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The Black Culture Thread


Quite honestly I have more respect for someone that's just straight up with their racism/sexism/homophobia than someone who tries to fool you into thinking their genuine by hiding under coats of political correctness and hypotheticals.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Quite honestly I have more respect for someone that's just straight up with their racism/sexism/homophobia than someone who tries to fool you into thinking their genuine by hiding under coats of political correctness and hypotheticals.


Save everyone the time and be straight up.
Quite honestly I have more respect for someone that's just straight up with their racism/sexism/homophobia than someone who tries to fool you into thinking their genuine by hiding under coats of political correctness and hypotheticals.

Yeah plus the people shouting slurs are more easily dismissed where as the people who try to rationalize it actually incite others to do the same, and you find yourself watching people you thought were better than that nod their heads in agreement. That's when you feel really isolated.


Yeah plus the people shouting slurs are more easily dismissed where as the people who try to rationalize it actually incite others to do the same, and you find yourself watching people you thought were better than that nod their heads in agreement. That's when you feel really isolated.

I am equally tired and fascinated by their logic. "If blacks don't want to be thought as criminals, they should stop looking like criminals"".
I am equally tired and fascinated by their logic. "If blacks don't want to be thought as criminals, they should stop looking like criminals"".

Yeah the hoodie thing really just did for me, the victim blaming surrounding the Trayvon case, just when you think it's hit a point of no return it manages to get worse. As cynical as I tend to think I am, and I'm sure some of you are with this kind of shit, I'm still blown away sometimes at the mental gymnastics of people trying to justify the actions of others.
I am equally tired and fascinated by their logic. "If blacks don't want to be thought as criminals, they should stop looking like criminals"".
Heh that reminds of that thread about that racist korean songwriter, "leave my waifu alone!! she didnt mean it she has a mental illness"


black people in hoodies? I fear that
Gay people getting married? I hate that
Women being sexually harassed? I O.K. that

But I'm not a bigot.
black people in hoodies? I fear that
Gay people getting married? I hate that
Women being sexually harassed? I O.K. that

But I'm not a bigot.

Bodybuilder forum

^^^ All seem to have a lot of racism.

For as annoying as some people on gaf can be, checking out un-modded places really gives you an appreciation for here. I can't imagine this place without the law.
Well those do add up...I've been a member there for some time but just never visited the forums, let alone the OT section. I always just assumed it would be at least moderated.

Internet, why do you hate us?

Unless a community or their leaders/moderation take it upon themselves to make a website a safe place we're just gonna be SOL heh.
Kickstarter to help raise bail/ransom or to pay a dowry for a certain missing person?

It is nice to want to help but I doubt we would make any leeway in the search. If he is arrested, it's a wrap. If a certain shady element made him disappear I doubt anyone would have the bravado to rat out that shady element.

I give up. Seriously, I don't want to hop into another saga that will just put me face to face with the worst of my fine fellow citizens.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
It is nice to want to help but I doubt we would make any leeway in the search. If he is arrested, it's a wrap. If a certain shady element made him disappear I doubt anyone would have the bravado to rat out that shady element.

i dont think its that bad. i doubt he would post on gaf if it were.


This is completely senseless. I honestly cannot wrap my mind around some of the shit I read from the US. Our cultures are so similar and yet totally, completely and utterly different. One single event like the one I just read about would cause a national shitstorm here the likes of which we've never seen before. It would change the fabric of our country and our culture. Over there, it's just another news story.

Edit: That's not to say the UK is some post-racial utopia, because it blatantly isn't. Our justice system is also tilted in favour of whites and we also see disproportionate stop & search. We just don't normally see anything nearly as egregious as the fatal shooting of innocent people (Outside of Jean Charles De Menezes, an isolated, heavily publicised and heavily criticised case).


As a black male who grew up in the burbs, the Trayvon Martin thing hits close to home...and I'm definitely all for alot of the protest.

But somehow, I think classism is in effect here, and nobody would give a damn if this happened in the hood. It wouldn't get past local news.
Holy shit, why isn't this a thread already?

I can't believe how monstrous those police officers are acting:
KENNETH CHAMBERLAIN, JR.: I’ve heard—I heard several things on there. One thing you hear is my father pleading with them to leave him alone. Excuse me. You hear him asking them why are they doing this to him. He says, "I’m a 68-year-old man with a heart condition. Why are you doing this to me? I know what you’re going to do: you’re going to come in here, and you’re going to kill me." You also hear him pleading with the officers again, over and over. And at one point, that’s when the expletive is used by one of the police officers.

AMY GOODMAN: What did they say?

KENNETH CHAMBERLAIN, JR.: Where they say, "I don’t give a F." And then they use the N-word. And then, as I said, ultimately, they bust down the door. And it hurts because, as I said, it didn’t have to go to that point. You also hear the operators from the LifeAid company call the police station and say that they want to cancel the call, Mr. Chamberlain is OK. And at one point you hear the officer there at their central office say, "We’re not canceling anything." They say, "Call his son. Contact his son." And they say, "We’re not contacting anyone. We don’t need any mediators."
This is completely senseless. I honestly cannot wrap my mind around some of the shit I read from the US. Our cultures are so similar and yet totally, completely and utterly different. One single event like the one I just read about would cause a national shitstorm here the likes of which we've never seen before. It would change the fabric of our country and our culture. Over there, it's just another news story.

Edit: That's not to say the UK is some post-racial utopia, because it blatantly isn't. Our justice system is also tilted in favour of whites and we also see disproportionate stop & search. We just don't normally see anything nearly as egregious as the fatal shooting of innocent people (Outside of Jean Charles De Menezes, an isolated, heavily publicised and heavily criticised case).
Dave, part of the problem is that there's a large and vocal population of conservatives that are wildly pro gun rights here.

In their view, George Zimmerman and people like him have the right defend themselves with a firearm by whatever means they see fit, and anything less is an attack on their freedom.

This is part of the reason why its devolved into a left/right issue so quickly, since certain conservatives are convinced liberals will use any excuse to take their guns away, and this is just another opportunity.
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