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The Black Culture Thread

Read the first couple responses and quit. The initial response I got from the article was that this is a study, or test almost like the guy who ate McDonalds for a year. Racism didn't cross my mind


and remember that GAF is more liberal that the real world!

How liberal is gaf though? Sure you have super-liberal that are quick to call someone a racist ,a misogynist, or even a prude for not wanting to marry a porn star, but what about the ones who choose to not hit the post button for fear of getting banned?
How liberal is gaf though? Sure you have super-liberal that are quick to call someone a racist ,a misogynist, or even a prude for not wanting to marry a porn star, but what about the ones who choose to not hit the post button for fear of getting banned?

they're a tiny minority.

haha see what i did there!?
I need to ask....Link?

wow i forgot about those threads completely... smh.

edit: and I didn't even know about the dialect one. the fuck. I wonder if I could post a similar one of a jewish man and get a pass.



(the text is a part of the image)

lol, wow. That's just too much for words. The backdrop really adds a touch of class too.

Jason Raize '75 - '04 said:
In some African cultures, larger women are preferred by the men.

While it's true that many cultures don't like toothpicks, I think this woman would be considered fat by most any group's standards.
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