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The Black Culture Thread


As a black male who grew up in the burbs, the Trayvon Martin thing hits close to home...and I'm definitely all for alot of the protest.

But somehow, I think classism is in effect here, and nobody would give a damn if this happened in the hood. It wouldn't get past local news.

well yeah. you see how theyre trying to smear his character through his social media to make it look like he isnt even worth getting up in arms over.

truth be told that's generally how these things go. i remember being amazed at the things i could get away with compared to my friends just because i was one of the "good ones"
This is completely senseless. I honestly cannot wrap my mind around some of the shit I read from the US. Our cultures are so similar and yet totally, completely and utterly different. One single event like the one I just read about would cause a national shitstorm here the likes of which we've never seen before. It would change the fabric of our country and our culture. Over there, it's just another news story.

Edit: That's not to say the UK is some post-racial utopia, because it blatantly isn't. Our justice system is also tilted in favour of whites and we also see disproportionate stop & search. We just don't normally see anything nearly as egregious as the fatal shooting of innocent people (Outside of Jean Charles De Menezes, an isolated, heavily publicised and heavily criticised case).

Outside of a gun culture, which has already been mentioned, you really can't underestimate how much of a resentment culture has been facilitated by Fox News and conservative talk radio. Progressives and minorities (Gender, racial, sexual orientation, citizenship status, whatever) basically have a constant attack on them because of these institutions.

Yes, there is liberal spin as well, but at it's worst, it rarely ever matches how cynical people like Rush or Hannity can be.

This is one of the reasons why I really hope your government/citizens do whatever is necessary to keep Rubert Murdoch out of British media. He's a fucking cancer, and I truly blame him for many of the problems in America today.


Dave, part of the problem is that there's a large and vocal population of conservatives that are wildly pro gun rights here.

In their view, George Zimmerman and people like him have the right defend themselves with a firearm by whatever means they see fit, and anything less is an attack on their freedom.

This is part of the reason why its devolved into a left/right issue so quickly, since certain conservatives are convinced liberals will use any excuse to take their guns away, and this is just another opportunity.
Certainly a notable factor.

But yeah it's GAF. Defending cold blooded murderers to the nth degree™


This video made my day... "anti-war, government nig...." I wish there was someone willing to stand up after his speech and ask him what a government nig is and why Obama is one.

How about someone stand up and ask how someone can be both a white guy and a black.


Guess we'll never know!
So is Herman Cain



Maybe he was both black and white....like Obama. If you are biracial can you claim both separately?
This right here is some stupid shit. If barrack obama was stealing your car right now, you wouldn't say "hey stop that biracial guy!". If we we're in the 50's obama wouldn't be eating on the line in between whites and colords. Undermining his blackness is some disingenuous shit.


I did try to play up my Native American blood to get with a girl one time.
It didn't work

I stopped mentioning my NA heritage as soon as I learned it was a meme. "Lol, why are black people always black and something else?" You have blondie going on about how their ancestors were Indian princesses and shit, but I get grinned on if I mention Seminole and Cherokee regular folk.


He was Nigerian and Irish...


Also I dont like the idea that you can tell someone else how to identify themselves. But yea in the context he was using, he was pretending to be soley one or the other it seemed.


He was Nigerian and Irish...


Also I dont like the idea that you can tell someone else how to identify themselves. But yea in the context he was using, he was pretending to be soley one or the other it seemed.

It's what society IDs you as, and how you deal with it.



is it because of my 1/16 Indian heritage?

(South Asian, Calcutta, India!)

or so my grandma says.

Naw because you keep catching me with your troll bait. You always had me with that soccer thread. :<

He was Nigerian and Irish...


Also I dont like the idea that you can tell someone else how to identify themselves. But yea in the context he was using, he was pretending to be soley one or the other it seemed.

This is what I meant.
He was Nigerian and Irish...


Also I dont like the idea that you can tell someone else how to identify themselves. But yea in the context he was using, he was pretending to be soley one or the other it seemed.

He had an agenda. It was obvious. Now he's gone. Why still talk about him.
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