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The Black Culture Thread

eternaLightness said:
What do you guys think of white "ghetto" girls? It's something I noticed a lot of when I moved up north. They have mostly black friends and say the N word or will have it in the Facebook or Myspace or whatever a lot. Type/type with a lot of slang. Always find it kinda weird.

Nothing worse than a white girl with a black girls attitude; you defeat the whole point.

Veidt said:

Youtube comments never fail to deliver.


MWS Natural said:
Nothing worse than a white girl with a black girls attitude; you defeat the whole point.
Well, if that's what they grew up around, I don't really see it as an issue. It's not like they're posing or anything. With all that said, yes, I stay far away. I do the same to ghetto black females. We have nothing in common, so I'm not even going to bother.

Veidt said:
You see, everyone was pretty chill till the chair was thrown.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
If no one is up to it. Then I'll just go for it.

Looks like we're in the phase of posting pics of women again.

So, I need pics of girls with Afros, black gaf.
Veidt said:
If no one is up to it. Then I'll just go for it.

Looks like we're in the phase of posting pics of women again.

So, I need pics of girls with Afros, black gaf.

Watch out, bro. Don't do it. We lost two homies last time around and I know they come in 3s so I don't want to have to pour some liquor for you.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
So, we're not allowed to post pics of women anymore? Damn. I never knew.
I'm not sure what the rule is, but two people were banned as a result of the last black girl topic change. I think one of them were banned for calling women "bitches", though.

I think Blackace just wants the thread to be comfortable for both males and females and the last black girl glorification thread topic change just went on for too long.


The Abominable Snowman said:
Wow, Athiesm is REALLY taboo in a black family. It came out that one of my cousins was athiest (During an argument where she refused to go to church) so all my uncles and aunts came over the other day and basically talked the most shit about her ever.

Started with her being a rebellious child and "Pissing in her bed on purpose". Went on to how she killed her fish. Refused to go to church and almost failed high school (she was in the top 20 of her class of 200), and how her facebook says she goes out to clubs all the time and is probably a stripper. Then went on to how she's probably on "That stuff" and thats why she is rejecting Christianity, and she will try to catch up later on but itll be to late when shes on her death bed.

I mean wow, noone will ever try to fuck your life over like family. And her mother is now all like "I only pay tuition for my children whom want to go to heaven. Go to hell and be smart or go to hell and be dumb, I don't care"

Soo I promptly went on facebook and changed my religion to "I Love The LORD!"

I feel so out of place with this side of the family.

I lucked out. My parents believe in God but aren't religious. The only times I went to church growing up outside of weddings or funerals were with, or at the behest of extended family members. Sundays were all about good food, being with the family, rest & relaxation--Worship was never part of the routine.

But tons of respect to your cousin. Especially as a black female with an extremely religious family, woooooooooo. She definitely has some balls on her. But I'd it'll ultimately be worth it, no doubt.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Reminds me.
Anyone ever hear something racist and just couldn't help but laugh? Some things are just so racist, that they're just hilarious. :lol


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Veidt said:
Reminds me.
Anyone ever hear something racist and just couldn't help but laugh? Some things are just so racist, that they're just hilarious. :lol
I remember a friend and I were walking through the mall when some dude cuts us off in a food court line, I check him, and he responds with "Pick my cotton niggers!" loud as fuck. I was about to drop my shit and get ready for a brawl when my friend yells even louder, "I'd love to pick cotton on the cotton field that you don't have"

It was the most retarded shit I'd ever heard in my life, but I just could not stop laughing :lol
So apparently For Colored Girls was critically panned, and a bunch of forums for black people, specifically Lipstick Alley and a few other ones, mostly gay black guys or females, are all flooding sites like Rottentomatoes and yahoo movie and other sites with 5 star perfect ratings so the reader reviews are good to encourage more people to see the movie.

The problem is, that the movie itself.. was bad. Really bad. The acting was great though.

Fox the Sly

Veidt said:
Reminds me.
Anyone ever hear something racist and just couldn't help but laugh? Some things are just so racist, that they're just hilarious. :lol

Yeah, although I don't have any personal anecdotes outside of the internet (especially youtube).
The Abominable Snowman said:
So apparently For Colored Girls was critically panned, and a bunch of forums for black people, specifically Lipstick Alley and a few other ones, mostly gay black guys or females, are all flooding sites like Rottentomatoes and yahoo movie and other sites with 5 star perfect ratings so the reader reviews are good to encourage more people to see the movie.

The problem is, that the movie itself.. was bad. Really bad. The acting was great though.

tiny bit dissapointed. I thought that it might be a good serious movie but then again, tyler perry.
Veidt said:
Reminds me.
Anyone ever hear something racist and just couldn't help but laugh? Some things are just so racist, that they're just hilarious. :lol

Hmmm...the racist shit that I've seen has mostly been in the work place so I didn't find it humorous at all. There was this one time at my last job where a white dude was joking around with me talking about slavery and a white chick from his department overheard; he was fired the next day......she was from Alabama :lol
eternaLightness said:
Throughout my life I think I have had only 3 or 4 pairs of Jordans. Mostly when I was younger. I don't buy shoes like I used to. When I do I tend to get some Forces.

Anyone had a pair of Shawn Kemps back in the day?

i hated those, but i LOVED the first Shawn Kemp shoes! i had uh, 3 pairs of Reebok Kamikaze I's with different colors.


lightless_shado said:
tiny bit dissapointed. I thought that it might be a good serious movie but then again, tyler perry.
I typed up a review (The movie was at 91% reader reviews on RottenTomato earlier, its gone back down to mid-80s) and basically panned the film because it had GREAT acting and powerful performances, but the writer(s) and director(s) BUTCHERED it.

It was just badly written, and the sad thing is, if Tyler Perry didn't move the date up from February to November, he would have had time to fix editing and reorder the scenes to make them a bit more comprehensible and appealing. Instead HE MOVED UP THE DATE TO MEET THE OSCAR DEADLINE. Whomever told him that his blaxploitation films were oscar-worthy needs an oscar for Best Actor/Actress

-the pacing was insanely slow or insanely fast and happening in bursts throughout the movie.
-The direction was all over the place. you had actors giving poetic soliloquies to each other simultaneously, talking over each other and people inviting each other into each others homes without stating their relation, or one MUCH MORE SERIOUS tragedy befalling one woman being overshadowed by a melodramatic, not so serious one, all happening at the same time.
-The setting was modern, for a movie that was written for the 50s. You had a woman who was 'given away' at just 12 years old to a white man (Not saying who for spoilers), a woman who was seen as a social pariah for being a whore, a woman who had a back-alley abortion, a scene where a woman left a 'Graph document' at home when she clearly had two computers on her desk (Seemed odd to me), A woman who was raped and denied a proper investigation because she could have 'led him on', several anachronisms and mistakes in continuity (A scene where a woman had a tragedy which could have been avoided had she had a cell phone, and later, and before, she was shown with a cellphone)
-The editing was horrible, and goes back into what I said earlier about events happening all over each other, which is fine for a play but unacceptable as a movie.


Veidt said:
Reminds me.
Anyone ever hear something racist and just couldn't help but laugh? Some things are just so racist, that they're just hilarious. :lol
I was eating at a restaurant in deep E. KY (? I think, it was Appalachia are but E. KY actually has tons of black people but they're not too integrated) and a little girl was looking at me amazed. She apparently had never seen a black guy in person and the parents were trying to reassure her that the colored person wasn't going to do anything. The funny thing is that was their attempt at being PC.

With that said, I didn't feel terribly uncomfortable (After all, I was with white friends) and didn't get the impression that my life was indanger or a noose was imminent.


The Abominable Snowman said:
So apparently For Colored Girls was critically panned, and a bunch of forums for black people, specifically Lipstick Alley and a few other ones, mostly gay black guys or females, are all flooding sites like Rottentomatoes and yahoo movie and other sites with 5 star perfect ratings so the reader reviews are good to encourage more people to see the movie.

The problem is, that the movie itself.. was bad. Really bad. The acting was great though.

Was it critically panned? It has a 33% on Rotten Tomatoes, and while that's by no means good, it's not exactly indicative of something that's horrific. Due Date, for example, has a 39% (And I'm willing to bet the differences in IMDB scores are going to be amazing).


harSon said:
Was it critically panned? It has a 33% on Rotten Tomatoes, and while that's by no means good, it's not exactly indicative of something that's horrific. Due Date, for example, has a 39% (And I'm willing to bet the differences in IMDB scores are going to be amazing).
Tyler Perry is critic proof anyway and for good reason. Although his stories are pedestrian in comparison to a pretty mature genre in white culture, they are written for blacks who don't go to see every drama out there. In other words they feel fresher to a black audience.

I only know one person who saw it and they loved it. The Missus will probably see it with some of her friends but I'll probably hold out until it's on TNT or something which is how I catch all Tyler Perry movies.
JGS said:
Tyler Perry is critic proof anyway and for good reason. Although his stories are pedestrian in comparison to a pretty mature genre in white culture, they are written for blacks who don't go to see every drama out there. In other words they feel fresher to a black audience.

I only know one person who saw it and they loved it. The Missus will probably see it with some of her friends but I'll probably hold out until it's on TNT or something which is how I catch all Tyler Perry movies.

Really? It sounds like you are saying black people are too stupid to appreciate good drama vs. crap. In reality many black people go see Tyler Perry movies because outside of the latest Will Smith/Denzel action movie it's the only place you can see black people in leading roles.
harSon said:
Was it critically panned? It has a 33% on Rotten Tomatoes, and while that's by no means good, it's not exactly indicative of something that's horrific. Due Date, for example, has a 39% (And I'm willing to bet the differences in IMDB scores are going to be amazing).

33% is not critically panned? What world are you living in :lol

The film is another melodramatic stereotype fest, from what I've heard. So tired of black people I know, always female btw, suggesting we need to support Perry's work as if this is an Us against Them thing.
About to head out on a blind date. I've only talked to this girl online and through texts. Amazing sense of humor, and she claims to love funk as much as I do.

Not sure if that's even possible, but we'll see.

Wish me luck!


Whoompthereitis said:
About to head out on a blind date. I've only talked to this girl online and through texts. Amazing sense of humor, and she claims to love funk as much as I do.

Not sure if that's even possible, but we'll see.

Wish me luck!
what about the Israelie girl?


not licensed in your state
Whoompthereitis said:
About to head out on a blind date. I've only talked to this girl online and through texts. Amazing sense of humor, and she claims to love funk as much as I do.

Not sure if that's even possible, but we'll see.

Wish me luck!
Details, afterward!


PhoenixDark said:
33% is not critically panned? What world are you living in :lol

The film is another melodramatic stereotype fest, from what I've heard. So tired of black people I know, always female btw, suggesting we need to support Perry's work as if this is an Us against Them thing.

Maybe I go by a different metric, but anything over 30% or 5/10 has always been mediocre/worth a watch if you have time from what I've seen.

And there's certainly other Black directors I'd support over Tyler Perry; Spike Lee, Hughes Brothers or Antoine Fuqua for example, but I certainly don't mind supporting Perry considering he is almost single handedly giving Black actors/actresses outside of the overused few (Denzel, Samuel L Jackson, Will Smith, Halle Barry, etc.) some gigs.
PhoenixDark said:
The film is another melodramatic stereotype fest, from what I've heard. So tired of black people I know, always female btw, suggesting we need to support Perry's work as if this is an Us against Them thing.

Yeah, I've seen a couple of Tyler Perry films (Diary of a Mad Black Woman and Daddy's Girls)

Diary pandered so much to the female audiences it was cringe worthy. It wasn't complete trash but it was extremely predictable and the Madea character isn't funny. She is a horrible stereotype (imo) but i guess she resonates with the fans of his films?

Daddy's Girls was better, in that the Madea character wasn't in the film at all. Even though the plot was again all too predictable, the execution was better than Diary.

I would never watch either film ever again.

My mom, however, is from the South and loves his films and television shows. I just can't get into them.

I will say this though: Every person reading this thread should see I'm Through With White Girls. The title has a Jamie Foxx, Booty Call vibe to it but trust me, the film is nothing like it's title.

Solid movie and one Perry would NEVER make.
harSon said:
Maybe I go by a different metric, but anything over 30% or 5/10 has always been mediocre/worth a watch if you have time from what I've seen.

And there's certainly other Black directors I'd support over Tyler Perry; Spike Lee, Hughes Brothers or Antoine Fuqua for example, but I certainly don't mind supporting Perry considering he is almost single handedly giving Black actors/actresses outside of the overused few (Denzel, Samuel L Jackson, Will Smith, Halle Barry, etc.) some gigs.
5/10 is 50% .

And I appreciate him giving black people jobs, but this blaxploitation phase isnt going to last forever. When his films start grossing single digit openings and with the generally bad movies he creates, it might turn out to hurt the image of black Hollywood.

I'm kind of saddened he hasn't sought to improve his cinematography and instead still plays to the same roles for females and dl/cheating/abusive males. Instead of being empowering to blacks theyre moreso just bad popcorn entertainment, akin to the Lifetime movies, except even more melodramatic.
Have you guys been keeping up with the news?
Tim Wise has been making some statements that don't sit so well with some conservatives.

I'm watching him being interviewed by Don Lemon, and a Black Republican is giving his opinion on how Tim Wise is in the wrong holy shit. I think my mind might implode.
lightless_shado said:
Have you guys been keeping up with the news?
Tim Wise has been making some statements that don't sit so well with some conservatives.

I'm watching him being interviewed by Don Lemon, and a Black Republican is giving his opinion on how Tim Wise is in the wrong holy shit. I think my mind might implode.

That open letter was straight shots fired.

Holy shit!
lightless_shado said:
Have you guys been keeping up with the news?
Tim Wise has been making some statements that don't sit so well with some conservatives.

I'm watching him being interviewed by Don Lemon, and a Black Republican is giving his opinion on how Tim Wise is in the wrong holy shit. I think my mind might implode.

Yep that's my main man, I read all of his articles.
ryutaro's mama said:
That open letter was straight shots fired.

Holy shit!

Tell me about it. As I read on I couldn't keep myself from just saying "DAMN" It sort of reads like one of those rare amazing thoughtfully written posts.

Hoping some more people who don't already know come by and have a gander at his site. I'm sure Himuro might be interested.
lightless_shado said:
Have you guys been keeping up with the news?
Tim Wise has been making some statements that don't sit so well with some conservatives.

I'm watching him being interviewed by Don Lemon, and a Black Republican is giving his opinion on how Tim Wise is in the wrong holy shit. I think my mind might implode.

Ha I assumed the picture of the white guy was a joke or something, but he really is white.

Too bombastic to take seriously, but his main point is factual: America is getting browner, and very soon the older folks who fondly remember the good ole days will be gone. But it's ridiculous to assume only that generation wants to go back to "that" America; the tea party is full of middle aged people as well.

Ultimately the reason Obama scares them so much is because he's a physical representation of the diversity of America. His life story is multicultural, he's embraced and supported around the globe, and currently he's the leader of the United States. He's a sign of things to come, and it angers and scares some people.

Not long from now, Texas will be a democratic state. Arizona will be a democratic state. It's game over for republicans unless they chill on the dog whistles
Date last night was good. She was cute, funny, friendly. Knew a fair bit about music and is pretty into funk for a white girl in Vancouver. She used to sing lead in a Ska band; I might try and get her to record some vocals for me.

Israeli girl is currently rocking my world harder than it's ever been rocked, sexually speaking. I barely have enough energy and fluid to post on GAF anymore.

It's been good to throw on the Jodeci again. I tell ya guys- 'The Show The After Party The Hotel' is the best R&B album of the 90s, easily.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
PhoenixDark said:
Not long from now, Texas will be a democratic state. Arizona will be a democratic state. It's game over for republicans unless they chill on the dog whistles



The day Texas becomes a democratic state, I'll slap my mama. Which of course will be the last act I commit on this earth.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Lebron said:
The day Texas becomes a democratic state, I'll slap my mama. Which of course will be the last act I commit on this earth.

not long from now!

The thing is ignorance begots ignorance..

A way of thinking is passed down, it is getting better, but Texas has old ways deeply ingrained in its culture.. not changing like that anytime soon
lightless_shado said:
Have you guys been keeping up with the news?
Tim Wise has been making some statements that don't sit so well with some conservatives.

I'm watching him being interviewed by Don Lemon, and a Black Republican is giving his opinion on how Tim Wise is in the wrong holy shit. I think my mind might implode.
If this letter wasn't written in so inflammatory a manner, I could post this on my Facebook and not have kneejerk "omg racist" responses.

...actually, I kind of want to do it to see what happens when dissenters with his opinion learn he's white :lol

Anyway, some pointed words...but the message is absolutely correct. Minorities and diversity are going to make it really, really hard to do things like it was 1955, even if you pass down all the hatred and intolerance and racism to your kids. We WILL outnumber those who hold that hatred as truth, and it's going to be really soon.


The Abominable Snowman said:
I typed up a review (The movie was at 91% reader reviews on RottenTomato earlier, its gone back down to mid-80s) and basically panned the film because it had GREAT acting and powerful performances, but the writer(s) and director(s) BUTCHERED it.

Awesome Review

Crap, I was afraid that would be the case. The original source would have been weird to translate into a movie or needed a genius of a director to be honest and this movie was not sporting one. Still going to see it but wait for it to be older so I can get the tickets cheaper. Annoyed that they would ruin such a great source work.

One question: Did they fuck up the "Sorry Poem"?

Baby Milo

*Yawn* Fuck Colored Girls. Aren't black women tired of these kind of movies?

It's always the same stupid ass depressing shit where they get shit on and then shit on other black men as well. Didnt yall just see Precious? Dont yall wanna be happy in movies?

yet for some reason they seem to think all this corny ass "i will survive" shit is cute in 2010.
I will say this though: Every person reading this thread should see I'm Through With White Girls. The title has a Jamie Foxx, Booty Call vibe to it but trust me, the film is nothing like it's title.

Saw this last year, it was pretty entertaining.

And that Tim Wise article was an Uzi.


MWS Natural said:
Really? It sounds like you are saying black people are too stupid to appreciate good drama vs. crap. In reality many black people go see Tyler Perry movies because outside of the latest Will Smith/Denzel action movie it's the only place you can see black people in leading roles.
Oops, didn't mean for it to come out like that so apologies. I almost was saying what you said in your second part. However, that also makes black folk come across as stupid because they watch movies only because black people are in them.

Tyler Perry movies aren't total crap. Believe me when I say that women really love Tyler Perry movies. They reflect a very large patch of black culture that is totally missing in the white counterparts where black people are often sidekicks. His movies involve the black lower, middle, & upper classes and how they all intermingle.Tyler Perry is smart enough to understand that.

I was saying pedestrian because Perry's movies are very back to the basics like movies from the 70's. You can tell he literally borrows from any number of sources. It had nothing to do with what black audiences can handle intelligently. Black people were fine with Spike Lee movies which are about black people too but offer a lot more complexity than anything Perry will ever do.

What I am saying is that black people like seeing themselves represented and often aren't that interested in whether a critic sees it as paint by the numbers or derivative. I say this is a good thing.


lightless_shado said:
Have you guys been keeping up with the news?
Tim Wise has been making some statements that don't sit so well with some conservatives.

I'm watching him being interviewed by Don Lemon, and a Black Republican is giving his opinion on how Tim Wise is in the wrong holy shit. I think my mind might implode.
Tim Wise is awesome

Tim Wise on white privilege
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