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The Black Culture Thread

Dreams-Visions said:
Brahs, serious question:

72% of all black (American) mothers are unwed.

what does Black-GAF think about this, as well as where our community is going?

honestly? I know too many black men running around planting seeds all over the place. I know too many black women run over and wrecked by these same men who love them, make promises, then cheat and abandon them and their children a few months later. I know too many black women who's stock has dropped off the map because they have kids...and very few people are interested in taking care of someone else's kids. but what say you?

I don't care if you have kids or not.
If you're a cool girl and you're interested in liking me - and being liked by me, then I'm down. The whole super-independent "fuck men they're assholes, but you should still throw it in the bag and spend squajillions of dollars on me because you're a baller and I'm a queen" deal is just not what's up at all...ladies in the situation described in that link would do well to be into self-improvement on a personal level, and self-improvement on a relationship/approachability level.

As for dudes running around and knocking girls up then running away - that's straight bitchassness on their part, and invariably they'll get theirs anyway. They'll be caught up financially for at least 18 years, and having baby mamas makes them "damaged goods" for prospective future women, too.

Finally, black men and black women really, really need to have some sort of reconciliation movement. For some reason, we don't even like each other as much as we should...and it sucks, because (at least for dudes) it's hard enough for people of other races/ethnicities to get over themselves and dig you, so it sucks to feel like you can't at least fall back on ladies that share your color/race/ethnicities/cultural things.
bishoptl said:
Question for you black gamers - who by rights should be getting sniped left, right and center on the Gaming side of the forum -

How important is it to you to have minority characters in the games you play?

What are your feelings on customization options? Skin, voice tenor, speech patterns, clothing styles...what ranks and what rankles?

Working on some stuff at my studio and while I can always push stuff through as creative director, it's nice to poll the potential audience whenever possible.

Having minority characters aren't extremely important, unless its a game that has a character creator. If they don't have a wide variety of black skin colors, I become disappoint. This usually is a problem with Asian MMOs. You're either PALE AS THE MOON, WHITE, OR WESLEY SNIPES BLACK.
bishoptl said:
Question for you black gamers - who by rights should be getting sniped left, right and center on the Gaming side of the forum -

How important is it to you to have minority characters in the games you play?
Not that important, but I would love to see more games have a minority lead, instead of added as a comic relief character in most games.

What are your feelings on customization options? Skin, voice tenor, speech patterns, clothing styles...what ranks and what rankles?
I love when games add this especially in Saints Row. If I can make the characters like me as much as possible, I'm all for it.

Working on some stuff at my studio and while I can always push stuff through as creative director, it's nice to poll the potential audience whenever possible.

Also games need to have more black hair-styles in customization. Most rpg's especially have "white" hair and cornrows or a afro if you want to make a black character. I like how you could choose from a variety like in San Andreas.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Dreams-Visions said:
Brahs, serious question:

72% of all black (American) mothers are unwed.

what does Black-GAF think about this, as well as where our community is going?

honestly? I know too many black men running around planting seeds all over the place. I know too many black women run over and wrecked by these same men who love them, make promises, then cheat and abandon them and their children a few months later. I know too many black women who's stock has dropped off the map because they have kids...and very few people are interested in taking care of someone else's kids. but what say you?

Ultimately it is on the woman. The woman has the responsibility of her body. I think it is shameful of men who create a child and burn off, but in the end, the woman has to be more responsible. Use protection, get on the pill, swallow, do something.

As far as the entire community, I think that we are going to see a HUGE divide between black people with money and black people that don't. Goes hand in hand with the unwed mothers thing. The women who have kids with no man around, no education, no job in many cases are just dooming that child and the rest of her family who has to support her.

There is an entire culture of women who are proud of their daughters to have kids out of wedlock. "You don't need a man!!!" is their battlecry. That sentiment makes women to believe men are the enemy. Then they end up twirling around on a pole while their kids are playing DS in the dressing room.
Oh my
Among the findings of the new report from the Council of the Great City Schools, as summarized in the NYT today:

"Only 12 percent of black fourth-grade boys are proficient in reading, compared with 38 percent of white boys, and only 12 percent of black eighth-grade boys are proficient in math, compared with 44 percent of white boys."
Also, young white male students who are in poverty do as well as young black male students who are not in poverty.
"In high school, African-American boys drop out at nearly twice the rate of white boys, and their SAT scores are on average 104 points lower."
Only 5% of college students in 2008 were black men. At the same time, black men were incarcerated more than any other demographic group—at 6.5 times the rate of white males.




dskillzhtown said:
Ultimately it is on the woman. The woman has the responsibility of her body. I think it is shameful of men who create a child and burn off, but in the end, the woman has to be more responsible. Use protection, get on the pill, swallow, do something.

As far as the entire community, I think that we are going to see a HUGE divide between black people with money and black people that don't. Goes hand in hand with the unwed mothers thing. The women who have kids with no man around, no education, no job in many cases are just dooming that child and the rest of her family who has to support her.

There is an entire culture of women who are proud of their daughters to have kids out of wedlock. "You don't need a man!!!" is their battlecry. That sentiment makes women to believe men are the enemy. Then they end up twirling around on a pole while their kids are playing DS in the dressing room.

Taking men completely out of the equation isn't fair; the baby making process is a two person job.

That being said, it's quite weird that in 2010 in the US so many people are having unprotected sex/getting pregnant. You'd think by now a lot of people would realize that shit is a bad idea. Is it simply poor education? It's baffling to me.


keep your strippers out of my American football
PhoenixDark said:
Taking men completely out of the equation isn't fair; the baby making process is a two person job.

That being said, it's quite weird that in 2010 in the US so many people are having unprotected sex/getting pregnant. You'd think by now a lot of people would realize that shit is a bad idea. Is it simply poor education? It's baffling to me.

Not taking men completely out of it. I think it is totally wrong to make a baby and leave, but women are going to be stuck with the kid ultimately. Even if the guy is taking care of the kid, paying child support, etc. that kid is hers. For that reason, women need to be alot more aware of the consequences that come from a booty call.

About the stats above, what is the Council of Great City Schools? I am always a bit skeptical of such dramatic stats. Especially when I work in a department that trains new hires and about 30% of the class are usually black males. Ever since the CDC lied about AIDS numbers to bring attention to the problem, I am skeptical of just about everything I read.
Not to mention the fact that a big part of my job is to twist facts in press releases.


SmokyDave said:
Perhaps you ought to look at these women as individuals rather than one homogeneous group that all have baggage and attitude?

I'm really surprised at all the negativity (not just on GAF, either) surrounding black American women. I (obviously) have no direct experience to draw from but I find it difficult to believe that they're not getting the rough end of the stick.

Are there any decent documentaries I could watch on black American women and their place in society?

I'm a strong independant black woman!



Fox the Sly

PhoenixDark said:
Taking men completely out of the equation isn't fair; the baby making process is a two person job.

That being said, it's quite weird that in 2010 in the US so many people are having unprotected sex/getting pregnant. You'd think by now a lot of people would realize that shit is a bad idea. Is it simply poor education? It's baffling to me.

That reminds me, if you get a chick pregnant, don't ever let her get an abortion. That shit is fucking evil.

A while ago I came across a documentary about eugenics and how it's been pushed onto the Black community in the United States and around the world, although this documentary focuses on the U.S. Abortions are the #1 killer of Black people, even above drugs, homicide, cancer, and other diseases. Here are the links on youtube.

Maafa 21: The History of Eugenics In America

Part 01/13 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASrFufnMNDg
Part 02/13 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYRyVKORwVE&feature=related
Part 03/13 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QVmzIj13a0&feature=related
Part 04/13 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sB4GWc_ivA&feature=related
Part 05/13 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1MD-bVLx4o&feature=related
Part 06/13 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkPLrsYgkxM&feature=related
Part 07/13 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceayJuYx5WA&feature=related
Part 08/13 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oU_G6kxl64&feature=related
Part 09/13 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIEs5wfRIuw&feature=related
Part 10/13 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcaPw4DAOdE&feature=related
Part 11/13 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6zt_metryI&feature=related
Part 12/13 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeoAEWitsSk&feature=related
Part 13/13 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVCLU8wu16o&feature=related

Planned Parenthood Exposed
DY_nasty said:
Sums up my feelings as well...

What HBCU did you attend anyways?


Fox the Sly said:
That reminds me, if you get a chick pregnant, don't ever let her get an abortion. That shit is fucking evil.

You shitting me. You do what is right for you. I wouldn't be in the position I am today if I would have had those kids.

Damn...some serious stuff statistics right there.

Fox the Sly

MWS Natural said:
You shitting me. You do what is right for you. I wouldn't be in the position I am today if I would have had those kids.

I used to feel that way, but not anymore. And not even because of that documentary, but I ended up having a paradigm shift on a lot of issues.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Fox the Sly said:
That reminds me, if you get a chick pregnant, don't ever let her get an abortion. That shit is fucking evil.

A while ago I came across a documentary about eugenics and how it's been pushed onto the Black community in the United States and around the world, although this documentary focuses on the U.S. Abortions are the #1 killer of Black people, even above drugs, homicide, cancer, and other diseases. Here are the links on youtube.

Planned Parenthood Exposed

You are right. It is alot better to have more bastard kids running around with no real family to help them grow into responsible adults. The best thing to do is not get pregnant in the first place, but it is not an aceptable alternative to keep the baby when you don't have the resources or common sense to raise it. I think abortion is a viable option very early in the pregnancy.

Trust me, I have dated a few girls who are neglecting their way into raising future criminals of the world. It is a sad state of affairs. Tell exactly how that is helping anyone? The kid literally has no chance at all. But as the mother visits her son/daughter in jail, she can be comforted in the thought she did the right thing.
Fixing education in the inner city/education of minority youth is going to require an effort that probably costs too much money.

First off, how do you identify schools that are "failing"? If the metric is standardized test scores, you will get a shift towards curriculums that don't make quality students and instead teach around passing those exams. The metric should be some sort of aggregate score, based on the exams that teachers make based on their own curriculums, as well as the (unavoidable) standardized city/statewide testing - that way, you make teachers accountable for the quality of their own lessons, and as well as for the tests that these cities/states must establish and create to substantiate their interest and investment in education. Then, you can get rid of failing schools since you'll have a more accurate/specific means of measuring educators.

Then, you need to get parents to be accountable again; a lot of parents, especially young parents and parents in inner-city schools, are more interested in the school as a daycare and less as a place where their kids are supposed to strive and be encouraged to strive to do well. Parents must be involved in their children's education; it's not enough to be able to answer the phone when the teacher calls, or just come to a conference when the teacher sends a letter home. Force parent participation; make it so that the student cannot graduate unless a parent comes and signs in for a certain number of parent-teacher meetings. Increase parent-teacher meetings to one a month (since kids are in school on average 9 months)...say that a parent must attend 5 of those meetings, and must sign completion of a certain amount of their child's homework/returned exams (to ensure that the parents at least had to look at it). You can encourage it among the kids by saying a certain amount of signatures gets some kind of incentive, like prizes or candy or something - and encourage it classwide by saying a certain percentage of participation monthly will get a pizza or ice cream party (and a little bonus for the teacher in charge). Parents being involved will encourage them to deal with their kids' learning in conjunction with the teacher, and getting the kids to participate will make them push their parents as well.

There are a lot of great programs that target poor inner city students and help them become better students; I was in one such program (Prep for Prep - google it!). Those programs need to receive more funding from the gov't so they can help more kids! You can measure those programs' efficiency to decide who and how much funding assistance they should receive as well.


Fox the Sly said:
That reminds me, if you get a chick pregnant, don't ever let her get an abortion. That shit is fucking evil.

A while ago I came across a documentary about eugenics and how it's been pushed onto the Black community in the United States and around the world, although this documentary focuses on the U.S. Abortions are the #1 killer of Black people, even above drugs, homicide, cancer, and other diseases. Here are the links on youtube.

I definitely believe that the reasons for some people promoting abortion in the black community is evil. I can't say that I'm against the option for abortion, but I understand exactly where you're coming from.
sciplore said:
It is a never ending cycle, I see family dynamics built off of this. I wonder if it has to do with the blacks low acceptance for abortions or black woman and men stupid lack of condom usage. Honestly I really don't see this changing any time soon.
considering that blacks lead the nation in abortion rate, I don't suspect that is the case. to be sure, the issue is deep and complicated. there is no silver bullet and no single issue at work. I'd suggest, at minimum, a combination of culture, diminished standards and expectations, low self-esteem secondary to them not naturally fitting into the general culture's standards of beauty (long hair, fair skin, narrow nose), low self-esteem secondary to how their fathers and other black men treat them.

ryutaro's mama said:
It's fucking amazing, people are shocked when they hear I have zero children.

My answer? I don't want them so I don't have them.

People act like you are supposed to have at least one "oopsy" kid...blows my mind.
real talk right here. eyebrows raise. not in my family, but I've been to a few other people's family events and this situation is...we just accept it, on average. It seems fewer and fewer of us accept this is a problem.

ryutaro's mama said:
All of you need to see Diary of a Tired Black Man starring the Haitian from Heroes.
eeeeeeeh. I found that to be a lot of ranting bullshit from a man who apparently had poor taste in women in the first place.

DY_nasty said:
Sums up my feelings as well...

What HBCU did you attend anyways?
the were that bad, eh? I've never been to an HBCU. Well...not for more than a few hours. I can imagine that would be a bit off-putting.

captmcblack said:
I don't care if you have kids or not.
If you're a cool girl and you're interested in liking me - and being liked by me, then I'm down. The whole super-independent "fuck men they're assholes, but you should still throw it in the bag and spend squajillions of dollars on me because you're a baller and I'm a queen" deal is just not what's up at all...ladies in the situation described in that link would do well to be into self-improvement on a personal level, and self-improvement on a relationship/approachability level.

As for dudes running around and knocking girls up then running away - that's straight bitchassness on their part, and invariably they'll get theirs anyway. They'll be caught up financially for at least 18 years, and having baby mamas makes them "damaged goods" for prospective future women, too.

Finally, black men and black women really, really need to have some sort of reconciliation movement. For some reason, we don't even like each other as much as we should...and it sucks, because (at least for dudes) it's hard enough for people of other races/ethnicities to get over themselves and dig you, so it sucks to feel like you can't at least fall back on ladies that share your color/race/ethnicities/cultural things.
I agree with all of this. But is a "movement" really possible in this day and age? What constitutes an "awakening" if getting slapped with the reality that damn near 3/4 of all of our future sons and daughters are growing up even farther behind the 8-ball than necessary? Do we really care? I mean, really? Or do we just feel powerless to create some change?

I'm going to be honest. I don't feel it's hopeless...but I don't feel much hope either. It feels like a drain circling...and our people caught in the flush, our culture pulling the lever. Educated blacks are abandoning home and all of the people that were at home. Educated black men abandoning black women for frustration with the baggage (see: this thread) without also considering that baggage is partly secondary to decades of actions by our very brothers of which we descend, support and live with. Families collectively lowering expectations of behavior for their children, content to simply accept what is instead of demanding more and better. Youth caught up in trying to keep up with the moral disaster area that is black pop culture, making so many wrong decisions. These are still our brothers and our sisters...yet so many of us seemingly have lost so much perspective as to simply let them fade away.

I agree with ryutaro that personal responsibility is essential here, but ending the point with that comment completely ignores how we got to this point, as if it doesn't matter when in the case of the black woman...it does. it ignores the gravitational pulls of a culture we're helping to cultivate. it ignores the emotional damage being done every day in black homes by abusive parents and absent parents. it ignores the scares generated by a sense of worthlessness impressed upon so many of our youth. And if the significance there misses you, I'd point to the words of a man wiser than myself:

"If you can control a man’s thinking, you don’t have to worry about his actions. If you can determine what a man thinks you do not have worry about what he will do. If you can make a man believe that he is inferior, you don’t have to compel him to seek an inferior status, he will do so without being told and if you can make a man believe that he is justly an outcast, you don’t have to order him to the back door, he will go to the back door on his own and if there is no back door, the very nature of the man will demand that you build one."
-Carter G. Woodson

Burn that shit into your minds. This issue is much deeper than simply personal responsibility. Attempting to wash ones hands with that is problematic at best. Solutions must go well beyond simply demanding someone "do better". Maybe the majority of our people have already accepted they are inferior, folks. And the saddest part is that we seem to refuse to want to speak on these things...so we pretend they don't exist. Which of course only exacerbates the problem.

We as black men and our collective lack of respect and appreciation for black women have contributed heavily to where we are right now. And so where is our personal responsibility in the support and betterment of our men and women? Where is our spirit of Sankofa, as those who are wiser and more mature? It has always taken a village, has it not? Then what becomes of a village without its wisest members? Or should we simply fold our tents, abandon the people and move on? It's a serious question...and maybe that's the objective truth at this point. But it hurts if so.

captmcblack said:
Fixing education in the inner city/education of minority youth is going to require an effort that probably costs too much money.
you are correct. but in my personal opinion, the education system is one of the least of our concerns. yes, many unqualified teachers are still instructing our youth, but the fact of the matter is that our children are coming school emotionally and psychologically underprepared. GROSSLY underprepared. It's the parents that represent the biggest threat to the future of blacks in America. Poor parenting is killing our youth.

in my opinion. I could say more, but I've said enough for now. Enough for interesting conversation to continue.


Fox the Sly said:
That reminds me, if you get a chick pregnant, don't ever let her get an abortion. That shit is fucking evil.
It's her choice, dude. Though, they shouldn't of had unprotected sex in the first place if they weren't willing to take that risk of a wild baby appearing, but that's not the point. Sure there are other options, like letting the guy raise if it if she doesn't want to, or adoption, but abortion is also an option if she doesn't want to go through the whole pregnancy. It is what it is. I rather them do that then try and use to kid to anchor down the father, either by getting them to stay or trying to get those paychecks(not saying all do this)--my cousin has mastered this.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
The thing about HBCUs is that they're great for the person who just needs legit starting point above community college, awesome for parties, expanding your cultural knowledge, networking with other black entrepreneurs, awesome for parties... but if you're really trying to buckle down, or are of those people that need a more solid structure its not for you.

A lot of the problems that I have with HBCUs deals with their admission policies though.

Not all of them are the same, but if my sister were to come to me with an acceptance letter from NCA&T, I'd rip it up in her face.
Lebron said:
It's her choice, dude. Though, they shouldn't of had unprotected sex in the first place if they weren't willing to take that risk of a wild baby appearing, but that's not the point. Sure there are other options, like letting the guy raise if it if she doesn't want to, or adoption, but abortion is also an option if she doesn't want to go through the whole pregnancy. It is what it is. I rather them do that then try and use to kid to anchor down the father, either by getting them to stay or trying to get those paychecks(not saying all do this)--my cousin has mastered this.
out of pure curiosity, what are your thoughts on the Black abortion rate in general?

We're about 12% of the population but make up about 30% of the abortions.

Better said: what does this say to you about our state and where we are going?

Fox the Sly

I was specifically talking about men forcing their women to get an abortion. That's the evil I was referring to, not necessarily abortion itself (even though I still don't agree with it).


Dreams-Visions said:
you are correct. but in my personal opinion, the education system is one of the least of our concerns. yes, many unqualified teachers are still instructing our youth, but the fact of the matter is that our children are coming school emotionally and psychologically underprepared. GROSSLY underprepared. It's the parents that represent the biggest threat to the future of blacks in America. Poor parenting is killing our youth.

in my opinion. I could say more, but I've said enough for now. Enough for interesting conversation to continue.
They're intertwined. You can have a good education system, but if you have ignorant parents it does tend to throw a monkey wrench in ones development, and vice versa. I think overall the educational system should be the priority though, since later down the road it's the most beneficial. Not just general education, but also providing activities outside of school that also is designed to educate. There will always be ignorant parents out there, but the only way a kid can realize their parents are ignorant is through education and having that better understanding of the world around them. Both definitely need to addressed sooner though, rather than later seeing how both are downright terrible.

out of pure curiosity, what are your thoughts on the Black abortion rate in general?

We're about 12% of the population but make up about 30% of the abortions.

Better said: what does this say to you about our state and where we are going?
I'm not surprised. All those stats fell into line with the things I already knew. Most of them are unmarried(shocker), most already had at least one kid(lesson not learned), most were under the age of 30(Lil Wayne is so hot).

I was specifically talking about men forcing their women to get an abortion. That's the evil I was referring to, not necessarily abortion itself (even though I still don't agree with it).
Oh then I agree. It's the women's choice, and if she wants to have the kid you can't force her to do otherwise. You didn't have a problem sticking your sword of destiny in there to initiate the chain of events, so why are you going to start having that pout face now? My mind always boggles when I hear people complaining about this.


Dreams-Visions said:
We as black men and our collective lack of respect and appreciation for black women have contributed heavily to where we are right now. And so where is our personal responsibility in the support and betterment of our men and women?
You don't get it




Cap hit it on the head. There's certainly an inferiority complex in place in the black community. Theres no greater evidence of this than our tendency of not only overly focusing on the negative aspects of our community & culture, at times even celebrating them, but projecting those things on to the community as a whole. I don't see this with any other race.

I guess it's really no surprise that we have an especially strong affinity towards an ideology which teaches that we are all wretched, flawed and damaged individuals lost and void of all hope without guidance from a supreme being.
SSJ1Goku said:
No, I do get it.

lol, that was a lot of yelling. I feel him as any black man will, but I find it unacceptable the notion that he would dismiss the effect of men in this equation. But really, nothing he said suggests that black men bare no responsibility. He simply argued the perspective, "...well you don't value yourselves either, so why should we?!" as he railed against someone in some sort of response recording. Personally, I don't need someone to fully respect themselves for me to be able to offer and treat them with the respect due them. But that's because the respect I pay is not necessarily a consequence of what the woman demands. Rather, it's a function of how my parents raised me and my belief that people should be treated with respect and honor.

So while I 100% agree that women need to address their own self-esteem issues (duh), my point was that for the last 100 years or so, black men have consistently derided and degraded their black women. Black men being absent effects women who turn around and seek acceptance and stoop low to get it. So while women need to address their clear issues, black men need to play a part in that healing process. This shit that we're acting like is a brand fucking new phenomenon has actually be going hard since fucking slavery when slave masters raped our black wives and broke homes. The trend of a lack of respect and appreciation of black women has been some 300 years in the making. But you have to step out of the moment and look across our history to see it. But I'm certainly not saying black women are somehow exempt. Simply addressing the reality that we can't talk our way out of our part in the chaos.

and again, Carter G. Woodson says hi.

as for "Captain Safe-A-Ho"...I have to agree with some of that, but that description doesn't represent me. My last 2 girlfriends were (a) a NASA mechanical engineer and (b) a City Manager in Maryland. the random chick that got no further than sucking my dick has some kind of position in the Department of State. She was in Russia for Clinton's trip over there. I know, blah blah. Point is, I'm not "that dude". I respect people...but that doesn't mean I'm going to date them. I'm not stupid. If you're living an unhealthy lifestyle, I'm not going to make you feel good about (or justified in) what you're doing or am I going to mess with you. Never have been that kind of guy and God forbid if I ever do, I hope someone would choke my ass back to reality.

That being said, I've been battling one of my friends who was a ho and is about to marry a save-a-ho type brotha. she runs all over him, talks all kinds of shit...but is only marrying him because she's feeling like she's getting old (27) and has a kid. they fight like cats and dogs. only engaged for 3 or 4 months. he only started dating her a month before popping the question. he meets the general description. this is some of the most frustrating shit I've ever seen before. best parts? dude apparently has no job and she's making about $14/hour...and she wants to quit her job as soon as possible so she can be a housewife and pump out more kid. So what's really the fucking plan? Ya'll gonna rub your nickels together? :lol And why do you feel it's okay to get engaged to and marry someone when you don't have your shit together? C'mon, son.

Lastly, I don't know any "simps". :lol but really, I don't really fucks with people that aren't about business or moving in a positive direction, so I'd probably have not noticed them along the way. and despite this guys position, I've had no problem finding and dating some great black women. idk. maybe he's picking from the wrong pool of women. Maybe he should stop going to that hood ass club. "Black women are not an option." GET THE MOTHERFUCK OUT, BRAH. Anyway, I agree with him that you can't give quarter to any bad habits in our community, whether we're talking about women or men. that's one of our biggest cultural flaws...that we will accept damn near anything from our brothers & sisters, sons & daughters. no, black people, not every behavior is acceptable. no, I'm not going to make you feel good about it if asked. no, until we address some serious cultural issues, things will get much, much worse before they get better.

thanks for the entertaining listens. :D


captmcblack said:

real talk, a conservative friend of mine spins this one when it's brought up. won't take the "...so then are blacks genetically predispositioned to this shit (lesser education/socioeconomic status/prison stats/sentencing, etc)?" racial bait, but offers nothing on the other end past "entitlement". it's frustrating as fuck when you're having a conversation about some real shit and you know it's not an honest one.


Dreams-Visions said:
No, I do get it.

lol, that was a lot of yelling. I feel him as any black man will, but I find it unacceptable the notion that he would dismiss the effect of men in this equation. But really, nothing he said suggests that black men bare no responsibility. He simply argued the perspective, "...well you don't value yourselves either, so why should we?!" as he railed against someone in some sort of response recording. Personally, I don't need someone to fully respect themselves for me to be able to offer and treat them with the respect due them. But that's because the respect I pay is not necessarily a consequence of what the woman demands. Rather, it's a function of how my parents raised me and my belief that people should be treated with respect and honor.

So while I 100% agree that women need to address their own self-esteem issues (duh), my point was that for the last 100 years or so, black men have consistently derided and degraded their black women. Black men being absent effects women who turn around and seek acceptance and stoop low to get it. So while women need to address their clear issues, black men need to play a part in that healing process. This shit that we're acting like is a brand fucking new phenomenon has actually be going hard since fucking slavery when slave masters raped our black wives and broke homes. The trend of a lack of respect and appreciation of black women has been some 300 years in the making. But you have to step out of the moment and look across our history to see it. But I'm certainly not saying black women are somehow exempt. Simply addressing the reality that we can't talk our way out of our part in the chaos.
I think you and I are missing eachother

Your describing thugs, the most desired black man in the black community by black women. There was a video on Youtube I think like a year ago of some thug talking about how black men need to stop beating black women and he got slammed on his wall, "Who the fuck are you talking about motherfucker, you mean thugs need to stop beating their women." There is nothing a thug is going to change until black women stop giving him the pussy. Do you remember when Obama gave that captain save-a-hoe speech talking about how men need to be fathers to their kids, the men that he should have been telling that shit to were getting 5 more black women preggers as he gave that speech. Black women DON'T WANT on point black men because they want to be able to run a relationship, you are being fooled by their smokescreen. Black women's problems are cause by shit they choose to do but then they turn around and complain about. Black women go up on Dateline and complain that there are not enough black men on their level but if you put on point black men in front they run in the opposite direction.

Rather, it's a function of how my parents raised me and my belief that people should be treated with respect and honor.
I see you were raised by 2 parents, just so you know most black women were not.

This shit that we're acting like is a brand fucking new phenomenon has actually be going hard since fucking slavery when slave masters raped our black wives and broke homes. The trend of a lack of respect and appreciation of black women has been some 300 years in the making. But you have to step out of the moment and look across our history to see it. But I'm certainly not saying black women are somehow exempt. Simply addressing the reality that we can't talk our way out of our part in the chaos.
The reality of the situation is that the black family was more together closer to slavery than it is now.

That being said, I've been battling one of my friends who was a ho and is about to marry a save-a-ho type brotha. she runs all over him, talks all kinds of shit...but is only marrying him because she's feeling like she's getting old (27) and has a kid. they fight like cats and dogs. only engaged for 3 or 4 months. he only started dating her a month before popping the question. he meets the general description. this is some of the most frustrating shit I've ever seen before. best parts? dude apparently has no job and she's making about $14/hour...and she wants to quit her job as soon as possible so she can be a housewife and pump out more kid. So what's really the fucking plan? Ya'll gonna rub your nickels together? And why do you feel it's okay to get engaged to and marry someone when you don't have your shit together? C'mon, son.
That is a THUG not a save-a-hoe
maybe he's picking from the wrong pool of women.
One of the characteristics of a captain save-a-hoe is that they use the same black women engine talking points that the black women use completely ignoring that there is a culture of being a "Strong Independant Black Women."
SSJ1Goku said:
I think you and I are missing eachother

Your describing thugs, the most desired black man in the black community by black women. There was a video on Youtube I think like a year ago of some thug talking about how black men need to stop beating black women and he got slammed on his wall, "Who the fuck are you talking about motherfucker, you mean thugs need to stop beating their women." There is nothing a thug is going to change until black women stop giving him the pussy. Do you remember when Obama gave that captain save-a-hoe speech talking about how men need to be fathers to their kids, the men that he should have been telling that shit to were getting 5 more black women preggers as he gave that speech. Black women DON'T WANT on point black men because they want to be able to run a relationship, you are being fooled by their smokescreen. Black women's problems are cause by shit they choose to do but then they turn around and complain about. Black women go up on Dateline and complain that there are not enough black men on their level but if you put on point black men in front they run in the opposite direction.

I agree with you here man. I've heard several attractive black women tell me the "requirements" that their husband must have before they even consider marriage:

1) Makes six figures
2) 6'3 or Taller
3) Good credit
4) 6pack/Tight body
5) No kids
6) Nice car/house
7) Big dick

No, I'm really not making this up I have heard a combination of this check list from several single black women who can't seem to find this "good man". My first thought is, "shit if I had all of that why would I fuck with you??!":lol

So it's either ghetto ass hoes with no expectations that really aren't about shit or "successful" black women with these crazy ass unrealistic exceptions looking for a diesel ass rich Denzel to sweep them off of their feet. Oh and they won't "settle for less" because they deserve it! Like I said before, "fuck em" I'm not going out of my way to avoid dating a black woman but I'm sure as hell not chasing after one.


MWS Natural said:
I agree with you here man. I've heard several attractive black women tell me the "requirements" that their husband must have before they even consider marriage:

1) Makes six figures
2) 6'3 or Taller
3) Good credit
4) 6pack/Tight body
5) No kids
6) Nice car/house
7) Big dick

No, I'm really not making this up I have heard a combination of this check list from several single black women who can't seem to find this "good man". My first thought is, "shit if I had all of that why would I fuck with you??!":lol

So it's either ghetto ass hoes with no expectations that really aren't about shit or "successful" black women with these crazy ass unrealistic exceptions looking for a diesel ass rich Denzel to sweep them off of their feet. Oh and they won't "settle for less" because they deserve it! Like I said before, "fuck em" I'm not going out of my way to avoid dating a black woman but I'm sure as hell not chasing after one.
I'll fuck your head up even more, the black women that make that list usually have kids by guys that had nothing on that list, that is why the motherfucker is not around. He was not about shit in the first place and she should not have slept with him.


dskillzhtown said:
Not taking men completely out of it. I think it is totally wrong to make a baby and leave, but women are going to be stuck with the kid ultimately. Even if the guy is taking care of the kid, paying child support, etc. that kid is hers. For that reason, women need to be alot more aware of the consequences that come from a booty call.

About the stats above, what is the Council of Great City Schools? I am always a bit skeptical of such dramatic stats. Especially when I work in a department that trains new hires and about 30% of the class are usually black males. Ever since the CDC lied about AIDS numbers to bring attention to the problem, I am skeptical of just about everything I read.
Not to mention the fact that a big part of my job is to twist facts in press releases.

Oh man so many swp links. Oh and please explaim the CDC thing. As for abortion, i heard Asian americans have the highest rate. My original message got deleted on my iphone so i aint redoing it all again.
DY_nasty said:
The thing about HBCUs is that they're great for the person who just needs legit starting point above community college, awesome for parties, expanding your cultural knowledge, networking with other black entrepreneurs, awesome for parties... but if you're really trying to buckle down, or are of those people that need a more solid structure its not for you.

A lot of the problems that I have with HBCUs deals with their admission policies though.

Not all of them are the same, but if my sister were to come to me with an acceptance letter from NCA&T, I'd rip it up in her face.
I disagree, but I don't feel the need to engage in a debate about it.

I get enough of a debate from those "Culturally Aware" blacks whom feel the need to look down upon those going to a HBCU.

Now that's not to say that an HBCU has more than its fair share of people who would fit right in at Community College, but I'm not one of them. I have a legit, accredited major and a pretty long list of achievements for someone soon to graduate.
MWS Natural said:
I agree with you here man. I've heard several attractive black women tell me the "requirements" that their husband must have before they even consider marriage:

1) Makes six figures
2) 6'3 or Taller
3) Good credit
4) 6pack/Tight body
5) No kids
6) Nice car/house
7) Big dick

No, I'm really not making this up I have heard a combination of this check list from several single black women who can't seem to find this "good man". My first thought is, "shit if I had all of that why would I fuck with you??!":lol

So it's either ghetto ass hoes with no expectations that really aren't about shit or "successful" black women with these crazy ass unrealistic exceptions looking for a diesel ass rich Denzel to sweep them off of their feet. Oh and they won't "settle for less" because they deserve it! Like I said before, "fuck em" I'm not going out of my way to avoid dating a black woman but I'm sure as hell not chasing after one.

Very true.
It's wild too...it's not even S-rank dime-type black chicks asking for this - it's regular average girls that won't settle for anything below this. Imagine, the girl in the hairnet at the Kennedy Fried Chicken spot with the gap in her teeth trying to tell you that you're not even worth her time because she's too good for anything that isn't Will Smith or Kobe Bryant :lol

Then they get mad if they see you dating someone that isn't a black woman (who was happy to "settle" for just you), and in turn they create FUD about how worthless black men are and how there are no good black men.

And then you get shitty Tyler Perry movies about this subject and Zane novels that keep the cycle going. :x


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
The Abominable Snowman said:
I disagree, but I don't feel the need to engage in a debate about it.

I get enough of a debate from those "Culturally Aware" blacks whom feel the need to look down upon those going to a HBCU.

Now that's not to say that an HBCU has more than its fair share of people who would fit right in at Community College, but I'm not one of them. I have a legit, accredited major and a pretty long list of achievements for someone soon to graduate.
It is a tiresome debate for both sides... What school are you at?


MWS Natural said:
I agree with you here man. I've heard several attractive black women tell me the "requirements" that their husband must have before they even consider marriage:

1) Makes six figures
2) 6'3 or Taller
3) Good credit
4) 6pack/Tight body
5) No kids
6) Nice car/house
7) Big dick

No, I'm really not making this up I have heard a combination of this check list from several single black women who can't seem to find this "good man". My first thought is, "shit if I had all of that why would I fuck with you??!":lol

So it's either ghetto ass hoes with no expectations that really aren't about shit or "successful" black women with these crazy ass unrealistic exceptions looking for a diesel ass rich Denzel to sweep them off of their feet. Oh and they won't "settle for less" because they deserve it! Like I said before, "fuck em" I'm not going out of my way to avoid dating a black woman but I'm sure as hell not chasing after one.

What's crazy is these chicks have no doubt been fucked over by dudes with just 2-3 of those things, so yeah, what makes them think a brother with all of that would settle down with them? Shit, he might fuck her, but he sure as hell not about to deny all the pussy thrown his way for her.

I think this stems from the fact that far far too many women proceed through life as if they're the star of their own little romantic comedy.


Talking about Captain Save A Ho's, this popped up in my twitter feed:
Watching Beat Street for the first time on netflix...this is amazing. The fashion, the dancing, the music...this feels like some long lost civilization :lol

I also forgot how much I used to have a crush on Rae Dawn Chong


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Tokubetsu said:
Talking about Captain Save A Ho's, this popped up in my twitter feed:

I guess I am the destroyer of nations... because I never have owned a cape...


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
ChocolateCupcakes said:
Uh oh the "requirements" subject. So damn ironic half of the time when you see who has the standards.

The funny part is that none of the requirements have anything to do with who the person is...

He can be a player or a women beater.. but it's all good because he has a 6 pack and a nice car!
ChocolateCupcakes said:
Has Himuro been on recently?

I was almost beginning to think that he got banned. (Did he?) It was nice seeing him around and I enjoyed his contributions.

Probably life got busy for him.

As far as the "requirement" thing spoken of before, let me not give my two cents other than saying that it's so true and I wish people would not set their expectations so high. It's not really a race thing, honestly. But, I guess that's life... People want everything + 1 and they won't settle for less even if there's something good infront of them...
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