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The Black Culture Thread

sciplore said:
One question: Did they fuck up the "Sorry Poem"?
The ONLY poetic performance I didn't 'feel' was Janet's but she didn't eff it up for real. It just wasnt as powerful as some of the other actresses' whom seemed more into it.

The only thing was that some of them seemed out of place, like the speaker went into a trance, but a trance wasn't implied. Like they're supposed to be talking like that normally, but for the most part the poems were word for word and great.

neojubei said:
any black gay gaf members around?
Gay-Black-Gaf doesn't exist. Just DL-Gaf
JGS said:
Oops, didn't mean for it to come out like that so apologies. I almost was saying what you said in your second part. However, that also makes black folk come across as stupid because they watch movies only because black people are in them.

Tyler Perry movies aren't total crap. Believe me when I say that women really love Tyler Perry movies. They reflect a very large patch of black culture that is totally missing in the white counterparts where black people are often sidekicks. His movies involve the black lower, middle, & upper classes and how they all intermingle.Tyler Perry is smart enough to understand that.

I was saying pedestrian because Perry's movies are very back to the basics like movies from the 70's. You can tell he literally borrows from any number of sources. It had nothing to do with what black audiences can handle intelligently. Black people were fine with Spike Lee movies which are about black people too but offer a lot more complexity than anything Perry will ever do.

What I am saying is that black people like seeing themselves represented and often aren't that interested in whether a critic sees it as paint by the numbers or derivative. I say this is a good thing.

Well said. Thanks for clearing that up, I agree with you.


MWS Natural said:
Welcome back immortal, how was the vaca? lol

lol thanks. Gaf is the monkey on my back so I was slightly more productive. I know never to use the b word to describe women on these boards again, it's sexist I know. Even if I am making a boondocks reference :/ . Thankfully it wasn't that long a sentence, I've been banned for lesser shit for longer, granted it was on the gaming side.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Imm0rt4l said:
lol thanks. Gaf is the monkey on my back so I was slightly more productive. I know never to use the b word to describe women on these boards again, it's sexist I know. Even if I am making a boondocks reference :/ . Thankfully it wasn't that long a sentence, I've been banned for lesser shit for longer, granted it was on the gaming side.

Got to keep it fair. Boondocks references aren't a free pass to say whatever, and besides living in Japan doesn't make it easy to catch ever pop reference, and that also applies to people who live else where but post on the board. But welcome back all the same.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
spindashing said:
It's always good to see a brother back in the hood after getting locked up, but it is creepy seeing Officer Tenpenny welcome him back.
Aren't you the cat from that Pokemon video?


Blackace said:
Aren't you the cat from that Pokemon video?

I've always wanted to ask you this blackace but how long do you see yourself staying in Japan for or are you shooting for a permanent status?


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Tokubetsu said:
I've always wanted to ask you this blackace but how long do you see yourself staying in Japan for or are you shooting for a permanent status?

I am here forever.


Baby Milo said:
*Yawn* Fuck Colored Girls. Aren't black women tired of these kind of movies?

It's always the same stupid ass depressing shit where they get shit on and then shit on other black men as well. Didnt yall just see Precious? Dont yall wanna be happy in movies?

yet for some reason they seem to think all this corny ass "i will survive" shit is cute in 2010.

The movie is not suppose to be about black woman being sad, after all being a black woman and sad is redundant in this modern age.

The Abominable Snowman said:
The ONLY poetic performance I didn't 'feel' was Janet's but she didn't eff it up for real. It just wasnt as powerful as some of the other actresses' whom seemed more into it.

The only thing was that some of them seemed out of place, like the speaker went into a trance, but a trance wasn't implied. Like they're supposed to be talking like that normally, but for the most part the poems were word for word and great.

Well that's a little promising I will remain hopeful then.

Glad your back Immortal and I just love the repertoire Blackace and spindashing have going on :lol.


Banstick Emeritus
Question for you black gamers - who by rights should be getting sniped left, right and center on the Gaming side of the forum -

How important is it to you to have minority characters in the games you play?

What are your feelings on customization options? Skin, voice tenor, speech patterns, clothing styles...what ranks and what rankles?

Working on some stuff at my studio and while I can always push stuff through as creative director, it's nice to poll the potential audience whenever possible.
How important is it to you to have minority characters in the games you play?

Not very but if the charter is a stereotype its a huge turnoff.

What are your feelings on customization options? Skin, voice tenor, speech patterns, clothing styles...what ranks and what rankles?

I like being able to customize in the vein of Mass Effect, voice isn't that big a deal but multiple options is always a plus.
How important is it to you to have minority characters in the games you play?
very. I have some trouble identifying with your typical white character, which detaches me from the experience a bit.

What are your feelings on customization options? Skin, voice tenor, speech patterns, clothing styles...what ranks and what rankles?
only thing that riles me is the typical combination of big, dumb and slow. the combination of things that furthers the notions of an anit-intellectual black person. Where's my black Ace Attorney or Professor Layton? I can always count on a black character in a military squad game...but what about a black guy in a leading role of an action game like Dante? or a Sam Fischer / Solid Snake?

I suspect I'll be waiting a long time.
spindashing said:
It's always good to see a brother back in the hood after getting locked up, but it is creepy seeing Officer Tenpenny welcome him back.

First time I've ever laughed with you Spindashing :D .

Edit: Nevermind :lol :lol :lol

Blackace said:
Aren't you the cat from that Pokemon video?
Brahs, serious question:

72% of all black (American) mothers are unwed.

what does Black-GAF think about this, as well as where our community is going?

honestly? I know too many black men running around planting seeds all over the place. I know too many black women run over and wrecked by these same men who love them, make promises, then cheat and abandon them and their children a few months later. I know too many black women who's stock has dropped off the map because they have kids...and very few people are interested in taking care of someone else's kids. but what say you?
Dreams-Visions said:
Brahs, serious question:

72% of all black (American) mothers are unwed.

what does Black-GAF think about this, as well as where our community is going?

honestly? I know too many black men running around planting seeds all over the place. I know too many black women run over and wrecked by these same men who love them, make promises, then cheat and abandon them and their children a few months later. I know too many black women who's stock has dropped off the map because they have kids...and very few people are interested in taking care of someone else's kids. but what say you?

Its a cycle of a poor educational system, broken families and poverty. Dont know how to cure the problem out right without some kind of awakening from the black community. Would have to be some sort of pearl harbor kind of defining event to wake up everyone.


bishoptl said:
Question for you black gamers - who by rights should be getting sniped left, right and center on the Gaming side of the forum -

How important is it to you to have minority characters in the games you play?

What are your feelings on customization options? Skin, voice tenor, speech patterns, clothing styles...what ranks and what rankles?

Working on some stuff at my studio and while I can always push stuff through as creative director, it's nice to poll the potential audience whenever possible.

Having a black main character (particularly female) every time I play would be nice but I am fully aware of what demo graph is behind/targeted in the game industry so to get a bone every now and then is what I grown to expect.

The only customization options I would like to see more variety in is hair and skin tones. Can there be more hair choices than just Afro and cornrows please? A curly fro like natural girls rock would be appreciated. And dreds come in various shapes add a skinny version instead of just the thick kind for once.

As for skin tones something other than black and then sepia would be good enough for me. I will just leave this wiki listing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Shades_of_brown. Manage to get three of these and tone them light, medium, dark and I will be happy.

Clothing and voice does not matter to me as I never saw blacks as having a distinctive way of dress or speech even though game companies (or any media really) puts up a effort to make them.

Nice to see a black indie developer trying to do there own thing to be honest. :D


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
captmcblack said:
Blackace, can I visit you in Japan?

Tell your club chick friends I'm Akon or something please?

If you need me to set you up in a hip-hop club in Japan you have zero game
soundscream said:
Its a cycle of a poor educational system, broken families and poverty. Dont know how to cure the problem out right without some kind of awakening from the black community. Would have to be some sort of pearl harbor kind of defining event to wake up everyone.

sounds like it'll get worse before it gets better, then.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
bishoptl said:
Question for you black gamers - who by rights should be getting sniped left, right and center on the Gaming side of the forum -

How important is it to you to have minority characters in the games you play?

What are your feelings on customization options? Skin, voice tenor, speech patterns, clothing styles...what ranks and what rankles?

Working on some stuff at my studio and while I can always push stuff through as creative director, it's nice to poll the potential audience whenever possible.

We did a part on the last GAFcast about this and for me it is one of the most important features for a game.

I would have enjoyed both Infamous and Just Cause 2 more if I could have made my character and in WRPGs not being able to make my character is a gaming flaw IMO.

I don't mind not being able to change speech patterns, I think Shepard in Mass Effect is a great example of this...
Dreams-Visions said:
Brahs, serious question:

72% of all black (American) mothers are unwed.

what does Black-GAF think about this, as well as where our community is going?

honestly? I know too many black men running around planting seeds all over the place. I know too many black women run over and wrecked by these same men who love them, make promises, then cheat and abandon them and their children a few months later. I know too many black women who's stock has dropped off the map because they have kids...and very few people are interested in taking care of someone else's kids. but what say you?

Fuck em' (not literally of course), going to an HBCU I just got worn out by the whole "I don't need no man" schtick. My ex of 5 years was black and after that I haven't been with a black woman since. Especially when there are so many women of other races that are fine as hell without all the baggage and attitude.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
bishoptl said:
Question for you black gamers - who by rights should be getting sniped left, right and center on the Gaming side of the forum -

How important is it to you to have minority characters in the games you play?

What are your feelings on customization options? Skin, voice tenor, speech patterns, clothing styles...what ranks and what rankles?

Working on some stuff at my studio and while I can always push stuff through as creative director, it's nice to poll the potential audience whenever possible.

I'd say that it's important. Granted, it won't enhance my experience of the game from a personal perspective, whether I'm playing a with a black or white character. But I figure that for people our age, the gaming protagonists have always been white, we've been conditioned to it. It doesn't really even cross our minds that both Ken and Ryu are white ( yes, Ryu is Caucasian, I don't fucking understand how he looks Japanese).

The first game that made me realize how important it actually is, was GTA San Andreas. I mean, here you had a game that was just filled with black people, the music was black music. Not in the ridiculous sense of Def Jam wresting game or whatever it was called ( kinda fun though). But in a way that didn't make it a caricature, where it essentially took the black image serious and took it into consideration, even celebrated the black culture. Just like the godfather celebrated Sicilian culture.

I am not really a fan of the customize your character to be white or black etc.
The character should be what the character is. When I'm playing, I dunno, fallout or something and the commercials, and/or the cover shows a white character, and I customized it to be black, it just feel so, artificial, you know? Like it's not a standard, like it's out of the norm. Although, it's hilarious to make a black character and run the game in a black way ( i.e. mass effect) once in a while :lol


Dreams-Visions said:
Brahs, serious question:

72% of all black (American) mothers are unwed.

what does Black-GAF think about this, as well as where our community is going?

honestly? I know too many black men running around planting seeds all over the place. I know too many black women run over and wrecked by these same men who love them, make promises, then cheat and abandon them and their children a few months later. I know too many black women who's stock has dropped off the map because they have kids...and very few people are interested in taking care of someone else's kids. but what say you?

It is a never ending cycle, I see family dynamics built off of this. I wonder if it has to do with the blacks low acceptance for abortions or black woman and men stupid lack of condom usage. Honestly I really don't see this changing any time soon.

Also a little lttp on this but:

neojubei said:
any black gay gaf members around?

Neojubei is black?
bishoptl said:
Question for you black gamers - who by rights should be getting sniped left, right and center on the Gaming side of the forum -

How important is it to you to have minority characters in the games you play?

What are your feelings on customization options? Skin, voice tenor, speech patterns, clothing styles...what ranks and what rankles?

Working on some stuff at my studio and while I can always push stuff through as creative director, it's nice to poll the potential audience whenever possible.

Not important to me. I'd rather have a game with a diverse cast of characters in general, like Half Life for instance.


spindashing said:
It's always good to see a brother back in the hood after getting locked up, but it is creepy seeing Officer Tenpenny welcome him back.
Blackace said:
If you need me to set you up in a hip-hop club in Japan you have zero game
:lol :lol :lol

I hope I get to visit there sometime in the next few years. I've given up on making CK my wifey though.


bishoptl said:
Question for you black gamers - who by rights should be getting sniped left, right and center on the Gaming side of the forum -

How important is it to you to have minority characters in the games you play?

What are your feelings on customization options? Skin, voice tenor, speech patterns, clothing styles...what ranks and what rankles?

Working on some stuff at my studio and while I can always push stuff through as creative director, it's nice to poll the potential audience whenever possible.

Customization is one of those things I've wanted in my fps games for god knows how long. Actual customization too, something like APB ideally but most anything will do. As long as we can push the industry in that direction.

As far as minorities goes, I'd love more but as long as they're handled correctly. It's like the comic book sort of ordeal all over again. You either make them super smart/geeky/scientific because we're often portrayed as the opposite....or your portray us as the opposite because you don't want them to be obviously white washed etc. Gotta find that middle ground, wherever it is.
Dreams-Visions said:
Brahs, serious question:

72% of all black (American) mothers are unwed.

what does Black-GAF think about this, as well as where our community is going?

honestly? I know too many black men running around planting seeds all over the place. I know too many black women run over and wrecked by these same men who love them, make promises, then cheat and abandon them and their children a few months later. I know too many black women who's stock has dropped off the map because they have kids...and very few people are interested in taking care of someone else's kids. but what say you?

Sorry, no one gets a pass here.

Personal responsibility.

Have more respect for yourself and don't be content to be a "baby momma".

It's fucking amazing, people are shocked when they hear I have zero children.

My answer? I don't want them so I don't have them.

People act like you are supposed to have at least one "oopsy" kid...blows my mind.

All of you need to see Diary of a Tired Black Man starring the Haitian from Heroes.
ryutaro's mama said:
Sorry, no one gets a pass here.

Personal responsibility.

Have more respect for yourself and don't be content to be a "baby momma".

It's fucking amazing, people are shocked when they hear I have zero children.

My answer? I don't want them so I don't have them.

People act like you are supposed to have at least one "oopsy" kid...blows my mind.

All of you need to see Diary of a Tired Black Man starring the Haitian from Heroes.

Agreed. I'm seeing people from high school with kids now. 22, 23 year old chicks with kids; blows my mind, and deflates any interest I may have had in them.

Lots of men act quite predatory towards women in regards to leading them along, getting them pregnant, moving on etc. But that doesn't take the female off the hook. Personally I don't see how it's possible to fall for dudes as sorry as the ones I see getting these chicks. At some point you'd think a dude who lives with his moms and works at McDonalds would fall out of favor, but that shit still flies.

I guess on the flip side guys fall for plenty of sorry chicks (bad credit, culturally brain dead, vapid, etc) just because they're fine (or light skinned...).
bishoptl said:
Question for you black gamers - who by rights should be getting sniped left, right and center on the Gaming side of the forum -

How important is it to you to have minority characters in the games you play?

What are your feelings on customization options? Skin, voice tenor, speech patterns, clothing styles...what ranks and what rankles?

Working on some stuff at my studio and while I can always push stuff through as creative director, it's nice to poll the potential audience whenever possible.

I like minority characeter that are fleshed out and that add heft to the story. Sheeva Alomar & Josh Stone(Resident Evil 5), Drebin 893 (MGS4), Coach (L4D2), LaRue (Condemned 2), MadJack & Cemetery employee (Heavy Rain) are recent examples of what not to do. On the other hand Alyx & Eli Vance & Father (Half-Life), Garcian Smith (Killer 7), Michael Edwards (Eternal Darkness), Gracie (Bioshock 2) and Augustus Cole (Gears of War), Granted the last one is a guilty pleasure, but "look at al lthe JUICE....WOOOOO!!!"


MWS Natural said:
Fuck em' (not literally of course), going to an HBCU I just got worn out by the whole "I don't need no man" schtick. My ex of 5 years was black and after that I haven't been with a black woman since. Especially when there are so many women of other races that are fine as hell without all the baggage and attitude.
Perhaps you ought to look at these women as individuals rather than one homogeneous group that all have baggage and attitude?

I'm really surprised at all the negativity (not just on GAF, either) surrounding black American women. I (obviously) have no direct experience to draw from but I find it difficult to believe that they're not getting the rough end of the stick.

Are there any decent documentaries I could watch on black American women and their place in society?

Fox the Sly

bishoptl said:
Question for you black gamers - who by rights should be getting sniped left, right and center on the Gaming side of the forum -

How important is it to you to have minority characters in the games you play?

What are your feelings on customization options? Skin, voice tenor, speech patterns, clothing styles...what ranks and what rankles?

Working on some stuff at my studio and while I can always push stuff through as creative director, it's nice to poll the potential audience whenever possible.

If the character is a "minority" then I would just hope it's not a stereotype.

In games where customization is an option, it's very important to me that skin tones are varied and accurate (dark brown skin tones usually look unnatural, especially with eurocentric facial features). Hair options are also very important too, like someone else said it's usually only an afro or cornrolls and even those are shoddy sometimes. Voice and speech aren't much of a concern unless the character verbally delivers dialogue like in Mass Effect. In that case, I would just hope the voice isn't too "white."
bishoptl said:
Question for you black gamers - who by rights should be getting sniped left, right and center on the Gaming side of the forum -

How important is it to you to have minority characters in the games you play?

What are your feelings on customization options? Skin, voice tenor, speech patterns, clothing styles...what ranks and what rankles?

Working on some stuff at my studio and while I can always push stuff through as creative director, it's nice to poll the potential audience whenever possible.

It isn't important, exactly - I mean, it'd be cool to see more minority characters, but only if it isn't just a token throw-in/stereotyping thing. There's no value in there being the ONE black guy in a game when of course he's the sports guy/gun-toting guy/gangster guy/rapping guy/boxing guy/big HELL YEAH or OH NO YOU DI'INT guy.

I'd love to see a black guy used as a lead in the same way you have Nathan Drake as a lead or something. Why couldn't Nathan Drake be a handsome black guy with a nice wavy caesar? Why couldn't you have a DMC-style action game with a highly-skilled black man? Would WET have been a less-fun game if the main character was a black woman with a gun and a sword? I'd also like to see them use unquestionably black people too, not the racially-agnostic, "just ethnic enough to seem exotic but not to offend" guys. I want to see a dark-skinned, regular/plausible-looking black male or female, without alien characteristics (so you don't have to go "oh lol, it's just an alien), as the main character of a big game from a big dev/publisher. And I want them to not be all "sassy" or "wisecracking" in a stereotypically black fashion...then, it's worth something to me. Until then, it's all Balrog and Barret and Cole Train to me.

As for games where you can create your own character, I love having the option to make a black person. Honestly, create-a-character should let you make anything, from the palest, shortest and skinniest to the darkest, tallest and meatiest person with the baldest, most Afroed or Yugioh-spiked hair possible if I want. Don't waste time with creating a character if the edits I can make are relatively minor and/or inaccurate. I used to love my badass dark-skinned Afro HUMar in Phantasy Star Online, because he looked like me :lol

Finally, Blackace - I'm coming to visit you. I need some hot Asian chicks in my harem!


SmokyDave said:
Perhaps you ought to look at these women as individuals rather than one homogeneous group that all have baggage and attitude?

I'm really surprised at all the negativity (not just on GAF, either) surrounding black American women. I (obviously) have no direct experience to draw from but I find it difficult to believe that they're not getting the rough end of the stick.

Are there any decent documentaries I could watch on black American women and their place in society?
They oftentimes are. However, it also has to do with what they may settle for. With the exception of the overwhelmingly obvious problem of single motherhood, black women don't act too terribly different from any other female including the various personalities that entails. But again the fact that there are so many unwed mothers out there indicates an overall issue that I'm not about to touch with a ten foot pole.

Their primary weakness to is actually putting up with the antics of idiotic boyfriends which should make an unpleasant attitude understandable!

I can't think of any documentaries that would do them justice beyond being portrayed as victims. It would be like making a documentary about women in general
bishoptl said:
Question for you black gamers - who by rights should be getting sniped left, right and center on the Gaming side of the forum -

How important is it to you to have minority characters in the games you play?

What are your feelings on customization options? Skin, voice tenor, speech patterns, clothing styles...what ranks and what rankles?

Working on some stuff at my studio and while I can always push stuff through as creative director, it's nice to poll the potential audience whenever possible.

It's not something on my list as "this needs to be in a game" for me to consider buying it, but it is something that I would like to have. Minority characters in my book add more flavor to a game. I usually select the minority characters -- most specifically if they are black because I sometimes prefer their character design over the others. Or maybe I just like that character better. Cole in Gears of War? You know I picked that dude. Hilarious even if he was highly ... yeah ...

I'd also like to see a black character in the lead role of a game without having stereotypes plaguing him. That day will come guys, and I hope you all are here for that moment.

When I create-a-character for certain games that have a dark skin option select, yes -- I usually put it as close as my skin tone as possible. (Tad bit darker than a paper bag.) I usually ... try to create myself, too. In some games like Monster Hunter, I make a cool Japanese looking guys, though...

I guess it depends, but I always appreciate the option of trying to create a black person when the time arises. I'd wish some of these create-a-character things would have better hair options, though... Sometimes a Caesar looks horrid and the braids look bad. Then I have to go afro, but I hate rocking afros. I remember making my avatar in Home with an afro and glasses ... and a crowd surrounded me saying, "Hey! It's Norbit!" :lol :lol


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Blackace said:
We did a part on the last GAFcast about this and for me it is one of the most important features for a game.

I would have enjoyed both Infamous and Just Cause 2 more if I could have made my character and in WRPGs not being able to make my character is a gaming flaw IMO.

What did you think of the Witcher? No character creation and an overall pretty linear storyline... but one of the best WRPG releases in years IMO.
bishoptl said:
Question for you black gamers - who by rights should be getting sniped left, right and center on the Gaming side of the forum -

How important is it to you to have minority characters in the games you play?

What are your feelings on customization options? Skin, voice tenor, speech patterns, clothing styles...what ranks and what rankles?

Working on some stuff at my studio and while I can always push stuff through as creative director, it's nice to poll the potential audience whenever possible.
depends on the game. i loved saint's row and saint's row 2, especially how you could even choose the voice! it's not actually *important* to my enjoyment, but it can push the fun over the top to have the character look like me.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
MWS Natural said:
Fuck em' (not literally of course), going to an HBCU I just got worn out by the whole "I don't need no man" schtick. My ex of 5 years was black and after that I haven't been with a black woman since. Especially when there are so many women of other races that are fine as hell without all the baggage and attitude.
Sums up my feelings as well...

What HBCU did you attend anyways?

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Dreams-Visions said:
Brahs, serious question:

72% of all black (American) mothers are unwed.

what does Black-GAF think about this, as well as where our community is going?

honestly? I know too many black men running around planting seeds all over the place. I know too many black women run over and wrecked by these same men who love them, make promises, then cheat and abandon them and their children a few months later. I know too many black women who's stock has dropped off the map because they have kids...and very few people are interested in taking care of someone else's kids. but what say you?
oral sex is the only answer
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