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The Black Culture Thread

The Faceless Master said:
<3 women.

Urban Scholar said:
I wish this was on shirts ad billboards
then please put the sign loving black women specifically in MY neighborhood.

they take more shit than a little bit. they could use more than a little bit of fucking love. fuck ignoring that reality.


Junior Member
Londa said:
the article states that men are more attracted to black women who look mixed. That has nothing to do with marriage.

Before you get married, you have to first be in a relationship. If black women are unattractive then how are they in relationships?

Sex and relationships are two different things as well. Men will have sex with women whom they will Never have a relationship with.

Mr. Patch

notworksafe said:
This guy has it right.

As a white dude I have no prejudice against black women for the bad qualities some of them are known/assumed to have. Maybe it's because there aren't many black women where I currently live, but I've seen more poor behavior in other races. Black women don't have the trademark on being jerks, that's for sure.

Considering the divorce rate in this county, that's obvious.

And considering all the whining about black women, we could EASILY do the same stuff for men.


Measley said:
Sex and relationships are two different things as well.

Your reality and actual reality are two different things. Go make a blog post about black women, no one wants to read your dribble.

I have a reply for the above statement but why waste any effort with you?

Mr. Patch said:
Considering the divorce rate in this county, that's obvious.

And considering all the whining about black women, we could EASILY do the same stuff for men.

notice how none of the black women (four) have talked poorly about black men.


Dreams-Visions said:
then please put the sign loving black women specifically in MY neighborhood.

they take more shit than a little bit. they could use more than a little bit of fucking love. fuck ignoring that reality.
I was in a restaurant on a college trip a couple of years ago, and there was this dude in our group that was talking to a pocket of his friends about how he doesn't date black women.

And I'm sitting a few chairs away, thinking to myself, "BITCH I CAN HEAR YOU."

I didn't say anything to him. He was already lost. He was Dominican, with darker skin than mine and had full lips and coarse hair. At one point, he brought up how he would tell black women that he wasn't black when they approached him, as if that was supposed to be some sort of a deterrent that would keep black women away. He had flat out rejected black women.

He kept black men in his company, though!
Satchwar said:
I was in a restaurant on a college trip a couple of years ago, and there was this dude in our group that was talking to a pocket of his friends about how he doesn't date black women.

And I'm sitting a few chairs away, thinking to myself, "BITCH I CAN HEAR YOU."

I didn't say anything to him. He was already lost. He was Dominican, with darker skin than mine and had full lips and coarse hair. At one point, he brought up how he would tell black women that he wasn't black when they approached him, as if that was supposed to be some sort of a deterrent that would keep black women away. He had flat out rejected black women.

Not very surprising tbh. Skin tone is a potent social class divider in their culture for various historical reasons and of course, ignorance.

Anyone watching "The Help"?
Bay Maximus said:
Not very surprising tbh. Skin tone is a potent social class divider in their culture for various historical reasons and of course, ignorance.

Anyone watching "The Help"?

I actually want to go see it with my mom. I want to know if it's a good film overall.


Satchwar said:
I was in a restaurant on a college trip a couple of years ago, and there was this dude in our group that was talking to a pocket of his friends about how he doesn't date black women.

And I'm sitting a few chairs away, thinking to myself, "BITCH I CAN HEAR YOU."

I didn't say anything to him. He was already lost. He was Dominican, with darker skin than mine and had full lips and coarse hair. At one point, he brought up how he would tell black women that he wasn't black when they approached him, as if that was supposed to be some sort of a deterrent that would keep black women away. He had flat out rejected black women.

He kept black men in his company, though!
That explains it.
Urban Scholar said:
I actually want to go see it with my mom. I want to know if it's a good film overall.

I'll watch it. Smart move by Touchstone to move it up two days and give it a wednesday release. It will be hard to accept a kumbaya ending though when the town that the story takes place in is still running over black people like roadkill on camera and then going to the local shopping mall by the end of the week. But I digress. Will watch.
zero_suit said:
Are they ashamed of being black?
yes. goes back to their days of being dominated by Haiti, followed by leadership who rose up in the mid 20th century with a racial appeal (even though said leader had African heritage). It's grown into the culture now to the degree that they don't want to be considered "black".

Also: http://worldfocus.org/blog/2009/06/...can-republic-face-racism-discrimination/5998/

which is why the opinions on "blackness" coming from people like Zoe Sandala and Sammy Sosa are understandable. their culture is fucked the fuck up.

edit: this may be interesting as well http://dr1.com/articles/race.shtml


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Dreams-Visions said:
yes. goes back to their days of being dominated by Haiti, followed by leadership who rose up in the mid 20th century with a racial appeal (even though said leader had African heritage). It's grown into the culture now to the degree that they don't want to be considered "black".

Also: http://worldfocus.org/blog/2009/06/...can-republic-face-racism-discrimination/5998/

which is why the opinions on "blackness" coming from people like Zoe Sandala and Sammy Sosa are understandable. their culture is fucked the fuck up.

edit: this may be interesting as well http://dr1.com/articles/race.shtml
Saldana considers herself black though.
The Faceless Master said:
Dominicans are Dominican... that's just Dominican culture. what's the problem?
I think a culture that promotes hatred of an obvious and large part of its people's own ancestry due to past political influences is worthy of noting as such. and it adds context to their opinions and comments.

Parallax said:
Saldana considers herself black though.
if she does or does not, we can at least understand either way in this cultural context. as we can understand her alleged preference for white men.


My brother in law is dark skin Puerto Rican, he identifies with being black, and my father is Afro Cuban he thinks of himself as a black man that speaks Spanish. It really just depends on who it is when it comes to Afro-Latinos.
lightless_shado said:
I think he's implying that it would be basically "giving up" on black men if black women decided that if they can't find a black man, they'll just date a white man or a man from any other ethnicity.

But the problem is, that it can be said that most people from other ethnicities aren't even interested in black women. I know there are charts out there with data from other sources, but even here on GAF threads about black women are well...messy.
basically this, black men & black woman relations need a lot of working on, would be pathetic just to run away like that

black people can come off as big losers sometimes
Dreams-Visions said:
which is why the opinions on "blackness" coming from people like Zoe Sandala and Sammy Sosa are understandable. their culture is fucked the fuck up.

I don't know why she keeps being brought up, I saw her name in the "Rihanna isn't black" thread as well. I didn't feel like posting all this in there, but :

When I go to the D.R., the press in Santo Domingo always asks, "¿Qué te consideras, dominicana o americana?" (What do you consider yourself, Dominican or American?) I don't understand it, and it's the same people asking the same question. So I say, time and time again, "Yo soy una mujer negra." ("I am a black woman.") [They go,] "Oh, no, tú eres trigueñita." ("Oh no, you are 'dark skinned'") I'm like, "No! Let's get it straight, yo soy una mujer negra." ("I am a black woman.")

She posted this article on her myspace : http://www.myspace.com/thesaldanaexperience/blog/292665290 "Old wounds inform clash of race and image in Dominican Republic"

While the Sammy Sosa attitude may exist, she doesn't have it.

Dreams-Visions said:
if she does or does not, we can at least understand either way in this cultural context. as we can understand her alleged preference for white men.

Just because she's engaged to one white man and has been dating him for while doesn't mean she's not a black woman. Bruthas have been getting a pass on that "STAND UP FOR YOUR RIIIII.......OH SHIT A PAWG!" shit forever. It's practically a cliche.
I remember this one black girl in high school who keeps insisting she's just Jamaican, but not black. All the other black kids just chuckled and forgot, but I see this is serious in Latin America and the Caribbean.

I think I got asked by some person of Caribbean-descent something like:

Person : What's your ethnicity
Me: (awkward stare) ..., black/Black-American
Person: That's it? Just "black"? You're sure your not Afro-Cuban?

But, I'm curious. I want to know how important black-gaf's specific ethincity/culture is to them and how just the word "black" means in that culture. Is it more important to feel free to live how you want or to upheld traditional ideas about people?
I probably didn't phrase the question I wanted to :/
Kitschkraft said:
Bruthas have been getting a pass on that "STAND UP FOR YOUR RIIIII.......OH SHIT A PAWG!" shit forever. It's practically a cliche.

Funny and true

SleepyJohn11 said:
I remember this one black girl in high school who keeps insisting she's just Jamaican, but not black. All the other black kids just chuckled and forgot, but I see this is serious in Latin America and the Caribbean.

I think I got asked by some person of Caribbean-descent something like:

Person : What's your ethnicity
Me: (awkward stare) ..., black/Black-American
Person: That's it? Just "black"? You're sure your not Afro-Cuban?

But, I'm curious. I want to know how important black-gaf's specific ethincity/culture is to them and how just the word "black" means in that culture. Is it more important to feel free to live how you want or to upheld traditional ideas about people?
I probably didn't phrase the question I wanted to :/

Well I'm a west African so over there we don't have a concept of "blackness" since everyone is essentially the same. We know what descent we're from, maybe some of us may have some Arab admixture in our DNA going generations back but for the most part that dialogue doesn't really exist in our part of the world. I can't speak for people living in North or South Africa though.

I think the concept of 'blackness' comes into play when there is a population of mixed ethnicity and blackness becomes a way of differentiating yourself from the group. A series like "black in Africa" couldn't really exist because for the most part, black people are the majority in Africa. Its only when I moved to Canada that I started understanding the concept of being black and what it is to be a black man in a society where the majority doesn't look like you. Even then I didn't resist it. I hear stories about Africans that don't come to think of themselves as "black" and I'm baffled by that, I'm also shocked by the assumption that many African Americans make about Africans, and how they assume we won't be welcoming to them. Think of it this way: If Africans are even friendly to the descendants of Europeans who had colonized them in the past whenever they visit, why on earth would we be hostile to our own descendants?

maybe the reason why some black people hesitate to be associated with blacks when they come to north america is just because black people are stereotyped worse and treated worse in the US that people who are clearly black don't want to call themselves black and identify with a group that gets such harsh treatment? I have no idea.

But as far as I'm concerned, I'm a black man. You won't confuse me for anything else when you see me, and I'm in touch with my own culture and I know of the history of blacks in North America and a little bit about blacks in Latin America. The idea of "blackness" and excluding or including a certain group doesn't exist as far as I know where I'm from. My paternal grandfather was a very light skinned man(maybe about the same shade as Tyra Banks or Barack Obama) but he was very respected in his community and nobody seemed to exclude him on the basis of his skin tone. That shit just doesn't happen where I'm from.


Junior Member
Dreams-Visions said:
yes. goes back to their days of being dominated by Haiti, followed by leadership who rose up in the mid 20th century with a racial appeal (even though said leader had African heritage). It's grown into the culture now to the degree that they don't want to be considered "black".

Also: http://worldfocus.org/blog/2009/06/...can-republic-face-racism-discrimination/5998/

which is why the opinions on "blackness" coming from people like Zoe Sandala and Sammy Sosa are understandable. their culture is fucked the fuck up.

edit: this may be interesting as well http://dr1.com/articles/race.shtml

Dominican culture is simply African American culture in reverse. Dominicans prefer the European heritage, and African Americans prefer the African heritage. If one is fucked up, both are fucked up. A Dominican denying his African heritage is just as fucked up as Mariah Carey on George Lopez saying she is 100% black because of the one drop rule (and then looking like a moron when Lopez discovers that he also has sub-Saharan African heritage).


Junior Member
Londa said:
happens every week. Thanks to SSwhateverGoku and Measley always bring up the issue in here to begin with. Also I find it weird that Measley continues to talk down about black women even tho he is married to a white woman. Why is he so concerned with black women still if he has "moved on" to a "better" alternative? Why does he care what black women do anyways?

You assume far too much. I love how you blame me for bringing up the issue when I was simply responding to an article that was already being discussed. Hell, Goku didn't even post the article, a guy named Tarius did.

I honestly feel sorry for his wife. He married her first, because she was white.

LoL, no. I'd never marry someone because of their race. Again, you assume too much.

I don't know about anyone else here, but I would marry if I was in love, not because of a skin color.

Then you need to pass the memo to your fellow black women.


Measley said:
You assume far too much. I love how you blame me for bringing up the issue when I was simply responding to an article that was already being discussed. Hell, Goku didn't even post the article, a guy named Tarius did.

LoL, no. I'd never marry someone because of their race. Again, you assume too much.

Then you need to pass the memo to your fellow black women.

You still don't answer WHY you are worried about black women when you said you married a white woman because you find black women unattractive. So once again it is because you do not like black women, that caused you to marry a white woman. I feel sad for her she is locked in with a loon.

I don't have to tell anyone anything. It's none of my business what other women do. You should have no concern with what anyone outside of yourself does. Grow up, get a life, mind your business, and stop generalizing. You are annoying.


ChocolateCupcakes said:
This is such a tired ass argument. Just ignore him and he'll stop posting. Some people are just stuck with their annoying/wrong habits.

yeah, I should just stick him on ignore.
Measley said:
You assume far too much. I love how you blame me for bringing up the issue when I was simply responding to an article that was already being discussed. Hell, Goku didn't even post the article, a guy named Tarius did.

LoL, no. I'd never marry someone because of their race. Again, you assume too much.

Then you need to pass the memo to your fellow black women.

I really don't care if your wife is white but please tell me that you aren't a skinny brother and your wife is four times your size.


Junior Member
Londa said:
You still don't answer WHY you are worried about black women when you said you married a white woman because you find black women unattractive.

Because I find the 70% unmarried rate rather startling. Don't you?

And I never said that I find black women unattractive.

So once again it is because you do not like black women, that caused you to marry a white woman.

Wrong again.

I feel sad for her she is locked in with a loon.

WTH are you even talking about?

I don't have to tell anyone anything. It's none of my business what other women do. You should have no concern with what anyone outside of yourself does. Grow up, get a life, mind your business, and stop generalizing. You are annoying.

Um, it was the topic of discussion in the forum, that's why I was talking about it. Maybe you need to take a break from Neogaf and get some RL friends? You're taking all of this a bit too personally.
ChocolateCupcakes said:
This is such a tired ass argument. Just ignore him and he'll stop posting. Some people are just stuck with their annoying/wrong habits.
It's because of things like this that I don't frequent this thread as much as I used to and I'd imagine that it's holding a lot of people back from posting too. Especially newcomers...


DragonKnight said:
I really don't care if your wife is white but please tell me that you aren't a skinny brother and your wife is four times your size.

TBH, I want to see what his wife looks like. Just to see if he can back up all the shit he has said this whole time. She better be not only white, but have a nice shape and a pretty face. Or he is full of it.

Measley said:
Um, it was the topic of discussion in the forum, that's why I was talking about it. Maybe you need to take a break from Neogaf and get some RL friends? You're taking all of this a bit too personally.

to sum this up he said: "Derp derp"

Man, no one even likes your black woman bashing. You and a few others are what is ruining this thread.
This is such a tired ass argument. Just ignore him and he'll stop posting. Some people are just stuck with their annoying/wrong habits.

Something like this.

Every time I come in, I wonder what dumb shit will be argued this week that I know isn't true, and it's always about black women. I don't get it. Why bother arguing with stupidity?


Junior Member
Londa said:
TBH, I want to see what his wife looks like.

Posting a photo of my wife wont help with your insecurity issues. Honestly, it might make them worse.

Man, no one even likes your black woman bashing. You and a few others are what is ruining this thread.

Responding to articles posted on this forum is not ruining the thread. The childish reaction to a dissenting opinion is what is ruining this thread.
spindashing said:
It's because of things like this that I don't frequent this thread as much as I used to and I'd imagine that it's holding a lot of people back from posting too. Especially newcomers...

Pretty much. I hate all the negativity in this thread as of late. Let's ignore the redundant crap and keep this thread strong and fresh.

@Measly....I'm sure you have reasons that you feel the way that you do and that's fine. Do what makes you happy. If you're truly concerned with the issues that face black women, do something about it. Go out into the real world and fight against the causes instead of the symptoms. (E.g. black men incarceration rates, sub-standard education, euro-centric American standard of beauty deeming black women as less socially acceptable long-term partners)

Perhaps you should consider making that bi-racial thread you were talking about. Whatever you do, just stop shitting on this thread. By the way, you did say you had a bad experience with black women so that's why you married a white woman.
In this very thread genius.


Measley said:
Posting a photo of my wife wont help with your insecurity issues. Honestly, it might make them worse.

Responding to articles posted on this forum is not ruining the thread. The childish reaction to a dissenting opinion is what is ruining this thread.

I'm very secure. See I don't go around bashing a group of people like you do. Or dating and marrying men by skin color like you do with women.

Post your wife if you want, it doesn't effect me. I have a feeling you saw her skin and based your choice on that alone.


spindashing said:
It's because of things like this that I don't frequent this thread as much as I used to and I'd imagine that it's holding a lot of people back from posting too. Especially newcomers...
yea this shit is getting tired.
Bay Maximus said:
Pretty much. I hate all the negativity in this thread as of late. Let's ignore the redundant crap and keep this thread strong and fresh.

@Measly....I'm sure you have reasons that you feel the way that you do and that's fine. Do what makes you happy. If you're truly concerned with the issues that face black women, do something about it. Go out into the real world and fight against the causes instead of the symptoms. (E.g. black men incarceration rates, sub-standard education, euro-centric American standard of beauty deeming black women as less socially acceptable long-term partners)

Perhaps you should consider making that bi-racial thread you were talking about. Whatever you do, just stop shitting on this thread. By the way, you did say you had a bad experience with black women so that's why you married a white woman.
In this very thread genius.


Junior Member
Londa said:
I'm very secure. See I don't go around bashing a group of people like you do. Or dating and marrying men by skin color like you do with women.

My actual preference is mixed-race/Hispanic/Latin American women. I've dated more mixed race women of varying hues than anything else. I just happened to marry a white woman.

Bay Maximus said:
@Measly....I'm sure you have reasons that you feel the way that you do and that's fine. Do what makes you happy. If you're truly concerned with the issues that face black women, do something about it. Go out into the real world and fight against the causes instead of the symptoms. (E.g. black men incarceration rates, sub-standard education, euro-centric American standard of beauty deeming black women as less socially acceptable long-term partners)

Those aren't really the causes.

Perhaps you should consider making that bi-racial thread you were talking about. Whatever you do, just stop shitting on this thread. By the way, you did say you had a bad experience with black women so that's why you married a white woman.
In this very thread genius.

Yes, but I never said that I married my wife because I considered black women unattractive, genius.

In any case, I'm done with this issue. Let's move on to something more cheerful shall we?
^it's ok. You're done.

Hey black-GAF been meaning to ask, y no black gaf Tshirts? We have seriously talented people in here and I saw not a one. I would submit a design, but quite frankly, I suck.
Bay Maximus said:
^it's ok. You're done.

Hey black-GAF been meaning to ask, y no black gaf Tshirts? We have seriously talented people in here and I saw not a one. I would submit a design, but quite frankly, I suck.

Londa's logo por favor.


Bay Maximus said:
^it's ok. You're done.

Hey black-GAF been meaning to ask, y no black gaf Tshirts? We have seriously talented people in here and I saw not a one. I would submit a design, but quite frankly, I suck.
I wanted to submit something but I had second thoughts. If the logo was submited I wouldn't want just one with the logo but something like it but stylized.
The Faceless Master said:
Kelly Rowland!

Heh. Still occasionally listen to Motivation on my DAP (Cowon J3); Diplo remix, too. I think it was in June while I was in New Jersey that I heard this song for the first time via some girl's ringtone. I'm not a prude, but it definitely made my face heat up. Like Londa, I don't listen to a lot of rap/hip hop. Neo soul, 50s - 90s R&B, 90s New Jack Swing - for sure. The only hip hop album I own though is The Love Below/Speakerboxxx and, yeah, it was for Andre's side of the album.

Are you guys talking about her breasts? Don't know why she got them, she was absolutely beautiful before. Ah well....tis Hollywood I suppose.

@Lv99 Slacker, did you listen to any of the older Outkast albums? They're all pretty good.


Wait...she got bigger boobs? I never pay attention to anything hollywood, and I'm disappointed if she did, imo, but whatever. Her body, her business and all that.

Speaking of hollywood...does anyone else barely/never really watch tv? I almost never switch on my tv on purpose, except when I want to play a game. I don't even have cable. For me it's either internet or outside.


Lv99 Slacker said:
Heh. Still occasionally listen to Motivation on my DAP (Cowon J3); Diplo remix, too. I think it was in June while I was in New Jersey that I heard this song for the first time via some girl's ringtone. I'm not a prude, but it definitely made my face heat up. Like Londa, I don't listen to a lot of rap/hip hop. Neo soul, 50s - 90s R&B, 90s New Jack Swing - for sure. The only hip hop album I own though is The Love Below/Speakerboxxx and, yeah, it was for Andre's side of the album.

Don't look at the video, it gets even worse
dat shirtless men
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