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The Black Culture Thread

ChocolateCupcakes said:
I'm not going to vote for someone I dont agree with just to please other people. And trust me New York is not fucked because of me, if buy some weird event that the GOP wins because of 10 votes or something in New York then fine but I doubt that will ever happen. I understand that voting is important but I'm not going to do it just to appease you or anybody else who actually made a sound decision about who they want for Senate or Congress. I'm happy with my decision not to vote this year. I see nothing wrong with not voting if you dont know who you want to vote for you may call it lame but I think its understandable.

You aren't voting to appease anyone but yourself. That is the point of voting - to make yourself represented in your government's interests, so that the government has to appease you.

Not knowing who you want to vote for is your own fault; if you really wanted to vote, you'd have gotten informed and then been able to make a sound decision. Don't like any of the candidates? Write your own choice in.

In fact, if you wanted to you didn't even have to vote for any candidates - they still have votes for various measures, propositions and rules that are important to you on an immediate/local level. For example in California, you could have hated both candidates - but you could've left all the candidate choices blank and voted for or against Proposition 19 if legalizing marijuana was important to you.

Like I said, not voting because you are too lazy is an honest and informed/acceptable decision; at least you have the courage to accept being part of the problem and deal with the slings/arrows you may receive for that, and that's respectable. But any other excuse or problem someone could've had with voting is resolved so simply and with such minimal personal effort...it's just weak, is all.

The system is as broken as the people participating in it...and the only people participating in it are the people benefiting from it (old people, rich people, corporations). Why should the system represent or be more appealing to you if you're too cool to get involved?

Don't take it personal though - I don't think anyone is less cool, or less of a person, or not a good person for deciding not to vote. That's your own decision, and it's whatever. You are who you are regardless! No judgment is being cast on you as a person at all.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
ChocolateCupcakes said:
I'm not going to vote for someone I dont agree with just to please other people. And trust me New York is not fucked because of me, if buy some weird event that the GOP wins because of 10 votes or something in New York then fine but I doubt that will ever happen. I understand that voting is important but I'm not going to do it just to appease you or anybody else who actually made a sound decision about who they want for Senate or Congress. I'm happy with my decision not to vote this year. I see nothing wrong with not voting if you dont know who you want to vote for you may call it lame but I think its understandable.
- so in all the candidates, in all the offices that were up, you did'nt fine ONE candidate you can vote for?

- Did you not care about Term Limits? New voting regulations?

there are at least 6 races where if the people(black, latino, young) who pushed the Dems up in 2008 came, just a few of them could've made the difference. I remember the first time i voted i did'nt like either Gore nor Bush, i still went and voted
for Nader

The point is, it matters getting counted, even if you go to the polls and write in Mike Tyson for prez or senator. Politicians are on certain voting block dicks cuz they know "they"(seniors for example) ALWAYS come out and vote no matter what, if the people on the other side of town have a bad voting record, politician wont care about them during AND after their campaign.

Stop making excuses and be counted. It matters no matter who you vote for. Its not a fuckin hassle to vote, specially on non-prez elections, less than 30 minutes man.
I didn't vote, not like the Dem's did shit when they had the majority anyways. Just be happy I'll vote for Obama.

On a totally unrelated note. Is there anyone in here that is good with photoshop?
Any of you dudes familiar with the visual artist Hank Willis Thomas? He has done some really pointed and funny work about race. Google "Hang Time circa 1923" for a good example of what he does. Met him at school, years ago. Great guy.

His current Facebook profile pic is amazing.

EDIT- www.hankwillisthomas.com


Can't believe I just had an hour long debate with this girl claiming Jodeci was better than Boyz II Men. What is the world coming to?

Also, I voted. Did my part.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Count Dookkake said:
Any of you dudes familiar with the visual artist Hank Willis Thomas? He has done some really pointed and funny work about race. Google "Hang Time circa 1923" for a good example of what he does. Met him at school, years ago. Great guy.

His current Facebook profile pic is amazing.

EDIT- www.hankwillisthomas.com
I am now a fan.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
captmcblack said:
Honestly, any excuse aside from:

- "I am lazy"


- "I am quadriplegic/have no use of my legs"

is an unacceptable one, especially for black people. People died less than 50 years ago so that we could do this shit without restriction and with equal representation. Your parents may not even be as old as our unrestricted right to vote.

At least "I am too lazy to vote" is honest.


or I am a felon that went through the system, had a public pretender and didn't have the money to pay the fines when I got out of jail, and checked the box that traded the fee for my right to vote forever...

happens to many young black men


Blackace said:
or I am a felon that went through the system, had a public pretender and didn't have the money to pay the fines when I got out of jail, and checked the box that traded the fee for my right to vote forever...

happens to many young black men
Protip: don't put yourself in a position of going to jail.
~Devil Trigger~ said:
- so in all the candidates, in all the offices that were up, you did'nt fine ONE candidate you can vote for?

- Did you not care about Term Limits? New voting regulations?

there are at least 6 races where if the people(black, latino, young) who pushed the Dems up in 2008 came, just a few of them could've made the difference. I remember the first time i voted i did'nt like either Gore nor Bush, i still went and voted
for Nader

The point is, it matters getting counted, even if you go to the polls and write in Mike Tyson for prez or senator. Politicians are on certain voting block dicks cuz they know "they"(seniors for example) ALWAYS come out and vote no matter what, if the people on the other side of town have a bad voting record, politician wont care about them during AND after their campaign.

Stop making excuses and be counted. It matters no matter who you vote for. Its not a fuckin hassle to vote, specially on non-prez elections, less than 30 minutes man.

When the fuck did I say it was a hassle to vote? How about next time I just right down my pinky toe just so people wont hassle me about. Shit. I dont understand why its such a hard thing to understand that if I cant find someone to vote for then I wont. Hot damn.
DY_nasty said:
I never really liked the look, but I've got big legs for my size too... they'd probably look like tights on me.

They got this spot exclusive to NC/SC (I'm pretty sure) called Biscuitville - its only open between 3am and like 11am or something crazy, but holy hell they have the best damned biscuits I've touched in my life. Sausage and egg biscuit with cheese that'll make you want to slap your momma...

the only reason I'd ever willingly get out of bed that early

Biscuitville is open from 6 AM to 2 Pm... recognize. Got one fright down the block.


Lebron said:
Can't believe I just had an hour long debate with this girl claiming Jodeci was better than Boyz II Men. What is the world coming to?

Also, I voted. Did my part.
But Jodeci is better than Boyz II Men?
Wow, Athiesm is REALLY taboo in a black family. It came out that one of my cousins was athiest (During an argument where she refused to go to church) so all my uncles and aunts came over the other day and basically talked the most shit about her ever.

Started with her being a rebellious child and "Pissing in her bed on purpose". Went on to how she killed her fish. Refused to go to church and almost failed high school (she was in the top 20 of her class of 200), and how her facebook says she goes out to clubs all the time and is probably a stripper. Then went on to how she's probably on "That stuff" and thats why she is rejecting Christianity, and she will try to catch up later on but itll be to late when shes on her death bed.

I mean wow, noone will ever try to fuck your life over like family. And her mother is now all like "I only pay tuition for my children whom want to go to heaven. Go to hell and be smart or go to hell and be dumb, I don't care"

Soo I promptly went on facebook and changed my religion to "I Love The LORD!"

I feel so out of place with this side of the family.


captmcblack said:

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Did we already have this in this thread?


He did another one??

What do you guys think of white "ghetto" girls? It's something I noticed a lot of when I moved up north. They have mostly black friends and say the N word or will have it in the Facebook or Myspace or whatever a lot. Type/type with a lot of slang. Always find it kinda weird.
eternaLightness said:
What do you guys think of white "ghetto" girls? It's something I noticed a lot of when I moved up north. They have mostly black friends and say the N word or will have it in the Facebook or Myspace or whatever a lot. Type/type with a lot of slang. Always find it kinda weird.

I find them curiously attractive - particularly the ghetto booty variety. It's weird...I should hate them like I do most hood rats, but I dunno. Something comes over me :x
Yea they usually are pretty attractive. Just the personality part that I don't care for. I met one pretty recently who's pretty cute but the way she talks annoys the heck outta me. And she always used caps lock when she texts me. =\


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I had a white girl call me a nigger once while we were having sex...

Wasn't sure what to do :lol
DY_nasty said:
I had a white girl call me a nigger once while we were having sex...

Wasn't sure what to do :lol

:lol :lol :lol :lol
You could slap her...and she'll probably like it (secret negro rape fantasy?), so it's a win-win!

Fox the Sly

The Abominable Snowman said:
Wow, Athiesm is REALLY taboo in a black family. It came out that one of my cousins was athiest (During an argument where she refused to go to church) so all my uncles and aunts came over the other day and basically talked the most shit about her ever.

Started with her being a rebellious child and "Pissing in her bed on purpose". Went on to how she killed her fish. Refused to go to church and almost failed high school (she was in the top 20 of her class of 200), and how her facebook says she goes out to clubs all the time and is probably a stripper. Then went on to how she's probably on "That stuff" and thats why she is rejecting Christianity, and she will try to catch up later on but itll be to late when shes on her death bed.

I mean wow, noone will ever try to fuck your life over like family. And her mother is now all like "I only pay tuition for my children whom want to go to heaven. Go to hell and be smart or go to hell and be dumb, I don't care"

Soo I promptly went on facebook and changed my religion to "I Love The LORD!"

I feel so out of place with this side of the family.

A LOT of young people are turning away from religion, but the sad thing is (when it comes to Christianity) is that they never realize that the Bible and Christianity have little to do with each other, so they reject the Bible completely. Because, you know, most people don't actually read it, they just go by the false doctrines that the churches teach.

DY_nasty said:
I had a white girl call me a nigger once while we were having sex...

Wasn't sure what to do :lol


So, what did you do?

Fox the Sly

Good man. I hope you hit her kidneys while you were in there. :lol

As for the ghetto white girls, they're almost like a weird social study to me. Like a black person who identifies more with white people than his own. Kinda fascinating, really.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
The Abominable Snowman said:
Wow, Athiesm is REALLY taboo in a black family. It came out that one of my cousins was athiest (During an argument where she refused to go to church) so all my uncles and aunts came over the other day and basically talked the most shit about her ever.

Started with her being a rebellious child and "Pissing in her bed on purpose". Went on to how she killed her fish. Refused to go to church and almost failed high school (she was in the top 20 of her class of 200), and how her facebook says she goes out to clubs all the time and is probably a stripper. Then went on to how she's probably on "That stuff" and thats why she is rejecting Christianity, and she will try to catch up later on but itll be to late when shes on her death bed.

I mean wow, noone will ever try to fuck your life over like family. And her mother is now all like "I only pay tuition for my children whom want to go to heaven. Go to hell and be smart or go to hell and be dumb, I don't care"

Soo I promptly went on facebook and changed my religion to "I Love The LORD!"

I feel so out of place with this side of the family.

I have'nt told my parents, but i think they get it.

I have'nt gone to Church in a decade


DY_nasty said:
I had a white girl call me a nigger once while we were having sex...

Wasn't sure what to do :lol
You should have stopped and zipped it up, and said, "Madam, my ancestors did not go through years of torture for me to hear such language. I bid you good day.", then walked out. Way to send us back another 100 years.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
DY_nasty said:
I had a white girl call me a nigger once while we were having sex...

Wasn't sure what to do :lol

a facial is what should have happened


Lebron said:
You should have stopped and zipped it up, and said, "Madam, my ancestors did not go through years of torture for me to hear such language. I bid you good day.", then walked out. Way to send us back another 100 years.

Dude his dick is like already in it, you cant expect any man to just stop it like that.

But real talk I could not imagine what I would do so I am not going to judge you. Ideally I would have popped up, stomped on his dick and hightail the fuck out of there :lol.
sciplore said:
stomped on his dick

oh god no :eek:

Also, I am at work getting extra ethnic and eating the Caribbean version of fufu for breakfast, mangu.

Yeah that's Dominican, but I'm Haitian so it's the same shit anyway. Call the cops goddammit, I don't give a fuck. :lol

Mangu x eggs x chorizo = WIN EX PLUS ALPHA
I went out to the club (A black club) with some of my good white friends and they nitpicked about shit I never thought was ever a bad thing:lol

-They won't let the entire song play! I Wanted to sing the 3rd part!
-Why is everyone trying to dance in the middle of the floor? Lets go dance in the mirror
-Doesnt this place have a coat check?
-Why are they allowing people to take drinks away from the bar, that's dangerous!
-Etc Etc Etc

I mean, I kind of see where they are coming from, but are black clubs REALLY that different?
The Abominable Snowman said:
I went out to the club (A black club) with some of my good white friends and they nitpicked about shit I never thought was ever a bad thing:lol

-They won't let the entire song play! I Wanted to sing the 3rd part!
-Why is everyone trying to dance in the middle of the floor? Lets go dance in the mirror
-Doesnt this place have a coat check?
-Why are they allowing people to take drinks away from the bar, that's dangerous!
-Etc Etc Etc

I mean, I kind of see where they are coming from, but are black clubs REALLY that different?

For example, there typically aren't 12 metal detectors BEFORE you get into the club in non-black clubs. :lol

I took my boy out to a club as part of his bachelor party, and it was like getting NSA security clearance in Fort Knox or some shit.
:lol Wow, I went to a white 'club' that was more like a lounge. But my experience in them is limited.

The funniest part was when this wasted guy grabbed my friends ass. She was so ecstatic. "Oh my god he just grabbed by ass! " and she went on and on about it and the guy just walked away :lol I guess she's really not used to that.
In the non-black clubs/lounges, only the drunkest of juiceheads will even think of starting trouble.

In the black club, even the most Urkel-y milquetoast wussy looking cats get froggy if you:

- look at them sideways
- knock their drink over
- fuck up their shoes/clothes
- talk to their lady inadvertently

And if they're drunk, forget about it.

Black lounges are much more chill, though. Usually, those have older people in there looking to be "grown and sexy" or whatever.
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