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The Black Culture Thread

When did booty became fashionably sexy in the mainstream? I've read and heard older [white] women say a large derriere wasn't something you'd be proud of or show in their generation.

These yoga pants have become the low-top cleavage for the ass.
When did it booty became fashionably sexy? I've read and heard older women say a large derriere wasn't something you'd be proud of or show in their generation. These yoga pants have become the low-top cleavage for the ass.

Well to be fair there is a difference between width and how round the cheeks are. When a girl complains about her ass being big it's usually not that it sticks out but that it's really wide compared to her waist, which makes pants and some cuts of cloth harder to pull off.


theres loads of old blaxploitation movies & black documentaries streaming on Netflix.
not really my speed, but i figured yall would be interested.

just have to search for it cause its never on the main screen tabs.


Congrats my fellow Morehouse Brother!

You guys see this yet?

Haha wow


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I think Michael Fassbender (Magneto) was smangin' that, the man has taste.

Word? I ain't even mad.

I remember the fury that enveloped my soul when I found out that Robin Thicke was married to Paula Patton. I'm glad I grew out of that.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Word? I ain't even mad.

I remember the fury that enveloped my soul when I found out that Robin Thicke was married to Paula Patton. I'm glad I grew out of that.

after all the flack he got for loving her, i have nothing but respect for the man.


I think Michael Fassbender (Magneto) was smangin' that, the man has taste.

Can't even hate. He was MagSwagneto, after all.

A chick posted that re-nig thing on my fb wall today. It was weird cause I was upset, but I had to chuckle at how clever it was.


The re-nig pun is just shit. Offensively shit. I assume it's supposed to be a play on 'renege'. It just doesn't work. Shit pun is shit. I'm more offended at the word-play than the racism, tbh.

I do not see a thread about it, but have you dudes heard about that atheist billboard that juxtaposes one of the bible's pro-slavery messages with an illustration of a black slave?

This is something I have often wondered about.

What do you guys think?

Can't we just leave slavery alone in any other context outside of slavery? Like, forever?
I'd love a moratorium on the conflating of the enslavement of blacks in America with pretty much everything else.


Can't we just leave slavery alone in any other context outside of slavery? Like, forever?
I'd love a moratorium on the conflating of the enslavement of blacks in America with pretty much everything else.

LoL everybody wants black people when it furthers their cause, but they never want to hang out and see how we are doing.



I do not see a thread about it, but have you dudes heard about that atheist billboard that juxtaposes one of the bible's pro-slavery messages with an illustration of a black slave?

This is something I have often wondered about.

What do you guys think?

I admit, this was my first thought.

This is what I hate about a lot of puns. It has to make sense in context.

This bumper sticker does not.

Dumb ad trying to be clever is dumb



I do not see a thread about it, but have you dudes heard about that atheist billboard that juxtaposes one of the bible's pro-slavery messages with an illustration of a black slave?

This is something I have often wondered about.

What do you guys think?

I admit, this was my first thought.

This is what I hate about a lot of puns. It has to make sense in context.

This bumper sticker does not.
I don't know why both religious and atheists feel the need to put this kinda shit up. More often than not it does a disservice to their cause.

I think there is definitely an honest discussion to be had about Christianity in the black community. I think putting an image of a slave juxtaposed to a verse from the bible is simply exploitative. I can understand that it's supposed to be provocative and get people thinking, and I can almost appreciate that, but invoking black plight to further ones cause isn't the way to initiate discourse, much less on a fucking billboard. It is a legitimate argument/concern though, and its one of many reasons that while I was raised Christian, I am totally indifferent to religion now. There have been so many times growing up, I'd be sitting in a pew and every Sunday there was the constant "The bible is the absolute word of the living God". I didn't think about what that meant as a kid, that the bible was absolute. I can't say I think it's absolute or infallible because there is definitely some questionable or down right horrible stuff in there. It's also more reason that I shake my head when my mom or friends on facebook say something to the effect that "without God in your life than you have no moral compass". I'd like to think that if there is a God, a benevolent one at that, that he wouldn't condone slavery. The subject matter always reminds me of Langston Hughes short story "salvation". http://www.courses.vcu.edu/ENG200-dwc/hughes.htm

also, agreed on the racist attempt at a pun. It's not even fucking funny, just a really hateful message trying to seem clever and that is offensive. At least be clever with your racist jokes. ie:) a picture of Jeremy Lin Dunking with a subtitle that says "who says Asians can't drive?". While that was a more playful racism than the hateful message of the re-nig bumper sticker, you get the picture.
feels bad man:

There are fears young black men are becoming increasingly marginalised from society after statistics revealed that more than half of them are now unemployed.

The unemployment rate for black men under 24 has risen from 28.8% in 2008 to 55.9%, according to the Office of National Statistics.

In total, the number of unemployed young black men and women has almost doubled from 28% in 2008 to 47.4% since the recession began in 2008,

The number of unemployed young white people has risen at a far slower rate, from just 15% in 2008 to 20.8% in 2011.

The figures, which do not include students, are for the working population of Britain aged 16-24.

They suggest that both black men and black women are being hit disproportionately hard by the recession, with latest jobless figures for young black women showing the rate now at 39.1%.

Robert Rose, 19, from Deptford, told Sky News that he applies for jobs every day online but that the only offers he receives are for unpaid work experience.

His last position was in a cafe where he was asked to mop the floor and wash dishes but he left because he did not earn any money and did not feel he was learning useful skills.

Mr Rose does not believe he is being discriminated against because of his colour but thinks potential employers do not like how he looks and dresses.

"I am doing everything I can to the best of my ability," he said, although he admits he could try even harder.

"There is more I can do. I go on the internet for jobs and hand out CVs but there are other ways you apply for jobs.

"You can look in newspapers. You can ask people word to mouth. I am trying but I'm not going the full length to look for jobs."

His mother Lauren added: "Some young people are genuinely looking for jobs. Some of them, you can see they're frustrated. But some of them, I don't think they are pushing hard enough."

Mr Rose's brother-in-law Nathan John, who runs a mentoring company called Youth Enlightenment, does not believe racial discrimination operates in the jobs market but says young black people have more hurdles to overcome.

"Some of them lack the skills and confidence and belief in themselves to get a job which is going to pay well and there's a stigma to being a young black man that society places on you," he said.

"If you saw someone walking towards you who is young and black, you're not going to think 'there's a future PM, future doctor or future lawyer'. You're thinking 'here's a future gangster. Is he going to stick me up?' That's an issue."


I do not see a thread about it, but have you dudes heard about that atheist billboard that juxtaposes one of the bible's pro-slavery messages with an illustration of a black slave?

This is something I have often wondered about.

What do you guys think?

sounds amazing, i'd chip in to put one of those up.

Atheist, stoners, vegans, and soccer fans are annoying when theya re trying to push their agendas.

who ISN'T annoying when they're trying to push an agenda?


LOL, this Kony stuff is why I never want to be internet famous. People will dig through your shit to find out what you had for lunch in 1995. And if you fuck up, god help you.


I don't know what's worse: the quality of women on display here, or the fact that there's a site dedicated to the quality of women on display here.

Eh. Some of them are kinda hot. I'm not the best looking guy, so I can't really judge.

Those outfits the women are wearing though. Holy shit..
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