer's flash the cameras.

Now I know why the thread was quite until I posted. Screw you guys! lol
ChocolateCupcakes said:
Classiest 10,000th post ever, lol.


Well, I'm glad that this thread actually made it this far. I've been here from the start and while I know a lot of you are too, I always get happy seeing new faces around here. Here's hoping we make it to 15,000 sometime -- maybe even 20,000. Although the thread's contents have been an eyesore as of late, this is one of my favorite sub-communities on GAF.
Re: Black marriage rates

The startling 70% figure doesn't reflect the fertility rage amongst black women however. Who are these women having sex with (and children) to then a few years later say there aren't any good men to wed?
spindashing said:
Nipple slip pictures only a day after Nicki's came out. Check out the usual spots for them.

What the ffff.... Didn't know about either of these. Not sure I want to see.....but..can't...... help it
Meus Renaissance said:
Re: Black marriage rates

The startling 70% figure doesn't reflect the fertility rage amongst black women however. Who are these women having sex with (and children) to then a few years later say there aren't any good men to wed?
what have you done?!?


Meus Renaissance said:
Re: Black marriage rates

The startling 70% figure doesn't reflect the fertility rage amongst black women however. Who are these women having sex with (and children) to then a few years later say there aren't any good men to wed?

no surprise that this is coming from you.

Meus Renaissance said:
I'm perfectly happy to be rebuked. It just doesn't make sense to me at the moment.

can I ask why you are concerned about this, when you have already written off black women? I guess you don't get the concept that this is a black culture thread, not a black men's thread. You have to respect both gender's and quit with the black women are this and that. I still don't get why it isn't ban worthy to keep this crap up. Plus it's mind boggling that you and others act like black men don't have problems or a bad rep too.

Stop the negativity.
Meus Renaissance said:
I'm perfectly happy to be rebuked. It just doesn't make sense to me at the moment.

The women complaining about not finding men are likely not the same ones that got impregnated by the same men that left them. I'm pretty sure that the people complaining about finding a man are females that make over 80k per year.

And we're talking about relationships here. Black men seem to have no problem fucking anyone, but when it comes to actually being in a relationship they seem to be afraid of commitment but really that's a complaint that can be leveled at young men in the whole western world.
lightless_shado said:
The women complaining about not finding men are likely not the same ones that got impregnated by the same men that left them. I'm pretty sure that the people complaining about finding a man are females that make over 80k per year.

And we're talking about relationships here. Black men seem to have no problem fucking anyone, but when it comes to actually being in a relationship they seem to be afraid of commitment but really that's a complaint that can be leveled at young men in the whole western world.

There have been books written on the demise of the black man in this context - they make up almost 46% of the US prison population and the street culture that accentuates this is well known, even from early teens the negativity of the streets is well known. Despite the assertions of the lady above you, I don't feel black women are to blame for this - in fact they're the victims of it. But my underlying point was, if almost 50% (in the US its estimated to be as high as 72%) of black families have only a single parent - then shouldn't we logically see an increase of black women having inter-racial relationships? Although I agree successful women are more likely to complain about the lack of decent men, it's not exclusive to them; many young women who aren't earning high salaries complain about black men. If I was a young black woman, who is aware of these issues, I would have more incentive to avoid dating black men who do not have a job/career aspirations or are involved with those 'on the streets'. If you have a 50/50 chance as a black woman, more than any other ethnic minority, to be abandoned by the guy and left raising a child by yourself, then you would expect a reaction of some kind; a rejection of these black men. In other words, why get involved with those with commitment issues or other priorities? It can't be down to a lack of knowledge or awareness.


Meus Renaissance said:
why get involved with those with commitment issues or other priorities? It can't be down to a lack of knowledge or awareness.

Because not all black men or women act and think the same. Telling someone to ignore black men or women because of a poll is closed minded. No one should avoid any person of an select race or culture because someone collected a poll or wrote an article that highlighted something negative about a group of people.
Meus Renaissance said:
There have been books written on the demise of the black man in this context - they make up almost 46% of the US prison population and the street culture that accentuates this is well known, even from early teens the negativity of the streets is well known. Despite the assertions of the lady above you, I don't feel black women are to blame for this - in fact they're the victims of it. But my underlying point was, if almost 50% (in the US its estimated to be as high as 72%) of black families have only a single parent - then shouldn't we logically see an increase of black women having inter-racial relationships? Although I agree successful women are more likely to complain about the lack of decent men, it's not exclusive to them; many young women who aren't earning high salaries complain about black men. If I was a young black woman, who is aware of these issues, I would have more incentive to avoid dating black men who do not have a job/career aspirations or are involved with those 'on the streets'. If you have a 50/50 chance as a black woman, more than any other ethnic minority, to be abandoned by the guy and left raising a child by yourself, then you would expect a reaction of some kind; a rejection of these black men. In other words, why get involved with those with commitment issues or other priorities? It can't be down to a lack of knowledge or awareness.

I actually think it can. The people who are having these relationships are usually very young, they end up pregnant at a young age and so they have to put off plans to go to college or even graduate high school. And African American men don't think of the risk, because for them they wouldn't even know what to do if they became fathers if they themselves grew up without fathers.

I would argue that the phenomenon is more related to a lack of opportunity and education. Smart people aren't given a chance and they just give up and waste their potential. It's even more damaging for young women because they fall into the trap of thinking that the man will be able to take care of them even if the man himself is not that well educated nor does he have a legitimate job. The reason that many black men are in prison isn't necessarily because they're just inherently rotten people, because these people are incarcerated for crimes related to theft or drug selling most of the time. They steal to provide for themselves and their families because they find that getting a job as a black man with relatively little education or work experience is too difficult so they turn to illegal means.

What you've got here is a combination of poverty and poor cultural signals, because the image of the fast money making person gets played over and over in American media whether its through rap music or self-educated millionaire worship, people want to make money as quickly as possible and so they don't see education as a path to success either. So that explains a little bit why you have this characterization of black men as inadequate. To make things worse, women are impressed by power. If a black man appears to be making money and is fairly good looking, an uneducated, poor black woman will easily be seduced by those aspects but when she finds out that he can't actually deliver because(going back to that anxiety over not having a father and not knowing how to react) the man has already left and its too late.

Then you've got the negative image of black women portrayed in the media. They just want to be loved, they want attention, to feel as if they're desired by someone--anyone. That's where the inadequate black man finds his opportunity and he swoops in. If black women felt that they didn't have to look caucasian and speak a certain way to attract men of all races let alone white men, then you would see a lot more black women with white men right now but the fact is that's not going on because there is already this negative notion of a black woman as either a sex object or just an aggressive, domineering fun-stopper.

So black female professionals will struggle because of this image if they're looking to attract a man from any race, and less educated black women will be stuck raising a child because they found what they thought was someone who loved them for them, because as far as they're concerned nobody else will and also because they're drawn to the money and power of a man regardless of how he achieved it.


I'm not going to pick apart a lot of what you said lightless_shado, however I will say that there are a few things that you said that should not be taken as fact. It really is mind boggling that people continue to watch BET and believe it for reality. Because some of your examples and "facts" play out like a rap video. But I digress..
Londa said:
Because not all black men or women act and think the same. Telling someone to ignore black men or women because of a poll is closed minded. No one should avoid any person of an select race or culture because someone collected a poll or wrote an article that highlighted something negative about a group of people.

The thing is, at least where I live, these stereotypes and perceptions existed before the polls. The polls do not create the reality, they merely reflect it. If you live in a community where most of the mothers are single, then questions are going to be raised about the men there. You don't need a poll for that.

I did not say ignore black men in general, this isn't about race or culture - the context is of those who lack any career aspirations or are involved with those on the street. Ignore them. Because as a woman, you only need to look around and realise there aren't many men at home with their partners looking after their kids - you don't want that to be in that position. Is that unfeasible or even unreasonable?


Meus Renaissance said:
The thing is, at least where I live, these stereotypes and perceptions existed before the polls. The polls do not create the reality, they merely reflect it. If you live in a community where most of the mothers are single, then questions are going to be raised about the men there. You don't need a poll for that.

I did not say ignore black men in general, this isn't about race or culture - the context is of those who lack any career aspirations or are involved with those on the street. Ignore them. Because as a woman, you only need to look around and realise there aren't many men at home with their partners looking after their kids - you don't want that to be in that position. Is that unfeasible or even unreasonable?

it is only unreasonable when time after time you guys only mention black's as the main ones with these issues when there are white single mothers and white dad beat dads. They just don't get that media attention. There are more whites to blacks so the percentile of single moms and dad beat dads would be fewer for whites compared to blacks. One big component/reason to the lower percentile is that whites are not a minority. When we all know that minorities are more common to be raised in poverty or gain lower income. Most of you here are not looking at the whole picture.


Junior Member
Londa said:
it is only unreasonable when time after time you guys only mention black's as the main ones with these issues when there are white single mothers and white dad beat dads. They just don't get that media attention. There are more whites to blacks so the percentile of single moms and dad beat dads would be fewer for whites compared to blacks. One big component/reason to the lower percentile is that whites are not a minority. When we all know that minorities are more common to be raised in poverty or gain lower income. Most of you here are not looking at the whole picture.

The black illegitimacy rate is around 72%. That far eclipses 17 percent rate for Asians, 29 percent for whites, and 53 percent rate for Hispanics.

The sad fact is that black men have developed a reputation as a "love it and leave it" group of people.


Measley said:
The black illegitimacy rate is around 72%. That far eclipses 17 percent rate for Asians, 29 percent for whites, and 53 percent rate for Hispanics.

The sad fact is that black men have developed a reputation as a "love it and leave it" group of people.

And none of those groups encounter half of what blacks do on a daily basis. I don't really see the point of bringing that up.
Londa said:
it is only unreasonable when time after time you guys only mention black's as the main ones with these issues when there are white single mothers and white dad beat dads. They just don't get that media attention. There are more whites to blacks so the percentile of single moms and dad beat dads would be fewer for whites compared to blacks. One big component/reason to the lower percentile is that whites are not a minority. When we all know that minorities are more common to be raised in poverty or gain lower income. Most of you here are not looking at the whole picture.

The studies aren't based on how many families have a single parent, if it were then no doubt you would see a higher representation of whites. Rather, the studies are more detailed. "The proportion of Black children in families who lived with their custodial parent while the other parent lived outside their household (48.2 per­cent) was more than twice as large as the proportion of White children. Among children of other races—including American Indian, Eskimoor Aleut, Asian or Pacific Islander, or other races—16.1 percent lived in custodial-parent families. Approximately one-quarter (25.4 percent) of Hispanic children, who may be any race, lived with their custodial parent." So whilst there are undoubtedly more single parent white families, it is disproportionately problematic within black communities.

Is that a false statement?

Londa said:
And none of those groups encounter half of what blacks do on a daily basis. I don't really see the point of bringing that up.

I don't think anyone is suggesting that or other issues are inherent to race or culture. It is the environment


Meus Renaissance said:
The studies aren't based on how many families have a single parent, if it were then no doubt you would see a higher representation of whites. Rather, the studies are more detailed. "The proportion of Black children in families who lived with their custodial parent while the other parent lived outside their household (48.2 per­cent) was more than twice as large as the proportion of White children. Among children of other races—including American Indian, Eskimoor Aleut, Asian or Pacific Islander, or other races—16.1 percent lived in custodial-parent families. Approximately one-quarter (25.4 percent) of Hispanic children, who may be any race, lived with their custodial parent." So whilst there are undoubtedly more single parent white families, it is disproportionately problematic within black communities.

Is that a false statement?

I don't think anyone is suggesting that or other issues are inherent to race or culture. It is the environment

No matter what the condition is, a child brought up without both parents are going to miss out on being taught by both a mother and father. I don't see why blacks are singled out for this so strongly when the divorce rate for everyone in America is high. No matter if a black person moves on to so-called "better" alternatives does not keep them from avoiding divorce. Which ultimately makes the children involved live in a broken household.


Junior Member
Londa said:
And none of those groups encounter half of what blacks do on a daily basis.

Don't make excuses for deplorable behavior. I'm "black", and I didn't have the best upbringing in the world, yet I wouldn't abandon my wife and children. Hell, during the height of segregation and discrimination, the black illegitimacy rate was only around 2%.

I don't really see the point of bringing that up.

You tried to make the argument that other groups have equal numbers of single parent households, or children growing up in single parent families. That simply isn't the case.


Measley said:
Don't make excuses for deplorable behavior. I'm "black", and I didn't have the best upbringing in the world, yet I wouldn't abandon my wife and children. Hell, during the height of segregation and discrimination, the black illegitimacy rate was only around 2%.

You tried to make the argument that other groups have equal numbers of single parent households, or children growing up in single parent families. That simply isn't the case.

Many people say the same thing before they end up divorced. The facts are that the divorce rate is high. Which will land the children in the same conditions as what you see is wrong with black women. Which is raising children on your own while forcing the other spouse to pay child support. No one plans to divorce when they get married. I don't believe avoiding a certain group of people over another group as a marriage mate will help you avoid divorce.


What does black gaf think of Ella Fitzgerald ? I discovered her by listening to a version " They can't take that away form me " by her and Louis Armstrong. What a voice, so clear and pure.

What are some good recommended jazz standards and performers ? I know next to nothing about jazz or music.


Nesotenso said:
What does black gaf think of Ella Fitzgerald ? I discovered her by listening to a version " They can't take that away form me " by her and Louis Armstrong. What a voice, so clear and pure.

What are some good recommended jazz standards and performers ? I know next to nothing about jazz or music.

I think Ella has a fantastic voice.

Jazz? Miles Davis and John Coltrane are the main 'go to guys'.
Nesotenso said:
What does black gaf think of Ella Fitzgerald ? I discovered her by listening to a version " They can't take that away form me " by her and Louis Armstrong. What a voice, so clear and pure.

What are some good recommended jazz standards and performers ? I know next to nothing about jazz or music.

Ella Fitzgerald's voice is second to none.

Miles Davis was already mentioned. Try some Charlie Parker, too...and some Lena Horne/Billie Holiday.


lightless_shado said:
I actually think it can. The people who are having these relationships are usually very young, they end up pregnant at a young age and so they have to put off plans to go to college or even graduate high school. And African American men don't think of the risk, because for them they wouldn't even know what to do if they became fathers if they themselves grew up without fathers.

I dunno about that. You can grow up with a great father and still become a lame/irresponsible one if you end up having kids. Alot of the factors that go into being a good parent should be completely obvious, regardless of how you grew up.
Hollly ish! I knew Kreayshawn was a talentless hack, I didn't know she was this bad. It honestly gets no worse than this.

EDIT: Also, make sure to listen to the second half (when she's out of written stuff). There are no words....
Bay Maximus said:
Hollly ish! I knew Kreayshawn was a talentless hack, I didn't know she was this bad. It honestly gets no worse than this.

EDIT: Also, make sure to listen to the second half (when she's out of written stuff). There are no words....

I'd rather listen to Nicki Minaj

I still can't believe this woman is getting a record deal.


Bay Maximus said:
Hollly ish! I knew Kreayshawn was a talentless hack, I didn't know she was this bad. It honestly gets no worse than this.

EDIT: Also, make sure to listen to the second half (when she's out of written stuff). There are no words....

lol future of music right there.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Bay Maximus said:
Hollly ish! I knew Kreayshawn was a talentless hack, I didn't know she was this bad. It honestly gets no worse than this.

EDIT: Also, make sure to listen to the second half (when she's out of written stuff). There are no words....

untalented person is popular because they are trying to be different? shocker. her candle will burn out soon enough
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