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The Black Culture Thread

Sigh, my ISP is probably wondering about me now:

The Vice Guide to Sex: Asses of the Caribbean (NSFW)

You will never be the same.


Do I click this one? I managed to skip the Mandingo video set. I'm glad I made that Morgan Freeman gif, because it's exactly how the indecision is hitting me. Do I open the box or don't I? Hmmmm...

*twiddles thumbs*


Junior Member

Do I click this one? I managed to skip the Mandingo video set. I'm glad I made that Morgan Freeman gif, because it's exactly how the indecision is hitting me. Do I open the box or don't I? Hmmmm...

*twiddles thumbs*

Watch the one called The Biggest Ass in Brazil. I was too tired to watch it last night so i'll watch it when I get home.
The Vice Guide to Sex has some great videos i must say, get to learn about topics ranging Genki Eel porn to Icelandic Elf Sex.

The Biggest Ass in Brazil is a good one, amazing to see how hard she has to work to maintain a figure like hers. The donkey one is quite disturbing but hilarious in the way its presented.
That article is four years old. There is a rise in racism in the UK and the rest of Europe but you won't learn much with sources like that. It might have been better to create a topic about it rather than throw it into an echo chamber. Hell, you could have bumped last weeks 'Racism Growing In Europe' topic.

Having said that, you seem to have some prejudice towards us UK / Euros so you probably don't care what we have to say anyway.

As an interesting aside, there was a genuinely racist post or two in this very topic, one page ago. See if you can tell me what I'm talking about?...

Edit: Ah, I've just seen the pasting you took in that thread last night. Explains the saltiness.

He asked me to post the link. I don't want to make a thread as I'm sure it would quickly spiral out of control thanks to denial

Even in that thread you're mentioning, people were unwilling to embrace the fact that racism is indeed on the rise in the UK as well as throughout Europe


That article is four years old. There is a rise in racism in the UK and the rest of Europe but you won't learn much with sources like that. It might have been better to create a topic about it rather than throw it into an echo chamber. Hell, you could have bumped last weeks 'Racism Growing In Europe' topic.

Having said that, you seem to have some prejudice towards us UK / Euros so you probably don't care what we have to say anyway.

As an interesting aside, there was a genuinely racist post or two in this very topic, one page ago. See if you can tell me what I'm talking about?...

Edit: Ah, I've just seen the pasting you took in that thread last night. Explains the saltiness.


sonnyboys post is the only thing I can think of and I wouldn't exactly call that racist


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Waterboarding should be replaced by passive aggressive bullshit from black moms.
Its a quick way to get you to agree to whatever to get them to shut the hell up.

Thats why I play the quick apology card whenever I have to.


I'd like to see what Don Lemon has to say on this whole Roland Martin Fiasco. For the record, I don't think what he said was terribly offensive, I do acknowledge that he's probably said some offensive/questionable things in the past in regards to homosexuality and his faith....I think he's been pc in his professional career, but maybe I'm wrong(not a big fan or avid follower).

There's definitely homophobia in the black community, but this dudes tweets weren't shit really. I thought maybe I wasn't sensitive enough to the subject, but even my gay friends are saying the tweets weren't a big deal. I think it only becomes offensive if you look into dudes Evangelical work, I dunno. In related news Al Sharpton is for marriage equality. Definitely a good look.


I'd like to see what Don Lemon has to say on this whole Roland Martin Fiasco. For the record, I don't think what he said was terribly offensive, I do acknowledge that he's probably said some offensive/questionable things in the past in regards to homosexuality and his faith....I think he's been pc in his professional career, but maybe I'm wrong(not a big fan or avid follower).

There's definitely homophobia in the black community, but this dudes tweets weren't shit really. I thought maybe I wasn't sensitive enough to the subject, but even my gay friends are saying the tweets weren't a big deal. I think it only becomes offensive if you look into dudes Evangelical work, I dunno. In related news Al Sharpton is for marriage equality. Definitely a good look.

Yeah I am saving my outage for something better. People need to wise up about tweeter, it is a killer.


I'd like to see what Don Lemon has to say on this whole Roland Martin Fiasco. For the record, I don't think what he said was terribly offensive, I do acknowledge that he's probably said some offensive/questionable things in the past in regards to homosexuality and his faith....I think he's been pc in his professional career, but maybe I'm wrong(not a big fan or avid follower).

There's definitely homophobia in the black community, but this dudes tweets weren't shit really. I thought maybe I wasn't sensitive enough to the subject, but even my gay friends are saying the tweets weren't a big deal. I think it only becomes offensive if you look into dudes Evangelical work, I dunno. In related news Al Sharpton is for marriage equality. Definitely a good look.

Good that he's standing up for marriage equality. Too bad he's a dumbass when it comes to everything else though.


FreeMufasa's video makes me want to post a thread asking abot Blackgafers' experiences aboard. I am going to overseas one day, but I don't want to go anywhere I am unwelcomed.
Bwahaha that BYU thread

Black guy that acts white is classy good stuff.

Now you guys know what you gotta do to get the white chicks. Get on that white act asap


That "acting white" shit hits way too close to home. I was teased a lot by both black and white kids for not talking or wearing the same things as the other black kids. Killed my self esteem for a while. Living in the south with a "white" accent sucked.


That "acting white" shit hits way too close to home. I was teased a lot by both black and white kids for not talking or wearing the same things as the other black kids. Killed my self esteem for a while. Living in the south with a "white" accent sucked.

I know that feel bro. I initially lived in a pretty multicultural area of town till I was 10. The School I went to was literally an even mix of every race you can think of. I wasn't that exposed to people being racist/stereotypical as my school was so diverse. When I moved to the heavily white/asian part of town in grade 6 I got punched in the face by stupid stereotypical/racist comments. All the white kids would always say that I was acting white and that I should act more black. Pretty much meaning I should be a gangster and talk ghetto. Fuck, I hated that school...

Whenever someone says to stop acting white, or act more black I literally feel like punching them in the face. What the fuck is acting black even supposed to mean? I'm not supposed to act like myself, but instead how you think a black person should act? It's even worse that this shit mostly goes on in elementary/high school, as I'm 100% sure there are a lot of black people that get this shit and then actually proceed to act like how those people expect them to act. smfh


lol I knew a black dude at work many years who would rock 3 Doors Down shirts. I always wondered if he caught flack from the jordan and fubu wearing dudes down the hall.

Shit In high-school I would hide in my room like Anne Frank to listen to Linking Park and Evanescence.


lol I knew a black dude at work many years who would rock 3 Doors Down shirts. I always wondered if he caught flack from the jordan and fubu wearing dudes down the hall.

That dude would get flack from me for listening to fucking 3 Doors Down

And sorry Slayven, but obligatory:

One of my friends would get called "oreo." I thought it was cute until he explained what it meant in thorough detail. I still feel like utter dogshit for ever calling him that.
Ugh, I hated that line of thinking. I definitely grew up and still deal with people saying "You don't act black! I'm white and I'm blacker than you!" Really? Do our actions and the nature of our demeanor determine our race now? I don't get mad at many things but this is the quickest way to get "West Philly" to come out of me.

Also, as someone who has lived in the Pacific area of the world for the last 2 years, I've definitely encountered a lot of things both good and bad. I will say this though, everything you heard about black guys and Japan is pretty much head on. I actually had a buddy tell me the other night he wish he were black because Japanese chicks all go for the black guys. The Japanese chick who I was hanging out with took a long drag of her cigarette and then said in broken english: "Of course! White guy have no swag!" I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe.


Ugh, I hated that line of thinking. I definitely grew up and still deal with people saying "You don't act black! I'm white and I'm blacker than you!" Really? Do our actions and the nature of our demeanor determine our race now? I don't get mad at many things but this is the quickest way to get "West Philly" to come out of me.

Also, as someone who has lived in the Pacific area of the world for the last 2 years, I've definitely encountered a lot of things both good and bad. I will say this though, everything you heard about black guys and Japan is pretty much head on. I actually had a buddy tell me the other night he wish he were black because Japanese chicks all go for the black guys. The Japanese chick who I was hanging out with took a long drag of her cigarette and then said in broken english: "Of course! White guy have no swag!" I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe.

Which is? I've actually heard nothing about how black dudes are perceived in Japan.

I actually had a buddy tell me the other night he wish he were black because Japanese chicks all go for the black guys

And off to Japan I go!
Ugh, I hated that line of thinking. I definitely grew up and still deal with people saying "You don't act black! I'm white and I'm blacker than you!" Really? Do our actions and the nature of our demeanor determine our race now? I don't get mad at many things but this is the quickest way to get "West Philly" to come out of me.

Also, as someone who has lived in the Pacific area of the world for the last 2 years, I've definitely encountered a lot of things both good and bad. I will say this though, everything you heard about black guys and Japan is pretty much head on. I actually had a buddy tell me the other night he wish he were black because Japanese chicks all go for the black guys. The Japanese chick who I was hanging out with took a long drag of her cigarette and then said in broken english: "Of course! White guy have no swag!" I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe.

God damn I Lol'd hard.

And yeah Japan is much more black friendly than say south Korea or Russia.


I would love to go and hang out in the rural areas of Japan. Their forests are creepy and cool.

It's my number 1 tourist destination. I'd totally live there too if I could learn the language. I've been looking to teach abroad there after I finish my undergrad, but it seems like Korea is all the rage now in terms of placement programs.


Junior Member
FreeMufasa's video makes me want to post a thread asking abot Blackgafers' experiences aboard. I am going to overseas one day, but I don't want to go anywhere I am unwelcomed.

If you do i'll be happy to answer your questions. I've been pretty much all over except South America and East Asia. I will say one thing. You're at a HUGE advantage as a Black American as opposed to an African.

It's my number 1 tourist destination. I'd totally live there too if I could learn the language. I've been looking to teach abroad there after I finish my undergrad, but it seems like Korea is all the rage now in terms of placement programs.

Me too. I'll be going there next month a friend already has sex lined up for me. Of course, that's not why i'm going. Hoping to get onto the JET programme for next year.

I used to read a blog years ago about a Black American dude in Japan. It was so funny and interesting. I'll see if I can find it.

EDIT: Here it is

Start right at the start and work your way up.


If you do i'll be happy to answer your questions. I've been pretty much all over except South America and East Asia. I will say one thing. You're at a HUGE advantage as a Black American as opposed to an African.

Me too. I'll be going there next month a friend already has sex lined up for me. Of course, that's not why i'm going. Hoping to get onto the JET programme for next year.

I used to read a blog years ago about a Black American dude in Japan. It was so funny and interesting. I'll see if I can find it.

EDIT: Here it is

Start right at the start and work your way up.

How about as a black Canadian?

So Japanese people all think we have giant dicks and want to molest us at every opportunity? I'm so there.


If you ever talked to me you'd probably think I'm from somewhere in the midwest. Americans always think I'm American until I tell them I'm Canadian., then they're like "Canada, huh?"


Whenever someone says to stop acting white, or act more black I literally feel like punching them in the face. What the fuck is acting black even supposed to mean? I'm not supposed to act like myself, but instead how you think a black person should act? It's even worse that this shit mostly goes on in elementary/high school, as I'm 100% sure there are a lot of black people that get this shit and then actually proceed to act like how those people expect them to act. smfh

This x1000's

"You're so well spoken"
"Why do you talk like that?"
"You talk like a White person"
"You sound White"
"Why don't you act Black"

Anytime i hear things like that I truly want to eviscerate that individual.
That "acting white" shit hits way too close to home. I was teased a lot by both black and white kids for not talking or wearing the same things as the other black kids. Killed my self esteem for a while. Living in the south with a "white" accent sucked.

Yeah, so strange. My close friend got that all the time and I didn't understand why because we talked very similar. Looking back, I think it was because I grew up in the shittiest neighbor hood around and my brother hung around the riff-raff so they knew me coming up and their brothers and soldiers left me alone.

Shit In high-school I would hide in my room like Anne Frank to listen to Linking Park and Evanescence.

I still remember blasting my Aqua Aquarium cd and not giving one Chicago fuck. Caught some flack for that one though, lol. Even my parents were like, "Son, I am disappoint"

I used to read a blog years ago about a Black American dude in Japan. It was so funny and interesting. I'll see if I can find it.

EDIT: Here it is
I read some of this a while ago, the "bigu dikku??" thing always cracks me up. Like how the hell do these little Japanese kids know this??

How about as a black Canadian?
So Japanese people all think we have giant dicks and want to molest us at every opportunity? I'm so there.
You have NO IDEA how wide spread these stereotypes are throught THE WORLD. My current gf is from Turkey and the first time she visited America and came back all of her friends were asking her, "Did you see black guy?? Did you make sex with them?! They have BIG BIG DICK Yes??!!". I was flored that even in a rural no where farming town in TURKEY these stereotypes existed.


I read some of this a while ago, the "bigu dikku??" thing always cracks me up. Like how the hell do these little Japanese kids know this??

You have NO IDEA how wide spread these stereotypes are throught THE WORLD. My current gf is from Turkey and the first time she visited America and came back all of her friends were asking her, "Did you see black guy?? Did you make sex with them?! They have BIG BIG DICK Yes??!!". I was flored that even in a rural no where farming town in TURKEY these stereotypes existed.

It's the only positive stereotype we have, so I'll take it.
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